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Created January 12, 2017 12:10
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Julia MXNet with custom loss and exponential activation
using MXNet
# Custom eval metric
import get, reset!, _update_single_output
type CustomMetric <: mx.AbstractEvalMetric
CustomMetric() = new(0.0, 0)
function mx.reset!(metric::CustomMetric)
metric.loss = 0.0
metric.n = 0
function mx.get(metric::CustomMetric)
[(:CustomMetric, metric.loss / metric.n)]
function mx._update_single_output(metric::CustomMetric, label::mx.NDArray, pred::mx.NDArray)
pred = copy(pred)
n_sample = size(pred)[end]
metric.n += n_sample
metric.loss += sum(pred)
# Custom initializer
import _init_weight
immutable CustomInitializer <: mx.AbstractInitializer
scale :: AbstractFloat
CustomInitializer() = CustomInitializer(0.07)
function _init_weight(self :: CustomInitializer, name :: Base.Symbol, array :: mx.NDArray)
if string(name) == "output1_weight"
input_size = size(array)[1]
array[:] = reshape(collect(1:input_size), size(array))
mx.rand!(-self.scale, self.scale, array)
# Base net
label = mx.Variable(:label)
net = @mx.chain mx.Variable(:data) =>
mx.FullyConnected(name = :fc1_in, num_hidden = 10) =>
mx.Activation(name = :fc1_out, act_type = :softrelu) =>
mx.FullyConnected(name = :fc2_in, num_hidden = 4)
netexp = @mx.chain net =>
mx.exp(name = :fc2_out) =>
mx.FullyConnected(name = :output1, num_hidden = 1, attrs = Dict(:grad => "freeze"))
# Network with loss layer
netloss = mx.sqrt(mx.abs(netexp - label))
netloss = mx.MakeLoss(netloss)
# data
x = rand(Float32, 1, 8) # 8 observations of 1 variable
y = exp(x) + 2.0 * exp(0.5 * x) + 3.0 * exp(0.3 * x) + 4.0 * exp(0.25 * x)
# Connect net, data and hyperparameters
batch_size = 4
train_prov = mx.ArrayDataProvider(:data => x, :label => y; batch_size = batch_size)
eval_prov = mx.ArrayDataProvider(:data => x, :label => y; batch_size = batch_size)
# train
mdl = mx.FeedForward(netloss, context = mx.cpu())
# opt = mx.SGD(lr = 0.1, momentum = 0.9, weight_decay = 0.00001)
opt = mx.ADAM() # Optimizing algorithm, opt, train_prov, initializer = CustomInitializer(),
n_epoch = 2000, eval_data = eval_prov, eval_metric = CustomMetric())
# Label prediction requires network without loss layer
model_exp = mx.FeedForward(netexp)
# transfer weights from trained model
model_exp.arg_params = mdl.arg_params
model_exp.aux_params = mdl.aux_params
# prediction
y_exp = mx.predict(model_exp, eval_prov)
# On my machine result is the following:
# Float32[12.1982 10.528 11.5016 11.3951 14.8478 10.4443 13.5633 13.3432]
# Float32[12.2024 10.5181 11.5073 11.4001 14.7479 10.4321 13.5332 13.3215]
# compare coefficients inside exp
model_coeff = mx.FeedForward(net)
model_coeff.arg_params = Dict(k => v for (k, v) in mdl.arg_params)
delete!(model_coeff.arg_params, :output1_weight)
delete!(model_coeff.arg_params, :output1_bias)
model_coeff.aux_params = mdl.aux_params
y_coeff = mx.predict(model_coeff, eval_prov)
println([x; 0.5*x; 0.3*x; 0.25*x])
# Float32[0.125768 0.0166951 0.0826378 0.0757601 0.265383 0.0106833 0.202016 0.190394; 0.228201 0.0920547 0.174112 0.165517 0.405438 0.0846132 0.324604 0.309848; 0.0941143 -0.0491133 0.0378486 0.0288325 0.273273 -0.0571001 0.192491 0.177583; 0.268321 0.104899 0.203436 0.193121 0.480636 0.0959561 0.383852 0.366177]
# Float32[0.492818 0.130827 0.35046 0.327667 0.947673 0.110677 0.742261 0.704412; 0.246409 0.0654135 0.17523 0.163834 0.473836 0.0553387 0.37113 0.352206; 0.147845 0.0392481 0.105138 0.0983002 0.284302 0.0332032 0.222678 0.211324; 0.123204 0.0327068 0.087615 0.0819168 0.236918 0.0276693 0.185565 0.176103]
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