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Created June 22, 2020 23:36
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using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Net.NetworkInformation;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Runtime.Intrinsics;
using System.Threading;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Running;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using HtmlAgilityPack;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing.Parsers.Clr;
namespace ConsoleApp1
public class Program
public enum ChannelType
public struct Frequency
public int From { get; set; }
public int To { get; set; }
public bool IsRange => From != To;
public static Frequency Parse(string input)
if (input.Contains('~'))
var parts = input.Split('~');
return new Frequency
From = Int32.Parse(parts[0]),
To = Int32.Parse(parts[1])
var freq = Int32.Parse(input);
return new Frequency
From = freq,
To = freq
public enum Modulation
public class DefaultRater
public virtual Rating RateDBuV(double dBuV) => Rating.Unrated;
public virtual Rating RateDBmV(double dBmV) => Rating.Unrated;
public virtual Rating RateSNR(double snr) => Rating.Unrated;
public class QAM64Rater : DefaultRater
public override Rating RateDBuV(double dBuV)
if (dBuV <= 46)
return Rating.ImmediateCorrection;
if (dBuV <= 48)
return Rating.CorrectionWithinMonth;
if (dBuV <= 50)
return Rating.AcceptableDeviation;
if (dBuV <= 67)
return Rating.Compliant;
if (dBuV <= 72)
return Rating.AcceptableDeviation;
if (dBuV <= 74)
return Rating.CorrectionWithinMonth;
return Rating.ImmediateCorrection;
public override Rating RateDBmV(double dBmV)
if (dBmV <= -14)
return Rating.ImmediateCorrection;
if (dBmV <= -12)
return Rating.CorrectionWithinMonth;
if (dBmV <= -10)
return Rating.AcceptableDeviation;
if (dBmV <= 7)
return Rating.Compliant;
if (dBmV <= 12)
return Rating.AcceptableDeviation;
if (dBmV <= 14)
return Rating.CorrectionWithinMonth;
return Rating.ImmediateCorrection;
public override Rating RateSNR(double snr)
if (snr <= 24)
return Rating.ImmediateCorrection;
if (snr <= 26)
return Rating.CorrectionWithinMonth;
if (snr <= 27)
return Rating.AcceptableDeviation;
return Rating.Compliant;
public class QAM256Rater : DefaultRater
public override Rating RateDBuV(double dBuV)
if (dBuV <= 52)
return Rating.ImmediateCorrection;
if (dBuV <= 54)
return Rating.CorrectionWithinMonth;
if (dBuV <= 56)
return Rating.AcceptableDeviation;
if (dBuV <= 73)
return Rating.Compliant;
if (dBuV <= 78)
return Rating.AcceptableDeviation;
if (dBuV <= 80)
return Rating.CorrectionWithinMonth;
return Rating.ImmediateCorrection;
public override Rating RateDBmV(double dBmV)
if (dBmV <= -8)
return Rating.ImmediateCorrection;
if (dBmV <= -6)
return Rating.CorrectionWithinMonth;
if (dBmV <= -4)
return Rating.AcceptableDeviation;
if (dBmV <= 13)
return Rating.Compliant;
if (dBmV <= 18)
return Rating.AcceptableDeviation;
if (dBmV <= 20)
return Rating.CorrectionWithinMonth;
return Rating.ImmediateCorrection;
public override Rating RateSNR(double snr)
if (snr <= 30)
return Rating.ImmediateCorrection;
if (snr <= 32)
return Rating.CorrectionWithinMonth;
if (snr <= 33)
return Rating.AcceptableDeviation;
return Rating.Compliant;
public class DownstreamChannel
public int Id { get; set; }
public ChannelType Type { get; set; }
public Frequency Frequency { get; set; }
public Modulation Modulation { get; set; }
public double DBmV { get; set; }
public double DBuV { get; set; }
public double SNR { get; set; }
public bool LockStatus { get; set; }
public class UpstreamChannel
public int Id { get; set; }
public ChannelType Type { get; set; }
public Frequency Frequency { get; set; }
public Modulation Modulation { get; set; }
public double DBmV { get; set; }
public double DBuV { get; set; }
public bool RangingStatus { get; set; }
public enum Rating
static ConsoleColor RatingToColor(Rating rating)
return rating switch
Rating.ImmediateCorrection => ConsoleColor.Red,
Rating.CorrectionWithinMonth => ConsoleColor.Yellow,
Rating.AcceptableDeviation => ConsoleColor.Green,
Rating.Compliant => ConsoleColor.Blue,
Rating.Unrated => ConsoleColor.DarkGray,
_ => throw new NotImplementedException(),
static void Main()
var doc = new HtmlDocument();
var downstream = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//*[@id=\"sta_docsis_status_table_downstream\"]");
Console.WriteLine($"{"ID",4} {"Type",10} {"Modulation",25} {"dB(µV)",10} {"dB(mV)",10} {"SNR / MSE / BER", 10}");
foreach (var channel in ParseDownstreamChannels(downstream))
var rater = channel.Modulation switch
Modulation.QAM64 => new QAM64Rater(),
Modulation.QAM256 => new QAM256Rater(),
_ => new DefaultRater(),
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Write($"{channel.Id,4} {channel.Type,10} {channel.Modulation,25}");
Console.ForegroundColor = RatingToColor(rater.RateDBuV(channel.DBuV));
Console.Write($"{channel.DBuV,10:F1} ");
Console.ForegroundColor = RatingToColor(rater.RateDBmV(channel.DBmV));
Console.Write($"{channel.DBmV,10:F1} ");
Console.ForegroundColor = RatingToColor(rater.RateSNR(channel.SNR));
var upstream = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//*[@id=\"sta_docsis_status_table_upstream\"]");
private static IEnumerable<DownstreamChannel> ParseDownstreamChannels(HtmlNode table)
var tbody = table.ChildNodes["tbody"];
foreach (var child in tbody.Elements("tr"))
var nodes = child.SelectNodes("td/span");
var channel = new DownstreamChannel();
channel.Id = Int32.Parse(nodes[0].InnerText);
channel.Type = nodes[1].InnerText switch
"OFDM" => ChannelType.OFDM,
"SC-QAM" => ChannelType.SC_QAM,
_ => throw new NotSupportedException()
channel.Frequency = Frequency.Parse(nodes[2].InnerText);
channel.Modulation = nodes[3].InnerText switch
"qam256/qam1024/qam2048/qam4096" => Modulation.QAM256Or1024Or2048Or4096,
"256 QAM" => Modulation.QAM256,
"64 QAM" => Modulation.QAM64,
_ => throw new NotSupportedException(),
var parts = nodes[4].InnerHtml.Replace("&nbsp;", "").Split('/');
channel.DBmV = Double.Parse(parts[0]);
channel.DBuV = Double.Parse(parts[1]);
channel.SNR = Double.Parse(nodes[5].InnerText);
channel.LockStatus = nodes[6].InnerText switch
"YES" => true,
"NO" => false,
_ => throw new NotSupportedException()
yield return channel;
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