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Created April 19, 2011 10:58
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Save Arnauld/927127 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A Glob matcher implementation that does not rely on regex. Simple exercice of a parser by hand...
package steam.util
import collection.mutable.ListBuffer
* A glob pattern is specified as a string and is matched against other strings,
* such as directory or file names. Glob syntax follows several simple rules:
* <ul>
* <li>
* An asterisk, *, matches any number of characters (including none).
* </li>
* <li>
* <b>Not applicable:</b>
* <s>Two asterisks, **, works like * but crosses directory boundaries.
* This syntax is generally used for matching complete paths.</s>
* </li>
* <li>
* A question mark, ?, matches exactly one character.
* </li>
* <li>
* <b>Not implemented:</b>
* <s>Braces specify a collection of subpatterns. For example:
* {sun,moon,stars} matches "sun", "moon", or "stars."
* {temp*,tmp*} matches all strings beginning with "temp" or "tmp."</s>
* </li>
* <li>
* Square brackets convey a set of single characters or, when the hyphen
* character (-) is used, a range of characters.
* For example: <br/>
* <ul>
* <li>[aeiou] matches any lowercase vowel. </li>
* <li>[0-9] matches any digit.</li>
* <li>[A-Z] matches any uppercase letter. </li>
* <li>[a-z,A-Z] matches any uppercase or lowercase letter.</li>
* </ul>
* Within the square brackets, *, ?, and \ match themselves.
* </li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* All other characters match themselves.
* To match *, ?, or the other special characters, you can escape them by using
* the backslash character, \.
* <br/>
* For example: \\ matches a single backslash, and
* \? matches the question mark.
* </p>
* Here are some examples of glob syntax:
* <ul>
* <li>*.html – Matches all strings that end in .html</li>
* <li>??? – Matches all strings with exactly three letters or digits</li>
* <li>*[0-9]* – Matches all strings containing a numeric value</li>
* <li>*.{htm,html,pdf} – Matches any string ending with .htm, .html or .pdf</li>
* <li>a?*.java – Matches any string beginning with a, followed by at least one
* letter or digit, and ending with .java</li>
* <li>{foo*,*[0-9]*} – Matches any string beginning with foo or any string
* containing a numeric value</li>
* </ul>
* Copied from
* <a href=''>What Is a Glob?</a>.
object Glob {
//TODO extractor to use glob expression as a pattern match
def apply(pattern:String):GlobMatcher = compile(pattern.toCharArray)
def compile(pattern:Array[Char]):GlobMatcher = {
val buffer = new StringBuilder(pattern.length)
var chain:List[Expr] = Nil
val stream = new CharStream(pattern)
while(stream.remaining_?) {
stream.consume match {
case '*' => chain = Expr.* :: consumeLiteral(buffer, chain)
case '?' => chain = Expr.? :: consumeLiteral(buffer, chain)
case '[' => // choice
chain = consumeLiteral(buffer, chain)
val remember = stream.pos // keep original start for error reporting
// and read until one reaches the ending ']'
// note that nested choice is not allowed there,
// one must support escaping e.g. "[\\-\\[\\]\\\\]" to match either '-', '[', ']' or '\'
chain = consumeChoiceLiteral(stream) :: chain
case ']' => // not supported, valid ones are consumed in '[' case
throw new InvalidPatternException("Unbalanced ']' at index " + stream.pos)
case '\\' => // escaping character, consume next if exists
throw new InvalidPatternException("Ends with escaping character")
case c => // literal case
// any pending literal built?
chain = consumeLiteral(buffer, chain)
// reverse due to the append to head construction
chain = chain.reverse
new ExprChain(chain)
private def consumeChoiceLiteral(stream:CharStream) = {
val buffer = new StringBuilder
val remember = stream.pos
while(stream.remaining_? && stream.peek != ']') {
stream.consume match {
case '\\' => // escaping character, consume next if exists
throw new InvalidPatternException("Ends with escaping character")
case c =>
if(!stream.remaining_? || stream.peek !=']')
throw new InvalidPatternException("Unbalanced '[' at index " + remember)
//consume choice termination ']'
// literal
private def last_?(idx:Int, seq:CharSequence) = { idx==(seq.length-1) }
* Consume any literal that may be present in the buffer, if none is present
* the chain remains unchanged.
private def consumeLiteral(buffer:StringBuilder, chain:List[Expr]) =
buffer.isEmpty match {
case true => chain
case false =>
val expr = Expr.literal(buffer.toArray)
expr :: chain
case class CharStream(chars:Array[Char]) {
var pos = 0
def peek:Char = chars(pos)
def consume:Char = chars(getPosAndIncrement)
def first_? = (pos==0)
def remaining_? = (pos<chars.length)
def getPosAndIncrement = {
val rec = pos
pos = rec + 1
override def toString:String = {
val b = new StringBuilder
for(i <- 0 until chars.length) {
class InvalidPatternException(message:String) extends Exception(message)
trait GlobMatcher {
def matches(seq:CharSequence):Boolean
case class ExprChain(exprs:List[Expr]) extends GlobMatcher {
def matches(seq:CharSequence):Boolean =
// nothing actually matches... nothing!
matches(0, 0, seq)
override def toString = exprs.mkString("~>")
private def matches(idxExpr:Int, idxSeq:Int, seq:CharSequence):Boolean = {
if(idxExpr>=exprs.size) {
// no more expression to match, this is good only if
// the end of sequence has been reached too
return true
// or the last expr is a star
// note that exprs is never empty here, filtering has been done previously
return exprs(idxExpr-1).star_?
else if(exprs(idxExpr).star_?) {
// end reached on a star is accepted!
if(idxSeq>=seq.length) {
return true
// star is a special case of recursive call
// due to the greedy behavior one can consume any number of char
// so let's try until a good one is found, or the end of the seq
// is reached
for(idx <- idxSeq until seq.length) {
if(matches(idxExpr+1, idx, seq))
return true;
// still there?
// humpff no path has been found, returns, may be an other
// path can be tried,but that's out of scope at this point
return false
else if(idxSeq>=seq.length) {
// end reached
return false
else {
// ouch! finally the normal case
// check against the current expr, and jump to next
// one in recursive call
exprs(idxExpr).nextIndex(idxSeq, seq) match {
case Some(idx) =>
return matches(idxExpr + 1, idx, seq)
case None =>
return false
* base interface for all expression cases
trait Expr {
def star_? = false
def nextIndex(idx:Int, seq:CharSequence):Option[Int]
object Expr {
def * : Expr = Star
def ? : Expr = Question
def literal(content:Array[Char]) : Expr = new Literal(content)
def choice(content:Array[Char]) : Expr = new Choice(compileChoice(content))
* the 'match any sequence of character' expression
* Its behavior is mostly handled within the @link{#matches(Int, Int, CharSequence)} method.
private case object Star extends Expr {
override def star_? = true
def nextIndex(idx:Int, seq:CharSequence):Option[Int] = Some(idx+1)
* the 'match any character' expression.
private case object Question extends Expr {
def nextIndex(idx:Int, seq:CharSequence):Option[Int] = Some(idx+1)
* Literal or 'match exactly the sequence of character' expression.
private case class Literal(chars:Array[Char]) extends Expr {
def nextIndex(idx:Int, seq:CharSequence):Option[Int] = {
for(i <-0 until chars.length) {
return None
// still there, so the sequence is fulfilled
override def toString = "Literal[" + new String(chars) + "]"
* Choice or 'match at least one of the characters' expression.
private case class Choice(ranges:List[Range]) extends Expr {
def nextIndex(idx:Int, seq:CharSequence):Option[Int] = {
val c = seq.charAt(idx)
ranges.find( _.isSatisfiedBy(c)) match {
case None => None
case _ => Some(idx+1) // at least one was satisfied
override def toString = "Choice[" + ranges.mkString(",") + "]"
private def compileChoice(chars:Array[Char]):List[Range] =
else {
val ranges = ListBuffer[Range]()
val stream = new CharStream(chars)
var min:Char = stream.peek // not empty thus one is sure it exists
while(stream.remaining_?) {
stream.consume match {
case '-' =>
throw new InvalidPatternException("Choice cannot start with the range character '-'")
throw new InvalidPatternException("No upper bound in range [" + new String(chars) + "]")
val max = stream.consume
ranges += Range(min, max)
case c =>
// check for range...
if(stream.remaining_? && stream.peek=='-') {
// lower bound of the range, thus set the min
// and continue to consume the stream
min = c
else // simple char, escaped characters were already handled in the Glob class
// so one just has to add the char as a regular choice
ranges += Range(c, c)
private case class Range(min:Char, max:Char) {
def isSatisfiedBy(c:Char) = (min<=c && c<=max)
override def toString = "'" + min + "' -> '" + max + "'"
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