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Created June 21, 2019 15:59
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module Robot where
robot (name, attack, hp) = \message -> message (name, attack, hp)
name (n, _, _) = n
attack (_, a, _) = a
hp (_, _, hp) = hp
getName aRobot = aRobot name
getAttack aRobot = aRobot attack
getHP aRobot = aRobot hp
setName aRobot newName = aRobot (\(n, a, h) -> robot (newName, a, h))
setAttack aRobot newAttack = aRobot (\(n, a, h) -> robot (n, newAttack, h))
setHP aRobot newHP = aRobot (\(n, a, h) -> robot (n, a, newHP))
printRobot aRobot =
aRobot (\(n, a, h) -> n ++ " attack:" ++ (show a) ++ " hp:" ++ (show h))
killerRobot = robot ("Kill3r", 25, 200)
printStuff =
let nicerRobot = setName killerRobot "kitty"
gentlerRobot = setAttack killerRobot 5
softerRobot = setHP killerRobot 50
in map printRobot [killerRobot, nicerRobot, gentlerRobot, softerRobot]
damage aRobot attackDamage =
(\(n, a, h) ->
let newHP = max (h - attackDamage) 0
in robot (n, a, newHP))
fight aRobot defender = damage defender attack_
attack_ =
if getHP aRobot > 10
then getAttack aRobot
else 0
gentleGiant = robot ("Mr. Friendly", 10, 300)
fightClub =
let gentleGiantRound1 = fight killerRobot gentleGiant
killerRobotRound1 = fight gentleGiant killerRobot
gentleGiantRound2 = fight killerRobotRound1 gentleGiantRound1
killerRobotRound2 = fight gentleGiantRound1 killerRobotRound1
gentleGiantRound3 = fight killerRobotRound2 gentleGiantRound2
killerRobotRound3 = fight gentleGiantRound2 killerRobotRound2
in map printRobot [gentleGiantRound3, killerRobotRound3]
deathmatch =
let fastRobot = robot ("speedy", 15, 40)
slowRobot = robot ("slowpoke", 20, 30)
fastRobotRound1 = fight slowRobot fastRobot
slowRobotRound1 = fight fastRobot slowRobot
fastRobotRound2 = fight slowRobotRound1 fastRobotRound1
slowRobotRound2 = fight fastRobotRound1 slowRobotRound1
fastRobotRound3 = fight slowRobotRound2 fastRobotRound2
slowRobotRound3 = fight fastRobotRound2 slowRobotRound2
in map printRobot [fastRobotRound3, slowRobotRound3]
threeRoundFight = fightWithRounds killerRobot gentleGiant 3
fightWithRounds aRobot bRobot 0 = map printRobot [aRobot, bRobot]
fightWithRounds aRobot bRobot rounds =
let newBRobot = fight aRobot bRobot
newARobot = fight bRobot aRobot
in fightWithRounds newARobot newBRobot (round - 1)
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