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Last active February 17, 2020 01:49
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using PyCall
using LinearAlgebra
using Statistics
using StatsBase
using BenchmarkTools
using Distances
# import the same data
data = pyimport("sklearn.datasets")
X, y = data.make_blobs(n_samples=1000000, n_features=3,
centers=3, cluster_std=0.9, random_state=80);
smart_init(X, k; init="k-means++")
This function handles the random initialisation of the centroids from the
design matrix (X) and desired groups (k) that a user supplies.
function smart_init(X::Array{Float64, 2}, k::Int; init::String="k-means++")
n_row, n_col = size(X)
if init == "k-means++"
# randonmly select the first centroid from the data (X)
centroids = zeros(k, n_col)
rand_idx = rand(1:n_row)
centroids[1, :] .= X[rand_idx, :]
distances = Array{Float64}(undef, n_row, 1)
new_distances = Array{Float64}(undef, n_row, 1)
# compute distances from the first centroid chosen to all the other data points
first_centroid_matrix = convert(Matrix, centroids[1, :]')
# flatten distances
# distances = vec(pairwise(SqEuclidean(), X, first_centroid_matrix, dims = 1))
pairwise2!(distances, X, first_centroid_matrix)
for i = 2:k
# choose the next centroid, the probability for each data point to be chosen
# is directly proportional to its squared distance from the nearest centroid
r_idx = sample(1:n_row, ProbabilityWeights(vec(distances)))
centroids[i, :] .= X[r_idx, :]
# Ignore setting the last centroid to help the separation of centroids
if i == (k-1)
# compute distances from the centroids to all data points
current_centroid_matrix = convert(Matrix, centroids[i, :]')
# new_distances = vec(pairwise(SqEuclidean(), X, current_centroid_matrix, dims = 1))
pairwise2!(new_distances, X, first_centroid_matrix)
# and update the squared distance as the minimum distance to all centroid
# distances = minimum([distances, new_distances])
for i in 1:n_row
distances[i, 1] = distances[i, 1] < new_distances[i, 1] ? distances[i, 1] : new_distances[i, 1]
# randomly select points from the design matrix as the initial centroids
rand_indices = rand(1:n_row, k)
centroids = X[rand_indices, :]
return centroids, n_row, n_col
sum_of_squares(x, labels, centre, k)
This function computes the total sum of squares
function sum_of_squares(x::Array{Float64,2}, labels::Array{Int64,1}, centre::Array)
s = 0.0
@inbounds for j in axes(x, 2)
for i in axes(x, 1)
s += (x[i, j] - centre[labels[i], j])^2
return s
function pairwise2!(target, x, y)
ncol = size(x, 2)
@inbounds for k in axes(y, 1)
for i in axes(x, 1)
target[i, k] = (x[i, 1] - y[k, 1])^2
for j in 2:ncol
for i in axes(x, 1)
target[i, k] += (x[i, j] - y[k, j])^2
Kmeans(design_matrix, k; k_init="k-means++", max_iters=300, tol=1e-4, verbose=true)
This main function employs the K-means algorithm to cluster all examples
in the training data (design_matrix) into k groups using either the
`k-means++` or random initialisation.
function Kmeans(design_matrix::Array{Float64, 2}, k::Int64; k_init::String="k-means++",
max_iters::Int64=300, tol=1e-4, verbose::Bool=true)
centroids, n_row, n_col = smart_init(design_matrix, k, init=k_init)
# labels = rand(1:k, n_row)
# distances = zeros(n_row)
labels = Vector{Int}(undef, n_row)
distances = Vector{Float64}(undef, n_row)
centroids_cnt = Vector{Int}(undef, size(centroids, 1))
J_previous = Inf64
nearest_neighbour = Array{Float64, 2}(undef, size(design_matrix, 1), size(centroids, 1))
# Update centroids & labels with closest members until convergence
for iter = 1:max_iters
# pairwise!(nearest_neighbour, SqEuclidean(), design_matrix, centroids, dims=1)
# nearest_neighbour = pairwise(Euclidean(), design_matrix, centroids, dims=1)
pairwise2!(nearest_neighbour, design_matrix, centroids)
@inbounds for i in axes(nearest_neighbour, 1)
labels[i] = 1
distances[i] = nearest_neighbour[i, 1]
for j in 2:size(nearest_neighbour, 2)
if distances[i] > nearest_neighbour[i, j]
labels[i] = j
distances[i] = nearest_neighbour[i, j]
centroids .= 0.0
centroids_cnt .= 0
@inbounds for i in axes(design_matrix, 1)
centroids[labels[i], 1] += design_matrix[i, 1]
centroids_cnt[labels[i]] += 1
@inbounds for j in 2:n_col
for i in axes(design_matrix, 1)
centroids[labels[i], j] += design_matrix[i, j]
centroids ./= centroids_cnt
# Cost objective
# J = (norm(distances) ^ 2) / n_row
J = mean(distances)
if verbose
# Show progress and terminate if J stopped decreasing.
println("Iteration ", iter, ": Jclust = ", J, ".")
# Final Step: Check for convergence
if iter > 1 && abs(J - J_previous) < (tol * J)
sum_squares = sum_of_squares(design_matrix, labels, centroids)
# Terminate algorithm with the assumption that K-means has converged
if verbose
println("Successfully terminated with convergence.")
return labels, centroids, sum_squares
elseif iter == max_iters && abs(J - J_previous) > (tol * J)
throw(error("Failed to converge Check data and/or implementation or increase max_iter."))
J_previous = J
# Test the speed of the implementation
function test_speed(x)
for i = 2:10
l, c, s = Kmeans(x, i, k_init="k-means++", verbose=false)
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