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Last active January 12, 2021 18:31
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#Message to encrypt
$text = "titi a cru voir un grosminet"
#Shift number
$i = 3
#Transform the text to an array of ascii
$asciis = [int[]][char[]]"$text"
#Add the shift specified to every ascii character
$encrypt = foreach ($ascii in $asciis) {
$ascii + $i
#Transform back the ascii to text
$asciitotext = [char[]]$encrypt
#Transform the array to a string to read it easily
$arraytostring = -join $asciitotext
$text = "wlwl#d#fux#yrlu#xq#jurvplqhw"
#Shift number
$i = 3
#Transform the text to an array of ascii
$asciis = [int[]][char[]]"$text"
#Add the shift specified to every ascii character
$decrypt = foreach ($ascii in $asciis) {
$ascii - $i
#Transform back the ascii to text
$asciitotext = [char[]]$decrypt
#Transform the array to a string to read it easily
$arraytostring = -join $asciitotext
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