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Last active October 8, 2015 14:39
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Python Scheme integration (libguile)
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import weakref
from ctypes.util import find_library
from ctypes import *
import os.path
import logging
format=' [%(levelname)-7s] (%(asctime)s) %(filename)-23s(L %(lineno)-4s): %(message)s',
datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
__path__ = os.path.dirname(__file__)
lib = find_library("guile-2.0")
if lib is None:
raise RuntimeError("Can't find a guile library to use.")
path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__path__, ""))
guilehelper = cdll.LoadLibrary(path)
guile = cdll.LoadLibrary(lib)
class SCM(c_void_p):
def __init__(self, value=None):
self.value = value
def set_value(self, value):
old_value = getattr(self, 'value', None)
if old_value is not None and not guile.scm_imp(old_value):
if getattr(self, 'protected', False):
self.protected = False
if value is not None and not guile.scm_imp(value):
self.protected = True
return c_void_p.value.__set__(self, value)
def get_value(self):
return c_void_p.value.__get__(self)
value = property(get_value, set_value)
def __del__(self):
if guile is None:
return # the guile library has been unloaded, do nothing
self.value = None
def __str__(self):
return "SCM(%s)" % self.value
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
guile.scm_imp = guilehelper.scm_imp
guile.scm_imp.argtypes = [c_void_p]
guile.scm_imp.restype = bool
guile.scm_eol = guilehelper.scm_eol
guile.scm_eol.argtypes = []
guile.scm_eol.restype = SCM
guile.scm_is_eol = guilehelper.scm_is_eol
guile.scm_is_eol.argtypes = [SCM]
guile.scm_is_list = guilehelper.scm_is_list
guile.scm_is_eol.restype = int
guile.scm_string_to_symbol.argtypes = [SCM]
guile.scm_string_to_symbol.restype = SCM
guile.scm_symbol_to_string.argtypes = [SCM]
guile.scm_symbol_to_string.restype = SCM
guile.scm_cons.argtypes = [SCM, SCM]
guile.scm_cons.restype = SCM
guile.scm_is_pair.argtypes = [SCM]
guile.scm_is_pair.restype = int
guile.scm_is_list = guilehelper.scm_is_list
guile.scm_is_list.argtypes = [SCM]
guile.scm_is_list.restype = int
guile.scm_car = guilehelper.scm_car
guile.scm_car.argtypes = [SCM]
guile.scm_car.restype = SCM
guile.scm_cdr = guilehelper.scm_cdr
guile.scm_cdr.argtypes = [SCM]
guile.scm_cdr.restype = SCM
guile.scm_c_lookup.argtypes = [c_char_p]
guile.scm_c_lookup.restype = SCM
guile.scm_variable_ref.argtypes = [SCM]
guile.scm_variable_ref.restype = SCM
guile.scm_from_bool = guilehelper.scm_from_bool_
guile.scm_from_bool.argtypes = [c_int]
guile.scm_from_bool.restype = SCM
guile.scm_is_true = guilehelper.scm_is_true_
guile.scm_is_true.argtypes = [SCM]
guile.scm_is_true.restype = int
guile.scm_is_integer = guilehelper.scm_is_integer
guile.scm_is_integer.argtypes = [SCM]
guile.scm_is_integer.restype = int
guile.scm_is_symbol = guilehelper.scm_is_symbol_
guile.scm_is_symbol.argtypes = [SCM]
guile.scm_is_symbol.restype = int
guile.scm_from_int64.argtypes = [c_int]
guile.scm_from_int64.restype = SCM
guile.scm_to_int64.argtypes = [SCM]
guile.scm_to_int64.restype = int
guile.scm_is_string.argtypes = [SCM]
guile.scm_is_string.restype = int
guile.scm_from_utf8_stringn.argtypes = [c_char_p, c_int]
guile.scm_from_utf8_stringn.restype = SCM
guile.scm_to_utf8_stringn.argtypes = [SCM, POINTER(c_ulong)]
guile.scm_to_utf8_stringn.restype = c_char_p
guile.scm_call_0.argtypes = [SCM]
guile.scm_call_0.restype = SCM
guile.scm_call_1.argtypes = [SCM, SCM]
guile.scm_call_1.restype = SCM
class Symbol(object):
symbols = weakref.WeakValueDictionary({})
def __new__(cls, name):
if cls.symbols.has_key(name):
return cls.symbols[name]
# 'sym' variable protects value from garbage collector
sym = object.__new__(cls)
sym._name = name
cls.symbols[name] = sym
return sym
def __eq__(self, other):
return self is other
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def get_name(self):
return self._name
def set_name(self):
raise AttributeError("Can't modify name of a symbol")
name = property(get_name, set_name)
def __str__(self):
def __repr__(self):
return "Symbol(%s)" % self._name.__repr__()
class VM(object):
def __init__(self):
guileroot = guile.scm_current_module()
def toscheme(*val):
if (len(val) == 1):
if type(*val) is bool:
return guile.scm_from_bool(*val)
if type(*val) is int:
return guile.scm_from_int64(*val)
if type(*val) is str:
return guile.scm_from_utf8_stringn(val[0], len(*val))
if type(*val) is Symbol:
name = VM.toscheme(val[0].name)
return guile.scm_string_to_symbol(name)
if isinstance(val[0], list):
scm = guile.scm_eol()
for item in reversed(*val):
scm = guile.scm_cons(VM.toscheme(item), scm)
return scm
elif len(val) == 2:
return guile.scm_cons(VM.toscheme(val[0]), VM.toscheme(val[1]))
raise ArgumentError("Expecting tuple of size 2 but got %s." % val)
print len(val)
raise RuntimeError("Conversion of %s not supported." % val)
def fromscheme(val):
if not isinstance(val, SCM):
raise ArgumentError("Expecting a Scheme value but got %s." % val)
if guile.scm_is_bool(val):
return True if guile.scm_is_true(val) else False
if guile.scm_is_integer(val):
return guile.scm_to_int64(val)
if guile.scm_is_string(val):
# TODO: Use scm_to_utf8_stringbuf
length = c_ulong(0)
mem = guile.scm_to_utf8_stringn(val, pointer(length))
retval = string_at(mem, length.value)
return retval
if guile.scm_is_symbol(val):
return Symbol(VM.fromscheme(guile.scm_symbol_to_string(val)))
if guile.scm_is_eol(val):
return []
if guile.scm_is_pair(val):
if guile.scm_is_list(val):
return [VM.fromscheme(guile.scm_car(val))] + VM.fromscheme(guile.scm_cdr(val))
return (VM.fromscheme(guile.scm_car(val)), VM.fromscheme(guile.scm_cdr(val)))
raise RuntimeError("Conversion of %s not supported." % val)
guile.scm_c_eval_string("(use-modules (ice-9 r5rs))")
guile.scm_c_eval_string("(scheme-report-environment 5)")
guile.scm_c_eval_string("(set-port-encoding! (current-input-port) \"utf-8\")")
guile.scm_c_eval_string("(set-port-encoding! (current-output-port) \"utf-8\")")
vm = VM()
def call(fname, *args):
arglen = len(args)
def ret(scm):
if scm.value == 2052:
return None # unspecified
return vm.fromscheme(scm)
if arglen == 0:
return ret(guile.scm_call_0(guile.scm_variable_ref(guile.scm_c_lookup(fname))))
elif arglen == 1:
return ret(guile.scm_call_1(guile.scm_variable_ref(guile.scm_c_lookup(fname)), vm.toscheme(args[0])))
return ret(guile.scm_call_1(guile.scm_variable_ref(guile.scm_c_lookup(fname)), vm.toscheme(*args)))
except RuntimeError as e: # no return value
def eval_string(s):
return guile.scm_c_eval_string(s)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# run tests
print False
print vm.fromscheme(vm.toscheme(False))
guile.scm_call_1(guile.scm_variable_ref(guile.scm_c_lookup("write")), vm.toscheme(False))
print True
print vm.fromscheme(vm.toscheme(True))
guile.scm_call_1(guile.scm_variable_ref(guile.scm_c_lookup("write")), vm.toscheme(True))
print 42
print vm.fromscheme(vm.toscheme(42))
guile.scm_call_1(guile.scm_variable_ref(guile.scm_c_lookup("write")), vm.toscheme(42))
print "String ©"
print vm.fromscheme(vm.toscheme("String ©"))
guile.scm_call_1(guile.scm_variable_ref(guile.scm_c_lookup("write")), vm.toscheme("String ©"))
guile.scm_call_1(guile.scm_variable_ref(guile.scm_c_lookup("write")), vm.toscheme(Symbol('Symbol')))
print (1, 2)
print vm.fromscheme(vm.toscheme(1, 2))
guile.scm_call_1(guile.scm_variable_ref(guile.scm_c_lookup("write")), vm.toscheme(1, 2))
print [Symbol('Array'), True, 4, "String ©"]
print vm.fromscheme(vm.toscheme([Symbol('Array'), True, 4, "String ©"]))
guile.scm_call_1(guile.scm_variable_ref(guile.scm_c_lookup("write")), vm.toscheme([Symbol('Array'), True, 4, "String ©"]))
guile = None
#include <libguile.h>
int scm_imp(SCM x) {
return SCM_IMP(x);
SCM scm_eol(void) {
return SCM_EOL;
int scm_is_eol(SCM x) {
return x == SCM_EOL;
SCM scm_from_bool_(int x) {
return x ? SCM_BOOL_T : SCM_BOOL_F;
int scm_is_true_(SCM x) {
return SCM_NFALSEP(x);
int scm_is_integer(SCM x) {
return scm_integer_p(x) == SCM_BOOL_T;
int scm_is_symbol_(SCM x) {
return SCM_SYMBOLP(x);
int scm_is_list(SCM x) {
return scm_list_p(x) == SCM_BOOL_T;
SCM scm_car(SCM x) {
return SCM_CAR(x);
SCM scm_cdr(SCM x) {
return SCM_CDR(x);
.SUFFIXES: .md .html
CC = gcc
PANDOC = pandoc
CFLAGS = $(shell pkg-config guile-2.0 --cflags)
LIBS = $(shell pkg-config guile-2.0 --libs)
OBJS = guilehelper.o
all: README.html $(OBJS)
$(CC) -shared -fPIC -o $@ $(OBJS) $(LIBS)
$(CC) -fPIC -c $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $<
$(PANDOC) $< -o $@
rm -f *.so *.o
(define (simple-script) (display "script called") (newline))
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