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Last active August 6, 2017 18:33
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Bot for listening to keystrokes and placing bets on NadekoBot
robot = require 'robotjs' # Our typing module
gkm = require 'gkm' # Listen for keystrokes
currentBet = 2 # Base bet
profit = 0 # Profit
rolls = 0 # Rolls 'key.released', (data) -> # Listen for released keystrokes
key = data[0] # The key that was pressed
if key is 'A' # Base bet
if rolls isnt 0 then profit += currentBet # Don't change profit if this is the first bet, otherwise increment it by the previous bet
currentBet = 2 # Set current bet to base bet
rolls++ # Increment rolls
robot.keyTap 'backspace' # Press backspace to get rid of character in discord chat
robot.typeString ".bf #{currentBet} h" # Type bet command
robot.keyTap 'enter' # Press enter
console.log "Rolls: #{rolls} / Profit: #{profit}" # Display rolls and profit
else if key is 'S'
profit -= currentBet # Remove previous bet from profit
rolls++ # Increment rolls
currentBet = if currentBet is 8 then 8 else currentBet * 2 # If the previous bet was 8, then don't increase it by more, otherwise double the previous bet
robot.keyTap 'backspace' # Press backspace to get rid of character in discord chat
robot.typeString ".bf #{currentBet} h" # Type bet command
robot.keyTap 'enter' # Press enter
console.log "Rolls: #{rolls} / Profit: #{profit}" # Display rolls and profit
else if key is 'D'
robot.keyTap 'backspace' # Press backspace to get rid of character in discord chat
robot.typeString ".$$$" # Type balance command
robot.keyTap 'enter' # Press enter
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