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#############################################Modify $SiteURL and $FolderSiteRelativeURL #######################
#Your SharePoint site
$SiteURL = ""
#Your folder
$FolderSiteRelativeURL = "/yourlibrary/rootfolder/subfolder"
#############################################Start to execute##################################################
#Folders and files Names
$Date = Get-Date -Format "dd_MM_yyyy"
$CorrectedName = $FolderSiteRelativeURL -replace "/", " "
$TempDirectory = $env:TEMP
$CsvName = "$TempDirectory\Tracker - $Date.csv"
$CsvName2 = "$TempDirectory\Count - $Date.csv"
#Function to select where the excel is stored
Function Get-Folder($initialDirectory)
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("") | Out-Null
$OutputDirectory = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog
$OutputDirectory.Description = "Select a destination folder to store the tracker file : "
$OutputDirectory.rootfolder = "MyComputer"
if($OutputDirectory.ShowDialog() -eq "OK")
$y += $OutputDirectory.SelectedPath
return $y
#Result of the function below
$TrackerPath = Get-Folder
#Connect to SharePoint
Connect-PnPOnline -Url $SiteURL -Credentials (Get-Credential)
#Needed for later
$Web = Get-PnPWeb
$Folder = Get-PnPFolder -Url $FolderSiteRelativeURL
#Recursive function to get files in folders and count them
Function Catch-PnPFolder([Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Folder]$Folder)
$FolderSiteRelativeURL = $Folder.ServerRelativeUrl.Replace($web.ServerRelativeUrl,"")
Write-Host -f Green "Processing on folder : "($FolderSiteRelativeURL)
#Find files in folder
$Files = Get-PnPFolderItem -FolderSiteRelativeUrl $FolderSiteRelativeURL -ItemType File
$NameOfFiles = $Folder.ServerRelativeUrl
$NumberOfFiles = $Files.Count
Write-Host -f Green "Number of files in folder : $NumberOfFiles"
#Count files in the folders and export to csv
If ($NumberOfFiles -ge 0)
$Count = [PSCustomObject]@{
Folder = $NameOfFiles
'Number of Files' = $NumberOfFiles
$Count | Select @{Name="Directory";Expression={($_.Folder )}}, 'Number of Files', Comments | Export-Csv -Path $CsvName2 -NoTypeInformation -Append -Force -Encoding UTF8
#Get name of files in the folder and export to csv
ForEach ($File in $Files)
$File | Select @{Name="Parent Directory";Expression={($_.ServerRelativeUrl -replace "/[^/]*$", "")}}, Name, TimeLastModified, Comments | Export-Csv -Path $CsvName -NoTypeInformation -Append -Force -Encoding UTF8
#Look for subfolders in the folder
$SubFolders = Get-PnPFolderItem -FolderSiteRelativeUrl $FolderSiteRelativeURL -ItemType Folder
Foreach($SubFolder in $SubFolders)
#Exclude folders with the name "Forms" and starting by "_"
If(($SubFolder.Name -ne "Forms") -and (-Not($SubFolder.Name.StartsWith("_"))))
#Call-back the function on the subfolder to make it recursive
Catch-PnPFolder -Folder $SubFolder
#Call the Function on the root folder you selected
Catch-PnPFolder -Folder $Folder
#Tell that the function process ended
Write-Host ""
Write-Host ""
Write-Host -f Blue "Processing and extracting datas, please wait... "
#sorting csv "Tracker" by Parent directory
Rename-Item "$CsvName" "$CsvName.old"
Import-Csv -Path "$CsvName.old" | sort "Parent Directory"| Export-Csv -Path "$CsvName" -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8
Remove-Item "$CsvName.old"
#sorting csv "Count" by Directory
Rename-Item "$CsvName2" "$CsvName2.old"
Import-Csv -Path "$CsvName2.old" | sort "Directory" | Export-Csv -Path "$CsvName2" -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8
Remove-Item "$CsvName2.old"
#Convert and merge both csv to an excel
Import-Csv "$CsvName" | Export-Excel -Path "$TrackerPath\$CorrectedName - $Date.xlsx" -AutoSize -TableStyle Medium4 -WorkSheetname "Tracker"
Import-Csv "$CsvName2" | Export-Excel -Path "$TrackerPath\$CorrectedName - $Date.xlsx" -AutoSize -TableStyle Medium4 -WorkSheetname "Count"
#delete both csv
Remove-Item "$CsvName"
Remove-Item "$CsvName2"
#Play a sound to let you know that your excel is ready
#Hit a key on your keyboard to open the excel and close powershell
Write-Host ""
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "End of script execution"
Read-Host "Press Enter to open the tracker file and exit script..."
Invoke-Item "$TrackerPath\$CorrectedName - $Date.xlsx"
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