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Last active August 4, 2022 08:57
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  • Save Arisha27/f3dc7facf17fc7bd277fac7eb47e21f8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Arisha27/f3dc7facf17fc7bd277fac7eb47e21f8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
const { bot } = require('../lib')
pattern: 'pak ?(.*)',
fromMe: true,
desc: ' for 14th August ',
type: 'misc',
async (message, match) => {
await message.sendMessage(` 🕜`)
await message.sendMessage(` 🕡`)
await message.sendMessage(`🕦 `)
await message.sendMessage(` 🕣`)
await message.sendMessage(`🕧 `)
await message.sendMessage(` 🕔`)
await message.sendMessage(` 🕗`)
await message.sendMessage(` 🕑`)
await message.sendMessage(`~14th~ `)
await message.sendMessage(` _August_`)
await message.sendMessage(` ~2022™~`)
await message.sendMessage(` _this_`)
await message.sendMessage(` ~day~`)
await message.sendMessage(` _belongs_`)
await message.sendMessage(` ~to~`)
await message.sendMessage(` _the_`)
await message.sendMessage(` _land_`)
await message.sendMessage(` ~of~`)
await message.sendMessage(`_*PAKISTAN*_ `)
await message.sendMessage(`🇵🇰 `)
await message.sendMessage(` _🇵🇰_`)
await message.sendMessage(` ~🇵🇰~`)
await message.sendMessage(` 🇵🇰 `)
await message.sendMessage( `This is the day we have to celebrate…let’s sit down eat, cheer, and explode with laughter. Happy Independence Day!` )
await message.sendMessage( `Let all the Pakistani people take oath on this beautiful day. Let us vow that we will stay truthful to this land until the end of our days. Have a happy independence day!` )
await message.sendMessage( `Feel the pride of sharing this land with brave men. They fought for our independence and for this reason we should remain true to our own deeds.
` )
await message.sendMessage( `Pakistan is a nation that is built on Harmony, peace, prosperity, and development. Happy Independence Day!` )
await message.sendMessage( `Let’s promote independence by promoting a Human Right Culture in which respect for human rights should be great.` )
await message.sendMessage( `I am taking this opportunity to salute all the great men of this country. Let us laugh together, cheer up, and explode with joy.` )
await message.sendMessage( `Let us celebrate this special day together. Just like our forefathers come together to fight for independence, we have to come together and build this country. Happy independence day.` )
await message.sendMessage( `This day reminds us of the struggles and torture that our forefathers went through to give us this freedom we have now.` )
await message.sendMessage( `I am taking this opportunity to convey my heartfelt love to all the Pakistanis as they celebrate this special day. Congratulations on being independent!` )
await message.sendMessage (` This is a special day for all Pakistanis. This is a better chance for all of us to cheer up and celebrate our independence.
await message.sendMessage (` With faith, discipline and selfless devotion to duty, there is nothing worthwhile that you cannot achieve.`)
await message.sendMessage (`There is no power on earth that can undo Pakistan. `)
await message.sendMessage (`Democracy is in the blood of the Muslims, who look upon complete equality of mankind, and believe in fraternity, equality, and liberty. `)
await message.sendMessage (`The great majority of us are Muslims. We follow the teachings of the Prophet Mohammed (May peace be upon him). We are members of the brotherhood of Islam, in which all are equal in rights, dignity, and self-respect. Consequently, we have a special and a very deep sense of unity. But make no mistake: Pakistan is not a theocracy or anything like it. `)
await message.sendMessage (`If we want to make this great State of Pakistan happy and prosperous, we should wholly and solely concentrate on the well-being of the people, and especially of the masses and the poor. `)
await message.sendMessage (` We should have a State in which we could live and breathe as free men and which we could develop according to our own lights and culture and where principles of Islamic social justice could find free play.`)
await message.sendMessage (` Quaid e azam zindabad !!! `)
await message.sendMessage (` long live Pakistan `)
await message.sendMessage (`we promote unity and united nations are best `)
await message.sendMessage (` we aren't anti-india indeed we love India because we promote united sub continent `)
await message.sendMessage (` Pakistan is based on unity, faith, discipline, tolerance that's why we are Pakistani `)
await message.sendMessage (` Bangladesh is not Pakistan now but we still promote united Pakistan which include Bangladesh too `)
await message.sendMessage (` Pakistan loves china `)
await message.sendMessage (` Pakistan loves the earth `)
await message.sendMessage (` Pakistan loves humanity `)
await message.sendMessage (` no matter Christian, Hindu, Sikh, jew, Muslim: oh ye peoples of the land, we are Pakistani, unite `)
await message.sendMessage (` oh ye peoples of other geographical region, we are here in region of Pakistan, you all are invited`)
await message.sendMessage (`oh ye peoples of the book, love from Pakistan `)
await message.sendMessage (` May we never forget our fallen comrades. Freedom isn't free." "One flag, one land, one heart, one hand, one nation evermore!`)
await message.sendMessage (` *history*: `)
await message.sendMessage (` once upon a time, there was an area known as continental India which was ruled by Hindus and Muslims, also they live happily, but still their was need of something known as "discipline" indeed a Satan empire grow their seeds on the land of unity _, empire💩🇬🇧 caged leaders and complete their mission to broke our faith, unity, tolerance: jealous peoples deeds then they announced to give us the land back to us, but give who?, If they broke unity then gave who the freedom, team didn't loose their power so Muslim and Hindus separate finally and
That's not easy `)
await message.sendMessage (``)
await message.sendMessage (` Pakistan Ka Matlab Kya? La ilaha il-Allah`)
await message.sendMessage (` there is a garden ok, `)
await message.sendMessage (` پاک سرزمین شاد باد
کشورِ حسین شاد باد
تو نشانِ، عزمِ علی شان
ارضِ پاکستان
مرکزِ یقین شاد باد
پاک سرزمین کا نظام
قوتِ اُخوتِ عوام
قوم، ملک، سلطنت
پائندہ تابندہ باد
شاد باد منزلِ مراد
پرچمِ ستارہ و ہلال
رہبرِ ترقی و کمال
ترجمانِ ماضی، شانِ حال
جانِ استقبال
سایئہ خداۓ ذوالجلال`)
await message.sendMessage (` 🇵🇰`)
await message.sendMessage (` 🇵🇰`)
await message.sendMessage (` 🇵🇰`)
await message.sendMessage (` 🇵🇰`)
await message.sendMessage (` 🇵🇰`)
await message.sendMessage (` 🇵🇰`)
await message.sendMessage (` 🇵🇰`)
await message.sendMessage (` 🇵🇰`)
await message.sendMessage (` 🇵🇰`)
await message.sendMessage (` 🇵🇰`)
await message.sendMessage (`🇵🇰 `)
await message.sendMessage (`🇵🇰 `)
await message.sendMessage (` 🇵🇰`)
await message.sendMessage (` 🇵🇰`)
await message.sendMessage (` 🇵🇰`)
await message.sendMessage (`🇵🇰 `)
await message.sendMessage (` 🇵🇰`)
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