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Created June 4, 2015 16:28
Show Gist options
  • Save AronVanAmmers/d68483ce82a432729d3a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AronVanAmmers/d68483ce82a432729d3a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Output of in succesful VM setup
sudo: unable to resolve host thewire
Attaching to helloworlddapp_ipfs_1, helloworlddapp_helloworldmaster_1, helloworlddapp_compilers_1
ipfs_1 | initializing ipfs node at /data/ipfs
ipfs_1 | generating 2048-bit RSA keypair...done
ipfs_1 | peer identity: QmZPMzJQTFoWrLNysGkfZEgYboNdABacow33cRAjGwTpbj
ipfs_1 | to get started, enter:
ipfs_1 | 
ipfs_1 |  ipfs cat /ipfs/Qmcqtw8FfrVSBaRmbWwHxt3AuySBhJLcvmFYi3Lbc4xnwj/readme
ipfs_1 | 
ipfs_1 | Initializing daemon...
ipfs_1 | API server listening on /ip4/
ipfs_1 | Gateway (writable) server listening on /ip4/
ipfs_1 | Error: ipfs configuration file already exists!
ipfs_1 | Reinitializing would overwrite your keys.
ipfs_1 | (use -f to force overwrite)
ipfs_1 | 
ipfs_1 | initializing ipfs node at /data/ipfs
ipfs_1 | Initializing daemon...
ipfs_1 | Gateway (writable) server listening on /ip4/
ipfs_1 | API server listening on /ip4/
ipfs_1 | 16:00:47.752 ERROR core/serve: Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component gateway_handler.go:436
ipfs_1 | 16:02:46.148 ERROR core/serve: Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component gateway_handler.go:436
ipfs_1 | 16:06:05.576 ERROR core/serve: Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component gateway_handler.go:436
ipfs_1 | 16:10:57.213 ERROR core/serve: Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component gateway_handler.go:436
ipfs_1 | 16:11:30.829 ERROR core/serve: Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component gateway_handler.go:436
ipfs_1 | 16:19:03.064 ERROR core/serve: Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component gateway_handler.go:436
ipfs_1 | 16:19:03.597 ERROR core/serve: Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component gateway_handler.go:436
ipfs_1 | 16:19:03.779 ERROR core/serve: Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component gateway_handler.go:436
ipfs_1 | 16:19:06.382 ERROR core/serve: Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component gateway_handler.go:436
ipfs_1 | 16:19:06.892 ERROR core/serve: Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component gateway_handler.go:436
ipfs_1 | 16:19:07.057 ERROR core/serve: Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component gateway_handler.go:436
ipfs_1 | 16:20:32.037 ERROR core/serve: Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component gateway_handler.go:436
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | Hello There! I'm your friendly blockchain container.
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | Checking if Master
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | I'm a master node so I will build a chain now.
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | No GENESIS variable was given will try volume approach.
helloworldmaster_1 | No GENESIS.JSON given, using default:
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | thelonious
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:15:57 [MONK] Root directory /home/eris/.eris/scratch/epm/1730976abe5a8d18
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:15:57 [DOUG] Loading genesis config:/home/eris/.eris/scratch/epm/1730976abe5a8d18/genesis.json
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:15:57 [MONK] Loaded genesis configuration from: /home/eris/.eris/scratch/epm/1730976abe5a8d18/genesis.json
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:15:57 [MONK] Identity created
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:15:57 [CHAIN] Genesis block not found. Deploying.
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:15:57 [CHAIN] Last block (#0) bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:15:57 [CHAIN] ChainID (f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256)
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:15:57 [CHAIN] Genesis (bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1)
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:15:57 [CHAIN] Updating checkpoint block: (#0) bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:15:57 [MONK] Created thelonious node
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:15:57 [EPM-CLI] Install directory /home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256/0
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:15:57 [EPM-CLI] Loading and setting chainId .config.json
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:15:57 [EPM-CLI] Deployed and installed chain: thelonious/f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:15:57 [EPM-CLI] Checked out chain: thelonious/f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:15:57 [EPM-CLI] Created ref this_chain to point to chain f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | Setting Defaults
helloworldmaster_1 | The chain has been built and checked out.
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | Checking if Fetcher
helloworldmaster_1 | I'm not a fetcher.
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | Setting the Key File
helloworldmaster_1 | No key file given.
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | RPC Check.
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | Connect Check.
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | SOLO Check.
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | Mining Check.
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | Fetch Serve Check.
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | My CHAINID is ... ->
helloworldmaster_1 | f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | My genesis.json is ... ->
helloworldmaster_1 | {
helloworldmaster_1 |  "address": "0000000000THISISDOUG",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "pdx": "",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "doug": "",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "unique": false,
helloworldmaster_1 |  "private-key": "",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "model": "",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "no-gendoug": true,
helloworldmaster_1 |  "consensus": "",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "difficulty": 15,
helloworldmaster_1 |  "public:mine": 0,
helloworldmaster_1 |  "public:create": 0,
helloworldmaster_1 |  "public:tx": 0,
helloworldmaster_1 |  "maxgastx": "",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "tapow": 0,
helloworldmaster_1 |  "blocktime": 0,
helloworldmaster_1 |  "vm": null,
helloworldmaster_1 |  "accounts": [
helloworldmaster_1 |  {
helloworldmaster_1 |  "address": "0xbbbd0256041f7aed3ce278c56ee61492de96d001",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "name": "",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "balance": "1000000000000000000000000000000000000",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "permissions": null,
helloworldmaster_1 |  "stake": 0
helloworldmaster_1 |  }
helloworldmaster_1 |  ]
helloworldmaster_1 | }
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | My config file is ... ->
helloworldmaster_1 | {
helloworldmaster_1 |  "local_host": "",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "local_port": 15254,
helloworldmaster_1 |  "listen": true,
helloworldmaster_1 |  "remote_host": "",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "remote_port": 30303,
helloworldmaster_1 |  "use_seed": false,
helloworldmaster_1 |  "rpc_host": "",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "rpc_port": 30304,
helloworldmaster_1 |  "serve_rpc": false,
helloworldmaster_1 |  "fetch_port": 15256,
helloworldmaster_1 |  "chain_id": "f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "chain_name": "",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "mining": false,
helloworldmaster_1 |  "max_peers": 10,
helloworldmaster_1 |  "client": "eris:db(thelonious)",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "version": "0.9.0",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "id": "",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "key_session": "awrBaTolH5",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "key_store": "file",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "key_cursor": 0,
helloworldmaster_1 |  "key_file": "",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "adversary": 0,
helloworldmaster_1 |  "use_checkpoint": false,
helloworldmaster_1 |  "latest_checkpoint": "",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "config_file": "config",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "root_dir": "/home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256/0",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "db_name": "database",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "db_mem": false,
helloworldmaster_1 |  "contract_path": "/go/src/",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "genesis_config": "/home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256/0/genesis.json",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "log_file": "",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "debug_file": "",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "log_level": 2
helloworldmaster_1 | }
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | Starting up! (Wheeeeeee says the marmot)
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:16:00 [EPM-CLI] Running chain thelonious/f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:16:00 [EPM-CLI] Root directory: /home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256/0
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:16:00 [MONK] Root directory /home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256/0
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:16:00 [DOUG] Loading genesis config:/home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256/0/genesis.json
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:16:00 [MONK] Loaded genesis configuration from: /home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256/0/genesis.json
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:16:00 [MONK] Identity created
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:16:00 [CHAIN] Found genesis block
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:16:00 [CHAIN] Last block (#0) bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:16:00 [CHAIN] ChainID (f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256)
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:16:00 [CHAIN] Genesis (bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1)
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:16:00 [CHAIN] Updating checkpoint block: (#0) bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:16:00 [MONK] Created thelonious node
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:16:00 [REACTOR] started
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:16:00 [SERV] Ready and accepting connections
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:16:00 [SERV] Server started
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:16:00 [SERV] Peer handling started
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:58 [SERV] Added peer ( 1 / 10 ([eth])
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:58 [SERV] Peer is [eth] capable. (TD = 0 ~ bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1) 33 / 0
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:59 [SERV] Added peer ( 2 / 10 ([eth])
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:59 [SERV] Peer is [eth] capable. (TD = 0 ~ bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1) 33 / 0
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [SERV] Added peer ( 3 / 10 ([eth])
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [SERV] Added peer ( 4 / 10 ([eth])
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [SERV] Peer is [eth] capable. (TD = 0 ~ bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1) 33 / 0
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [SERV] Peer is [eth] capable. (TD = 0 ~ bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1) 33 / 0
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [BPOOL] Got unrequested block (965668c4...)
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [SERV] Peer is [eth] capable. (TD = 32768 ~ 965668c4abd8b8ba5ffec5eadd1c7f9daf6f8b97f711608ece109edb51841274) 33 / 0
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [STATE] Processed block #1 (965668c4...)
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [CHAIN] Imported 1 blocks. #1 (965668c4) / 1 (965668c4)
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [SERV] Added peer ( 1 / 10 ([eth])
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [SERV] Peer is [eth] capable. (TD = 32768 ~ 965668c4abd8b8ba5ffec5eadd1c7f9daf6f8b97f711608ece109edb51841274) 33 / 0
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [SERV] Added peer ( 2 / 10 ([eth])
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [SERV] Peer is [eth] capable. (TD = 32768 ~ 965668c4abd8b8ba5ffec5eadd1c7f9daf6f8b97f711608ece109edb51841274) 33 / 0
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | Hello There! I'm your friendly blockchain container.
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | Checking if Master
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | I'm a master node so I will build a chain now.
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | No GENESIS variable was given will try volume approach.
helloworldmaster_1 | No GENESIS.JSON given, using default:
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | thelonious
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:06 [MONK] Root directory /home/eris/.eris/scratch/epm/9d485057b3186b30
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:06 [DOUG] Loading genesis config:/home/eris/.eris/scratch/epm/9d485057b3186b30/genesis.json
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:06 [MONK] Loaded genesis configuration from: /home/eris/.eris/scratch/epm/9d485057b3186b30/genesis.json
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:06 [MONK] Identity created
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:06 [CHAIN] Genesis block not found. Deploying.
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:06 [CHAIN] Last block (#0) bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:06 [CHAIN] ChainID (57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18)
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:06 [CHAIN] Genesis (bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1)
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:06 [CHAIN] Updating checkpoint block: (#0) bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:06 [MONK] Created thelonious node
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:06 [EPM-CLI] Install directory /home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18/0
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:06 [EPM-CLI] Loading and setting chainId .config.json
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:06 [EPM-CLI] Deployed and installed chain: thelonious/57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:06 [EPM-CLI] Checked out chain: thelonious/57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:06 [EPM-CLI] Ref this_chain already exists
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | Setting Defaults
helloworldmaster_1 | The chain has been built and checked out.
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | Checking if Fetcher
helloworldmaster_1 | I'm not a fetcher.
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | Setting the Key File
helloworldmaster_1 | No key file given.
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | RPC Check.
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | Connect Check.
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | SOLO Check.
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | Mining Check.
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | Fetch Serve Check.
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | My CHAINID is ... ->
helloworldmaster_1 | 57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | My genesis.json is ... ->
helloworldmaster_1 | {
helloworldmaster_1 |  "address": "0000000000THISISDOUG",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "pdx": "",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "doug": "",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "unique": false,
helloworldmaster_1 |  "private-key": "",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "model": "",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "no-gendoug": true,
helloworldmaster_1 |  "consensus": "",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "difficulty": 15,
helloworldmaster_1 |  "public:mine": 0,
helloworldmaster_1 |  "public:create": 0,
helloworldmaster_1 |  "public:tx": 0,
helloworldmaster_1 |  "maxgastx": "",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "tapow": 0,
helloworldmaster_1 |  "blocktime": 0,
helloworldmaster_1 |  "vm": null,
helloworldmaster_1 |  "accounts": [
helloworldmaster_1 |  {
helloworldmaster_1 |  "address": "0xbbbd0256041f7aed3ce278c56ee61492de96d001",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "name": "",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "balance": "1000000000000000000000000000000000000",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "permissions": null,
helloworldmaster_1 |  "stake": 0
helloworldmaster_1 |  }
helloworldmaster_1 |  ]
helloworldmaster_1 | }
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | My config file is ... ->
helloworldmaster_1 | {
helloworldmaster_1 |  "local_host": "",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "local_port": 15254,
helloworldmaster_1 |  "listen": true,
helloworldmaster_1 |  "remote_host": "",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "remote_port": 30303,
helloworldmaster_1 |  "use_seed": false,
helloworldmaster_1 |  "rpc_host": "",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "rpc_port": 30304,
helloworldmaster_1 |  "serve_rpc": false,
helloworldmaster_1 |  "fetch_port": 15256,
helloworldmaster_1 |  "chain_id": "57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "chain_name": "",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "mining": false,
helloworldmaster_1 |  "max_peers": 10,
helloworldmaster_1 |  "client": "eris:db(thelonious)",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "version": "0.9.0",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "id": "",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "key_session": "py4vyRrBgs",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "key_store": "file",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "key_cursor": 0,
helloworldmaster_1 |  "key_file": "",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "adversary": 0,
helloworldmaster_1 |  "use_checkpoint": false,
helloworldmaster_1 |  "latest_checkpoint": "",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "config_file": "config",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "root_dir": "/home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18/0",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "db_name": "database",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "db_mem": false,
helloworldmaster_1 |  "contract_path": "/go/src/",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "genesis_config": "/home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18/0/genesis.json",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "log_file": "",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "debug_file": "",
helloworldmaster_1 |  "log_level": 2
helloworldmaster_1 | }
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | 
helloworldmaster_1 | Starting up! (Wheeeeeee says the marmot)
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:08 [EPM-CLI] Running chain thelonious/57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:08 [EPM-CLI] Root directory: /home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18/0
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:08 [MONK] Root directory /home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18/0
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:08 [DOUG] Loading genesis config:/home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18/0/genesis.json
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:08 [MONK] Loaded genesis configuration from: /home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18/0/genesis.json
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:08 [MONK] Identity created
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:08 [CHAIN] Found genesis block
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:08 [CHAIN] Last block (#0) bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:08 [CHAIN] ChainID (57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18)
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:08 [CHAIN] Genesis (bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1)
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:08 [CHAIN] Updating checkpoint block: (#0) bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:08 [MONK] Created thelonious node
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:08 [REACTOR] started
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:08 [SERV] Ready and accepting connections
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:08 [SERV] Server started
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:08 [SERV] Peer handling started
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:12 [SERV] Added peer ( 1 / 10 ([eth])
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:12 [SERV] Peer is [eth] capable. (TD = 0 ~ bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1) 33 / 0
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [SERV] Added peer ( 2 / 10 ([eth])
helloworldmaster_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [SERV] Peer is [eth] capaAttaching to helloworlddapp_helloworldwrite_1
helloworldwrite_1 | 
helloworldwrite_1 | 
helloworldwrite_1 | My environment good sir:
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_NAME=/helloworlddapp_helloworldwrite_1/helloworlddapp_helloworldmaster_1
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_4001_TCP_PORT=4001
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_ENV_SERVE_GBLOCK=true
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_PORT_9098_TCP_PORT=9098
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_4001_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_5001_TCP_PORT=5001
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_ENV_GOPATH=/go
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15254_TCP_END=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_ENV_GOPATH=/go
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_PORT_9098_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_PORT_9099_TCP_PORT=9099
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_5001_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_PORT_9099_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15254_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_8080_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldwrite_1 | HOSTNAME=e2cee8c83059
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15255_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_PORT_4001_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_4001_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_COMPILERS_1_PORT=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15256_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_PORT_5001_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_5001_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_8080_TCP_PORT=8080
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_1_ENV_GOLANG_VERSION=1.4.2
helloworldwrite_1 | HOME=/home/eris
helloworldwrite_1 | OLDPWD=/go/src/
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15254_TCP_PORT_START=15254
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_PORT_4001_TCP_PORT=4001
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_1_ENV_GOPATH=/go
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_8080_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_COMPILERS_1_NAME=/helloworlddapp_helloworldwrite_1/helloworlddapp_compilers_1
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_8080_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_PORT_4001_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_PORT_5001_TCP_PORT=5001
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_ENV_GOPATH=/go
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_4001_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_ENV_user=eris
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_PORT_5001_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_PORT_9098_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_5001_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_ENV_MASTER=true
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_PORT_9099_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_1_PORT=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_COMPILERS_1_PORT_9098_TCP_PORT=9098
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_8080_TCP_PORT=8080
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_COMPILERS_1_PORT_9098_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_COMPILERS_1_PORT_9099_TCP_PORT=9099
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15254_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_8080_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_COMPILERS_1_PORT_9099_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15255_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_ENV_GOPATH=/go
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_1_ENV_repository=lllc-server
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_1_NAME=/helloworlddapp_helloworldwrite_1/ipfs_1
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_1_ENV_IPFS_PATH=/data/ipfs
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15256_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_PORT_8080_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_1_ENV_DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_8080_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15254_TCP_START=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_PORT_4001_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_PORT_5001_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_1_ENV_GOLANG_VERSION=1.4.2
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_ENV_user=eris
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_NAME=/helloworlddapp_helloworldwrite_1/helloworlddapp_ipfs_1
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_ENV_IPFS_PATH=/data/ipfs
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15254_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_NAME=/helloworlddapp_helloworldwrite_1/helloworldmaster_1
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_PORT_8080_TCP_PORT=8080
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_ENV_GOLANG_VERSION=1.4.2
helloworldwrite_1 | user=eris
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15254_TCP_PORT_START=15254
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15254_TCP_PORT_END=15256
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15255_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_PORT_8080_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_ENV_GOPATH=/go
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_COMPILERS_1_PORT_9098_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_8080_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15256_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_ENV_FETCH_PORT=15256
helloworldwrite_1 | PATH=/go/bin:/usr/src/go/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_COMPILERS_1_PORT_9099_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15254_TCP_PORT=15254
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_1_PORT=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_ENV_MASTER=true
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15254_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15255_TCP_PORT=15255
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_PORT=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15255_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15256_TCP_PORT=15256
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15256_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_1_PORT_9098_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_1_NAME=/helloworlddapp_helloworldwrite_1/compilers_1
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_NAME=/helloworlddapp_helloworldwrite_1/ipfs
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_ENV_IPFS_PATH=/data/ipfs
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_ENV_repository=lllc-server
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_1_PORT_9099_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldwrite_1 | DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_PORT_8080_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_ENV_DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_1_PORT_9098_TCP_PORT=9098
helloworldwrite_1 | GOPATH=/go
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15254_TCP_START=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15254_TCP_END=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_1_PORT_9098_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_1_PORT_9099_TCP_PORT=9099
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_ENV_GOLANG_VERSION=1.4.2
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_1_PORT_9099_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15254_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_NAME=/helloworlddapp_helloworldwrite_1/helloworldmaster
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15254_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15254_TCP_PORT_END=15256
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15255_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15255_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_4001_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15256_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_ENV_FETCH_PORT=15256
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15256_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_5001_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15254_TCP_PORT=15254
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_PORT=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | PWD=/home/eris/.eris/dapps/helloworld
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15254_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15255_TCP_PORT=15255
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_4001_TCP_PORT=4001
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15255_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15256_TCP_PORT=15256
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_4001_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_5001_TCP_PORT=5001
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_1_ENV_GOPATH=/go
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_COMPILERS_1_ENV_repository=lllc-server
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_4001_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15256_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_ENV_user=eris
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_PORT_9098_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_NAME=/helloworlddapp_helloworldwrite_1/compilers
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_1_PORT_9098_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_5001_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldwrite_1 | CONTAINERS=true
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_5001_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_PORT_9099_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_1_PORT_9099_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | GOLANG_VERSION=1.4.2
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_COMPILERS_1_ENV_DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
helloworldwrite_1 | 
helloworldwrite_1 | 
helloworldwrite_1 | Am fetching the genesis block and catching up the chain.
helloworldwrite_1 | 
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:58 [EPM-CLI] Fetched genesis block for chain f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:58 [EPM-CLI] Checked out chain: thelonious/f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:58 [EPM-CLI] Created ref helloworld to point to chain f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:58 [EPM-CLI] Running chain thelonious/f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:58 [EPM-CLI] Root directory: /home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256/0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:58 [MONK] Root directory /home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256/0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:58 [DOUG] Loading genesis config:/home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256/0/genesis.json
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:58 [MONK] Loaded genesis configuration from: /home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256/0/genesis.json
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:58 [MONK] Identity created
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:58 [CHAIN] Found genesis block
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:58 [CHAIN] Last block (#0) bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:58 [CHAIN] ChainID (f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:58 [CHAIN] Genesis (bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:58 [CHAIN] Updating checkpoint block: (#0) bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:58 [MONK] Created thelonious node
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:58 [REACTOR] started
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:58 [SERV] Ready and accepting connections
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:58 [SERV] Server started
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:58 [SERV] Connecting to peer: helloworldmaster:15254
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:58 [SERV] Peer handling started
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:58 [SERV] Added peer ( 1 / 10 ([eth])
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:58 [SERV] Peer is [eth] capable. (TD = 0 ~ bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1) 33 / 0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:59 [SERV] Added peer ( 2 / 10 ([eth])
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:59 [SERV] Peer is [eth] capable. (TD = 0 ~ bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1) 33 / 0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [EPM-CLI] Loading chain
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [EPM-CLI] Root directory: /home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256/0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [MONK] Root directory /home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256/0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [DOUG] Loading genesis config:/home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256/0/genesis.json
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [DOUG] Setting Doug Deployer: NoGenDoug=true, ModelName=, Path=
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [MONK] Loaded genesis configuration from: /home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256/0/genesis.json
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [MONK] Identity created
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [CHAIN] Found genesis block
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [CHAIN] Last block (#0) bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [CHAIN] ChainID (f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [CHAIN] Genesis (bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [CHAIN] Updating checkpoint block: (#0) bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [MONK] Created thelonious node
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [REACTOR] added new subscription to chainReady
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [REACTOR] started
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [REACTOR] added new subscription to chainReady
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [SERV] Ready and accepting connections
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [SERV] Server started
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [SERV] Connecting to peer: helloworldmaster:15254
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [SERV] Peer handling started
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newBlock
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newBlock
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [REACTOR] added new subscription to messages
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [REACTOR] subscribing channel 1 to event chainReady blocked. skipping
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [REACTOR] removed subscription to chainReady
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [EPM-CLI] Contract root:/home/eris/.eris/dapps/helloworld/contracts
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [EPM-CLI] Pkg path:.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [EPM-CLI] There was no test found for package-definition %s. Deploying without test ...
helloworldwrite_1 | helloworld
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [EPM] Parsing helloworld.pdx
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 compiling remotely... http://compilers:9099/compile
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [EPM] Executing job: deploy
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [EPM] ResolvedArgs:[./test.lll ROOT]
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [EPM] Deploying contract:./test.lll
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [EPM] Contract path:/home/eris/.eris/dapps/helloworld/contracts/test.lll
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [EPM] Abi spec:
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [STATE] (+) 4a775ce4e86a0dfb138bcac3e5cd6ed261b0cba2
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [STATE] (+) 4a775ce4e86a0dfb138bcac3e5cd6ed261b0cba2
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [TXP] (t) 4a775ce4 => 00000000 (0) e017143e91374f0d99a89ec1af28318730cc98b473188abae82b88562b91a2d2
helloworldwrite_1 | Storing: ROOT 70fed2816894a02b561710ed1a86f0f9dabae51d
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [PIPE] Contract addr 70fed2816894a02b561710ed1a86f0f9dabae51d
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [EPM] Deployed 70fed2816894a02b561710ed1a86f0f9dabae51d as ROOT
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [EPM] Stored var ROOT:0x70fed2816894a02b561710ed1a86f0f9dabae51d
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [MONK] Start mining
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [SERV] Added peer ( 1 / 10 ([eth])
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [PEER] [connected] (outbound) eris:db(thelonious)/v0.9.0/linux/go1.4.2 [Peer discovery | Block chain relaying | Transaction relaying]
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [SERV] Peer is [eth] capable. (TD = 0 ~ bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1) 33 / 0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [SERV] Added peer ( 2 / 10 ([eth])
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [PEER] [connected] (outbound) eris:db(thelonious)/v0.9.0/linux/go1.4.2 [Peer discovery | Block chain relaying | Transaction relaying]
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [SERV] Peer is [eth] capable. (TD = 0 ~ bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1) 33 / 0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newBlock
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newTx:pre
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [REACTOR] added new subscription to chainReady
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newBlock
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newTx:pre
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [MINER] Started
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [STATE] (+) 4a775ce4e86a0dfb138bcac3e5cd6ed261b0cba2
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [STATE] (~) e017143e91374f0d99a89ec1af28318730cc98b473188abae82b88562b91a2d2
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [STATE] 4a775ce4e86a0dfb138bcac3e5cd6ed261b0cba2: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [STATE] 4a775ce4e86a0dfb138bcac3e5cd6ed261b0cba2: #0 0 (- 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [STATE] 4a775ce4e86a0dfb138bcac3e5cd6ed261b0cba2: #1 0 (- 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [STATE] (+) 70fed2816894a02b561710ed1a86f0f9dabae51d
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [STATE] 70fed2816894a02b561710ed1a86f0f9dabae51d: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [VM] (init) 70fed2816894a02b561710ed1a86f0f9dabae51d gas: 199999999999215 (d) 63deadbeef60105760258060146000396000f20060003556601b5960203560003557600160005460206000f2602558600060005460206000f2
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [VM] (pc) 0 -o- PUSH4 (g) 1 (199999999999214) => 0xdeadbeef
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [VM] (pc) 5 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999213) => 0x10
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [VM] (pc) 7 -o- SSTORE (g) 200 (199999999999013) {0x10 : 0xdeadbeef}
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [VM] (pc) 8 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999012) => 0x25
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [VM] (pc) 10 -o- DUP1 (g) 1 (199999999999011) => [1] 0x25
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [VM] (pc) 11 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999010) => 0x14
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [VM] (pc) 13 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999009) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [VM] (pc) 15 -o- CODECOPY (g) 3 (199999999999006)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [VM] (pc) 16 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999005) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [VM] (pc) 18 -o- RETURN (g) 1 (199999999999004) => (37) 0x60003556601b5960203560003557600160005460206000f2602558600060005460206000f2
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [STATE] 4a775ce4e86a0dfb138bcac3e5cd6ed261b0cba2: #1 0 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [STATE] 4a775ce4e86a0dfb138bcac3e5cd6ed261b0cba2: #1 1500000000000000000 (+ 1500000000000000000)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [MINER] Mining on block 1. Includes 1 transactions
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:07 [POW] Hashing @3khash
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [BPOOL] Got unrequested block (965668c4...)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [STATE] (+) 2946a070c319b82cb41d3c043fbcb2d6db003421
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [STATE] (~) e017143e91374f0d99a89ec1af28318730cc98b473188abae82b88562b91a2d2
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [STATE] 2946a070c319b82cb41d3c043fbcb2d6db003421: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [STATE] 2946a070c319b82cb41d3c043fbcb2d6db003421: #0 0 (- 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [STATE] 2946a070c319b82cb41d3c043fbcb2d6db003421: #1 0 (- 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [STATE] (+) 4e9f69f70fd6aad10db06412fe5726bb55ad49dc
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [STATE] 4e9f69f70fd6aad10db06412fe5726bb55ad49dc: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [VM] (init) 4e9f69f70fd6aad10db06412fe5726bb55ad49dc gas: 199999999999215 (d) 63deadbeef60105760258060146000396000f20060003556601b5960203560003557600160005460206000f2602558600060005460206000f2
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [VM] (pc) 0 -o- PUSH4 (g) 1 (199999999999214) => 0xdeadbeef
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [VM] (pc) 5 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999213) => 0x10
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [VM] (pc) 7 -o- SSTORE (g) 200 (199999999999013) {0x10 : 0xdeadbeef}
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [VM] (pc) 8 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999012) => 0x25
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [VM] (pc) 10 -o- DUP1 (g) 1 (199999999999011) => [1] 0x25
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [VM] (pc) 11 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999010) => 0x14
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [VM] (pc) 13 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999009) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [VM] (pc) 15 -o- CODECOPY (g) 3 (199999999999006)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [VM] (pc) 16 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999005) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [VM] (pc) 18 -o- RETURN (g) 1 (199999999999004) => (37) 0x60003556601b5960203560003557600160005460206000f2602558600060005460206000f2
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [STATE] 2946a070c319b82cb41d3c043fbcb2d6db003421: #1 0 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [STATE] 2946a070c319b82cb41d3c043fbcb2d6db003421: #1 1500000000000000000 (+ 1500000000000000000)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [STATE] Processed block #1 (965668c4...)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [CHAIN] Block #1 passed (965668c4...)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [CHAIN] Imported 1 blocks. #1 (965668c4) / 1 (965668c4)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [MINER] Stopping...
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [POW] Breaking from mining
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [STATE] (+) 4a775ce4e86a0dfb138bcac3e5cd6ed261b0cba2
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [STATE] 4a775ce4e86a0dfb138bcac3e5cd6ed261b0cba2: #0 1500000000000000000 (+ 1500000000000000000)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [MINER] Mining on block 2. Includes 0 transactions
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [POW] Breaking from mining
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [MINER] Stopped
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [REACTOR] removed subscription to newBlock
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [REACTOR] removed subscription to newTx:pre
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [REACTOR] removed subscription to newBlock
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [REACTOR] removed subscription to newTx:pre
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [MONK] Stopped mining
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:09 [EPM-CLI] Running chain thelonious/f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:09 [EPM-CLI] Root directory: /home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256/0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:09 [MONK] Root directory /home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256/0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:09 [DOUG] Loading genesis config:/home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256/0/genesis.json
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:09 [MONK] Loaded genesis configuration from: /home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256/0/genesis.json
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:09 [MONK] Identity created
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:09 [CHAIN] Found genesis block
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:09 [CHAIN] Last block (#1) 965668c4abd8b8ba5ffec5eadd1c7f9daf6f8b97f711608ece109edb51841274
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:09 [CHAIN] ChainID (f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:09 [CHAIN] Genesis (bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:09 [CHAIN] Updating checkpoint block: (#0) bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:09 [MONK] Created thelonious node
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:09 [REACTOR] started
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:09 [SERV] Ready and accepting connections
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:09 [SERV] Server started
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:09 [SERV] Connecting to peer: helloworldmaster:15254
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:09 [SERV] Peer handling started
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:09 [SERV] Added peer ( 1 / 10 ([eth])
helloworldwrite_1 | 
helloworldwrite_1 | 
helloworldwrite_1 | Configuring package.json with BLOCKCHAIN_ID (f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256) and
helloworldwrite_1 | ROOT_CONTRACT (0x70fed2816894a02b561710ed1a86f0f9dabae51d) and
helloworldwrite_1 | PEER_SERVER (helloworldmaster:15254)
helloworldwrite_1 | 
helloworldwrite_1 | 
helloworldwrite_1 | My package.json now looks like this.
helloworldwrite_1 | {
helloworldwrite_1 |  "name": "Hello World",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "id": "helloworld",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "app_icon": "img/decerver.png",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "version": "0.0.1",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "homepage": "",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "author": {
helloworldwrite_1 |  "name": "Eris Industries, Ltd.",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "url": ""
helloworldwrite_1 |  },
helloworldwrite_1 |  "repository": {
helloworldwrite_1 |  "type": "git",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "url": "git://"
helloworldwrite_1 |  },
helloworldwrite_1 |  "bugs": {
helloworldwrite_1 |  "url": ""
helloworldwrite_1 |  },
helloworldwrite_1 |  "licenses": [
helloworldwrite_1 |  {
helloworldwrite_1 |  "type": "MIT",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "url": ""
helloworldwrite_1 |  }
helloworldwrite_1 |  ],
helloworldwrite_1 |  "module_dependencies": [
helloworldwrite_1 |  {
helloworldwrite_1 |  "name": "monk",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "version": "0.0.1",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "data": {
helloworldwrite_1 |  "peer_server_address": "helloworldmaster:15254",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "blockchain_id": "f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "root_contract": "0x70fed2816894a02b561710ed1a86f0f9dabae51d"
helloworldwrite_1 |  }
helloworldwrite_1 |  },
helloworldwrite_1 |  {
helloworldwrite_1 |  "name": "ipfs",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "version": "0.0.1"
helloworldwrite_1 |  }
helloworldwrite_1 |  ]
helloworldwrite_1 | }
helloworldwrite_1 | 
helloworldwrite_1 | 
helloworldwrite_1 | My chain config now looks like this.
helloworldwrite_1 | {
helloworldwrite_1 |  "local_host": "",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "local_port": 15254,
helloworldwrite_1 |  "listen": true,
helloworldwrite_1 |  "remote_host": "helloworldmaster",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "remote_port": 15254,
helloworldwrite_1 |  "use_seed": true,
helloworldwrite_1 |  "rpc_host": "",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "rpc_port": 30304,
helloworldwrite_1 |  "serve_rpc": false,
helloworldwrite_1 |  "fetch_port": 50505,
helloworldwrite_1 |  "chain_id": "",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "chain_name": "",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "mining": false,
helloworldwrite_1 |  "max_peers": 10,
helloworldwrite_1 |  "client": "eris:db(thelonious)",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "version": "0.9.0",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "id": "",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "key_session": "kRkYDS12jd",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "key_store": "file",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "key_cursor": 0,
helloworldwrite_1 |  "key_file": "",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "adversary": 0,
helloworldwrite_1 |  "use_checkpoint": false,
helloworldwrite_1 |  "latest_checkpoint": "",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "config_file": "config",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "root_dir": "/home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256/0",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "db_name": "database",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "db_mem": false,
helloworldwrite_1 |  "contract_path": "/go/src/",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "genesis_config": "/go/src/",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "log_file": "",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "debug_file": "",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "log_level": 2
helloworldwrite_1 | }
helloworldwrite_1 | 
helloworldwrite_1 | 
helloworldwrite_1 | Starting up! (Wheeeeeee says the marmot)
helloworldwrite_1 | [Decerver Core] 2015/06/04 15:40:12 Starting decerver bootstrapping sequence.
helloworldwrite_1 | Data directory '/home/eris/.eris/system' doesn't exist, creating it
helloworldwrite_1 | Data directory '/home/eris/.eris/tempfiles' doesn't exist, creating it
helloworldwrite_1 | Data directory '/home/eris/.eris/tempfiles/modules' doesn't exist, creating it
helloworldwrite_1 | Data directory '/home/eris/.eris/tempfiles/dapps' doesn't exist, creating it
helloworldwrite_1 | Data directory '/home/eris/.eris/modules/ipfs' doesn't exist, creating it
helloworldwrite_1 | [Decerver Core] 2015/06/04 15:40:12 Registering module 'ipfs'.
helloworldwrite_1 | Data directory '/home/eris/.eris/modules/lmd' doesn't exist, creating it
helloworldwrite_1 | [Decerver Core] 2015/06/04 15:40:12 Registering module 'lmd'.
helloworldwrite_1 | Data directory '/home/eris/.eris/modules/monk' doesn't exist, creating it
helloworldwrite_1 | [Decerver Core] 2015/06/04 15:40:12 Registering module 'monk'.
helloworldwrite_1 | [Dapp Manager] 2015/06/04 15:40:12 Registering dapps
helloworldwrite_1 | [Dapp Manager] 2015/06/04 15:40:12 ## Registering dapp: Hello World ##
helloworldwrite_1 | [Dapp Manager] 2015/06/04 15:40:12 Loaded javascript file 'DappHttpAPI.js'
helloworldwrite_1 | [Dapp Manager] 2015/06/04 15:40:12 Loaded javascript file 'HelloWorld.js'
helloworldwrite_1 | Registering path: helloworld/(.*)
helloworldwrite_1 | [Dapp Manager] 2015/06/04 15:40:12 Done registering dapps.
helloworldwrite_1 | [Decerver Core] 2015/06/04 15:40:12 Server started.
helloworldwrite_1 | [Decerver Core] 2015/06/04 15:40:12 Running...
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] listening on (development)
helloworldwrite_1 | Loading module: monk
helloworldwrite_1 | Loading module: ipfs
helloworldwrite_1 | Loading module: lmd
helloworldwrite_1 |  % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
helloworldwrite_1 |  Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Started GET /admin/switch/helloworld for [::1]:38532
helloworldwrite_1 | Url: /admin/switch/helloworld
helloworldwrite_1 | [Webserver] 2015/06/04 15:40:17 Switching to dapp: helloworld
helloworldwrite_1 | [Dapp Manager] 2015/06/04 15:40:17 Loading dapp: helloworld
helloworldwrite_1 | [ScriptEngine] 2015/06/04 15:40:17 Core script loaded.
helloworldwrite_1 | [ScriptEngine] 2015/06/04 15:40:17 Networking script loaded.
helloworldwrite_1 | [ScriptEngine] 2015/06/04 15:40:17 Event processing script loaded.
helloworldwrite_1 | [ScriptEngine] 2015/06/04 15:40:17 Js utilities script loaded.
helloworldwrite_1 | [ScriptEngine] 2015/06/04 15:40:17 Creating new runtime: helloworld
helloworldwrite_1 | [ScriptEngine] 2015/06/04 15:40:17 Runtimes: map[helloworld:0xc208092100]
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [MONK] Identity created
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [CHAIN] Found genesis block
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [CHAIN] Last block (#1) 965668c4abd8b8ba5ffec5eadd1c7f9daf6f8b97f711608ece109edb51841274
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [CHAIN] ChainID (f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [CHAIN] Genesis (bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [CHAIN] Updating checkpoint block: (#0) bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [MONK] Created thelonious node
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [REACTOR] added new subscription to chainReady
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [REACTOR] started
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [REACTOR] added new subscription to chainReady
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [SERV] Ready and accepting connections
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [SERV] Server started
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [SERV] Connecting to peer: helloworldmaster:15254
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [SERV] Peer handling started
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newBlock
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newBlock
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [REACTOR] added new subscription to messages
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [REACTOR] subscribing channel 1 to event chainReady blocked. skipping
helloworldwrite_1 | [Dapp Manager] 2015/06/04 15:40:17 Root contract: 0x70fed2816894a02b561710ed1a86f0f9dabae51d
helloworldwrite_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 15:40:17 Creating helloworld.
helloworldwrite_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 15:40:17 Starting helloworld.
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Completed 200 OK in 30.576873ms
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [REACTOR] removed subscription to chainReady
helloworldwrite_1 | 
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
100 7 100 7 0 0 214 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 218
helloworldwrite_1 | success2015/06/04 15:40:17 [SERV] Added peer ( 1 / 10 ([eth])
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [PEER] [connected] (outbound) eris:db(thelonious)/v0.9.0/linux/go1.4.2 [Peer discovery | Block chain relaying | Transaction relaying]
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [SERV] Peer is [eth] capable. (TD = 32768 ~ 965668c4abd8b8ba5ffec5eadd1c7f9daf6f8b97f711608ece109edb51841274) 33 / 0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [SERV] Added peer ( 2 / 10 ([eth])
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [PEER] [connected] (outbound) eris:db(thelonious)/v0.9.0/linux/go1.4.2 [Peer discovery | Block chain relaying | Transaction relaying]
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [SERV] Peer is [eth] capable. (TD = 32768 ~ 965668c4abd8b8ba5ffec5eadd1c7f9daf6f8b97f711608ece109edb51841274) 33 / 0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:27 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:27 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:27 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:27 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:27 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:27 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:37 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:37 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:37 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:37 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:37 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:37 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:47 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:47 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:47 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:47 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:47 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:47 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:57 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:57 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:57 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:57 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:57 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:57 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:07 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:07 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:07 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:07 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:07 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:07 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:17 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:17 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:17 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:17 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:17 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:17 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:27 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:27 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:27 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:27 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:27 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:27 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:37 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:37 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:37 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:37 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:37 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:37 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:47 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:47 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:47 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:47 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:47 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:47 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:57 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:57 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:57 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:57 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:57 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:57 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:42:07 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:42:07 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:42:07 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:42:07 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:42:07 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:42:07 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:42:17 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:42:17 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:42:17 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:42:17 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:42:17 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:42:17 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:42:27 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:42:27 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:42:27 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 
helloworldwrite_1 | 
helloworldwrite_1 | My environment good sir:
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_ENV_SERVE_GBLOCK=true
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_PORT_9098_TCP_PORT=9098
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_NAME=/helloworlddapp_helloworldwrite_1/helloworlddapp_helloworldmaster_1
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_4001_TCP_PORT=4001
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15254_TCP_END=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_ENV_GOPATH=/go
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_PORT_9098_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_PORT_9099_TCP_PORT=9099
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_4001_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_5001_TCP_PORT=5001
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_ENV_GOPATH=/go
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_PORT_9099_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_5001_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15254_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_8080_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldwrite_1 | HOSTNAME=e2cee8c83059
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15255_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_PORT_4001_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_4001_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15256_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_PORT_5001_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_COMPILERS_1_PORT=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_5001_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_8080_TCP_PORT=8080
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_1_ENV_GOLANG_VERSION=1.4.2
helloworldwrite_1 | HOME=/home/eris
helloworldwrite_1 | OLDPWD=/go/src/
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15254_TCP_PORT_START=15254
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_PORT_4001_TCP_PORT=4001
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_1_ENV_GOPATH=/go
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_8080_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_PORT_4001_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_PORT_5001_TCP_PORT=5001
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_ENV_GOPATH=/go
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_COMPILERS_1_NAME=/helloworlddapp_helloworldwrite_1/helloworlddapp_compilers_1
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_8080_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_ENV_user=eris
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_PORT_5001_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_PORT_9098_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_4001_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_ENV_MASTER=true
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_PORT_9099_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_5001_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_1_PORT=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_COMPILERS_1_PORT_9098_TCP_PORT=9098
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_8080_TCP_PORT=8080
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_COMPILERS_1_PORT_9098_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_COMPILERS_1_PORT_9099_TCP_PORT=9099
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15254_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_8080_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_ENV_GOPATH=/go
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_1_ENV_repository=lllc-server
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_COMPILERS_1_PORT_9099_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15255_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_1_NAME=/helloworlddapp_helloworldwrite_1/ipfs_1
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_1_ENV_IPFS_PATH=/data/ipfs
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15256_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_PORT_8080_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_1_ENV_DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_8080_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15254_TCP_START=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_PORT_4001_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_PORT_5001_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_1_ENV_GOLANG_VERSION=1.4.2
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15254_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_NAME=/helloworlddapp_helloworldwrite_1/helloworldmaster_1
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_PORT_8080_TCP_PORT=8080
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_ENV_GOLANG_VERSION=1.4.2
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_ENV_user=eris
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_NAME=/helloworlddapp_helloworldwrite_1/helloworlddapp_ipfs_1
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_ENV_IPFS_PATH=/data/ipfs
helloworldwrite_1 | user=eris
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15254_TCP_PORT_START=15254
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15254_TCP_PORT_END=15256
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15255_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_PORT_8080_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_ENV_GOPATH=/go
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15256_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_ENV_FETCH_PORT=15256
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_COMPILERS_1_PORT_9098_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_8080_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | PATH=/go/bin:/usr/src/go/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15254_TCP_PORT=15254
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_1_PORT=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_COMPILERS_1_PORT_9099_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_ENV_MASTER=true
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15254_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15255_TCP_PORT=15255
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_PORT=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15255_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15256_TCP_PORT=15256
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15256_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_1_PORT_9098_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_1_NAME=/helloworlddapp_helloworldwrite_1/compilers_1
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_NAME=/helloworlddapp_helloworldwrite_1/ipfs
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_ENV_IPFS_PATH=/data/ipfs
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_ENV_repository=lllc-server
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_1_PORT_9099_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldwrite_1 | DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_PORT_8080_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_ENV_DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_1_PORT_9098_TCP_PORT=9098
helloworldwrite_1 | GOPATH=/go
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15254_TCP_START=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15254_TCP_END=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_1_PORT_9098_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_1_PORT_9099_TCP_PORT=9099
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_ENV_GOLANG_VERSION=1.4.2
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_1_PORT_9099_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15254_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_NAME=/helloworlddapp_helloworldwrite_1/helloworldmaster
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15254_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15254_TCP_PORT_END=15256
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15255_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15255_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_4001_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15256_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_ENV_FETCH_PORT=15256
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15256_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_5001_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15254_TCP_PORT=15254
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_PORT=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | PWD=/home/eris/.eris/dapps/helloworld
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15254_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15255_TCP_PORT=15255
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_4001_TCP_PORT=4001
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15255_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15256_TCP_PORT=15256
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_4001_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_5001_TCP_PORT=5001
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_1_ENV_GOPATH=/go
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15256_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_ENV_user=eris
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_PORT_9098_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_NAME=/helloworlddapp_helloworldwrite_1/compilers
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_1_PORT_9098_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_COMPILERS_1_ENV_repository=lllc-server
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_4001_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldwrite_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_5001_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldwrite_1 | CONTAINERS=true
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_PORT_9099_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldwrite_1 | COMPILERS_1_PORT_9099_TCP=tcp://
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_5001_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldwrite_1 | GOLANG_VERSION=1.4.2
helloworldwrite_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_COMPILERS_1_ENV_DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
helloworldwrite_1 | 
helloworldwrite_1 | 
helloworldwrite_1 | Am fetching the genesis block and catching up the chain.
helloworldwrite_1 | 
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:12 [EPM-CLI] Fetched genesis block for chain 57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:12 [EPM-CLI] Running chain thelonious/57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:12 [EPM-CLI] Root directory: /home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18/0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:12 [MONK] Root directory /home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18/0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:12 [DOUG] Loading genesis config:/home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18/0/genesis.json
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:12 [MONK] Loaded genesis configuration from: /home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18/0/genesis.json
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:12 [MONK] Identity created
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:12 [CHAIN] Found genesis block
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:12 [CHAIN] Last block (#0) bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:12 [CHAIN] ChainID (57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:12 [CHAIN] Genesis (bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:12 [CHAIN] Updating checkpoint block: (#0) bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:12 [MONK] Created thelonious node
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:12 [REACTOR] started
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:12 [SERV] Ready and accepting connections
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:12 [SERV] Server started
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:12 [SERV] Connecting to peer: helloworldmaster:15254
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:12 [SERV] Peer handling started
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:12 [SERV] Added peer ( 1 / 10 ([eth])
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:12 [SERV] Peer is [eth] capable. (TD = 0 ~ bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1) 33 / 0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [EPM-CLI] Loading chain
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [EPM-CLI] Root directory: /home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18/0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [MONK] Root directory /home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18/0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [DOUG] Loading genesis config:/home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18/0/genesis.json
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [DOUG] Setting Doug Deployer: NoGenDoug=true, ModelName=, Path=
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [MONK] Loaded genesis configuration from: /home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18/0/genesis.json
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [MONK] Identity created
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [CHAIN] Found genesis block
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [CHAIN] Last block (#0) bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [CHAIN] ChainID (57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [CHAIN] Genesis (bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [CHAIN] Updating checkpoint block: (#0) bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [MONK] Created thelonious node
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [REACTOR] added new subscription to chainReady
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [REACTOR] started
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [REACTOR] added new subscription to chainReady
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [SERV] Ready and accepting connections
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [SERV] Server started
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [SERV] Connecting to peer: helloworldmaster:15254
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newBlock
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [REACTOR] added new subscription to messages
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [SERV] Peer handling started
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newBlock
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [REACTOR] subscribing channel 1 to event chainReady blocked. skipping
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [REACTOR] removed subscription to chainReady
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [EPM-CLI] Contract root:/home/eris/.eris/dapps/helloworld/contracts
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [EPM-CLI] Pkg path:.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [EPM-CLI] There was no test found for package-definition %s. Deploying without test ...
helloworldwrite_1 | helloworld
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [EPM] Parsing helloworld.pdx
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [EPM] Executing job: deploy
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [EPM] ResolvedArgs:[./test.lll ROOT]
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [EPM] Deploying contract:./test.lll
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [EPM] Contract path:/home/eris/.eris/dapps/helloworld/contracts/test.lll
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [EPM] Abi spec:
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [STATE] (+) 34fe3dc5adc39beede1bc843f528ee16445184fc
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [PIPE] Contract addr 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [STATE] (+) 34fe3dc5adc39beede1bc843f528ee16445184fc
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [TXP] (t) 34fe3dc5 => 00000000 (0) e017143e91374f0d99a89ec1af28318730cc98b473188abae82b88562b91a2d2
helloworldwrite_1 | Storing: ROOT 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [EPM] Deployed 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a as ROOT
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [EPM] Stored var ROOT:0x28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [MONK] Start mining
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [SERV] Added peer ( 1 / 10 ([eth])
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [PEER] [connected] (outbound) eris:db(thelonious)/v0.9.0/linux/go1.4.2 [Peer discovery | Block chain relaying | Transaction relaying]
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [SERV] Peer is [eth] capable. (TD = 0 ~ bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1) 33 / 0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:16 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:19 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newBlock
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:19 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newTx:pre
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:19 [REACTOR] added new subscription to chainReady
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:19 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newBlock
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:19 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newTx:pre
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:19 [MINER] Started
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:19 [STATE] (+) 34fe3dc5adc39beede1bc843f528ee16445184fc
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:19 [STATE] (~) e017143e91374f0d99a89ec1af28318730cc98b473188abae82b88562b91a2d2
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:19 [STATE] 34fe3dc5adc39beede1bc843f528ee16445184fc: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:19 [STATE] 34fe3dc5adc39beede1bc843f528ee16445184fc: #0 0 (- 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:19 [STATE] 34fe3dc5adc39beede1bc843f528ee16445184fc: #1 0 (- 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:19 [STATE] (+) 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:19 [STATE] 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:19 [VM] (init) 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a gas: 199999999999215 (d) 63deadbeef60105760258060146000396000f20060003556601b5960203560003557600160005460206000f2602558600060005460206000f2
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:19 [VM] (pc) 0 -o- PUSH4 (g) 1 (199999999999214) => 0xdeadbeef
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:19 [VM] (pc) 5 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999213) => 0x10
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:19 [VM] (pc) 7 -o- SSTORE (g) 200 (199999999999013) {0x10 : 0xdeadbeef}
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:19 [VM] (pc) 8 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999012) => 0x25
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:19 [VM] (pc) 10 -o- DUP1 (g) 1 (199999999999011) => [1] 0x25
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:19 [VM] (pc) 11 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999010) => 0x14
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:19 [VM] (pc) 13 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999009) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:19 [VM] (pc) 15 -o- CODECOPY (g) 3 (199999999999006)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:19 [VM] (pc) 16 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999005) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:19 [VM] (pc) 18 -o- RETURN (g) 1 (199999999999004) => (37) 0x60003556601b5960203560003557600160005460206000f2602558600060005460206000f2
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:19 [STATE] 34fe3dc5adc39beede1bc843f528ee16445184fc: #1 0 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:19 [STATE] 34fe3dc5adc39beede1bc843f528ee16445184fc: #1 1500000000000000000 (+ 1500000000000000000)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:19 [MINER] Mining on block 1. Includes 1 transactions
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:20 [POW] Hashing @2khash
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:21 [POW] Hashing @3khash
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:22 [POW] Hashing @3khash
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:23 [POW] Hashing @4khash
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:24 [POW] Hashing @4khash
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:24 [STATE] (+) 34fe3dc5adc39beede1bc843f528ee16445184fc
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:24 [STATE] (~) e017143e91374f0d99a89ec1af28318730cc98b473188abae82b88562b91a2d2
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:24 [STATE] 34fe3dc5adc39beede1bc843f528ee16445184fc: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:24 [STATE] 34fe3dc5adc39beede1bc843f528ee16445184fc: #0 0 (- 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:24 [STATE] 34fe3dc5adc39beede1bc843f528ee16445184fc: #1 0 (- 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:24 [STATE] (+) 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:24 [STATE] 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:24 [VM] (init) 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a gas: 199999999999215 (d) 63deadbeef60105760258060146000396000f20060003556601b5960203560003557600160005460206000f2602558600060005460206000f2
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:24 [VM] (pc) 0 -o- PUSH4 (g) 1 (199999999999214) => 0xdeadbeef
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:24 [VM] (pc) 5 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999213) => 0x10
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:24 [VM] (pc) 7 -o- SSTORE (g) 200 (199999999999013) {0x10 : 0xdeadbeef}
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:24 [VM] (pc) 8 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999012) => 0x25
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:24 [VM] (pc) 10 -o- DUP1 (g) 1 (199999999999011) => [1] 0x25
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:24 [VM] (pc) 11 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999010) => 0x14
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:24 [VM] (pc) 13 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999009) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:24 [VM] (pc) 15 -o- CODECOPY (g) 3 (199999999999006)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:24 [VM] (pc) 16 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999005) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:24 [VM] (pc) 18 -o- RETURN (g) 1 (199999999999004) => (37) 0x60003556601b5960203560003557600160005460206000f2602558600060005460206000f2
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:24 [STATE] 34fe3dc5adc39beede1bc843f528ee16445184fc: #1 0 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:24 [STATE] 34fe3dc5adc39beede1bc843f528ee16445184fc: #1 1500000000000000000 (+ 1500000000000000000)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:24 [STATE] Processed block #1 (b2dc42dc...)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:24 [CHAIN] Block #1 passed (b2dc42dc...)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:24 [CHAIN] Imported 1 blocks. #1 (b2dc42dc) / 1 (b2dc42dc)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:24 [MINER] posting new block!
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:24 [MINER] 🔨 Mined block b2dc42dc77c9a8aa1e88b5e8604515610a4cdb3aed568ef959c6a7ee94050d0a
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:24 [MINER]
helloworldwrite_1 |  BLOCK(b2dc42dc77c9a8aa1e88b5e8604515610a4cdb3aed568ef959c6a7ee94050d0a): Size: 480.00 B
helloworldwrite_1 |  PrevHash: bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1
helloworldwrite_1 |  UncleSha: 1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347
helloworldwrite_1 |  Coinbase: 34fe3dc5adc39beede1bc843f528ee16445184fc
helloworldwrite_1 |  Root: 99d25642f5bd31913582cdae4548656f5d77af5606be869218102460f9db0c0e
helloworldwrite_1 |  TxSha: 4d5891ba85c8ef8a02d40b49f531a1f1ec26280f9a2cbfe9da13d5671ee5d3bb
helloworldwrite_1 |  Difficulty: 32768
helloworldwrite_1 |  Number: 1
helloworldwrite_1 |  MinGas: 10000000000000
helloworldwrite_1 |  MaxLimit: 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
helloworldwrite_1 |  GasUsed: 0
helloworldwrite_1 |  Time: 1433432599
helloworldwrite_1 |  Extra:
helloworldwrite_1 |  Nonce: bac6bd07e735955329be75a9dfd7cc4fe28866b7c63003dcf4aa3b372f190d07
helloworldwrite_1 |  NumTx: 1
helloworldwrite_1 | 
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:24 [STATE] 34fe3dc5adc39beede1bc843f528ee16445184fc: #1 3000000000000000000 (+ 1500000000000000000)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:24 [MINER] Mining on block 2. Includes 0 transactions
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:24 [MINER] Stopping...
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:24 [POW] Breaking from mining
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:24 [STATE] 34fe3dc5adc39beede1bc843f528ee16445184fc: #1 3000000000000000000 (+ 1500000000000000000)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:24 [MINER] Mining on block 2. Includes 0 transactions
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:24 [POW] Breaking from mining
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:24 [MINER] Stopped
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:24 [REACTOR] removed subscription to newBlock
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:24 [REACTOR] removed subscription to newTx:pre
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:24 [REACTOR] removed subscription to newBlock
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:24 [REACTOR] removed subscription to newTx:pre
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:24 [MONK] Stopped mining
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:25 [EPM-CLI] Running chain thelonious/57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:25 [EPM-CLI] Root directory: /home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18/0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:25 [MONK] Root directory /home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18/0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:25 [DOUG] Loading genesis config:/home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18/0/genesis.json
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:25 [MONK] Loaded genesis configuration from: /home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18/0/genesis.json
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:25 [MONK] Identity created
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:25 [CHAIN] Found genesis block
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:25 [CHAIN] Last block (#1) b2dc42dc77c9a8aa1e88b5e8604515610a4cdb3aed568ef959c6a7ee94050d0a
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:25 [CHAIN] ChainID (57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:25 [CHAIN] Genesis (bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:25 [CHAIN] Updating checkpoint block: (#0) bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:25 [MONK] Created thelonious node
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:25 [REACTOR] started
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:25 [SERV] Ready and accepting connections
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:25 [SERV] Server started
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:25 [SERV] Connecting to peer: helloworldmaster:15254
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:25 [SERV] Peer handling started
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:25 [SERV] Added peer ( 1 / 10 ([eth])
helloworldwrite_1 | 
helloworldwrite_1 | 
helloworldwrite_1 | Configuring package.json with BLOCKCHAIN_ID (57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18) and
helloworldwrite_1 | ROOT_CONTRACT (0x28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a) and
helloworldwrite_1 | PEER_SERVER (helloworldmaster:15254)
helloworldwrite_1 | 
helloworldwrite_1 | 
helloworldwrite_1 | My package.json now looks like this.
helloworldwrite_1 | {
helloworldwrite_1 |  "name": "Hello World",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "id": "helloworld",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "app_icon": "img/decerver.png",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "version": "0.0.1",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "homepage": "",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "author": {
helloworldwrite_1 |  "name": "Eris Industries, Ltd.",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "url": ""
helloworldwrite_1 |  },
helloworldwrite_1 |  "repository": {
helloworldwrite_1 |  "type": "git",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "url": "git://"
helloworldwrite_1 |  },
helloworldwrite_1 |  "bugs": {
helloworldwrite_1 |  "url": ""
helloworldwrite_1 |  },
helloworldwrite_1 |  "licenses": [
helloworldwrite_1 |  {
helloworldwrite_1 |  "type": "MIT",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "url": ""
helloworldwrite_1 |  }
helloworldwrite_1 |  ],
helloworldwrite_1 |  "module_dependencies": [
helloworldwrite_1 |  {
helloworldwrite_1 |  "name": "monk",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "version": "0.0.1",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "data": {
helloworldwrite_1 |  "peer_server_address": "helloworldmaster:15254",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "blockchain_id": "57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "root_contract": "0x28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a"
helloworldwrite_1 |  }
helloworldwrite_1 |  },
helloworldwrite_1 |  {
helloworldwrite_1 |  "name": "ipfs",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "version": "0.0.1"
helloworldwrite_1 |  }
helloworldwrite_1 |  ]
helloworldwrite_1 | }
helloworldwrite_1 | 
helloworldwrite_1 | 
helloworldwrite_1 | My chain config now looks like this.
helloworldwrite_1 | {
helloworldwrite_1 |  "local_host": "",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "local_port": 15254,
helloworldwrite_1 |  "listen": true,
helloworldwrite_1 |  "remote_host": "helloworldmaster",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "remote_port": 15254,
helloworldwrite_1 |  "use_seed": true,
helloworldwrite_1 |  "rpc_host": "",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "rpc_port": 30304,
helloworldwrite_1 |  "serve_rpc": false,
helloworldwrite_1 |  "fetch_port": 50505,
helloworldwrite_1 |  "chain_id": "",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "chain_name": "",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "mining": false,
helloworldwrite_1 |  "max_peers": 10,
helloworldwrite_1 |  "client": "eris:db(thelonious)",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "version": "0.9.0",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "id": "",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "key_session": "7r2eAtpEsp",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "key_store": "file",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "key_cursor": 0,
helloworldwrite_1 |  "key_file": "",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "adversary": 0,
helloworldwrite_1 |  "use_checkpoint": false,
helloworldwrite_1 |  "latest_checkpoint": "",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "config_file": "config",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "root_dir": "/home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18/0",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "db_name": "database",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "db_mem": false,
helloworldwrite_1 |  "contract_path": "/go/src/",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "genesis_config": "/go/src/",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "log_file": "",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "debug_file": "",
helloworldwrite_1 |  "log_level": 2
helloworldwrite_1 | }
helloworldwrite_1 | 
helloworldwrite_1 | 
helloworldwrite_1 | Starting up! (Wheeeeeee says the marmot)
helloworldwrite_1 | [Decerver Core] 2015/06/04 15:43:30 Starting decerver bootstrapping sequence.
helloworldwrite_1 | [Decerver Core] 2015/06/04 15:43:30 Registering module 'ipfs'.
helloworldwrite_1 | [Decerver Core] 2015/06/04 15:43:30 Registering module 'lmd'.
helloworldwrite_1 | [Decerver Core] 2015/06/04 15:43:30 Registering module 'monk'.
helloworldwrite_1 | [Dapp Manager] 2015/06/04 15:43:30 Registering dapps
helloworldwrite_1 | [Dapp Manager] 2015/06/04 15:43:30 ## Registering dapp: Hello World ##
helloworldwrite_1 | [Dapp Manager] 2015/06/04 15:43:30 Loaded javascript file 'DappHttpAPI.js'
helloworldwrite_1 | [Dapp Manager] 2015/06/04 15:43:30 Loaded javascript file 'HelloWorld.js'
helloworldwrite_1 | Registering path: helloworld/(.*)
helloworldwrite_1 | [Dapp Manager] 2015/06/04 15:43:30 Done registering dapps.
helloworldwrite_1 | [Decerver Core] 2015/06/04 15:43:30 Server started.
helloworldwrite_1 | [Decerver Core] 2015/06/04 15:43:30 Running...
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] listening on (development)
helloworldwrite_1 | Loading module: lmd
helloworldwrite_1 | Loading module: monk
helloworldwrite_1 | Loading module: ipfs
helloworldwrite_1 |  % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
helloworldwrite_1 |  Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Started GET /admin/switch/helloworld for [::1]:38623
helloworldwrite_1 | Url: /admin/switch/helloworld
helloworldwrite_1 | [Webserver] 2015/06/04 15:43:35 Switching to dapp: helloworld
helloworldwrite_1 | [Dapp Manager] 2015/06/04 15:43:35 Loading dapp: helloworld
helloworldwrite_1 | [ScriptEngine] 2015/06/04 15:43:35 Core script loaded.
helloworldwrite_1 | [ScriptEngine] 2015/06/04 15:43:35 Networking script loaded.
helloworldwrite_1 | [ScriptEngine] 2015/06/04 15:43:35 Event processing script loaded.
helloworldwrite_1 | [ScriptEngine] 2015/06/04 15:43:35 Js utilities script loaded.
helloworldwrite_1 | [ScriptEngine] 2015/06/04 15:43:35 Creating new runtime: helloworld
helloworldwrite_1 | [ScriptEngine] 2015/06/04 15:43:35 Runtimes: map[helloworld:0xc20809b840]
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:35 [MONK] Identity created
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:35 [CHAIN] Found genesis block
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:35 [CHAIN] Last block (#1) b2dc42dc77c9a8aa1e88b5e8604515610a4cdb3aed568ef959c6a7ee94050d0a
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:35 [CHAIN] ChainID (57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:35 [CHAIN] Genesis (bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:35 [CHAIN] Updating checkpoint block: (#0) bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:35 [MONK] Created thelonious node
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:35 [REACTOR] added new subscription to chainReady
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:35 [REACTOR] started
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:35 [REACTOR] added new subscription to chainReady
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:35 [SERV] Ready and accepting connections
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:35 [SERV] Server started
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:35 [SERV] Connecting to peer: helloworldmaster:15254
helloworldwrite_1 | [Dapp Manager] 2015/06/04 15:43:35 Root contract: 0x28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a
helloworldwrite_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 15:43:35 Creating helloworld.
helloworldwrite_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 15:43:35 Starting helloworld.
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Completed 200 OK in 119.881324ms
helloworldwrite_1 | 
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
100 7 100 7 0 0 52 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 53
helloworldwrite_1 | success2015/06/04 15:43:35 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newBlock
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:35 [REACTOR] added new subscription to messages
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:35 [SERV] Peer handling started
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:35 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newBlock
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:35 [REACTOR] subscribing channel 1 to event chainReady blocked. skipping
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:35 [REACTOR] removed subscription to chainReady
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:35 [SERV] Added peer ( 1 / 10 ([eth])
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:35 [PEER] [connected] (outbound) eris:db(thelonious)/v0.9.0/linux/go1.4.2 [Peer discovery | Block chain relaying | Transaction relaying]
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:35 [SERV] Peer is [eth] capable. (TD = 32768 ~ b2dc42dc77c9a8aa1e88b5e8604515610a4cdb3aed568ef959c6a7ee94050d0a) 33 / 0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:44 [SERV] Added peer ( 2 / 10 ([eth])
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:44 [PEER] [connected] (inbound) eris:db(thelonious)/v0.9.0/linux/go1.4.2 [Peer discovery | Block chain relaying | Transaction relaying]
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:44 [SERV] Peer is [eth] capable. (TD = 0 ~ bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1) 33 / 0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:44 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:44 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:44 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:45 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [SERV] Added peer ( 3 / 10 ([eth])
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [PEER] [connected] (inbound) eris:db(thelonious)/v0.9.0/linux/go1.4.2 [Peer discovery | Block chain relaying | Transaction relaying]
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [SERV] Peer is [eth] capable. (TD = 32768 ~ b2dc42dc77c9a8aa1e88b5e8604515610a4cdb3aed568ef959c6a7ee94050d0a) 33 / 0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:50 [PEER] Can't send message:write tcp broken pipe
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:50 [PEER] Can't send message:write tcp broken pipe
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:52 [BPOOL] Got unrequested block (b5240b9c...)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:53 [STATE] (+) 9a7f511aa5b1ca3bf495500dab3ead62db3a5cee
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:53 [STATE] (~) e017143e91374f0d99a89ec1af28318730cc98b473188abae82b88562b91a2d2
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:53 [STATE] 9a7f511aa5b1ca3bf495500dab3ead62db3a5cee: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:53 [STATE] 9a7f511aa5b1ca3bf495500dab3ead62db3a5cee: #0 0 (- 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:53 [STATE] 9a7f511aa5b1ca3bf495500dab3ead62db3a5cee: #1 0 (- 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:53 [STATE] (+) fbf8d38a8cc3b0a2b62d1df47f636ae134ef948c
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:53 [STATE] fbf8d38a8cc3b0a2b62d1df47f636ae134ef948c: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:53 [VM] (init) fbf8d38a8cc3b0a2b62d1df47f636ae134ef948c gas: 199999999999215 (d) 63deadbeef60105760258060146000396000f20060003556601b5960203560003557600160005460206000f2602558600060005460206000f2
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:53 [VM] (pc) 0 -o- PUSH4 (g) 1 (199999999999214) => 0xdeadbeef
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:53 [VM] (pc) 5 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999213) => 0x10
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:53 [VM] (pc) 7 -o- SSTORE (g) 200 (199999999999013) {0x10 : 0xdeadbeef}
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:53 [VM] (pc) 8 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999012) => 0x25
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:53 [VM] (pc) 10 -o- DUP1 (g) 1 (199999999999011) => [1] 0x25
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:53 [VM] (pc) 11 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999010) => 0x14
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:53 [VM] (pc) 13 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999009) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:53 [VM] (pc) 15 -o- CODECOPY (g) 3 (199999999999006)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:53 [VM] (pc) 16 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999005) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:53 [VM] (pc) 18 -o- RETURN (g) 1 (199999999999004) => (37) 0x60003556601b5960203560003557600160005460206000f2602558600060005460206000f2
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:53 [STATE] 9a7f511aa5b1ca3bf495500dab3ead62db3a5cee: #1 0 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:53 [STATE] 9a7f511aa5b1ca3bf495500dab3ead62db3a5cee: #1 1500000000000000000 (+ 1500000000000000000)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:53 [STATE] Processed block #2 (b5240b9c...)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:53 [CHAIN] Block #2 passed (b5240b9c...)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:53 [CHAIN] Imported 1 blocks. #2 (b5240b9c) / 2 (b5240b9c)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:55 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:56 [PEER] Can't send message:write tcp broken pipe
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:56 [PEER] Can't send message:write tcp broken pipe
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:01 [SERV] Added peer ( 2 / 10 ([eth])
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:01 [PEER] [connected] (inbound) eris:db(thelonious)/v0.9.0/linux/go1.4.2 [Peer discovery | Block chain relaying | Transaction relaying]
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:01 [SERV] Peer is [eth] capable. (TD = 65536 ~ b5240b9ce877f858edf82f4f98c7f05ff6bbd35223ec737e4511245ab4c77623) 33 / 0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:05 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:15 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:25 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:35 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:45 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:55 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:05 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:15 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Started GET /helloworld for
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Completed 302 Found in 253.631µs
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Started GET /helloworld/ for
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] [Static] Serving /helloworld/index.html
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Completed 200 OK in 7.227874ms
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Started GET /helloworld/js/helloworld.js for
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] [Static] Serving /helloworld/js/helloworld.js
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Completed 200 OK in 464.936µs
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:25 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:35 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:45 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:52 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:52 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:55 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:05 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:12 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:12 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:12 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:15 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:25 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:35 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:45 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:52 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:52 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:55 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:05 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:15 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:25 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:35 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:45 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:55 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:05 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:15 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:25 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:35 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:42 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:42 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:45 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:55 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:02 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:02 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:02 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:05 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:15 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:25 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:35 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:45 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:55 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:05 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:15 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:25 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:35 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:45 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:55 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:05 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:15 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:25 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:35 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:45 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:55 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:05 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:15 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:25 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:35 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:45 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:55 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:05 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:15 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:25 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:35 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:45 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:55 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:05 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:15 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:25 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:32 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:32 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:35 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:45 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:55 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:05 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:15 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:25 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:35 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:45 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:55 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:05 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:15 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:25 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:32 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:32 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:35 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:45 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:55 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:05 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:15 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:25 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:35 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:45 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:55 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:05 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:15 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:25 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:35 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:45 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:55 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:05 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:15 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:25 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:35 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:45 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:55 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:05 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:15 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:22 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:22 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:25 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Started GET /helloworld/ for
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] [Static] Serving /helloworld/index.html
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Completed 200 OK in 305.603µs
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Started GET /helloworld/js/helloworld.js for
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] [Static] Serving /helloworld/js/helloworld.js
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Completed 200 OK in 331.895µs
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Started GET /favicon.ico for
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Completed 404 Not Found in 170.01µs
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Started POST /apis/helloworld/files for
helloworldwrite_1 | Stuff
helloworldwrite_1 | URL /apis/helloworld/files
helloworldwrite_1 | REQUEST: {"URL":{"Scheme":"","Opaque":"","User":null,"Host":"","Path":"/apis/helloworld/files","RawQuery":"","Fragment":""},"Method":"POST","Host":"helloworldwrite:3000","Header":{"Accept":["*/*"],"Accept-Encoding":["gzip, deflate"],"Accept-Language":["en-US,en;q=0.8"],"Connection":["keep-alive"],"Content-Length":["42"],"Content-Type":["text/plain;charset=UTF-8"],"Origin":["http://helloworldwrite:3000"],"Referer":["http://helloworldwrite:3000/helloworld/"],"User-Agent":["Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.65 Safari/537.36"]},"Body":"{\"name\":\"greeting\",\"data\":\"Hello, world!\"}"}
helloworldwrite_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:00:28 URLOBJ: map[path:[files] options:map[] error:]
helloworldwrite_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:00:28 Working
helloworldwrite_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:00:28 BODYOBJ: map[name:greeting data:Hello, world!]
helloworldwrite_1 | POSTing
helloworldwrite_1 | response Status: 201 Created
helloworldwrite_1 | response Headers: map[Ipfs-Hash:[QmWGeRAEgtsHW3ec7U4qW2CyVy7eA2mFRVbk1nb24jFyks] Location:[/ipfs/QmWGeRAEgtsHW3ec7U4qW2CyVy7eA2mFRVbk1nb24jFyks] Date:[Thu, 04 Jun 2015 16:00:28 GMT] Content-Length:[0] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8]]
helloworldwrite_1 | REQUEST:
helloworldwrite_1 | HASH: QmWGeRAEgtsHW3ec7U4qW2CyVy7eA2mFRVbk1nb24jFyks
helloworldwrite_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:00:28 Pushing stuff to monk. TxData: [0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e67 0x75d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0]
helloworldwrite_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:00:28 Root contract: 0x28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:28 [STATE] (+) ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129
helloworldwrite_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:00:28
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:28 [MONK] Start mining
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:28 [STATE] (+) ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:28 [TXP] (t) ba7dcc6c => 28acdd4b (0) b87b4cb089e3d16729137d4476b82193333dcf8b39e1b8ed2e4af0965ae85e32
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:31 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newBlock
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:31 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newTx:pre
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:31 [REACTOR] added new subscription to chainReady
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:31 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newBlock
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:31 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newTx:pre
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:31 [MINER] Started
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:31 [STATE] (+) ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:31 [STATE] (~) b87b4cb089e3d16729137d4476b82193333dcf8b39e1b8ed2e4af0965ae85e32
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:31 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:31 [MINER] Stopping...
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:31 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #0 0 (- 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:31 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #1 0 (- 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:31 [STATE] 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:31 [VM] (code) 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a gas: 199999999999180 (d) 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e6775d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:31 [VM] (pc) 0 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999179) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:31 [VM] (pc) 2 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999178) => 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e67
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:31 [VM] (pc) 3 -o- SLOAD (g) 20 (199999999999158) {0x6772656574696e67 : 0x}
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:31 [VM] (pc) 4 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999157) => 0x1b
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:31 [VM] (pc) 6 -o- JUMPI (g) 1 (199999999999156) (f)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:31 [VM] (pc) 7 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999155) => 0x20
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:31 [VM] (pc) 9 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999154) => 0x75d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:31 [VM] (pc) 10 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999153) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:31 [VM] (pc) 12 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999152) => 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e67
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:31 [VM] (pc) 13 -o- SSTORE (g) 200 (199999999998952) {0x6772656574696e67 : 0x75d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0}
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:31 [VM] (pc) 14 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999998951) => 0x01
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:31 [VM] (pc) 16 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999998950) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:31 [VM] (pc) 18 -o- MSTORE (g) 2 (199999999998948) => 0x1
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:31 [VM] (pc) 19 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999998947) => 0x20
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:31 [VM] (pc) 21 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999998946) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:31 [VM] (pc) 23 -o- RETURN (g) 1 (199999999998945) => (32) 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:31 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #1 0 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:31 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #1 1500000000000000000 (+ 1500000000000000000)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:31 [MINER] Mining on block 3. Includes 1 transactions
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:32 [POW] Hashing @4khash
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:33 [POW] Hashing @4khash
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:34 [POW] Hashing @4khash
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:35 [POW] Hashing @4khash
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:35 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:36 [POW] Hashing @4khash
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:37 [POW] Hashing @4khash
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:38 [POW] Hashing @4khash
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:39 [POW] Hashing @4khash
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:40 [POW] Hashing @4khash
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:41 [POW] Hashing @4khash
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:42 [POW] Hashing @4khash
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:43 [POW] Hashing @4khash
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:44 [POW] Hashing @4khash
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:45 [POW] Hashing @4khash
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:45 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:46 [POW] Hashing @4khash
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:46 [STATE] (+) ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:46 [STATE] (~) b87b4cb089e3d16729137d4476b82193333dcf8b39e1b8ed2e4af0965ae85e32
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:46 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:46 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #0 0 (- 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:46 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #1 0 (- 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:46 [STATE] 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:46 [VM] (code) 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a gas: 199999999999180 (d) 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e6775d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:46 [VM] (pc) 0 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999179) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:46 [VM] (pc) 2 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999178) => 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e67
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:46 [VM] (pc) 3 -o- SLOAD (g) 20 (199999999999158) {0x6772656574696e67 : 0x}
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:46 [VM] (pc) 4 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999157) => 0x1b
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:46 [VM] (pc) 6 -o- JUMPI (g) 1 (199999999999156) (f)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:46 [VM] (pc) 7 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999155) => 0x20
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:46 [VM] (pc) 9 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999154) => 0x75d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:46 [VM] (pc) 10 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999153) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:46 [VM] (pc) 12 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999152) => 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e67
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:46 [VM] (pc) 13 -o- SSTORE (g) 200 (199999999998952) {0x6772656574696e67 : 0x75d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0}
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:46 [VM] (pc) 14 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999998951) => 0x01
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:46 [VM] (pc) 16 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999998950) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:46 [VM] (pc) 18 -o- MSTORE (g) 2 (199999999998948) => 0x1
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:46 [VM] (pc) 19 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999998947) => 0x20
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:46 [VM] (pc) 21 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999998946) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:46 [VM] (pc) 23 -o- RETURN (g) 1 (199999999998945) => (32) 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:46 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #1 0 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:46 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #1 1500000000000000000 (+ 1500000000000000000)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:46 [STATE] Processed block #3 (d94ebdf1...)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:46 [CHAIN] Block #3 passed (d94ebdf1...)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:46 [CHAIN] Imported 1 blocks. #3 (d94ebdf1) / 3 (d94ebdf1)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:46 [MINER] posting new block!
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:46 [REACTOR] subscribing channel 1 to event newBlock blocked. skipping
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:46 [REACTOR] subscribing channel 2 to event newBlock blocked. skipping
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:46 [REACTOR] subscribing channel 3 to event newBlock blocked. skipping
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:46 [MINER] 🔨 Mined block d94ebdf1dd0f3e33b8e9523a587bc572e88b5734785ae89bad04fbdb3ffe1d17
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:46 [MINER]
helloworldwrite_1 |  BLOCK(d94ebdf1dd0f3e33b8e9523a587bc572e88b5734785ae89bad04fbdb3ffe1d17): Size: 507.00 B
helloworldwrite_1 |  PrevHash: b5240b9ce877f858edf82f4f98c7f05ff6bbd35223ec737e4511245ab4c77623
helloworldwrite_1 |  UncleSha: 1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347
helloworldwrite_1 |  Coinbase: ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129
helloworldwrite_1 |  Root: f3149afa1eb691fc19f1575ddbadbfabcc76ce8780fcb0cb3390269649e787e0
helloworldwrite_1 |  TxSha: 744d1da38f0597cda5ad06ee48751d559a4cf1b6a255254c10bcd779444769d1
helloworldwrite_1 |  Difficulty: 32768
helloworldwrite_1 |  Number: 3
helloworldwrite_1 |  MinGas: 10000000000000
helloworldwrite_1 |  MaxLimit: 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
helloworldwrite_1 |  GasUsed: 0
helloworldwrite_1 |  Time: 1433433631
helloworldwrite_1 |  Extra:
helloworldwrite_1 |  Nonce: 758bf9007662bd6be0c9202aefc558cc22ef8c12defdea6489f9400a09490549
helloworldwrite_1 |  NumTx: 1
helloworldwrite_1 | 
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:46 [MINER] Stopped
helloworldwrite_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:00:46 Json string of resp obj:
helloworldwrite_1 | {"Body":"Not supported.","Header":{},"Status":200}
helloworldwrite_1 | [Webserver] 2015/06/04 16:00:46 Response status message: 200
helloworldwrite_1 | [Webserver] 2015/06/04 16:00:46 Response header stuff: map[]
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Completed 200 OK in 18.274593862s
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:46 [REACTOR] removed subscription to newBlock
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:46 [REACTOR] removed subscription to newTx:pre
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:46 [REACTOR] removed subscription to newBlock
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:46 [REACTOR] removed subscription to newTx:pre
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:46 [MONK] Stopped mining
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:55 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:05 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:15 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:25 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:35 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:45 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:55 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:05 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:15 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:25 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:35 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Started GET /helloworld/ for
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] [Static] Serving /helloworld/index.html
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Completed 200 OK in 233.743µs
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Started GET /helloworld/js/helloworld.js for
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] [Static] Serving /helloworld/js/helloworld.js
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Completed 200 OK in 339.85µs
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Started GET /favicon.ico for
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Completed 404 Not Found in 146.639µs
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Started POST /apis/helloworld/files for
helloworldwrite_1 | Stuff
helloworldwrite_1 | URL /apis/helloworld/files
helloworldwrite_1 | REQUEST: {"URL":{"Scheme":"","Opaque":"","User":null,"Host":"","Path":"/apis/helloworld/files","RawQuery":"","Fragment":""},"Method":"POST","Host":"helloworldwrite:3000","Header":{"Accept":["*/*"],"Accept-Encoding":["gzip, deflate"],"Accept-Language":["en-US,en;q=0.8"],"Connection":["keep-alive"],"Content-Length":["42"],"Content-Type":["text/plain;charset=UTF-8"],"Origin":["http://helloworldwrite:3000"],"Referer":["http://helloworldwrite:3000/helloworld/"],"User-Agent":["Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.65 Safari/537.36"]},"Body":"{\"name\":\"greeting\",\"data\":\"Hello, world!\"}"}
helloworldwrite_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:02:38 URLOBJ: map[path:[files] options:map[] error:]
helloworldwrite_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:02:38 Working
helloworldwrite_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:02:38 BODYOBJ: map[name:greeting data:Hello, world!]
helloworldwrite_1 | POSTing
helloworldwrite_1 | response Status: 201 Created
helloworldwrite_1 | response Headers: map[Date:[Thu, 04 Jun 2015 16:02:38 GMT] Content-Length:[0] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8] Ipfs-Hash:[QmWGeRAEgtsHW3ec7U4qW2CyVy7eA2mFRVbk1nb24jFyks] Location:[/ipfs/QmWGeRAEgtsHW3ec7U4qW2CyVy7eA2mFRVbk1nb24jFyks]]
helloworldwrite_1 | REQUEST:
helloworldwrite_1 | HASH: QmWGeRAEgtsHW3ec7U4qW2CyVy7eA2mFRVbk1nb24jFyks
helloworldwrite_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:02:38 Pushing stuff to monk. TxData: [0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e67 0x75d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0]
helloworldwrite_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:02:38 Root contract: 0x28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a
helloworldwrite_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:02:38
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:38 [MONK] Start mining
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:38 [TXP] (t) ba7dcc6c => 28acdd4b (0) efbc6bcf9f8d8f422ce3b04e719bf8e9ec28f0053af18367ea152bf5decaeebe
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:41 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newBlock
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:41 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newTx:pre
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:41 [REACTOR] added new subscription to chainReady
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:41 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newBlock
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:41 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newTx:pre
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:41 [MINER] Started
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:41 [STATE] (~) efbc6bcf9f8d8f422ce3b04e719bf8e9ec28f0053af18367ea152bf5decaeebe
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:41 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #1 1500000000000000000 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:41 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #1 1500000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:41 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #2 1500000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:41 [STATE] 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:41 [VM] (code) 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a gas: 199999999999180 (d) 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e6775d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:41 [VM] (pc) 0 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999179) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:41 [VM] (pc) 2 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999178) => 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e67
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:41 [VM] (pc) 3 -o- SLOAD (g) 20 (199999999999158) {0x6772656574696e67 : 0x75d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0}
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:41 [VM] (pc) 4 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999157) => 0x1b
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:41 [VM] (pc) 6 -o- JUMPI (g) 1 (199999999999156) ~> 27 (t)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:41 [VM] (pc) 27 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999155) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:41 [VM] (pc) 29 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999154) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:41 [VM] (pc) 31 -o- MSTORE (g) 2 (199999999999152) => 0x0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:41 [VM] (pc) 32 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999151) => 0x20
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:41 [VM] (pc) 34 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999150) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:41 [VM] (pc) 36 -o- RETURN (g) 1 (199999999999149) => (32) 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:41 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #2 1500000000000000000 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:41 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #2 3000000000000000000 (+ 1500000000000000000)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:41 [MINER] Mining on block 4. Includes 1 transactions
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:42 [POW] Hashing @4khash
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:43 [POW] Hashing @4khash
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:44 [POW] Hashing @4khash
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [STATE] (~) efbc6bcf9f8d8f422ce3b04e719bf8e9ec28f0053af18367ea152bf5decaeebe
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #1 1500000000000000000 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #1 1500000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #2 1500000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [STATE] 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [VM] (code) 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a gas: 199999999999180 (d) 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e6775d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [VM] (pc) 0 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999179) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [VM] (pc) 2 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999178) => 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e67
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [VM] (pc) 3 -o- SLOAD (g) 20 (199999999999158) {0x6772656574696e67 : 0x75d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0}
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [VM] (pc) 4 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999157) => 0x1b
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [VM] (pc) 6 -o- JUMPI (g) 1 (199999999999156) ~> 27 (t)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [VM] (pc) 27 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999155) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [VM] (pc) 29 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999154) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [VM] (pc) 31 -o- MSTORE (g) 2 (199999999999152) => 0x0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [VM] (pc) 32 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999151) => 0x20
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [VM] (pc) 34 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999150) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [VM] (pc) 36 -o- RETURN (g) 1 (199999999999149) => (32) 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #2 1500000000000000000 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #2 3000000000000000000 (+ 1500000000000000000)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [STATE] Processed block #4 (265ea153...)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [CHAIN] Block #4 passed (265ea153...)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [CHAIN] Imported 1 blocks. #4 (265ea153) / 4 (265ea153)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [MINER] posting new block!
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [MINER] 🔨 Mined block 265ea153a9ac2b4689c6249065a95b798c11f75ec31820d8250240949e8bb643
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [MINER]
helloworldwrite_1 |  BLOCK(265ea153a9ac2b4689c6249065a95b798c11f75ec31820d8250240949e8bb643): Size: 507.00 B
helloworldwrite_1 |  PrevHash: d94ebdf1dd0f3e33b8e9523a587bc572e88b5734785ae89bad04fbdb3ffe1d17
helloworldwrite_1 |  UncleSha: 1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347
helloworldwrite_1 |  Coinbase: ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129
helloworldwrite_1 |  Root: 2071272a0c1e3c10607e9282a021cf16af50ca1f910f46f548fb811b3a49c2e3
helloworldwrite_1 |  TxSha: 49b09216cf768d50ec82d07a55c3e567374ccae5621aeb0afd29fde4d25c2e30
helloworldwrite_1 |  Difficulty: 32768
helloworldwrite_1 |  Number: 4
helloworldwrite_1 |  MinGas: 10000000000000
helloworldwrite_1 |  MaxLimit: 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
helloworldwrite_1 |  GasUsed: 0
helloworldwrite_1 |  Time: 1433433761
helloworldwrite_1 |  Extra:
helloworldwrite_1 |  Nonce: 9f86fba1a3209e710aa31317d48007c37cb015611a27e935361c8968f802927e
helloworldwrite_1 |  NumTx: 1
helloworldwrite_1 | 
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #2 4500000000000000000 (+ 1500000000000000000)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [MINER] Mining on block 5. Includes 0 transactions
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [MINER] Stopping...
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [POW] Breaking from mining
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #2 4500000000000000000 (+ 1500000000000000000)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [MINER] Mining on block 5. Includes 0 transactions
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [POW] Breaking from mining
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [MINER] Stopped
helloworldwrite_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:02:45 Json string of resp obj:
helloworldwrite_1 | {"Body":"Not supported.","Header":{},"Status":200}
helloworldwrite_1 | [Webserver] 2015/06/04 16:02:45 Response status message: 200
helloworldwrite_1 | [Webserver] 2015/06/04 16:02:45 Response header stuff: map[]
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Completed 200 OK in 6.190886945s
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [REACTOR] removed subscription to newBlock
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [REACTOR] removed subscription to newTx:pre
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [REACTOR] removed subscription to newBlock
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [REACTOR] removed subscription to newTx:pre
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [MONK] Stopped mining
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:55 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:05 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:15 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:25 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:35 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:45 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:55 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Started GET /helloworld/ for
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] [Static] Serving /helloworld/index.html
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Completed 200 OK in 527.662µs
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Started GET /helloworld/js/helloworld.js for
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] [Static] Serving /helloworld/js/helloworld.js
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Completed 200 OK in 851.281µs
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Started GET /favicon.ico for
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Completed 404 Not Found in 152.731µs
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:05 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:15 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:25 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:35 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:45 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:55 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:05 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:15 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:25 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:35 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:45 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Started GET /helloworld/ for
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] [Static] Serving /helloworld/index.html
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Completed 200 OK in 278.887µs
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Started GET /helloworld/js/helloworld.js for
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] [Static] Serving /helloworld/js/helloworld.js
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Completed 200 OK in 259.675µs
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Started GET /favicon.ico for
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Completed 404 Not Found in 278.37µs
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Started POST /apis/helloworld/files for
helloworldwrite_1 | Stuff
helloworldwrite_1 | URL /apis/helloworld/files
helloworldwrite_1 | REQUEST: {"URL":{"Scheme":"","Opaque":"","User":null,"Host":"","Path":"/apis/helloworld/files","RawQuery":"","Fragment":""},"Method":"POST","Host":"helloworldwrite:3000","Header":{"Accept":["*/*"],"Accept-Encoding":["gzip, deflate"],"Accept-Language":["en-US,en;q=0.8"],"Connection":["keep-alive"],"Content-Length":["42"],"Content-Type":["text/plain;charset=UTF-8"],"Origin":["http://helloworldwrite:3000"],"Referer":["http://helloworldwrite:3000/helloworld/"],"User-Agent":["Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.65 Safari/537.36"]},"Body":"{\"name\":\"greeting\",\"data\":\"Hello, world!\"}"}
helloworldwrite_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:05:48 URLOBJ: map[path:[files] options:map[] error:]
helloworldwrite_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:05:48 Working
helloworldwrite_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:05:48 BODYOBJ: map[name:greeting data:Hello, world!]
helloworldwrite_1 | POSTing
helloworldwrite_1 | response Status: 201 Created
helloworldwrite_1 | response Headers: map[Ipfs-Hash:[QmWGeRAEgtsHW3ec7U4qW2CyVy7eA2mFRVbk1nb24jFyks] Location:[/ipfs/QmWGeRAEgtsHW3ec7U4qW2CyVy7eA2mFRVbk1nb24jFyks] Date:[Thu, 04 Jun 2015 16:05:48 GMT] Content-Length:[0] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8]]
helloworldwrite_1 | REQUEST:
helloworldwrite_1 | HASH: QmWGeRAEgtsHW3ec7U4qW2CyVy7eA2mFRVbk1nb24jFyks
helloworldwrite_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:05:48 Pushing stuff to monk. TxData: [0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e67 0x75d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0]
helloworldwrite_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:05:48 Root contract: 0x28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a
helloworldwrite_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:05:48
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:48 [MONK] Start mining
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:48 [TXP] (t) ba7dcc6c => 28acdd4b (0) 7aedf344cb93797771e4821a16278826c31128f1f2b5af489e6d2a00bde1d246
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:51 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newBlock
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:51 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newTx:pre
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:51 [REACTOR] added new subscription to chainReady
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:51 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newBlock
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:51 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newTx:pre
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:51 [MINER] Started
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:51 [STATE] (~) 7aedf344cb93797771e4821a16278826c31128f1f2b5af489e6d2a00bde1d246
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:51 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #2 3000000000000000000 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:51 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #2 3000000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:51 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #3 3000000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:51 [STATE] 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:51 [VM] (code) 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a gas: 199999999999180 (d) 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e6775d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:51 [VM] (pc) 0 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999179) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:51 [VM] (pc) 2 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999178) => 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e67
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:51 [VM] (pc) 3 -o- SLOAD (g) 20 (199999999999158) {0x6772656574696e67 : 0x75d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0}
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:51 [VM] (pc) 4 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999157) => 0x1b
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:51 [VM] (pc) 6 -o- JUMPI (g) 1 (199999999999156) ~> 27 (t)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:51 [VM] (pc) 27 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999155) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:51 [VM] (pc) 29 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999154) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:51 [VM] (pc) 31 -o- MSTORE (g) 2 (199999999999152) => 0x0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:51 [VM] (pc) 32 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999151) => 0x20
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:51 [VM] (pc) 34 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999150) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:51 [VM] (pc) 36 -o- RETURN (g) 1 (199999999999149) => (32) 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:51 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #3 3000000000000000000 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:51 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #3 4500000000000000000 (+ 1500000000000000000)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:51 [MINER] Mining on block 5. Includes 1 transactions
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:52 [POW] Hashing @3khash
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:53 [POW] Hashing @4khash
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:54 [POW] Hashing @4khash
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:55 [POW] Hashing @4khash
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:55 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:56 [POW] Hashing @4khash
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:57 [POW] Hashing @4khash
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:58 [POW] Hashing @4khash
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:59 [POW] Hashing @4khash
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:00 [POW] Hashing @4khash
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:01 [POW] Hashing @4khash
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:02 [POW] Hashing @4khash
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:03 [POW] Hashing @4khash
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:04 [POW] Hashing @4khash
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:04 [STATE] (~) 7aedf344cb93797771e4821a16278826c31128f1f2b5af489e6d2a00bde1d246
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:04 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #2 3000000000000000000 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:04 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #2 3000000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:04 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #3 3000000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:04 [STATE] 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:04 [VM] (code) 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a gas: 199999999999180 (d) 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e6775d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:04 [VM] (pc) 0 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999179) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:04 [VM] (pc) 2 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999178) => 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e67
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:04 [VM] (pc) 3 -o- SLOAD (g) 20 (199999999999158) {0x6772656574696e67 : 0x75d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0}
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:04 [VM] (pc) 4 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999157) => 0x1b
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:04 [VM] (pc) 6 -o- JUMPI (g) 1 (199999999999156) ~> 27 (t)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:04 [VM] (pc) 27 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999155) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:04 [VM] (pc) 29 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999154) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:04 [VM] (pc) 31 -o- MSTORE (g) 2 (199999999999152) => 0x0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:04 [VM] (pc) 32 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999151) => 0x20
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:04 [VM] (pc) 34 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999150) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:04 [VM] (pc) 36 -o- RETURN (g) 1 (199999999999149) => (32) 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:04 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #3 3000000000000000000 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:04 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #3 4500000000000000000 (+ 1500000000000000000)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:04 [STATE] Processed block #5 (96b4f285...)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:04 [CHAIN] Block #5 passed (96b4f285...)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:04 [CHAIN] Imported 1 blocks. #5 (96b4f285) / 5 (96b4f285)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:04 [MINER] posting new block!
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:04 [MINER] 🔨 Mined block 96b4f2850bd37dcf3ccfe31d1c875cf9b221229fd76496c7b45255056dd761bb
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:04 [MINER]
helloworldwrite_1 |  BLOCK(96b4f2850bd37dcf3ccfe31d1c875cf9b221229fd76496c7b45255056dd761bb): Size: 507.00 B
helloworldwrite_1 |  PrevHash: 265ea153a9ac2b4689c6249065a95b798c11f75ec31820d8250240949e8bb643
helloworldwrite_1 |  UncleSha: 1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347
helloworldwrite_1 |  Coinbase: ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129
helloworldwrite_1 |  Root: 4d0d1ebcddcda402b9ed4a4f76ca2b2637978fd00c2213390db59fdcea451a6c
helloworldwrite_1 |  TxSha: cdb99e29017a6ff20c115cc08a36ee4c6a8b672b095722a8a29f5a31daa0c40e
helloworldwrite_1 |  Difficulty: 32768
helloworldwrite_1 |  Number: 5
helloworldwrite_1 |  MinGas: 10000000000000
helloworldwrite_1 |  MaxLimit: 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
helloworldwrite_1 |  GasUsed: 0
helloworldwrite_1 |  Time: 1433433951
helloworldwrite_1 |  Extra:
helloworldwrite_1 |  Nonce: cb299a6ee8a57459133b6b979ee10191892648e1f8796a3a8a2e1f5729e96e90
helloworldwrite_1 |  NumTx: 1
helloworldwrite_1 | 
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:04 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #3 6000000000000000000 (+ 1500000000000000000)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:04 [MINER] Mining on block 6. Includes 0 transactions
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:04 [POW] Breaking from mining
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:04 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #3 6000000000000000000 (+ 1500000000000000000)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:04 [MINER] Mining on block 6. Includes 0 transactions
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:04 [MINER] Stopping...
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:04 [POW] Breaking from mining
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:04 [MINER] Stopped
helloworldwrite_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:06:04 Json string of resp obj:
helloworldwrite_1 | {"Body":"Not supported.","Header":{},"Status":200}
helloworldwrite_1 | [Webserver] 2015/06/04 16:06:04 Response status message: 200
helloworldwrite_1 | [Webserver] 2015/06/04 16:06:04 Response header stuff: map[]
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Completed 200 OK in 16.239273613s
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:04 [REACTOR] removed subscription to newBlock
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:04 [REACTOR] removed subscription to newTx:pre
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:04 [REACTOR] removed subscription to newBlock
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:04 [REACTOR] removed subscription to newTx:pre
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:04 [MONK] Stopped mining
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:05 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:15 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:25 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:35 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:45 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:55 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:05 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:15 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:25 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:35 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:45 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:55 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:05 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:15 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:25 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:35 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:45 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:55 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:05 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:12 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:12 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:12 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:15 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:25 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:35 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:45 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:55 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:05 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:15 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:25 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:35 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Started POST /apis/helloworld/files for
helloworldwrite_1 | Stuff
helloworldwrite_1 | URL /apis/helloworld/files
helloworldwrite_1 | REQUEST: {"URL":{"Scheme":"","Opaque":"","User":null,"Host":"","Path":"/apis/helloworld/files","RawQuery":"","Fragment":""},"Method":"POST","Host":"thewire:3000","Header":{"Accept":["text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8"],"Accept-Encoding":["gzip, deflate"],"Accept-Language":["en-US,en;q=0.5"],"Cache-Control":["no-cache"],"Connection":["keep-alive"],"Content-Length":["32"],"Content-Type":["text/plain; charset=UTF-8"],"Pragma":["no-cache"],"Referer":["http://thewire:3000/helloworld/"],"User-Agent":["Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.0"]},"Body":"{\"name\":\"apple\",\"data\":\"apple!\"}"}
helloworldwrite_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:10:35 URLOBJ: map[path:[files] options:map[] error:]
helloworldwrite_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:10:35 Working
helloworldwrite_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:10:35 BODYOBJ: map[name:apple data:apple!]
helloworldwrite_1 | POSTing
helloworldwrite_1 | response Status: 201 Created
helloworldwrite_1 | response Headers: map[Ipfs-Hash:[Qmf2LKwf4kqjMQs8tmG7dSMg2DUQU3W5fySn8NTk2YKqMb] Location:[/ipfs/Qmf2LKwf4kqjMQs8tmG7dSMg2DUQU3W5fySn8NTk2YKqMb] Date:[Thu, 04 Jun 2015 16:10:35 GMT] Content-Length:[0] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8]]
helloworldwrite_1 | REQUEST:
helloworldwrite_1 | HASH: Qmf2LKwf4kqjMQs8tmG7dSMg2DUQU3W5fySn8NTk2YKqMb
helloworldwrite_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:10:35 Pushing stuff to monk. TxData: [0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006170706c65 0xf7e5703df30279f48c8ccf13f1594ab6374a56ffe84e511d3664c726749e018a]
helloworldwrite_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:10:35 Root contract: 0x28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a
helloworldwrite_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:10:35
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:35 [MONK] Start mining
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:36 [TXP] (t) ba7dcc6c => 28acdd4b (0) 0d0f73a201bb784b735e9ec2ff2cab56613920a678009f146c4df61269fad16d
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:39 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newBlock
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:39 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newTx:pre
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:39 [REACTOR] added new subscription to chainReady
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:39 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newBlock
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:39 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newTx:pre
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:39 [MINER] Started
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:39 [STATE] (~) 0d0f73a201bb784b735e9ec2ff2cab56613920a678009f146c4df61269fad16d
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:39 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #3 4500000000000000000 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:39 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #3 4500000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:39 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #4 4500000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:39 [STATE] 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:39 [VM] (code) 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a gas: 199999999999180 (d) 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006170706c65f7e5703df30279f48c8ccf13f1594ab6374a56ffe84e511d3664c726749e018a
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:39 [VM] (pc) 0 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999179) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:39 [VM] (pc) 2 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999178) => 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006170706c65
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:39 [VM] (pc) 3 -o- SLOAD (g) 20 (199999999999158) {0x6170706c65 : 0x}
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:39 [VM] (pc) 4 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999157) => 0x1b
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:39 [VM] (pc) 6 -o- JUMPI (g) 1 (199999999999156) (f)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:39 [VM] (pc) 7 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999155) => 0x20
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:39 [VM] (pc) 9 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999154) => 0xf7e5703df30279f48c8ccf13f1594ab6374a56ffe84e511d3664c726749e018a
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:39 [VM] (pc) 10 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999153) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:39 [VM] (pc) 12 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999152) => 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006170706c65
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:39 [VM] (pc) 13 -o- SSTORE (g) 200 (199999999998952) {0x6170706c65 : 0xf7e5703df30279f48c8ccf13f1594ab6374a56ffe84e511d3664c726749e018a}
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:39 [VM] (pc) 14 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999998951) => 0x01
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:39 [VM] (pc) 16 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999998950) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:39 [VM] (pc) 18 -o- MSTORE (g) 2 (199999999998948) => 0x1
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:39 [VM] (pc) 19 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999998947) => 0x20
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:39 [VM] (pc) 21 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999998946) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:39 [VM] (pc) 23 -o- RETURN (g) 1 (199999999998945) => (32) 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:39 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #4 4500000000000000000 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:39 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #4 6000000000000000000 (+ 1500000000000000000)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:39 [MINER] Mining on block 6. Includes 1 transactions
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:40 [POW] Hashing @3khash
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:41 [POW] Hashing @4khash
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:42 [POW] Hashing @3khash
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:43 [POW] Hashing @3khash
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:44 [POW] Hashing @3khash
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [POW] Hashing @4khash
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [STATE] (~) 0d0f73a201bb784b735e9ec2ff2cab56613920a678009f146c4df61269fad16d
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #3 4500000000000000000 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #3 4500000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #4 4500000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [STATE] 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [VM] (code) 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a gas: 199999999999180 (d) 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006170706c65f7e5703df30279f48c8ccf13f1594ab6374a56ffe84e511d3664c726749e018a
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [VM] (pc) 0 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999179) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [VM] (pc) 2 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999178) => 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006170706c65
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [VM] (pc) 3 -o- SLOAD (g) 20 (199999999999158) {0x6170706c65 : 0x}
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [VM] (pc) 4 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999157) => 0x1b
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [VM] (pc) 6 -o- JUMPI (g) 1 (199999999999156) (f)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [VM] (pc) 7 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999155) => 0x20
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [VM] (pc) 9 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999154) => 0xf7e5703df30279f48c8ccf13f1594ab6374a56ffe84e511d3664c726749e018a
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [VM] (pc) 10 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999153) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [VM] (pc) 12 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999152) => 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006170706c65
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [VM] (pc) 13 -o- SSTORE (g) 200 (199999999998952) {0x6170706c65 : 0xf7e5703df30279f48c8ccf13f1594ab6374a56ffe84e511d3664c726749e018a}
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [VM] (pc) 14 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999998951) => 0x01
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [VM] (pc) 16 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999998950) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [VM] (pc) 18 -o- MSTORE (g) 2 (199999999998948) => 0x1
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [VM] (pc) 19 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999998947) => 0x20
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [VM] (pc) 21 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999998946) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [VM] (pc) 23 -o- RETURN (g) 1 (199999999998945) => (32) 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #4 4500000000000000000 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #4 6000000000000000000 (+ 1500000000000000000)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [STATE] Processed block #6 (4db75c3c...)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [CHAIN] Block #6 passed (4db75c3c...)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [CHAIN] Imported 1 blocks. #6 (4db75c3c) / 6 (4db75c3c)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [MINER] posting new block!
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [MINER] 🔨 Mined block 4db75c3c894adff46fbb6cb40ba168d4a37a9e4dbfac7a47851f5efb67fcf26f
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [REACTOR] subscribing channel 1 to event newBlock blocked. skipping
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [REACTOR] subscribing channel 2 to event newBlock blocked. skipping
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [REACTOR] subscribing channel 3 to event newBlock blocked. skipping
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [MINER]
helloworldwrite_1 |  BLOCK(4db75c3c894adff46fbb6cb40ba168d4a37a9e4dbfac7a47851f5efb67fcf26f): Size: 507.00 B
helloworldwrite_1 |  PrevHash: 96b4f2850bd37dcf3ccfe31d1c875cf9b221229fd76496c7b45255056dd761bb
helloworldwrite_1 |  UncleSha: 1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347
helloworldwrite_1 |  Coinbase: ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129
helloworldwrite_1 |  Root: cb58718927fe638d378c90b699e744175fbb7c31b7922d0ccb4142bb4972e6e0
helloworldwrite_1 |  TxSha: 94ca189ac47bc74c7697e1dc1e2ca8e86d768e84842d876b4d03ba6e9f11ce80
helloworldwrite_1 |  Difficulty: 32768
helloworldwrite_1 |  Number: 6
helloworldwrite_1 |  MinGas: 10000000000000
helloworldwrite_1 |  MaxLimit: 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
helloworldwrite_1 |  GasUsed: 0
helloworldwrite_1 |  Time: 1433434239
helloworldwrite_1 |  Extra:
helloworldwrite_1 |  Nonce: c716c46b6ce571895c1612cbf8303006043fe73bd1ae5bdb3380b0e0365d997a
helloworldwrite_1 |  NumTx: 1
helloworldwrite_1 | 
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #4 7500000000000000000 (+ 1500000000000000000)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [MINER] Mining on block 7. Includes 0 transactions
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [MINER] Stopping...
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [POW] Breaking from mining
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [MINER] Stopped
helloworldwrite_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:10:45 Json string of resp obj:
helloworldwrite_1 | {"Body":"Not supported.","Header":{},"Status":200}
helloworldwrite_1 | [Webserver] 2015/06/04 16:10:45 Response status message: 200
helloworldwrite_1 | [Webserver] 2015/06/04 16:10:45 Response header stuff: map[]
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Completed 200 OK in 10.018632763s
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [REACTOR] removed subscription to newBlock
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [REACTOR] removed subscription to newTx:pre
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [REACTOR] removed subscription to newBlock
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [REACTOR] removed subscription to newTx:pre
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:45 [MONK] Stopped mining
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Started GET /apis/helloworld/files/apple for
helloworldwrite_1 | Stuff
helloworldwrite_1 | URL /apis/helloworld/files/apple
helloworldwrite_1 | REQUEST: {"URL":{"Scheme":"","Opaque":"","User":null,"Host":"","Path":"/apis/helloworld/files/apple","RawQuery":"","Fragment":""},"Method":"GET","Host":"thewire:3000","Header":{"Accept":["text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8"],"Accept-Encoding":["gzip, deflate"],"Accept-Language":["en-US,en;q=0.5"],"Connection":["keep-alive"],"Referer":["http://thewire:3000/helloworld/"],"User-Agent":["Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.0"]},"Body":""}
helloworldwrite_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:10:52 URLOBJ: map[path:[files apple] options:map[] error:]
helloworldwrite_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:10:52 Getting the storage for filename:0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006170706c65
helloworldwrite_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:10:52 Hash: 0xf7e5703df30279f48c8ccf13f1594ab6374a56ffe84e511d3664c726749e018a
helloworldwrite_1 | response Status: 200 OK
helloworldwrite_1 | response Headers: map[Suborigin:[Qmf2LKwf4kqjMQs8tmG7dSMg2DUQU3W5fySn8NTk2YKqMb] Date:[Thu, 04 Jun 2015 16:10:52 GMT] Cache-Control:[public, max-age=29030400] Content-Length:[6] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8] Last-Modified:[Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT] Accept-Ranges:[bytes] Etag:[Qmf2LKwf4kqjMQs8tmG7dSMg2DUQU3W5fySn8NTk2YKqMb] X-Ipfs-Path:[/ipfs/Qmf2LKwf4kqjMQs8tmG7dSMg2DUQU3W5fySn8NTk2YKqMb]]
helloworldwrite_1 | REQUEST: apple!
helloworldwrite_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:10:52 File data: apple!
helloworldwrite_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:10:52 Json string of resp obj:
helloworldwrite_1 | {"Body":"{ \"data\" : \"apple!\"}","Header":{},"Status":200}
helloworldwrite_1 | [Webserver] 2015/06/04 16:10:52 Response status message: 200
helloworldwrite_1 | [Webserver] 2015/06/04 16:10:52 Response header stuff: map[]
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Completed 200 OK in 9.565817ms
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:55 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:05 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:12 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:12 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:13 [STATE] (+) 98dbb3991d0cd6a1003eb1308e53a6e1e66e1d78
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:13 [TXP] (t) 98dbb399 => fbf8d38a (0) 47fd17d97444b2be7bf14b14b50de8b99231e2fdba8f568f4f73bea151e11e74
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:15 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [BPOOL] Got unrequested block (93f0abbd...)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [STATE] (+) 98dbb3991d0cd6a1003eb1308e53a6e1e66e1d78
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [STATE] (~) b87b4cb089e3d16729137d4476b82193333dcf8b39e1b8ed2e4af0965ae85e32
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [STATE] 98dbb3991d0cd6a1003eb1308e53a6e1e66e1d78: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #4 6000000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #5 6000000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [STATE] 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (code) 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a gas: 199999999999180 (d) 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e6775d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 0 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999179) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 2 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999178) => 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e67
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 3 -o- SLOAD (g) 20 (199999999999158) {0x6772656574696e67 : 0x75d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0}
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 4 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999157) => 0x1b
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 6 -o- JUMPI (g) 1 (199999999999156) ~> 27 (t)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 27 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999155) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 29 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999154) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 31 -o- MSTORE (g) 2 (199999999999152) => 0x0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 32 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999151) => 0x20
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 34 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999150) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 36 -o- RETURN (g) 1 (199999999999149) => (32) 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #5 6000000000000000000 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [STATE] (~) 47fd17d97444b2be7bf14b14b50de8b99231e2fdba8f568f4f73bea151e11e74
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [STATE] 98dbb3991d0cd6a1003eb1308e53a6e1e66e1d78: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [STATE] 98dbb3991d0cd6a1003eb1308e53a6e1e66e1d78: #0 0 (- 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [STATE] 98dbb3991d0cd6a1003eb1308e53a6e1e66e1d78: #1 0 (- 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [STATE] fbf8d38a8cc3b0a2b62d1df47f636ae134ef948c: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (code) fbf8d38a8cc3b0a2b62d1df47f636ae134ef948c gas: 199999999999180 (d) 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000070656172b2e347327c58f44ea8a7d7b7f24449dc7ee65f09a87f1a4c31335b30bd3ab8de
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 0 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999179) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 2 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999178) => 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000070656172
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 3 -o- SLOAD (g) 20 (199999999999158) {0x70656172 : 0x}
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 4 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999157) => 0x1b
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 6 -o- JUMPI (g) 1 (199999999999156) (f)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 7 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999155) => 0x20
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 9 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999154) => 0xb2e347327c58f44ea8a7d7b7f24449dc7ee65f09a87f1a4c31335b30bd3ab8de
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 10 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999153) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 12 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999152) => 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000070656172
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 13 -o- SSTORE (g) 200 (199999999998952) {0x70656172 : 0xb2e347327c58f44ea8a7d7b7f24449dc7ee65f09a87f1a4c31335b30bd3ab8de}
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 14 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999998951) => 0x01
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 16 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999998950) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 18 -o- MSTORE (g) 2 (199999999998948) => 0x1
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 19 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999998947) => 0x20
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 21 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999998946) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 23 -o- RETURN (g) 1 (199999999998945) => (32) 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [STATE] 98dbb3991d0cd6a1003eb1308e53a6e1e66e1d78: #1 0 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [STATE] (~) efbc6bcf9f8d8f422ce3b04e719bf8e9ec28f0053af18367ea152bf5decaeebe
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [STATE] 98dbb3991d0cd6a1003eb1308e53a6e1e66e1d78: #1 0 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #5 6000000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #6 6000000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [STATE] 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (code) 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a gas: 199999999999180 (d) 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e6775d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 0 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999179) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 2 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999178) => 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e67
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 3 -o- SLOAD (g) 20 (199999999999158) {0x6772656574696e67 : 0x75d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0}
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 4 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999157) => 0x1b
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 6 -o- JUMPI (g) 1 (199999999999156) ~> 27 (t)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 27 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999155) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 29 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999154) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 31 -o- MSTORE (g) 2 (199999999999152) => 0x0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 32 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999151) => 0x20
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 34 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999150) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 36 -o- RETURN (g) 1 (199999999999149) => (32) 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #6 6000000000000000000 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [STATE] (~) 7aedf344cb93797771e4821a16278826c31128f1f2b5af489e6d2a00bde1d246
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [STATE] 98dbb3991d0cd6a1003eb1308e53a6e1e66e1d78: #1 0 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #6 6000000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #7 6000000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [STATE] 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (code) 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a gas: 199999999999180 (d) 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e6775d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 0 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999179) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 2 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999178) => 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e67
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 3 -o- SLOAD (g) 20 (199999999999158) {0x6772656574696e67 : 0x75d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0}
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 4 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999157) => 0x1b
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 6 -o- JUMPI (g) 1 (199999999999156) ~> 27 (t)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 27 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999155) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 29 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999154) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 31 -o- MSTORE (g) 2 (199999999999152) => 0x0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 32 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999151) => 0x20
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 34 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999150) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 36 -o- RETURN (g) 1 (199999999999149) => (32) 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #7 6000000000000000000 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [STATE] (~) 0d0f73a201bb784b735e9ec2ff2cab56613920a678009f146c4df61269fad16d
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [STATE] 98dbb3991d0cd6a1003eb1308e53a6e1e66e1d78: #1 0 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #7 6000000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #8 6000000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [STATE] 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (code) 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a gas: 199999999999180 (d) 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006170706c65f7e5703df30279f48c8ccf13f1594ab6374a56ffe84e511d3664c726749e018a
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 0 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999179) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 2 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999178) => 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006170706c65
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 3 -o- SLOAD (g) 20 (199999999999158) {0x6170706c65 : 0xf7e5703df30279f48c8ccf13f1594ab6374a56ffe84e511d3664c726749e018a}
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 4 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999157) => 0x1b
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 6 -o- JUMPI (g) 1 (199999999999156) ~> 27 (t)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 27 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999155) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 29 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999154) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 31 -o- MSTORE (g) 2 (199999999999152) => 0x0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 32 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999151) => 0x20
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 34 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999150) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [VM] (pc) 36 -o- RETURN (g) 1 (199999999999149) => (32) 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #8 6000000000000000000 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [STATE] 98dbb3991d0cd6a1003eb1308e53a6e1e66e1d78: #1 1500000000000000000 (+ 1500000000000000000)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [STATE] Processed block #7 (93f0abbd...)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [CHAIN] Block #7 passed (93f0abbd...)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [CHAIN] Imported 1 blocks. #7 (93f0abbd) / 7 (93f0abbd)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:25 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:35 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:45 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:55 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:05 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:15 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:25 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:35 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:45 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:55 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:05 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:15 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:25 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:35 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:45 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:55 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:02 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:02 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:02 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:05 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:15 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:25 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:32 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:32 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:32 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:35 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:45 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:55 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:05 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:15 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:25 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:35 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:45 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:55 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:05 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:15 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:25 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:35 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:45 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:55 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:05 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:15 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:25 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:35 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:45 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:55 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:05 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:12 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:12 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:15 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:25 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:35 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:45 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:55 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:05 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:12 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:12 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:12 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:15 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:25 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:35 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:45 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:55 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:05 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:12 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:12 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:12 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:15 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Started GET /helloworld/ for
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] [Static] Serving /helloworld/index.html
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Completed 200 OK in 1.754167ms
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Started GET /helloworld/js/helloworld.js for
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] [Static] Serving /helloworld/js/helloworld.js
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Completed 200 OK in 215.511µs
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Started GET /favicon.ico for
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Completed 404 Not Found in 140.188µs
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Started POST /apis/helloworld/files for
helloworldwrite_1 | Stuff
helloworldwrite_1 | URL /apis/helloworld/files
helloworldwrite_1 | REQUEST: {"URL":{"Scheme":"","Opaque":"","User":null,"Host":"","Path":"/apis/helloworld/files","RawQuery":"","Fragment":""},"Method":"POST","Host":"helloworldwrite:3000","Header":{"Accept":["*/*"],"Accept-Encoding":["gzip, deflate"],"Accept-Language":["en-US,en;q=0.8"],"Connection":["keep-alive"],"Content-Length":["42"],"Content-Type":["text/plain;charset=UTF-8"],"Origin":["http://helloworldwrite:3000"],"Referer":["http://helloworldwrite:3000/helloworld/"],"User-Agent":["Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.65 Safari/537.36"]},"Body":"{\"name\":\"greeting\",\"data\":\"Hello, world!\"}"}
helloworldwrite_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:20:24 URLOBJ: map[path:[files] options:map[] error:]
helloworldwrite_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:20:24 Working
helloworldwrite_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:20:24 BODYOBJ: map[name:greeting data:Hello, world!]
helloworldwrite_1 | POSTing
helloworldwrite_1 | response Status: 201 Created
helloworldwrite_1 | response Headers: map[Location:[/ipfs/QmWGeRAEgtsHW3ec7U4qW2CyVy7eA2mFRVbk1nb24jFyks] Date:[Thu, 04 Jun 2015 16:20:24 GMT] Content-Length:[0] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8] Ipfs-Hash:[QmWGeRAEgtsHW3ec7U4qW2CyVy7eA2mFRVbk1nb24jFyks]]
helloworldwrite_1 | REQUEST:
helloworldwrite_1 | HASH: QmWGeRAEgtsHW3ec7U4qW2CyVy7eA2mFRVbk1nb24jFyks
helloworldwrite_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:20:24 Pushing stuff to monk. TxData: [0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e67 0x75d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0]
helloworldwrite_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:20:24 Root contract: 0x28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a
helloworldwrite_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:20:24
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:24 [TXP] (t) ba7dcc6c => 28acdd4b (0) 33b584fa75e3543ec0319993b5de93061888336a79f061f35f9dc11feaf5e00c
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:24 [MONK] Start mining
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:25 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:27 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newBlock
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:27 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newTx:pre
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:27 [REACTOR] added new subscription to chainReady
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:27 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newBlock
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:27 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newTx:pre
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:27 [MINER] Started
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:27 [STATE] (~) 47fd17d97444b2be7bf14b14b50de8b99231e2fdba8f568f4f73bea151e11e74
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:27 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #8 6000000000000000000 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:27 [STATE] 98dbb3991d0cd6a1003eb1308e53a6e1e66e1d78: #1 1500000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:27 [MINER] Stopping...
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:27 [STATE] 98dbb3991d0cd6a1003eb1308e53a6e1e66e1d78: #2 1500000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:27 [STATE] fbf8d38a8cc3b0a2b62d1df47f636ae134ef948c: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:27 [VM] (code) fbf8d38a8cc3b0a2b62d1df47f636ae134ef948c gas: 199999999999180 (d) 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000070656172b2e347327c58f44ea8a7d7b7f24449dc7ee65f09a87f1a4c31335b30bd3ab8de
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:27 [VM] (pc) 0 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999179) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:27 [VM] (pc) 2 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999178) => 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000070656172
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:27 [VM] (pc) 3 -o- SLOAD (g) 20 (199999999999158) {0x70656172 : 0xb2e347327c58f44ea8a7d7b7f24449dc7ee65f09a87f1a4c31335b30bd3ab8de}
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:27 [VM] (pc) 4 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999157) => 0x1b
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:27 [VM] (pc) 6 -o- JUMPI (g) 1 (199999999999156) ~> 27 (t)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:27 [VM] (pc) 27 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999155) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:27 [VM] (pc) 29 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999154) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:27 [VM] (pc) 31 -o- MSTORE (g) 2 (199999999999152) => 0x0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:27 [VM] (pc) 32 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999151) => 0x20
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:27 [VM] (pc) 34 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999150) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:27 [VM] (pc) 36 -o- RETURN (g) 1 (199999999999149) => (32) 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:27 [STATE] 98dbb3991d0cd6a1003eb1308e53a6e1e66e1d78: #2 1500000000000000000 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:27 [STATE] (~) 33b584fa75e3543ec0319993b5de93061888336a79f061f35f9dc11feaf5e00c
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:27 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #8 6000000000000000000 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:27 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #8 6000000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:27 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #9 6000000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:27 [STATE] 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:27 [VM] (code) 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a gas: 199999999999180 (d) 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e6775d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:27 [VM] (pc) 0 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999179) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:27 [VM] (pc) 2 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999178) => 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e67
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:27 [VM] (pc) 3 -o- SLOAD (g) 20 (199999999999158) {0x6772656574696e67 : 0x75d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0}
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:27 [VM] (pc) 4 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999157) => 0x1b
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:27 [VM] (pc) 6 -o- JUMPI (g) 1 (199999999999156) ~> 27 (t)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:27 [VM] (pc) 27 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999155) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:27 [VM] (pc) 29 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999154) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:27 [VM] (pc) 31 -o- MSTORE (g) 2 (199999999999152) => 0x0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:27 [VM] (pc) 32 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999151) => 0x20
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:27 [VM] (pc) 34 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999150) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:27 [VM] (pc) 36 -o- RETURN (g) 1 (199999999999149) => (32) 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:27 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #9 6000000000000000000 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:27 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #9 7500000000000000000 (+ 1500000000000000000)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:27 [MINER] Mining on block 8. Includes 2 transactions
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:28 [POW] Hashing @4khash
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:29 [POW] Hashing @4khash
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [STATE] (~) 47fd17d97444b2be7bf14b14b50de8b99231e2fdba8f568f4f73bea151e11e74
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #8 6000000000000000000 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [STATE] 98dbb3991d0cd6a1003eb1308e53a6e1e66e1d78: #1 1500000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [STATE] 98dbb3991d0cd6a1003eb1308e53a6e1e66e1d78: #2 1500000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [STATE] fbf8d38a8cc3b0a2b62d1df47f636ae134ef948c: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [VM] (code) fbf8d38a8cc3b0a2b62d1df47f636ae134ef948c gas: 199999999999180 (d) 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000070656172b2e347327c58f44ea8a7d7b7f24449dc7ee65f09a87f1a4c31335b30bd3ab8de
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [VM] (pc) 0 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999179) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [VM] (pc) 2 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999178) => 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000070656172
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [VM] (pc) 3 -o- SLOAD (g) 20 (199999999999158) {0x70656172 : 0xb2e347327c58f44ea8a7d7b7f24449dc7ee65f09a87f1a4c31335b30bd3ab8de}
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [VM] (pc) 4 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999157) => 0x1b
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [VM] (pc) 6 -o- JUMPI (g) 1 (199999999999156) ~> 27 (t)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [VM] (pc) 27 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999155) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [VM] (pc) 29 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999154) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [VM] (pc) 31 -o- MSTORE (g) 2 (199999999999152) => 0x0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [VM] (pc) 32 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999151) => 0x20
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [VM] (pc) 34 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999150) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [VM] (pc) 36 -o- RETURN (g) 1 (199999999999149) => (32) 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [STATE] 98dbb3991d0cd6a1003eb1308e53a6e1e66e1d78: #2 1500000000000000000 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [STATE] (~) 33b584fa75e3543ec0319993b5de93061888336a79f061f35f9dc11feaf5e00c
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #8 6000000000000000000 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #8 6000000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #9 6000000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [STATE] 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [VM] (code) 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a gas: 199999999999180 (d) 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e6775d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [VM] (pc) 0 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999179) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [VM] (pc) 2 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999178) => 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e67
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [VM] (pc) 3 -o- SLOAD (g) 20 (199999999999158) {0x6772656574696e67 : 0x75d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0}
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [VM] (pc) 4 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999157) => 0x1b
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [VM] (pc) 6 -o- JUMPI (g) 1 (199999999999156) ~> 27 (t)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [VM] (pc) 27 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999155) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [VM] (pc) 29 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999154) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [VM] (pc) 31 -o- MSTORE (g) 2 (199999999999152) => 0x0
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [VM] (pc) 32 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999151) => 0x20
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [VM] (pc) 34 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999150) => 0x00
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [VM] (pc) 36 -o- RETURN (g) 1 (199999999999149) => (32) 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #9 6000000000000000000 (+ 0)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #9 7500000000000000000 (+ 1500000000000000000)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [STATE] Processed block #8 (4ef8ed1a...)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [CHAIN] Block #8 passed (4ef8ed1a...)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [CHAIN] Imported 1 blocks. #8 (4ef8ed1a) / 8 (4ef8ed1a)
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [MINER] posting new block!
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [MINER] 🔨 Mined block 4ef8ed1a71e7868d83ec894dea126b28dbfc00c27d48400042579ad846359f7e
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [MINER]
helloworldwrite_1 |  BLOCK(4ef8ed1a71e7868d83ec894dea126b28dbfc00c27d48400042579ad846359f7e): Size: 712.00 B
helloworldwrite_1 |  PrevHash: 93f0abbd4c67f304f6a8c6176ecd78e1b958785e2abc7cb516856ea19801e9a8
helloworldwrite_1 |  UncleSha: 1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347
helloworldwrite_1 |  Coinbase: ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129
helloworldwrite_1 |  Root: d95d8dba391ca7e45f2f9cbbe0509b890d09bd899e4800205eaded9e59b4a668
helloworldwrite_1 |  TxSha: ccf6a3040ea273a114940a584441065e3a1935ce6fb9c8c319398e253f8174e5
helloworldwrite_1 |  Difficulty: 32768
helloworldwrite_1 |  Number: 8
helloworldwrite_1 |  MinGas: 10000000000000
helloworldwrite_1 |  MaxLimit: 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
helloworldwrite_1 |  GasUsed: 0
helloworldwrite_1 |  Time: 1433434827
helloworldwrite_1 |  Extra:
helloworldwrite_1 |  Nonce: 63bef7225b265782f6bafddb6a29d1a45d9e0e79361fb819aae226df08657034
helloworldwrite_1 |  NumTx: 2
helloworldwrite_1 | 
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [MINER] Stopped
helloworldwrite_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:20:30 Json string of resp obj:
helloworldwrite_1 | {"Body":"Not supported.","Header":{},"Status":200}
helloworldwrite_1 | [Webserver] 2015/06/04 16:20:30 Response status message: 200
helloworldwrite_1 | [Webserver] 2015/06/04 16:20:30 Response header stuff: map[]
helloworldwrite_1 | [martini] Completed 200 OK in 5.941587849s
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [REACTOR] subscribing channel 2 to event newBlock blocked. skipping
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [REACTOR] subscribing channel 3 to event newBlock blocked. skipping
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [REACTOR] removed subscription to newBlock
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [REACTOR] removed subscription to newTx:pre
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [REACTOR] removed subscription to newBlock
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [REACTOR] removed subscription to newTx:pre
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [MONK] Stopped mining
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:35 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:45 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:55 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:05 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:15 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:25 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:35 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:45 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:55 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:05 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:15 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:22 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:22 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:22 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:25 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:32 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:32 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:32 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:35 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:45 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:55 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:05 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:15 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:22 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:22 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:25 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:35 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:45 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:55 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:05 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:12 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:12 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:12 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:15 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:25 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:35 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:45 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:55 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:01 [PEER] Connec2015/06/04 15:40:03 compiling remotely... http://compilers:9099/compile
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
100 7 100 7 0 0 214 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 218
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
100 7 100 7 0 0 52 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 53
Hello World Writer's DOUG Contract is at:
Attaching to helloworlddapp_helloworldread_1
helloworldread_1 | 
helloworldread_1 | 
helloworldread_1 | My environment good sir:
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_30303_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_30304_TCP_PORT=30304
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_NAME=/helloworlddapp_helloworldread_1/helloworlddapp_helloworldmaster_1
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_4001_TCP_PORT=4001
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_PORT_9098_TCP_PORT=9098
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_30304_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_4001_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_5001_TCP_PORT=5001
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_ENV_GOPATH=/go
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15254_TCP_END=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_ENV_GOPATH=/go
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_PORT_9098_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_PORT_9099_TCP_PORT=9099
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_3000_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_5001_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_PORT_9099_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15254_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_8080_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | HOSTNAME=ea04dda6a305
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_15254_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_4001_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_15254_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_NAME=/helloworlddapp_helloworldread_1/helloworldwrite
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15255_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_PORT_4001_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_4001_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_COMPILERS_1_PORT=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15256_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_PORT_5001_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_5001_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_8080_TCP_PORT=8080
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_1_ENV_GOLANG_VERSION=1.4.2
helloworldread_1 | HOME=/home/eris
helloworldread_1 | OLDPWD=/go/src/
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_3005_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_4002_UDP=udp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_15254_TCP_PORT=15254
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15254_TCP_PORT_START=15254
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_PORT_4001_TCP_PORT=4001
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_1_ENV_GOPATH=/go
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_8080_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_3000_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_15254_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_30303_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_COMPILERS_1_NAME=/helloworlddapp_helloworldread_1/helloworlddapp_compilers_1
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_8080_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_PORT_4001_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_PORT_5001_TCP_PORT=5001
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_ENV_GOPATH=/go
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_ENV_CONTAINERS=true
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_30304_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_4001_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_ENV_user=eris
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_PORT_5001_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_PORT_9098_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_4001_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_ENV_user=eris
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_5001_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_ENV_MASTER=true
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_PORT_9099_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_1_PORT=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_3000_TCP_PORT=3000
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_COMPILERS_1_PORT_9098_TCP_PORT=9098
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_8080_TCP_PORT=8080
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_3000_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_COMPILERS_1_PORT_9099_TCP_PORT=9099
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15254_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_8080_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_3005_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_4001_TCP_PORT=4001
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_4002_UDP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_NAME=/helloworlddapp_helloworldread_1/helloworlddapp_helloworldwrite_1
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15255_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_ENV_GOPATH=/go
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_1_ENV_repository=lllc-server
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_1_NAME=/helloworlddapp_helloworldread_1/ipfs_1
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_1_ENV_IPFS_PATH=/data/ipfs
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_4001_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_ENV_GOPATH=/go
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15256_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_PORT_8080_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_1_ENV_DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_8080_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_3005_TCP_PORT=3005
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_4002_UDP_PORT=4002
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_15254_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15254_TCP_START=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_PORT_4001_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_3005_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_4002_UDP_PROTO=udp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_30303_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_PORT_5001_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_1_ENV_GOLANG_VERSION=1.4.2
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_30304_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_ENV_user=eris
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_NAME=/helloworlddapp_helloworldread_1/helloworlddapp_ipfs_1
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_ENV_IPFS_PATH=/data/ipfs
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15254_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_NAME=/helloworlddapp_helloworldread_1/helloworldmaster_1
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_PORT_8080_TCP_PORT=8080
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_ENV_GOLANG_VERSION=1.4.2
helloworldread_1 | user=eris
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15254_TCP_PORT_START=15254
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15254_TCP_PORT_END=15256
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15255_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_PORT_8080_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_ENV_GOPATH=/go
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_3000_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_3000_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_COMPILERS_1_PORT_9098_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_8080_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15256_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_ENV_FETCH_PORT=15256
helloworldread_1 | PATH=/go/bin:/usr/src/go/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_COMPILERS_1_PORT_9099_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15254_TCP_PORT=15254
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_1_PORT=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_4001_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_ENV_DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_4001_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_ENV_user=eris
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_ENV_MASTER=true
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15254_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15255_TCP_PORT=15255
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_PORT=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_30303_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_3000_TCP_PORT=3000
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15255_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15256_TCP_PORT=15256
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_30304_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_3000_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15256_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_1_PORT_9098_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_1_NAME=/helloworlddapp_helloworldread_1/compilers_1
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_3005_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_4002_UDP=udp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_15254_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_3005_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_4001_TCP_PORT=4001
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_4002_UDP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_NAME=/helloworlddapp_helloworldread_1/ipfs
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_ENV_IPFS_PATH=/data/ipfs
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_ENV_repository=lllc-server
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_1_PORT_9099_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_30303_TCP_PORT=30303
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_4001_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_ENV_GOPATH=/go
helloworldread_1 | DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_30303_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_30304_TCP_PORT=30304
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_PORT_8080_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_ENV_DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_1_PORT_9098_TCP_PORT=9098
helloworldread_1 | GOPATH=/go
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_30304_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_3005_TCP_PORT=3005
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_4002_UDP_PORT=4002
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15254_TCP_START=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15254_TCP_END=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_1_PORT_9098_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_1_PORT_9099_TCP_PORT=9099
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_3005_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_4002_UDP_PROTO=udp
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_ENV_GOLANG_VERSION=1.4.2
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_1_PORT_9099_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15254_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_NAME=/helloworlddapp_helloworldread_1/helloworldmaster
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15254_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_15254_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_NAME=/helloworlddapp_helloworldread_1/helloworldwrite_1
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_ENV_user=eris
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15254_TCP_PORT_END=15256
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15255_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15255_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_4001_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_3000_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15256_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_ENV_FETCH_PORT=15256
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15256_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_5001_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15254_TCP_PORT=15254
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_PORT=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | PWD=/home/eris/.eris/dapps/helloworld
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_15254_TCP_PORT=15254
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_4001_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_ENV_DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15254_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15255_TCP_PORT=15255
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_4001_TCP_PORT=4001
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_15254_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_30303_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_30303_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15255_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15256_TCP_PORT=15256
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_4001_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_5001_TCP_PORT=5001
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_1_ENV_GOPATH=/go
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_30304_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_30304_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_COMPILERS_1_ENV_repository=lllc-server
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_4001_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15256_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_ENV_user=eris
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_PORT_9098_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_NAME=/helloworlddapp_helloworldread_1/compilers
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_1_PORT_9098_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_5001_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | ROOT_CONTRACT=
helloworldread_1 | CONTAINERS=true
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_3005_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_4002_UDP=udp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_5001_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_PORT_9099_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_1_PORT_9099_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | GOLANG_VERSION=1.4.2
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_30303_TCP_PORT=30303
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_COMPILERS_1_ENV_DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
helloworldread_1 | 
helloworldread_1 | 
helloworldread_1 | Am fetching the genesis block and catching up the chain.
helloworldread_1 | 
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:59 [EPM-CLI] Fetched genesis block for chain f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:59 [EPM-CLI] Checked out chain: thelonious/f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:59 [EPM-CLI] Created ref helloworld to point to chain f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:59 [EPM-CLI] Running chain thelonious/f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:59 [EPM-CLI] Root directory: /home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256/0
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:59 [MONK] Root directory /home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256/0
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:59 [DOUG] Loading genesis config:/home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256/0/genesis.json
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:59 [MONK] Loaded genesis configuration from: /home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256/0/genesis.json
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:59 [MONK] Identity created
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:59 [CHAIN] Found genesis block
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:59 [CHAIN] Last block (#0) bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:59 [CHAIN] ChainID (f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:59 [CHAIN] Genesis (bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:59 [CHAIN] Updating checkpoint block: (#0) bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:59 [MONK] Created thelonious node
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:59 [REACTOR] started
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:59 [SERV] Ready and accepting connections
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:59 [SERV] Server started
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:59 [SERV] Connecting to peer: helloworldmaster:15254
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:59 [SERV] Peer handling started
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:59 [SERV] Added peer ( 1 / 10 ([eth])
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:59 [SERV] Peer is [eth] capable. (TD = 0 ~ bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1) 33 / 0
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:59 [SERV] Added peer ( 2 / 10 ([eth])
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:39:59 [SERV] Peer is [eth] capable. (TD = 0 ~ bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1) 33 / 0
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [EPM-CLI] Loading chain
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [EPM-CLI] Root directory: /home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256/0
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [MONK] Root directory /home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256/0
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [DOUG] Loading genesis config:/home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256/0/genesis.json
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [DOUG] Setting Doug Deployer: NoGenDoug=true, ModelName=, Path=
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [MONK] Loaded genesis configuration from: /home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256/0/genesis.json
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [MONK] Identity created
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [CHAIN] Found genesis block
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [CHAIN] Last block (#0) bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [CHAIN] ChainID (f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [CHAIN] Genesis (bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [CHAIN] Updating checkpoint block: (#0) bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [MONK] Created thelonious node
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [REACTOR] added new subscription to chainReady
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [REACTOR] started
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [REACTOR] added new subscription to chainReady
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [SERV] Ready and accepting connections
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [SERV] Server started
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [SERV] Connecting to peer: helloworldmaster:15254
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [SERV] Peer handling started
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newBlock
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [REACTOR] added new subscription to messages
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newBlock
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [REACTOR] subscribing channel 1 to event chainReady blocked. skipping
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [REACTOR] removed subscription to chainReady
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [EPM-CLI] Contract root:/home/eris/.eris/dapps/helloworld/contracts
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [EPM-CLI] Pkg path:.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [EPM-CLI] There was no test found for package-definition %s. Deploying without test ...
helloworldread_1 | helloworld
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [EPM] Parsing helloworld.pdx
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 compiling remotely... http://compilers:9099/compile
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [EPM] Executing job: deploy
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [EPM] ResolvedArgs:[./test.lll ROOT]
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [EPM] Deploying contract:./test.lll
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [EPM] Contract path:/home/eris/.eris/dapps/helloworld/contracts/test.lll
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [SERV] Added peer ( 1 / 10 ([eth])
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [PEER] [connected] (outbound) eris:db(thelonious)/v0.9.0/linux/go1.4.2 [Peer discovery | Block chain relaying | Transaction relaying]
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [SERV] Peer is [eth] capable. (TD = 0 ~ bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1) 33 / 0
helloworldread_1 | Storing: ROOT 4e9f69f70fd6aad10db06412fe5726bb55ad49dc
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [EPM] Abi spec:
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [STATE] (+) 2946a070c319b82cb41d3c043fbcb2d6db003421
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [PIPE] Contract addr 4e9f69f70fd6aad10db06412fe5726bb55ad49dc
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [EPM] Deployed 4e9f69f70fd6aad10db06412fe5726bb55ad49dc as ROOT
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [EPM] Stored var ROOT:0x4e9f69f70fd6aad10db06412fe5726bb55ad49dc
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [MONK] Start mining
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [STATE] (+) 2946a070c319b82cb41d3c043fbcb2d6db003421
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [TXP] (t) 2946a070 => 00000000 (0) e017143e91374f0d99a89ec1af28318730cc98b473188abae82b88562b91a2d2
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [SERV] Added peer ( 2 / 10 ([eth])
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [PEER] [connected] (inbound) eris:db(thelonious)/v0.9.0/linux/go1.4.2 [Peer discovery | Block chain relaying | Transaction relaying]
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [SERV] Peer is [eth] capable. (TD = 0 ~ bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1) 33 / 0
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:03 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newBlock
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newTx:pre
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [REACTOR] added new subscription to chainReady
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newBlock
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newTx:pre
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [MINER] Started
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [STATE] (+) 2946a070c319b82cb41d3c043fbcb2d6db003421
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [STATE] (~) e017143e91374f0d99a89ec1af28318730cc98b473188abae82b88562b91a2d2
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [STATE] 2946a070c319b82cb41d3c043fbcb2d6db003421: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [STATE] 2946a070c319b82cb41d3c043fbcb2d6db003421: #0 0 (- 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [STATE] 2946a070c319b82cb41d3c043fbcb2d6db003421: #1 0 (- 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [STATE] (+) 4e9f69f70fd6aad10db06412fe5726bb55ad49dc
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [STATE] 4e9f69f70fd6aad10db06412fe5726bb55ad49dc: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [VM] (init) 4e9f69f70fd6aad10db06412fe5726bb55ad49dc gas: 199999999999215 (d) 63deadbeef60105760258060146000396000f20060003556601b5960203560003557600160005460206000f2602558600060005460206000f2
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [VM] (pc) 0 -o- PUSH4 (g) 1 (199999999999214) => 0xdeadbeef
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [VM] (pc) 5 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999213) => 0x10
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [VM] (pc) 7 -o- SSTORE (g) 200 (199999999999013) {0x10 : 0xdeadbeef}
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [VM] (pc) 8 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999012) => 0x25
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [VM] (pc) 10 -o- DUP1 (g) 1 (199999999999011) => [1] 0x25
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [VM] (pc) 11 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999010) => 0x14
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [VM] (pc) 13 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999009) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [VM] (pc) 15 -o- CODECOPY (g) 3 (199999999999006)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [VM] (pc) 16 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999005) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [VM] (pc) 18 -o- RETURN (g) 1 (199999999999004) => (37) 0x60003556601b5960203560003557600160005460206000f2602558600060005460206000f2
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [STATE] 2946a070c319b82cb41d3c043fbcb2d6db003421: #1 0 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [STATE] 2946a070c319b82cb41d3c043fbcb2d6db003421: #1 1500000000000000000 (+ 1500000000000000000)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:06 [MINER] Mining on block 1. Includes 1 transactions
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:07 [POW] Hashing @3khash
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [STATE] (+) 2946a070c319b82cb41d3c043fbcb2d6db003421
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [STATE] (~) e017143e91374f0d99a89ec1af28318730cc98b473188abae82b88562b91a2d2
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [STATE] 2946a070c319b82cb41d3c043fbcb2d6db003421: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [STATE] 2946a070c319b82cb41d3c043fbcb2d6db003421: #0 0 (- 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [STATE] 2946a070c319b82cb41d3c043fbcb2d6db003421: #1 0 (- 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [STATE] (+) 4e9f69f70fd6aad10db06412fe5726bb55ad49dc
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [STATE] 4e9f69f70fd6aad10db06412fe5726bb55ad49dc: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [VM] (init) 4e9f69f70fd6aad10db06412fe5726bb55ad49dc gas: 199999999999215 (d) 63deadbeef60105760258060146000396000f20060003556601b5960203560003557600160005460206000f2602558600060005460206000f2
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [VM] (pc) 0 -o- PUSH4 (g) 1 (199999999999214) => 0xdeadbeef
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [VM] (pc) 5 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999213) => 0x10
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [VM] (pc) 7 -o- SSTORE (g) 200 (199999999999013) {0x10 : 0xdeadbeef}
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [VM] (pc) 8 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999012) => 0x25
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [VM] (pc) 10 -o- DUP1 (g) 1 (199999999999011) => [1] 0x25
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [VM] (pc) 11 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999010) => 0x14
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [VM] (pc) 13 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999009) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [VM] (pc) 15 -o- CODECOPY (g) 3 (199999999999006)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [VM] (pc) 16 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999005) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [VM] (pc) 18 -o- RETURN (g) 1 (199999999999004) => (37) 0x60003556601b5960203560003557600160005460206000f2602558600060005460206000f2
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [STATE] 2946a070c319b82cb41d3c043fbcb2d6db003421: #1 0 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [STATE] 2946a070c319b82cb41d3c043fbcb2d6db003421: #1 1500000000000000000 (+ 1500000000000000000)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [STATE] Processed block #1 (965668c4...)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [CHAIN] Block #1 passed (965668c4...)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [CHAIN] Imported 1 blocks. #1 (965668c4) / 1 (965668c4)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [MINER] posting new block!
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [MINER] 🔨 Mined block 965668c4abd8b8ba5ffec5eadd1c7f9daf6f8b97f711608ece109edb51841274
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [MINER]
helloworldread_1 |  BLOCK(965668c4abd8b8ba5ffec5eadd1c7f9daf6f8b97f711608ece109edb51841274): Size: 480.00 B
helloworldread_1 |  PrevHash: bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1
helloworldread_1 |  UncleSha: 1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347
helloworldread_1 |  Coinbase: 2946a070c319b82cb41d3c043fbcb2d6db003421
helloworldread_1 |  Root: dd00ad123e741ab8d537d0db14af8b917e6106626007ef401d6fd1c1a36dcc4e
helloworldread_1 |  TxSha: 8f858da5f64cfee376602fb0eff8793808526d41304c38de5c142f917ff4d5a6
helloworldread_1 |  Difficulty: 32768
helloworldread_1 |  Number: 1
helloworldread_1 |  MinGas: 10000000000000
helloworldread_1 |  MaxLimit: 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
helloworldread_1 |  GasUsed: 0
helloworldread_1 |  Time: 1433432406
helloworldread_1 |  Extra:
helloworldread_1 |  Nonce: 8ca4a27666601e2acd2f0234c08b6ac5c34a8b8f2e91e33df8e12d82eaa83ba3
helloworldread_1 |  NumTx: 1
helloworldread_1 | 
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [STATE] 2946a070c319b82cb41d3c043fbcb2d6db003421: #1 3000000000000000000 (+ 1500000000000000000)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [MINER] Mining on block 2. Includes 0 transactions
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [REACTOR] subscribing channel 1 to event newBlock blocked. skipping
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [REACTOR] subscribing channel 2 to event newBlock blocked. skipping
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [REACTOR] subscribing channel 3 to event newBlock blocked. skipping
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [POW] Breaking from mining
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [STATE] 2946a070c319b82cb41d3c043fbcb2d6db003421: #1 3000000000000000000 (+ 1500000000000000000)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [MINER] Mining on block 2. Includes 0 transactions
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [MINER] Stopping...
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [POW] Breaking from mining
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [MINER] Stopped
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [REACTOR] removed subscription to newBlock
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [REACTOR] removed subscription to newTx:pre
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [REACTOR] removed subscription to newBlock
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [REACTOR] removed subscription to newTx:pre
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [MONK] Stopped mining
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [EPM-CLI] Running chain thelonious/f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [EPM-CLI] Root directory: /home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256/0
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [MONK] Root directory /home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256/0
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [DOUG] Loading genesis config:/home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256/0/genesis.json
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [MONK] Loaded genesis configuration from: /home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256/0/genesis.json
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [MONK] Identity created
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [CHAIN] Found genesis block
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [CHAIN] Last block (#1) 965668c4abd8b8ba5ffec5eadd1c7f9daf6f8b97f711608ece109edb51841274
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [CHAIN] ChainID (f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [CHAIN] Genesis (bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [CHAIN] Updating checkpoint block: (#0) bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [MONK] Created thelonious node
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [REACTOR] started
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [SERV] Ready and accepting connections
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [SERV] Server started
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [SERV] Connecting to peer: helloworldmaster:15254
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [SERV] Peer handling started
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:08 [SERV] Added peer ( 1 / 10 ([eth])
helloworldread_1 | 
helloworldread_1 | 
helloworldread_1 | Configuring package.json with BLOCKCHAIN_ID (f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256) and
helloworldread_1 | ROOT_CONTRACT (0x4e9f69f70fd6aad10db06412fe5726bb55ad49dc) and
helloworldread_1 | PEER_SERVER (helloworldmaster:15254)
helloworldread_1 | 
helloworldread_1 | 
helloworldread_1 | My package.json now looks like this.
helloworldread_1 | {
helloworldread_1 |  "name": "Hello World",
helloworldread_1 |  "id": "helloworld",
helloworldread_1 |  "app_icon": "img/decerver.png",
helloworldread_1 |  "version": "0.0.1",
helloworldread_1 |  "homepage": "",
helloworldread_1 |  "author": {
helloworldread_1 |  "name": "Eris Industries, Ltd.",
helloworldread_1 |  "url": ""
helloworldread_1 |  },
helloworldread_1 |  "repository": {
helloworldread_1 |  "type": "git",
helloworldread_1 |  "url": "git://"
helloworldread_1 |  },
helloworldread_1 |  "bugs": {
helloworldread_1 |  "url": ""
helloworldread_1 |  },
helloworldread_1 |  "licenses": [
helloworldread_1 |  {
helloworldread_1 |  "type": "MIT",
helloworldread_1 |  "url": ""
helloworldread_1 |  }
helloworldread_1 |  ],
helloworldread_1 |  "module_dependencies": [
helloworldread_1 |  {
helloworldread_1 |  "name": "monk",
helloworldread_1 |  "version": "0.0.1",
helloworldread_1 |  "data": {
helloworldread_1 |  "peer_server_address": "helloworldmaster:15254",
helloworldread_1 |  "blockchain_id": "f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256",
helloworldread_1 |  "root_contract": "0x4e9f69f70fd6aad10db06412fe5726bb55ad49dc"
helloworldread_1 |  }
helloworldread_1 |  },
helloworldread_1 |  {
helloworldread_1 |  "name": "ipfs",
helloworldread_1 |  "version": "0.0.1"
helloworldread_1 |  }
helloworldread_1 |  ]
helloworldread_1 | }
helloworldread_1 | 
helloworldread_1 | 
helloworldread_1 | My chain config now looks like this.
helloworldread_1 | {
helloworldread_1 |  "local_host": "",
helloworldread_1 |  "local_port": 15254,
helloworldread_1 |  "listen": true,
helloworldread_1 |  "remote_host": "helloworldmaster",
helloworldread_1 |  "remote_port": 15254,
helloworldread_1 |  "use_seed": true,
helloworldread_1 |  "rpc_host": "",
helloworldread_1 |  "rpc_port": 30304,
helloworldread_1 |  "serve_rpc": false,
helloworldread_1 |  "fetch_port": 50505,
helloworldread_1 |  "chain_id": "",
helloworldread_1 |  "chain_name": "",
helloworldread_1 |  "mining": false,
helloworldread_1 |  "max_peers": 10,
helloworldread_1 |  "client": "eris:db(thelonious)",
helloworldread_1 |  "version": "0.9.0",
helloworldread_1 |  "id": "",
helloworldread_1 |  "key_session": "ocLHuxH8mn",
helloworldread_1 |  "key_store": "file",
helloworldread_1 |  "key_cursor": 0,
helloworldread_1 |  "key_file": "",
helloworldread_1 |  "adversary": 0,
helloworldread_1 |  "use_checkpoint": false,
helloworldread_1 |  "latest_checkpoint": "",
helloworldread_1 |  "config_file": "config",
helloworldread_1 |  "root_dir": "/home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256/0",
helloworldread_1 |  "db_name": "database",
helloworldread_1 |  "db_mem": false,
helloworldread_1 |  "contract_path": "/go/src/",
helloworldread_1 |  "genesis_config": "/go/src/",
helloworldread_1 |  "log_file": "",
helloworldread_1 |  "debug_file": "",
helloworldread_1 |  "log_level": 2
helloworldread_1 | }
helloworldread_1 | 
helloworldread_1 | 
helloworldread_1 | Starting up! (Wheeeeeee says the marmot)
helloworldread_1 | [Decerver Core] 2015/06/04 15:40:12 Starting decerver bootstrapping sequence.
helloworldread_1 | Data directory '/home/eris/.eris/system' doesn't exist, creating it
helloworldread_1 | Data directory '/home/eris/.eris/tempfiles' doesn't exist, creating it
helloworldread_1 | Data directory '/home/eris/.eris/tempfiles/modules' doesn't exist, creating it
helloworldread_1 | Data directory '/home/eris/.eris/tempfiles/dapps' doesn't exist, creating it
helloworldread_1 | Data directory '/home/eris/.eris/modules/ipfs' doesn't exist, creating it
helloworldread_1 | [Decerver Core] 2015/06/04 15:40:12 Registering module 'ipfs'.
helloworldread_1 | Data directory '/home/eris/.eris/modules/lmd' doesn't exist, creating it
helloworldread_1 | [Decerver Core] 2015/06/04 15:40:12 Registering module 'lmd'.
helloworldread_1 | Data directory '/home/eris/.eris/modules/monk' doesn't exist, creating it
helloworldread_1 | [Decerver Core] 2015/06/04 15:40:12 Registering module 'monk'.
helloworldread_1 | [Dapp Manager] 2015/06/04 15:40:12 Registering dapps
helloworldread_1 | [Dapp Manager] 2015/06/04 15:40:12 ## Registering dapp: Hello World ##
helloworldread_1 | [Dapp Manager] 2015/06/04 15:40:12 Loaded javascript file 'DappHttpAPI.js'
helloworldread_1 | [Dapp Manager] 2015/06/04 15:40:12 Loaded javascript file 'HelloWorld.js'
helloworldread_1 | Registering path: helloworld/(.*)
helloworldread_1 | [Dapp Manager] 2015/06/04 15:40:12 Done registering dapps.
helloworldread_1 | [Decerver Core] 2015/06/04 15:40:12 Server started.
helloworldread_1 | [Decerver Core] 2015/06/04 15:40:12 Running...
helloworldread_1 | [martini] listening on (development)
helloworldread_1 | Loading module: lmd
helloworldread_1 | Loading module: monk
helloworldread_1 | Loading module: ipfs
helloworldread_1 |  % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
helloworldread_1 |  Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Started GET /admin/switch/helloworld for [::1]:38528
helloworldread_1 | Url: /admin/switch/helloworld
helloworldread_1 | [Webserver] 2015/06/04 15:40:17 Switching to dapp: helloworld
helloworldread_1 | [Dapp Manager] 2015/06/04 15:40:17 Loading dapp: helloworld
helloworldread_1 | [ScriptEngine] 2015/06/04 15:40:17 Core script loaded.
helloworldread_1 | [ScriptEngine] 2015/06/04 15:40:17 Networking script loaded.
helloworldread_1 | [ScriptEngine] 2015/06/04 15:40:17 Event processing script loaded.
helloworldread_1 | [ScriptEngine] 2015/06/04 15:40:17 Js utilities script loaded.
helloworldread_1 | [ScriptEngine] 2015/06/04 15:40:17 Creating new runtime: helloworld
helloworldread_1 | [ScriptEngine] 2015/06/04 15:40:17 Runtimes: map[helloworld:0xc208081840]
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [MONK] Identity created
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [CHAIN] Found genesis block
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [CHAIN] Last block (#1) 965668c4abd8b8ba5ffec5eadd1c7f9daf6f8b97f711608ece109edb51841274
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [CHAIN] ChainID (f7bb177c2e07ded76ecf6aef1908eb8cbba67256)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [CHAIN] Genesis (bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [CHAIN] Updating checkpoint block: (#0) bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [MONK] Created thelonious node
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [REACTOR] added new subscription to chainReady
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [REACTOR] started
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [REACTOR] added new subscription to chainReady
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [SERV] Ready and accepting connections
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [SERV] Server started
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [SERV] Connecting to peer: helloworldmaster:15254
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newBlock
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [REACTOR] added new subscription to messages
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [SERV] Peer handling started
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newBlock
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [REACTOR] subscribing channel 1 to event chainReady blocked. skipping
helloworldread_1 | [Dapp Manager] 2015/06/04 15:40:17 Root contract: 0x4e9f69f70fd6aad10db06412fe5726bb55ad49dc
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 15:40:17 Creating helloworld.
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 15:40:17 Starting helloworld.
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Completed 200 OK in 78.25972ms
helloworldread_1 | 
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
100 7 100 7 0 0 77 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 78
helloworldread_1 | success2015/06/04 15:40:17 [REACTOR] removed subscription to chainReady
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [SERV] Added peer ( 1 / 10 ([eth])
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [PEER] [connected] (outbound) eris:db(thelonious)/v0.9.0/linux/go1.4.2 [Peer discovery | Block chain relaying | Transaction relaying]
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [SERV] Peer is [eth] capable. (TD = 32768 ~ 965668c4abd8b8ba5ffec5eadd1c7f9daf6f8b97f711608ece109edb51841274) 33 / 0
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [SERV] Added peer ( 2 / 10 ([eth])
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [PEER] [connected] (inbound) eris:db(thelonious)/v0.9.0/linux/go1.4.2 [Peer discovery | Block chain relaying | Transaction relaying]
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [SERV] Peer is [eth] capable. (TD = 32768 ~ 965668c4abd8b8ba5ffec5eadd1c7f9daf6f8b97f711608ece109edb51841274) 33 / 0
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:17 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:27 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:27 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:27 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:27 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:27 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:27 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:37 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:37 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:37 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:37 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:37 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:37 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:47 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:47 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:47 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:47 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:47 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:47 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:57 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:57 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:57 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:57 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:57 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:40:57 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:07 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:07 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:07 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:07 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:07 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:07 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:17 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:17 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:17 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:17 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:17 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:17 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:27 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:27 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:27 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:27 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:27 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:27 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:37 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:37 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:37 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:37 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:37 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:37 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:47 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:47 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:47 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:47 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:47 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:47 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:57 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:57 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:57 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:57 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:57 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:41:57 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:42:07 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:42:07 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:42:07 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:42:07 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:42:07 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:42:07 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:42:17 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:42:17 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:42:17 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:42:17 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:42:17 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:42:17 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 
helloworldread_1 | 
helloworldread_1 | My environment good sir:
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_PORT_9098_TCP_PORT=9098
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_NAME=/helloworlddapp_helloworldread_1/helloworlddapp_helloworldmaster_1
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_4001_TCP_PORT=4001
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_30303_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_30304_TCP_PORT=30304
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_PORT_9098_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_PORT_9099_TCP_PORT=9099
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_4001_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_5001_TCP_PORT=5001
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_ENV_GOPATH=/go
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15254_TCP_END=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_ENV_GOPATH=/go
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_30304_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_PORT_9099_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_5001_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_3000_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15254_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_8080_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | HOSTNAME=ea04dda6a305
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15255_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_PORT_4001_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_4001_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_4001_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_15254_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_NAME=/helloworlddapp_helloworldread_1/helloworldwrite
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_15254_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_COMPILERS_1_PORT=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15256_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_PORT_5001_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_5001_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_8080_TCP_PORT=8080
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_1_ENV_GOLANG_VERSION=1.4.2
helloworldread_1 | HOME=/home/eris
helloworldread_1 | OLDPWD=/go/src/
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_1_ENV_GOPATH=/go
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15254_TCP_PORT_START=15254
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_PORT_4001_TCP_PORT=4001
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_8080_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_3005_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_4002_UDP=udp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_15254_TCP_PORT=15254
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_COMPILERS_1_NAME=/helloworlddapp_helloworldread_1/helloworlddapp_compilers_1
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_8080_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_PORT_4001_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_PORT_5001_TCP_PORT=5001
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_ENV_GOPATH=/go
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_15254_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_30303_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_3000_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_PORT_9098_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_4001_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_ENV_user=eris
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_PORT_5001_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_30304_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_ENV_CONTAINERS=true
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_PORT_9099_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_5001_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_ENV_MASTER=true
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_1_PORT=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_4001_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_ENV_user=eris
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_COMPILERS_1_PORT_9098_TCP_PORT=9098
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_8080_TCP_PORT=8080
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_3000_TCP_PORT=3000
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_COMPILERS_1_PORT_9099_TCP_PORT=9099
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15254_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_8080_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_3000_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_1_ENV_repository=lllc-server
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15255_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_ENV_GOPATH=/go
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_1_NAME=/helloworlddapp_helloworldread_1/ipfs_1
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_1_ENV_IPFS_PATH=/data/ipfs
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_NAME=/helloworlddapp_helloworldread_1/helloworlddapp_helloworldwrite_1
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_3005_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_4001_TCP_PORT=4001
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_4002_UDP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15256_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_4001_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_ENV_GOPATH=/go
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_1_ENV_DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_PORT_8080_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_8080_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15254_TCP_START=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_PORT_4001_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_15254_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_3005_TCP_PORT=3005
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_4002_UDP_PORT=4002
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_1_ENV_GOLANG_VERSION=1.4.2
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_PORT_5001_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_30303_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_3005_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_4002_UDP_PROTO=udp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_ENV_user=eris
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_NAME=/helloworlddapp_helloworldread_1/helloworlddapp_ipfs_1
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_ENV_IPFS_PATH=/data/ipfs
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15254_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_NAME=/helloworlddapp_helloworldread_1/helloworldmaster_1
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_PORT_8080_TCP_PORT=8080
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_ENV_GOLANG_VERSION=1.4.2
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_30304_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | user=eris
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_ENV_GOPATH=/go
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15254_TCP_PORT_START=15254
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15254_TCP_PORT_END=15256
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15255_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_PORT_8080_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_COMPILERS_1_PORT_9098_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_8080_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15256_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_ENV_FETCH_PORT=15256
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_3000_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_3000_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | PATH=/go/bin:/usr/src/go/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_1_PORT=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_COMPILERS_1_PORT_9099_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15254_TCP_PORT=15254
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_ENV_MASTER=true
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15254_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15255_TCP_PORT=15255
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_PORT=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_4001_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_ENV_user=eris
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_4001_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_ENV_DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15255_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15256_TCP_PORT=15256
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_3000_TCP_PORT=3000
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_30303_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_1_PORT_9098_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_1_NAME=/helloworlddapp_helloworldread_1/compilers_1
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15256_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_3000_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_30304_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_ENV_repository=lllc-server
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_1_PORT_9099_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_NAME=/helloworlddapp_helloworldread_1/ipfs
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_ENV_IPFS_PATH=/data/ipfs
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_15254_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_3005_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_4001_TCP_PORT=4001
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_4002_UDP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_3005_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_4002_UDP=udp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_4001_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_ENV_GOPATH=/go
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_30303_TCP_PORT=30303
helloworldread_1 | DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_ENV_DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_1_PORT_9098_TCP_PORT=9098
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_PORT_8080_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_30303_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_30304_TCP_PORT=30304
helloworldread_1 | GOPATH=/go
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_1_PORT_9098_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_1_PORT_9099_TCP_PORT=9099
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15254_TCP_START=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15254_TCP_END=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_3005_TCP_PORT=3005
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_4002_UDP_PORT=4002
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_30304_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_ENV_GOLANG_VERSION=1.4.2
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_1_PORT_9099_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_3005_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_4002_UDP_PROTO=udp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15254_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_NAME=/helloworlddapp_helloworldread_1/helloworldmaster
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15254_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15254_TCP_PORT_END=15256
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15255_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15255_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_4001_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_ENV_user=eris
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_15254_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_NAME=/helloworlddapp_helloworldread_1/helloworldwrite_1
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15256_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_ENV_FETCH_PORT=15256
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_PORT_15256_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_5001_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_3000_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_PORT=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15254_TCP_PORT=15254
helloworldread_1 | PWD=/home/eris/.eris/dapps/helloworld
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15254_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15255_TCP_PORT=15255
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_4001_TCP_PORT=4001
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_4001_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_ENV_DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_15254_TCP_PORT=15254
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15255_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15256_TCP_PORT=15256
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_4001_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_5001_TCP_PORT=5001
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_1_ENV_GOPATH=/go
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_30303_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_15254_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_30303_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_PORT_9098_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_NAME=/helloworlddapp_helloworldread_1/compilers
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_1_PORT_9098_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_COMPILERS_1_ENV_repository=lllc-server
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_4001_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_PORT_15256_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDMASTER_1_ENV_user=eris
helloworldread_1 | IPFS_1_PORT_5001_TCP_PROTO=tcp
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_30304_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_1_PORT_30304_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | ROOT_CONTRACT=
helloworldread_1 | CONTAINERS=true
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_PORT_9099_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | COMPILERS_1_PORT_9099_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_IPFS_1_PORT_5001_TCP_ADDR=
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_3005_TCP=tcp://
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_4002_UDP=udp://
helloworldread_1 | GOLANG_VERSION=1.4.2
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDDAPP_COMPILERS_1_ENV_DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
helloworldread_1 | HELLOWORLDWRITE_PORT_30303_TCP_PORT=30303
helloworldread_1 | 
helloworldread_1 | 
helloworldread_1 | Am fetching the genesis block and catching up the chain.
helloworldread_1 | 
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:43 [EPM-CLI] Fetched genesis block for chain 57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:43 [EPM-CLI] Checked out chain: thelonious/57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:43 [EPM-CLI] Ref helloworld already exists
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:44 [EPM-CLI] Running chain thelonious/57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:44 [EPM-CLI] Root directory: /home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18/0
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:44 [MONK] Root directory /home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18/0
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:44 [DOUG] Loading genesis config:/home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18/0/genesis.json
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:44 [MONK] Loaded genesis configuration from: /home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18/0/genesis.json
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:44 [MONK] Identity created
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:44 [CHAIN] Found genesis block
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:44 [CHAIN] Last block (#0) bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:44 [CHAIN] ChainID (57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:44 [CHAIN] Genesis (bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:44 [CHAIN] Updating checkpoint block: (#0) bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:44 [MONK] Created thelonious node
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:44 [REACTOR] started
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:44 [SERV] Ready and accepting connections
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:44 [SERV] Server started
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:44 [SERV] Connecting to peer: helloworldmaster:15254
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:44 [SERV] Peer handling started
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:44 [SERV] Added peer ( 1 / 10 ([eth])
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:44 [SERV] Peer is [eth] capable. (TD = 32768 ~ b2dc42dc77c9a8aa1e88b5e8604515610a4cdb3aed568ef959c6a7ee94050d0a) 33 / 0
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:44 [PEER] Found common hash (bed1bf5c...)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:44 [SERV] Added peer ( 2 / 10 ([eth])
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:44 [SERV] Peer is [eth] capable. (TD = 32768 ~ b2dc42dc77c9a8aa1e88b5e8604515610a4cdb3aed568ef959c6a7ee94050d0a) 33 / 0
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:44 [PEER] Found common hash (bed1bf5c...)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:44 [STATE] Processed block #1 (b2dc42dc...)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:44 [CHAIN] Imported 1 blocks. #1 (b2dc42dc) / 1 (b2dc42dc)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [EPM-CLI] Loading chain
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [EPM-CLI] Root directory: /home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18/0
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [MONK] Root directory /home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18/0
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [DOUG] Loading genesis config:/home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18/0/genesis.json
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [DOUG] Setting Doug Deployer: NoGenDoug=true, ModelName=, Path=
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [MONK] Loaded genesis configuration from: /home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18/0/genesis.json
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [MONK] Identity created
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [CHAIN] Found genesis block
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [CHAIN] Last block (#1) b2dc42dc77c9a8aa1e88b5e8604515610a4cdb3aed568ef959c6a7ee94050d0a
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [CHAIN] ChainID (57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [CHAIN] Genesis (bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [CHAIN] Updating checkpoint block: (#0) bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [MONK] Created thelonious node
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [REACTOR] added new subscription to chainReady
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [REACTOR] started
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [REACTOR] added new subscription to chainReady
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [SERV] Ready and accepting connections
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [SERV] Server started
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [SERV] Connecting to peer: helloworldmaster:15254
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [SERV] Peer handling started
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newBlock
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newBlock
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [REACTOR] added new subscription to messages
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [REACTOR] subscribing channel 1 to event chainReady blocked. skipping
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [REACTOR] removed subscription to chainReady
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [EPM-CLI] Contract root:/home/eris/.eris/dapps/helloworld/contracts
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [EPM-CLI] Pkg path:.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [EPM-CLI] There was no test found for package-definition %s. Deploying without test ...
helloworldread_1 | helloworld
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [EPM] Parsing helloworld.pdx
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [EPM] Executing job: deploy
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [EPM] ResolvedArgs:[./test.lll ROOT]
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [EPM] Deploying contract:./test.lll
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [EPM] Contract path:/home/eris/.eris/dapps/helloworld/contracts/test.lll
helloworldread_1 | Storing: ROOT fbf8d38a8cc3b0a2b62d1df47f636ae134ef948c
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [EPM] Abi spec:
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [STATE] (+) 9a7f511aa5b1ca3bf495500dab3ead62db3a5cee
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [PIPE] Contract addr fbf8d38a8cc3b0a2b62d1df47f636ae134ef948c
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [EPM] Deployed fbf8d38a8cc3b0a2b62d1df47f636ae134ef948c as ROOT
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [EPM] Stored var ROOT:0xfbf8d38a8cc3b0a2b62d1df47f636ae134ef948c
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [STATE] (+) 9a7f511aa5b1ca3bf495500dab3ead62db3a5cee
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [TXP] (t) 9a7f511a => 00000000 (0) e017143e91374f0d99a89ec1af28318730cc98b473188abae82b88562b91a2d2
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [MONK] Start mining
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [SERV] Added peer ( 1 / 10 ([eth])
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [PEER] [connected] (outbound) eris:db(thelonious)/v0.9.0/linux/go1.4.2 [Peer discovery | Block chain relaying | Transaction relaying]
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [SERV] Peer is [eth] capable. (TD = 32768 ~ b2dc42dc77c9a8aa1e88b5e8604515610a4cdb3aed568ef959c6a7ee94050d0a) 33 / 0
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [SERV] Added peer ( 2 / 10 ([eth])
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [PEER] [connected] (outbound) eris:db(thelonious)/v0.9.0/linux/go1.4.2 [Peer discovery | Block chain relaying | Transaction relaying]
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [SERV] Peer is [eth] capable. (TD = 32768 ~ b2dc42dc77c9a8aa1e88b5e8604515610a4cdb3aed568ef959c6a7ee94050d0a) 33 / 0
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:48 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:51 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newBlock
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:51 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newTx:pre
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:51 [REACTOR] added new subscription to chainReady
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:51 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newBlock
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:51 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newTx:pre
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:51 [MINER] Started
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:51 [STATE] (+) 9a7f511aa5b1ca3bf495500dab3ead62db3a5cee
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:51 [STATE] (~) e017143e91374f0d99a89ec1af28318730cc98b473188abae82b88562b91a2d2
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:51 [STATE] 9a7f511aa5b1ca3bf495500dab3ead62db3a5cee: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:51 [STATE] 9a7f511aa5b1ca3bf495500dab3ead62db3a5cee: #0 0 (- 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:51 [STATE] 9a7f511aa5b1ca3bf495500dab3ead62db3a5cee: #1 0 (- 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:51 [STATE] (+) fbf8d38a8cc3b0a2b62d1df47f636ae134ef948c
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:51 [STATE] fbf8d38a8cc3b0a2b62d1df47f636ae134ef948c: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:51 [VM] (init) fbf8d38a8cc3b0a2b62d1df47f636ae134ef948c gas: 199999999999215 (d) 63deadbeef60105760258060146000396000f20060003556601b5960203560003557600160005460206000f2602558600060005460206000f2
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:51 [VM] (pc) 0 -o- PUSH4 (g) 1 (199999999999214) => 0xdeadbeef
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:51 [VM] (pc) 5 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999213) => 0x10
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:51 [VM] (pc) 7 -o- SSTORE (g) 200 (199999999999013) {0x10 : 0xdeadbeef}
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:51 [VM] (pc) 8 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999012) => 0x25
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:51 [VM] (pc) 10 -o- DUP1 (g) 1 (199999999999011) => [1] 0x25
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:51 [VM] (pc) 11 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999010) => 0x14
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:51 [VM] (pc) 13 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999009) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:51 [VM] (pc) 15 -o- CODECOPY (g) 3 (199999999999006)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:51 [VM] (pc) 16 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999005) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:51 [VM] (pc) 18 -o- RETURN (g) 1 (199999999999004) => (37) 0x60003556601b5960203560003557600160005460206000f2602558600060005460206000f2
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:51 [STATE] 9a7f511aa5b1ca3bf495500dab3ead62db3a5cee: #1 0 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:51 [STATE] 9a7f511aa5b1ca3bf495500dab3ead62db3a5cee: #1 1500000000000000000 (+ 1500000000000000000)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:51 [MINER] Mining on block 2. Includes 1 transactions
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:52 [POW] Hashing @3khash
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:52 [STATE] (+) 9a7f511aa5b1ca3bf495500dab3ead62db3a5cee
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:52 [STATE] (~) e017143e91374f0d99a89ec1af28318730cc98b473188abae82b88562b91a2d2
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:52 [STATE] 9a7f511aa5b1ca3bf495500dab3ead62db3a5cee: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:52 [STATE] 9a7f511aa5b1ca3bf495500dab3ead62db3a5cee: #0 0 (- 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:52 [STATE] 9a7f511aa5b1ca3bf495500dab3ead62db3a5cee: #1 0 (- 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:52 [STATE] (+) fbf8d38a8cc3b0a2b62d1df47f636ae134ef948c
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:52 [STATE] fbf8d38a8cc3b0a2b62d1df47f636ae134ef948c: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:52 [VM] (init) fbf8d38a8cc3b0a2b62d1df47f636ae134ef948c gas: 199999999999215 (d) 63deadbeef60105760258060146000396000f20060003556601b5960203560003557600160005460206000f2602558600060005460206000f2
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:52 [VM] (pc) 0 -o- PUSH4 (g) 1 (199999999999214) => 0xdeadbeef
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:52 [VM] (pc) 5 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999213) => 0x10
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:52 [VM] (pc) 7 -o- SSTORE (g) 200 (199999999999013) {0x10 : 0xdeadbeef}
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:52 [VM] (pc) 8 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999012) => 0x25
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:52 [VM] (pc) 10 -o- DUP1 (g) 1 (199999999999011) => [1] 0x25
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:52 [VM] (pc) 11 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999010) => 0x14
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:52 [VM] (pc) 13 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999009) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:52 [VM] (pc) 15 -o- CODECOPY (g) 3 (199999999999006)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:52 [VM] (pc) 16 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999005) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:52 [VM] (pc) 18 -o- RETURN (g) 1 (199999999999004) => (37) 0x60003556601b5960203560003557600160005460206000f2602558600060005460206000f2
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:52 [STATE] 9a7f511aa5b1ca3bf495500dab3ead62db3a5cee: #1 0 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:52 [STATE] 9a7f511aa5b1ca3bf495500dab3ead62db3a5cee: #1 1500000000000000000 (+ 1500000000000000000)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:52 [STATE] Processed block #2 (b5240b9c...)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:52 [CHAIN] Block #2 passed (b5240b9c...)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:52 [CHAIN] Imported 1 blocks. #2 (b5240b9c) / 2 (b5240b9c)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:52 [MINER] posting new block!
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:52 [MINER] 🔨 Mined block b5240b9ce877f858edf82f4f98c7f05ff6bbd35223ec737e4511245ab4c77623
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:52 [MINER]
helloworldread_1 |  BLOCK(b5240b9ce877f858edf82f4f98c7f05ff6bbd35223ec737e4511245ab4c77623): Size: 480.00 B
helloworldread_1 |  PrevHash: b2dc42dc77c9a8aa1e88b5e8604515610a4cdb3aed568ef959c6a7ee94050d0a
helloworldread_1 |  UncleSha: 1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347
helloworldread_1 |  Coinbase: 9a7f511aa5b1ca3bf495500dab3ead62db3a5cee
helloworldread_1 |  Root: 0323c5fa60dc6ea7a71093919deaeabcfbc5c10a1ee296488b28996c933ee840
helloworldread_1 |  TxSha: dcc5add4df5e9569182a129ae67a01ad1d6ca84104490211325e48a5692e8af3
helloworldread_1 |  Difficulty: 32768
helloworldread_1 |  Number: 2
helloworldread_1 |  MinGas: 10000000000000
helloworldread_1 |  MaxLimit: 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
helloworldread_1 |  GasUsed: 0
helloworldread_1 |  Time: 1433432631
helloworldread_1 |  Extra:
helloworldread_1 |  Nonce: b57d4045eb838282912ca979fd66579189be4af258bf76ba0a2d19c831b939d0
helloworldread_1 |  NumTx: 1
helloworldread_1 | 
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:52 [STATE] 9a7f511aa5b1ca3bf495500dab3ead62db3a5cee: #1 3000000000000000000 (+ 1500000000000000000)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:52 [MINER] Mining on block 3. Includes 0 transactions
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:52 [REACTOR] subscribing channel 0 to event newBlock blocked. skipping
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:52 [REACTOR] subscribing channel 2 to event newBlock blocked. skipping
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:52 [REACTOR] subscribing channel 3 to event newBlock blocked. skipping
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:52 [MINER] Stopping...
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:52 [POW] Breaking from mining
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:52 [STATE] 9a7f511aa5b1ca3bf495500dab3ead62db3a5cee: #1 3000000000000000000 (+ 1500000000000000000)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:52 [MINER] Mining on block 3. Includes 0 transactions
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:52 [POW] Breaking from mining
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:52 [MINER] Stopped
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:52 [REACTOR] removed subscription to newBlock
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:52 [REACTOR] removed subscription to newTx:pre
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:52 [REACTOR] removed subscription to newBlock
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:52 [REACTOR] removed subscription to newTx:pre
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:52 [MONK] Stopped mining
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:53 [EPM-CLI] Running chain thelonious/57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:53 [EPM-CLI] Root directory: /home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18/0
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:53 [MONK] Root directory /home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18/0
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:53 [DOUG] Loading genesis config:/home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18/0/genesis.json
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:53 [MONK] Loaded genesis configuration from: /home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18/0/genesis.json
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:53 [MONK] Identity created
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:53 [CHAIN] Found genesis block
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:53 [CHAIN] Last block (#2) b5240b9ce877f858edf82f4f98c7f05ff6bbd35223ec737e4511245ab4c77623
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:53 [CHAIN] ChainID (57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:53 [CHAIN] Genesis (bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:53 [CHAIN] Updating checkpoint block: (#0) bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:53 [MONK] Created thelonious node
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:53 [REACTOR] started
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:53 [SERV] Ready and accepting connections
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:53 [SERV] Server started
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:53 [SERV] Connecting to peer: helloworldmaster:15254
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:53 [SERV] Peer handling started
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:43:53 [SERV] Added peer ( 1 / 10 ([eth])
helloworldread_1 | 
helloworldread_1 | 
helloworldread_1 | Configuring package.json with BLOCKCHAIN_ID (57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18) and
helloworldread_1 | ROOT_CONTRACT (0xfbf8d38a8cc3b0a2b62d1df47f636ae134ef948c) and
helloworldread_1 | PEER_SERVER (helloworldmaster:15254)
helloworldread_1 | 
helloworldread_1 | 
helloworldread_1 | My package.json now looks like this.
helloworldread_1 | {
helloworldread_1 |  "name": "Hello World",
helloworldread_1 |  "id": "helloworld",
helloworldread_1 |  "app_icon": "img/decerver.png",
helloworldread_1 |  "version": "0.0.1",
helloworldread_1 |  "homepage": "",
helloworldread_1 |  "author": {
helloworldread_1 |  "name": "Eris Industries, Ltd.",
helloworldread_1 |  "url": ""
helloworldread_1 |  },
helloworldread_1 |  "repository": {
helloworldread_1 |  "type": "git",
helloworldread_1 |  "url": "git://"
helloworldread_1 |  },
helloworldread_1 |  "bugs": {
helloworldread_1 |  "url": ""
helloworldread_1 |  },
helloworldread_1 |  "licenses": [
helloworldread_1 |  {
helloworldread_1 |  "type": "MIT",
helloworldread_1 |  "url": ""
helloworldread_1 |  }
helloworldread_1 |  ],
helloworldread_1 |  "module_dependencies": [
helloworldread_1 |  {
helloworldread_1 |  "name": "monk",
helloworldread_1 |  "version": "0.0.1",
helloworldread_1 |  "data": {
helloworldread_1 |  "peer_server_address": "helloworldmaster:15254",
helloworldread_1 |  "blockchain_id": "57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18",
helloworldread_1 |  "root_contract": "0xfbf8d38a8cc3b0a2b62d1df47f636ae134ef948c"
helloworldread_1 |  }
helloworldread_1 |  },
helloworldread_1 |  {
helloworldread_1 |  "name": "ipfs",
helloworldread_1 |  "version": "0.0.1"
helloworldread_1 |  }
helloworldread_1 |  ]
helloworldread_1 | }
helloworldread_1 | 
helloworldread_1 | 
helloworldread_1 | My chain config now looks like this.
helloworldread_1 | {
helloworldread_1 |  "local_host": "",
helloworldread_1 |  "local_port": 15254,
helloworldread_1 |  "listen": true,
helloworldread_1 |  "remote_host": "helloworldmaster",
helloworldread_1 |  "remote_port": 15254,
helloworldread_1 |  "use_seed": true,
helloworldread_1 |  "rpc_host": "",
helloworldread_1 |  "rpc_port": 30304,
helloworldread_1 |  "serve_rpc": false,
helloworldread_1 |  "fetch_port": 50505,
helloworldread_1 |  "chain_id": "",
helloworldread_1 |  "chain_name": "",
helloworldread_1 |  "mining": false,
helloworldread_1 |  "max_peers": 10,
helloworldread_1 |  "client": "eris:db(thelonious)",
helloworldread_1 |  "version": "0.9.0",
helloworldread_1 |  "id": "",
helloworldread_1 |  "key_session": "fZkW7ZWOnV",
helloworldread_1 |  "key_store": "file",
helloworldread_1 |  "key_cursor": 0,
helloworldread_1 |  "key_file": "",
helloworldread_1 |  "adversary": 0,
helloworldread_1 |  "use_checkpoint": false,
helloworldread_1 |  "latest_checkpoint": "",
helloworldread_1 |  "config_file": "config",
helloworldread_1 |  "root_dir": "/home/eris/.eris/blockchains/thelonious/57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18/0",
helloworldread_1 |  "db_name": "database",
helloworldread_1 |  "db_mem": false,
helloworldread_1 |  "contract_path": "/go/src/",
helloworldread_1 |  "genesis_config": "/go/src/",
helloworldread_1 |  "log_file": "",
helloworldread_1 |  "debug_file": "",
helloworldread_1 |  "log_level": 2
helloworldread_1 | }
helloworldread_1 | 
helloworldread_1 | 
helloworldread_1 | Starting up! (Wheeeeeee says the marmot)
helloworldread_1 | [Decerver Core] 2015/06/04 15:43:56 Starting decerver bootstrapping sequence.
helloworldread_1 | [Decerver Core] 2015/06/04 15:43:56 Registering module 'ipfs'.
helloworldread_1 | [Decerver Core] 2015/06/04 15:43:56 Registering module 'lmd'.
helloworldread_1 | [Decerver Core] 2015/06/04 15:43:56 Registering module 'monk'.
helloworldread_1 | [Dapp Manager] 2015/06/04 15:43:56 Registering dapps
helloworldread_1 | [Dapp Manager] 2015/06/04 15:43:56 ## Registering dapp: Hello World ##
helloworldread_1 | [Dapp Manager] 2015/06/04 15:43:56 Loaded javascript file 'DappHttpAPI.js'
helloworldread_1 | [Dapp Manager] 2015/06/04 15:43:56 Loaded javascript file 'HelloWorld.js'
helloworldread_1 | Registering path: helloworld/(.*)
helloworldread_1 | [Dapp Manager] 2015/06/04 15:43:56 Done registering dapps.
helloworldread_1 | [martini] listening on (development)
helloworldread_1 | [Decerver Core] 2015/06/04 15:43:56 Server started.
helloworldread_1 | [Decerver Core] 2015/06/04 15:43:56 Running...
helloworldread_1 | Loading module: lmd
helloworldread_1 | Loading module: monk
helloworldread_1 | Loading module: ipfs
helloworldread_1 |  % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
helloworldread_1 |  Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Started GET /admin/switch/helloworld for [::1]:38700
helloworldread_1 | Url: /admin/switch/helloworld
helloworldread_1 | [Webserver] 2015/06/04 15:44:01 Switching to dapp: helloworld
helloworldread_1 | [Dapp Manager] 2015/06/04 15:44:01 Loading dapp: helloworld
helloworldread_1 | [ScriptEngine] 2015/06/04 15:44:01 Core script loaded.
helloworldread_1 | [ScriptEngine] 2015/06/04 15:44:01 Networking script loaded.
helloworldread_1 | [ScriptEngine] 2015/06/04 15:44:01 Event processing script loaded.
helloworldread_1 | [ScriptEngine] 2015/06/04 15:44:01 Js utilities script loaded.
helloworldread_1 | [ScriptEngine] 2015/06/04 15:44:01 Creating new runtime: helloworld
helloworldread_1 | [ScriptEngine] 2015/06/04 15:44:01 Runtimes: map[helloworld:0xc208081840]
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:01 [MONK] Identity created
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:01 [CHAIN] Found genesis block
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:01 [CHAIN] Last block (#2) b5240b9ce877f858edf82f4f98c7f05ff6bbd35223ec737e4511245ab4c77623
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:01 [CHAIN] ChainID (57a8643f6e1ffd0b56e3aec026edf77cfeff9f18)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:01 [CHAIN] Genesis (bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:01 [CHAIN] Updating checkpoint block: (#0) bed1bf5c2b2729e21bb1add1c4025bd19047be0b41385bc7385f2c92cf6dccb1
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:01 [MONK] Created thelonious node
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:01 [REACTOR] added new subscription to chainReady
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:01 [REACTOR] started
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:01 [REACTOR] added new subscription to chainReady
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:01 [SERV] Ready and accepting connections
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:01 [SERV] Server started
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:01 [SERV] Connecting to peer: helloworldmaster:15254
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:01 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newBlock
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:01 [REACTOR] added new subscription to messages
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:01 [SERV] Peer handling started
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:01 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newBlock
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:01 [REACTOR] subscribing channel 1 to event chainReady blocked. skipping
helloworldread_1 | [Dapp Manager] 2015/06/04 15:44:01 Root contract: 0xfbf8d38a8cc3b0a2b62d1df47f636ae134ef948c
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 15:44:01 Creating helloworld.
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 15:44:01 Starting helloworld.
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Completed 200 OK in 51.282531ms
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:01 [REACTOR] removed subscription to chainReady
helloworldread_1 | 
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
100 7 100 7 0 0 112 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 114
helloworldread_1 | success2015/06/04 15:44:01 [SERV] Added peer ( 1 / 10 ([eth])
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:01 [PEER] [connected] (outbound) eris:db(thelonious)/v0.9.0/linux/go1.4.2 [Peer discovery | Block chain relaying | Transaction relaying]
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:01 [SERV] Peer is [eth] capable. (TD = 65536 ~ b5240b9ce877f858edf82f4f98c7f05ff6bbd35223ec737e4511245ab4c77623) 33 / 0
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:01 [SERV] Added peer ( 2 / 10 ([eth])
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:01 [PEER] [connected] (outbound) eris:db(thelonious)/v0.9.0/linux/go1.4.2 [Peer discovery | Block chain relaying | Transaction relaying]
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:01 [SERV] Peer is [eth] capable. (TD = 65536 ~ b5240b9ce877f858edf82f4f98c7f05ff6bbd35223ec737e4511245ab4c77623) 33 / 0
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:44:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:45:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:46:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:47:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:12 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:12 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:12 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:48:52 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:42 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:42 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:42 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:49:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:12 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:12 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:12 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:50:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:51:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:42 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:42 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:42 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:52:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:53:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:54:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:55:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:56:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:57:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:58:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:22 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:22 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:22 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 15:59:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:28 [STATE] (+) ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:28 [TXP] (t) ba7dcc6c => 28acdd4b (0) b87b4cb089e3d16729137d4476b82193333dcf8b39e1b8ed2e4af0965ae85e32
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:46 [BPOOL] Got unrequested block (d94ebdf1...)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:47 [STATE] (+) ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:47 [STATE] (~) b87b4cb089e3d16729137d4476b82193333dcf8b39e1b8ed2e4af0965ae85e32
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:47 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:47 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #0 0 (- 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:47 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #1 0 (- 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:47 [STATE] 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:47 [VM] (code) 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a gas: 199999999999180 (d) 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e6775d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:47 [VM] (pc) 0 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999179) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:47 [VM] (pc) 2 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999178) => 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e67
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:47 [VM] (pc) 3 -o- SLOAD (g) 20 (199999999999158) {0x6772656574696e67 : 0x}
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:47 [VM] (pc) 4 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999157) => 0x1b
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:47 [VM] (pc) 6 -o- JUMPI (g) 1 (199999999999156) (f)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:47 [VM] (pc) 7 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999155) => 0x20
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:47 [VM] (pc) 9 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999154) => 0x75d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:47 [VM] (pc) 10 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999153) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:47 [VM] (pc) 12 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999152) => 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e67
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:47 [VM] (pc) 13 -o- SSTORE (g) 200 (199999999998952) {0x6772656574696e67 : 0x75d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0}
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:47 [VM] (pc) 14 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999998951) => 0x01
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:47 [VM] (pc) 16 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999998950) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:47 [VM] (pc) 18 -o- MSTORE (g) 2 (199999999998948) => 0x1
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:47 [VM] (pc) 19 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999998947) => 0x20
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:47 [VM] (pc) 21 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999998946) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:47 [VM] (pc) 23 -o- RETURN (g) 1 (199999999998945) => (32) 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:47 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #1 0 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:47 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #1 1500000000000000000 (+ 1500000000000000000)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:47 [STATE] Processed block #3 (d94ebdf1...)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:47 [CHAIN] Block #3 passed (d94ebdf1...)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:47 [CHAIN] Imported 1 blocks. #3 (d94ebdf1) / 3 (d94ebdf1)
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Started GET /helloworld/ for
helloworldread_1 | [martini] [Static] Serving /helloworld/index.html
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Completed 200 OK in 4.427094ms
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Started GET /helloworld/js/helloworld.js for
helloworldread_1 | [martini] [Static] Serving /helloworld/js/helloworld.js
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Completed 200 OK in 308.126µs
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Started GET /favicon.ico for
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Completed 404 Not Found in 157.563µs
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Started GET /apis/helloworld/files/greeting for
helloworldread_1 | Stuff
helloworldread_1 | URL /apis/helloworld/files/greeting
helloworldread_1 | REQUEST: {"URL":{"Scheme":"","Opaque":"","User":null,"Host":"","Path":"/apis/helloworld/files/greeting","RawQuery":"","Fragment":""},"Method":"GET","Host":"helloworldread:3000","Header":{"Accept":["*/*"],"Accept-Encoding":["gzip, deflate, sdch"],"Accept-Language":["en-US,en;q=0.8"],"Connection":["keep-alive"],"Referer":["http://helloworldread:3000/helloworld/"],"User-Agent":["Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.65 Safari/537.36"]},"Body":""}
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:00:47 URLOBJ: map[options:map[] error: path:[files greeting]]
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:00:47 Getting the storage for filename:0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e67
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:00:47 Hash: 0x0
helloworldread_1 | response Status: 400 Bad Request
helloworldread_1 | response Headers: map[Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8] Date:[Thu, 04 Jun 2015 16:00:47 GMT] Content-Length:[60]]
helloworldread_1 | REQUEST: Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:00:47 File data: Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:00:47 Json string of resp obj:
helloworldread_1 | {"Body":"{ \"data\" : \"Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component\"}","Header":{},"Status":200}
helloworldread_1 | [Webserver] 2015/06/04 16:00:47 Response status message: 200
helloworldread_1 | [Webserver] 2015/06/04 16:00:47 Response header stuff: map[]
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Completed 200 OK in 29.077674ms
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:00:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:02 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:02 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:02 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:01:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:38 [TXP] (t) ba7dcc6c => 28acdd4b (0) efbc6bcf9f8d8f422ce3b04e719bf8e9ec28f0053af18367ea152bf5decaeebe
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [BPOOL] Got unrequested block (265ea153...)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [STATE] (~) efbc6bcf9f8d8f422ce3b04e719bf8e9ec28f0053af18367ea152bf5decaeebe
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #1 1500000000000000000 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #1 1500000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #2 1500000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [STATE] 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [VM] (code) 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a gas: 199999999999180 (d) 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e6775d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [VM] (pc) 0 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999179) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [VM] (pc) 2 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999178) => 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e67
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [VM] (pc) 3 -o- SLOAD (g) 20 (199999999999158) {0x6772656574696e67 : 0x75d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0}
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [VM] (pc) 4 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999157) => 0x1b
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [VM] (pc) 6 -o- JUMPI (g) 1 (199999999999156) ~> 27 (t)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [VM] (pc) 27 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999155) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [VM] (pc) 29 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999154) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [VM] (pc) 31 -o- MSTORE (g) 2 (199999999999152) => 0x0
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [VM] (pc) 32 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999151) => 0x20
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [VM] (pc) 34 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999150) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [VM] (pc) 36 -o- RETURN (g) 1 (199999999999149) => (32) 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #2 1500000000000000000 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #2 3000000000000000000 (+ 1500000000000000000)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [STATE] Processed block #4 (265ea153...)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [CHAIN] Block #4 passed (265ea153...)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:45 [CHAIN] Imported 1 blocks. #4 (265ea153) / 4 (265ea153)
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Started GET /helloworld/ for
helloworldread_1 | [martini] [Static] Serving /helloworld/index.html
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Completed 200 OK in 294.425µs
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Started GET /helloworld/js/helloworld.js for
helloworldread_1 | [martini] [Static] Serving /helloworld/js/helloworld.js
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Completed 200 OK in 1.092964ms
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Started GET /favicon.ico for
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Completed 404 Not Found in 604.682µs
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Started GET /apis/helloworld/files/greeting for
helloworldread_1 | Stuff
helloworldread_1 | URL /apis/helloworld/files/greeting
helloworldread_1 | REQUEST: {"URL":{"Scheme":"","Opaque":"","User":null,"Host":"","Path":"/apis/helloworld/files/greeting","RawQuery":"","Fragment":""},"Method":"GET","Host":"helloworldread:3000","Header":{"Accept":["*/*"],"Accept-Encoding":["gzip, deflate, sdch"],"Accept-Language":["en-US,en;q=0.8"],"Connection":["keep-alive"],"Referer":["http://helloworldread:3000/helloworld/"],"User-Agent":["Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.65 Safari/537.36"]},"Body":""}
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:02:46 URLOBJ: map[path:[files greeting] options:map[] error:]
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:02:46 Getting the storage for filename:0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e67
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:02:46 Hash: 0x0
helloworldread_1 | response Status: 400 Bad Request
helloworldread_1 | response Headers: map[Date:[Thu, 04 Jun 2015 16:02:46 GMT] Content-Length:[60] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8]]
helloworldread_1 | REQUEST: Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:02:46 File data: Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:02:46 Json string of resp obj:
helloworldread_1 | {"Body":"{ \"data\" : \"Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component\"}","Header":{},"Status":200}
helloworldread_1 | [Webserver] 2015/06/04 16:02:46 Response status message: 200
helloworldread_1 | [Webserver] 2015/06/04 16:02:46 Response header stuff: map[]
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Completed 200 OK in 2.558552ms
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:02:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:32 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:32 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:32 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:03:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:04:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:12 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:12 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:12 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:48 [TXP] (t) ba7dcc6c => 28acdd4b (0) 7aedf344cb93797771e4821a16278826c31128f1f2b5af489e6d2a00bde1d246
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:05:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:04 [BPOOL] Got unrequested block (96b4f285...)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:05 [STATE] (~) 7aedf344cb93797771e4821a16278826c31128f1f2b5af489e6d2a00bde1d246
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:05 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #2 3000000000000000000 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:05 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #2 3000000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:05 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #3 3000000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:05 [STATE] 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:05 [VM] (code) 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a gas: 199999999999180 (d) 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e6775d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:05 [VM] (pc) 0 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999179) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:05 [VM] (pc) 2 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999178) => 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e67
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:05 [VM] (pc) 3 -o- SLOAD (g) 20 (199999999999158) {0x6772656574696e67 : 0x75d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0}
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:05 [VM] (pc) 4 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999157) => 0x1b
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:05 [VM] (pc) 6 -o- JUMPI (g) 1 (199999999999156) ~> 27 (t)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:05 [VM] (pc) 27 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999155) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:05 [VM] (pc) 29 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999154) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:05 [VM] (pc) 31 -o- MSTORE (g) 2 (199999999999152) => 0x0
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:05 [VM] (pc) 32 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999151) => 0x20
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:05 [VM] (pc) 34 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999150) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:05 [VM] (pc) 36 -o- RETURN (g) 1 (199999999999149) => (32) 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:05 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #3 3000000000000000000 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:05 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #3 4500000000000000000 (+ 1500000000000000000)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:05 [STATE] Processed block #5 (96b4f285...)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:05 [CHAIN] Block #5 passed (96b4f285...)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:05 [REACTOR] subscribing channel 1 to event newBlock blocked. skipping
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:05 [CHAIN] Imported 1 blocks. #5 (96b4f285) / 5 (96b4f285)
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Started GET /helloworld/ for
helloworldread_1 | [martini] [Static] Serving /helloworld/index.html
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Completed 200 OK in 294.882µs
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Started GET /helloworld/js/helloworld.js for
helloworldread_1 | [martini] [Static] Serving /helloworld/js/helloworld.js
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Completed 200 OK in 729.956µs
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Started GET /favicon.ico for
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Completed 404 Not Found in 147.536µs
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Started GET /apis/helloworld/files/greeting for
helloworldread_1 | Stuff
helloworldread_1 | URL /apis/helloworld/files/greeting
helloworldread_1 | REQUEST: {"URL":{"Scheme":"","Opaque":"","User":null,"Host":"","Path":"/apis/helloworld/files/greeting","RawQuery":"","Fragment":""},"Method":"GET","Host":"helloworldread:3000","Header":{"Accept":["*/*"],"Accept-Encoding":["gzip, deflate, sdch"],"Accept-Language":["en-US,en;q=0.8"],"Connection":["keep-alive"],"Referer":["http://helloworldread:3000/helloworld/"],"User-Agent":["Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.65 Safari/537.36"]},"Body":""}
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:06:05 URLOBJ: map[path:[files greeting] options:map[] error:]
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:06:05 Getting the storage for filename:0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e67
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:06:05 Hash: 0x0
helloworldread_1 | response Status: 400 Bad Request
helloworldread_1 | response Headers: map[Date:[Thu, 04 Jun 2015 16:06:05 GMT] Content-Length:[60] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8]]
helloworldread_1 | REQUEST: Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:06:05 File data: Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:06:05 Json string of resp obj:
helloworldread_1 | {"Body":"{ \"data\" : \"Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component\"}","Header":{},"Status":200}
helloworldread_1 | [Webserver] 2015/06/04 16:06:05 Response status message: 200
helloworldread_1 | [Webserver] 2015/06/04 16:06:05 Response header stuff: map[]
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Completed 200 OK in 10.139406ms
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:06:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:07:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:12 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:12 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:12 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:42 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:42 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:42 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:08:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:42 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:42 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:42 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:09:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Started GET / for
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Completed 404 Not Found in 308.844µs
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Started GET /helloworld for
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Completed 302 Found in 388.794µs
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Started GET /helloworld/ for
helloworldread_1 | [martini] [Static] Serving /helloworld/index.html
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Completed 200 OK in 543.935µs
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Started GET /helloworld/js/helloworld.js for
helloworldread_1 | [martini] [Static] Serving /helloworld/js/helloworld.js
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Completed 200 OK in 3.442227ms
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:36 [TXP] (t) ba7dcc6c => 28acdd4b (0) 0d0f73a201bb784b735e9ec2ff2cab56613920a678009f146c4df61269fad16d
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:46 [BPOOL] Got unrequested block (4db75c3c...)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:46 [STATE] (~) 0d0f73a201bb784b735e9ec2ff2cab56613920a678009f146c4df61269fad16d
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:46 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #3 4500000000000000000 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:46 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #3 4500000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:46 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #4 4500000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:46 [STATE] 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:46 [VM] (code) 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a gas: 199999999999180 (d) 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006170706c65f7e5703df30279f48c8ccf13f1594ab6374a56ffe84e511d3664c726749e018a
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:46 [VM] (pc) 0 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999179) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:46 [VM] (pc) 2 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999178) => 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006170706c65
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:46 [VM] (pc) 3 -o- SLOAD (g) 20 (199999999999158) {0x6170706c65 : 0x}
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:46 [VM] (pc) 4 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999157) => 0x1b
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:46 [VM] (pc) 6 -o- JUMPI (g) 1 (199999999999156) (f)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:46 [VM] (pc) 7 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999155) => 0x20
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:46 [VM] (pc) 9 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999154) => 0xf7e5703df30279f48c8ccf13f1594ab6374a56ffe84e511d3664c726749e018a
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:46 [VM] (pc) 10 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999153) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:46 [VM] (pc) 12 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999152) => 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006170706c65
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:46 [VM] (pc) 13 -o- SSTORE (g) 200 (199999999998952) {0x6170706c65 : 0xf7e5703df30279f48c8ccf13f1594ab6374a56ffe84e511d3664c726749e018a}
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:46 [VM] (pc) 14 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999998951) => 0x01
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:46 [VM] (pc) 16 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999998950) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:46 [VM] (pc) 18 -o- MSTORE (g) 2 (199999999998948) => 0x1
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:46 [VM] (pc) 19 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999998947) => 0x20
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:46 [VM] (pc) 21 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999998946) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:46 [VM] (pc) 23 -o- RETURN (g) 1 (199999999998945) => (32) 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:46 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #4 4500000000000000000 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:46 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #4 6000000000000000000 (+ 1500000000000000000)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:46 [STATE] Processed block #6 (4db75c3c...)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:46 [CHAIN] Block #6 passed (4db75c3c...)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:46 [CHAIN] Imported 1 blocks. #6 (4db75c3c) / 6 (4db75c3c)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:46 [REACTOR] subscribing channel 1 to event newBlock blocked. skipping
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:10:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Started GET /apis/helloworld/files/apple for
helloworldread_1 | Stuff
helloworldread_1 | URL /apis/helloworld/files/apple
helloworldread_1 | REQUEST: {"URL":{"Scheme":"","Opaque":"","User":null,"Host":"","Path":"/apis/helloworld/files/apple","RawQuery":"","Fragment":""},"Method":"GET","Host":"thewire:3001","Header":{"Accept":["text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8"],"Accept-Encoding":["gzip, deflate"],"Accept-Language":["en-US,en;q=0.5"],"Connection":["keep-alive"],"Referer":["http://thewire:3001/helloworld/"],"User-Agent":["Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.0"]},"Body":""}
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:10:57 URLOBJ: map[path:[files apple] options:map[] error:]
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:10:57 Getting the storage for filename:0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006170706c65
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:10:57 Hash: 0x0
helloworldread_1 | response Status: 400 Bad Request
helloworldread_1 | response Headers: map[Date:[Thu, 04 Jun 2015 16:10:57 GMT] Content-Length:[60] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8]]
helloworldread_1 | REQUEST: Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:10:57 File data: Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:10:57 Json string of resp obj:
helloworldread_1 | {"Body":"{ \"data\" : \"Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component\"}","Header":{},"Status":200}
helloworldread_1 | [Webserver] 2015/06/04 16:10:57 Response status message: 200
helloworldread_1 | [Webserver] 2015/06/04 16:10:57 Response header stuff: map[]
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Completed 200 OK in 4.746502ms
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Started POST /apis/helloworld/files for
helloworldread_1 | Stuff
helloworldread_1 | URL /apis/helloworld/files
helloworldread_1 | REQUEST: {"URL":{"Scheme":"","Opaque":"","User":null,"Host":"","Path":"/apis/helloworld/files","RawQuery":"","Fragment":""},"Method":"POST","Host":"thewire:3001","Header":{"Accept":["text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8"],"Accept-Encoding":["gzip, deflate"],"Accept-Language":["en-US,en;q=0.5"],"Cache-Control":["no-cache"],"Connection":["keep-alive"],"Content-Length":["30"],"Content-Type":["text/plain; charset=UTF-8"],"Pragma":["no-cache"],"Referer":["http://thewire:3001/helloworld/"],"User-Agent":["Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.0"]},"Body":"{\"name\":\"pear\",\"data\":\"pear!\"}"}
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:11:13 URLOBJ: map[path:[files] options:map[] error:]
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:11:13 Working
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:11:13 BODYOBJ: map[name:pear data:pear!]
helloworldread_1 | POSTing
helloworldread_1 | response Status: 201 Created
helloworldread_1 | response Headers: map[Ipfs-Hash:[QmaNxHXCUyp2pMgbUYRspxQsEsnxEe4u5BxeWFgeMNGtDK] Location:[/ipfs/QmaNxHXCUyp2pMgbUYRspxQsEsnxEe4u5BxeWFgeMNGtDK] Date:[Thu, 04 Jun 2015 16:11:13 GMT] Content-Length:[0] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8]]
helloworldread_1 | REQUEST:
helloworldread_1 | HASH: QmaNxHXCUyp2pMgbUYRspxQsEsnxEe4u5BxeWFgeMNGtDK
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:11:13 Pushing stuff to monk. TxData: [0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000070656172 0xb2e347327c58f44ea8a7d7b7f24449dc7ee65f09a87f1a4c31335b30bd3ab8de]
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:11:13 Root contract: 0xfbf8d38a8cc3b0a2b62d1df47f636ae134ef948c
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:13 [STATE] (+) 98dbb3991d0cd6a1003eb1308e53a6e1e66e1d78
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:11:13
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:13 [MONK] Start mining
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:13 [STATE] (+) 98dbb3991d0cd6a1003eb1308e53a6e1e66e1d78
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:13 [TXP] (t) 98dbb399 => fbf8d38a (0) 47fd17d97444b2be7bf14b14b50de8b99231e2fdba8f568f4f73bea151e11e74
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newBlock
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newTx:pre
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [REACTOR] added new subscription to chainReady
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newBlock
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [REACTOR] added new subscription to newTx:pre
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [MINER] Started
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [STATE] (+) 98dbb3991d0cd6a1003eb1308e53a6e1e66e1d78
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [STATE] (~) b87b4cb089e3d16729137d4476b82193333dcf8b39e1b8ed2e4af0965ae85e32
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [MINER] Stopping...
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [STATE] 98dbb3991d0cd6a1003eb1308e53a6e1e66e1d78: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #4 6000000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #5 6000000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [STATE] 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (code) 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a gas: 199999999999180 (d) 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e6775d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 0 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999179) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 2 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999178) => 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e67
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 3 -o- SLOAD (g) 20 (199999999999158) {0x6772656574696e67 : 0x75d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0}
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 4 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999157) => 0x1b
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 6 -o- JUMPI (g) 1 (199999999999156) ~> 27 (t)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 27 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999155) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 29 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999154) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 31 -o- MSTORE (g) 2 (199999999999152) => 0x0
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 32 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999151) => 0x20
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 34 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999150) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 36 -o- RETURN (g) 1 (199999999999149) => (32) 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #5 6000000000000000000 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [STATE] (~) 47fd17d97444b2be7bf14b14b50de8b99231e2fdba8f568f4f73bea151e11e74
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [STATE] 98dbb3991d0cd6a1003eb1308e53a6e1e66e1d78: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [STATE] 98dbb3991d0cd6a1003eb1308e53a6e1e66e1d78: #0 0 (- 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [STATE] 98dbb3991d0cd6a1003eb1308e53a6e1e66e1d78: #1 0 (- 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [STATE] fbf8d38a8cc3b0a2b62d1df47f636ae134ef948c: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (code) fbf8d38a8cc3b0a2b62d1df47f636ae134ef948c gas: 199999999999180 (d) 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000070656172b2e347327c58f44ea8a7d7b7f24449dc7ee65f09a87f1a4c31335b30bd3ab8de
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 0 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999179) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 2 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999178) => 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000070656172
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 3 -o- SLOAD (g) 20 (199999999999158) {0x70656172 : 0x}
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 4 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999157) => 0x1b
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 6 -o- JUMPI (g) 1 (199999999999156) (f)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 7 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999155) => 0x20
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 9 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999154) => 0xb2e347327c58f44ea8a7d7b7f24449dc7ee65f09a87f1a4c31335b30bd3ab8de
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 10 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999153) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 12 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999152) => 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000070656172
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 13 -o- SSTORE (g) 200 (199999999998952) {0x70656172 : 0xb2e347327c58f44ea8a7d7b7f24449dc7ee65f09a87f1a4c31335b30bd3ab8de}
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 14 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999998951) => 0x01
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 16 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999998950) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 18 -o- MSTORE (g) 2 (199999999998948) => 0x1
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 19 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999998947) => 0x20
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 21 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999998946) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 23 -o- RETURN (g) 1 (199999999998945) => (32) 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [STATE] 98dbb3991d0cd6a1003eb1308e53a6e1e66e1d78: #1 0 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [STATE] (~) efbc6bcf9f8d8f422ce3b04e719bf8e9ec28f0053af18367ea152bf5decaeebe
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [STATE] 98dbb3991d0cd6a1003eb1308e53a6e1e66e1d78: #1 0 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #5 6000000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #6 6000000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [STATE] 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (code) 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a gas: 199999999999180 (d) 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e6775d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 0 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999179) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 2 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999178) => 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e67
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 3 -o- SLOAD (g) 20 (199999999999158) {0x6772656574696e67 : 0x75d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0}
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 4 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999157) => 0x1b
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 6 -o- JUMPI (g) 1 (199999999999156) ~> 27 (t)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 27 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999155) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 29 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999154) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 31 -o- MSTORE (g) 2 (199999999999152) => 0x0
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 32 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999151) => 0x20
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 34 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999150) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 36 -o- RETURN (g) 1 (199999999999149) => (32) 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #6 6000000000000000000 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [STATE] (~) 7aedf344cb93797771e4821a16278826c31128f1f2b5af489e6d2a00bde1d246
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [STATE] 98dbb3991d0cd6a1003eb1308e53a6e1e66e1d78: #1 0 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #6 6000000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #7 6000000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [STATE] 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (code) 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a gas: 199999999999180 (d) 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e6775d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 0 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999179) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 2 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999178) => 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e67
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 3 -o- SLOAD (g) 20 (199999999999158) {0x6772656574696e67 : 0x75d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0}
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 4 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999157) => 0x1b
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 6 -o- JUMPI (g) 1 (199999999999156) ~> 27 (t)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 27 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999155) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 29 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999154) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 31 -o- MSTORE (g) 2 (199999999999152) => 0x0
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 32 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999151) => 0x20
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 34 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999150) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 36 -o- RETURN (g) 1 (199999999999149) => (32) 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #7 6000000000000000000 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [STATE] (~) 0d0f73a201bb784b735e9ec2ff2cab56613920a678009f146c4df61269fad16d
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [STATE] 98dbb3991d0cd6a1003eb1308e53a6e1e66e1d78: #1 0 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #7 6000000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #8 6000000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [STATE] 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (code) 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a gas: 199999999999180 (d) 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006170706c65f7e5703df30279f48c8ccf13f1594ab6374a56ffe84e511d3664c726749e018a
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 0 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999179) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 2 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999178) => 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006170706c65
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 3 -o- SLOAD (g) 20 (199999999999158) {0x6170706c65 : 0xf7e5703df30279f48c8ccf13f1594ab6374a56ffe84e511d3664c726749e018a}
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 4 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999157) => 0x1b
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 6 -o- JUMPI (g) 1 (199999999999156) ~> 27 (t)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 27 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999155) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 29 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999154) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 31 -o- MSTORE (g) 2 (199999999999152) => 0x0
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 32 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999151) => 0x20
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 34 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999150) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [VM] (pc) 36 -o- RETURN (g) 1 (199999999999149) => (32) 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #8 6000000000000000000 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [STATE] 98dbb3991d0cd6a1003eb1308e53a6e1e66e1d78: #1 1500000000000000000 (+ 1500000000000000000)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:16 [MINER] Mining on block 7. Includes 5 transactions
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:17 [POW] Hashing @4khash
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:18 [POW] Hashing @4khash
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:19 [POW] Hashing @4khash
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [STATE] (+) 98dbb3991d0cd6a1003eb1308e53a6e1e66e1d78
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [STATE] (~) b87b4cb089e3d16729137d4476b82193333dcf8b39e1b8ed2e4af0965ae85e32
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [STATE] 98dbb3991d0cd6a1003eb1308e53a6e1e66e1d78: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #4 6000000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #5 6000000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [STATE] 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (code) 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a gas: 199999999999180 (d) 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e6775d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 0 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999179) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 2 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999178) => 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e67
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 3 -o- SLOAD (g) 20 (199999999999158) {0x6772656574696e67 : 0x75d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0}
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 4 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999157) => 0x1b
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 6 -o- JUMPI (g) 1 (199999999999156) ~> 27 (t)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 27 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999155) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 29 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999154) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 31 -o- MSTORE (g) 2 (199999999999152) => 0x0
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 32 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999151) => 0x20
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 34 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999150) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 36 -o- RETURN (g) 1 (199999999999149) => (32) 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #5 6000000000000000000 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [STATE] (~) 47fd17d97444b2be7bf14b14b50de8b99231e2fdba8f568f4f73bea151e11e74
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [STATE] 98dbb3991d0cd6a1003eb1308e53a6e1e66e1d78: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [STATE] 98dbb3991d0cd6a1003eb1308e53a6e1e66e1d78: #0 0 (- 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [STATE] 98dbb3991d0cd6a1003eb1308e53a6e1e66e1d78: #1 0 (- 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [STATE] fbf8d38a8cc3b0a2b62d1df47f636ae134ef948c: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (code) fbf8d38a8cc3b0a2b62d1df47f636ae134ef948c gas: 199999999999180 (d) 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000070656172b2e347327c58f44ea8a7d7b7f24449dc7ee65f09a87f1a4c31335b30bd3ab8de
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 0 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999179) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 2 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999178) => 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000070656172
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 3 -o- SLOAD (g) 20 (199999999999158) {0x70656172 : 0x}
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 4 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999157) => 0x1b
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 6 -o- JUMPI (g) 1 (199999999999156) (f)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 7 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999155) => 0x20
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 9 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999154) => 0xb2e347327c58f44ea8a7d7b7f24449dc7ee65f09a87f1a4c31335b30bd3ab8de
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 10 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999153) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 12 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999152) => 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000070656172
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 13 -o- SSTORE (g) 200 (199999999998952) {0x70656172 : 0xb2e347327c58f44ea8a7d7b7f24449dc7ee65f09a87f1a4c31335b30bd3ab8de}
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 14 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999998951) => 0x01
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 16 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999998950) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 18 -o- MSTORE (g) 2 (199999999998948) => 0x1
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 19 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999998947) => 0x20
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 21 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999998946) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 23 -o- RETURN (g) 1 (199999999998945) => (32) 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [STATE] 98dbb3991d0cd6a1003eb1308e53a6e1e66e1d78: #1 0 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [STATE] (~) efbc6bcf9f8d8f422ce3b04e719bf8e9ec28f0053af18367ea152bf5decaeebe
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [STATE] 98dbb3991d0cd6a1003eb1308e53a6e1e66e1d78: #1 0 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #5 6000000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #6 6000000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [STATE] 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (code) 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a gas: 199999999999180 (d) 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e6775d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 0 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999179) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 2 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999178) => 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e67
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 3 -o- SLOAD (g) 20 (199999999999158) {0x6772656574696e67 : 0x75d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0}
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 4 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999157) => 0x1b
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 6 -o- JUMPI (g) 1 (199999999999156) ~> 27 (t)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 27 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999155) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 29 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999154) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 31 -o- MSTORE (g) 2 (199999999999152) => 0x0
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 32 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999151) => 0x20
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 34 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999150) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 36 -o- RETURN (g) 1 (199999999999149) => (32) 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #6 6000000000000000000 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [STATE] (~) 7aedf344cb93797771e4821a16278826c31128f1f2b5af489e6d2a00bde1d246
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [STATE] 98dbb3991d0cd6a1003eb1308e53a6e1e66e1d78: #1 0 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #6 6000000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #7 6000000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [STATE] 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (code) 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a gas: 199999999999180 (d) 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e6775d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 0 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999179) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 2 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999178) => 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e67
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 3 -o- SLOAD (g) 20 (199999999999158) {0x6772656574696e67 : 0x75d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0}
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 4 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999157) => 0x1b
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 6 -o- JUMPI (g) 1 (199999999999156) ~> 27 (t)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 27 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999155) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 29 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999154) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 31 -o- MSTORE (g) 2 (199999999999152) => 0x0
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 32 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999151) => 0x20
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 34 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999150) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 36 -o- RETURN (g) 1 (199999999999149) => (32) 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #7 6000000000000000000 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [STATE] (~) 0d0f73a201bb784b735e9ec2ff2cab56613920a678009f146c4df61269fad16d
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [STATE] 98dbb3991d0cd6a1003eb1308e53a6e1e66e1d78: #1 0 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #7 6000000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #8 6000000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [STATE] 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (code) 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a gas: 199999999999180 (d) 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006170706c65f7e5703df30279f48c8ccf13f1594ab6374a56ffe84e511d3664c726749e018a
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 0 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999179) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 2 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999178) => 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006170706c65
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 3 -o- SLOAD (g) 20 (199999999999158) {0x6170706c65 : 0xf7e5703df30279f48c8ccf13f1594ab6374a56ffe84e511d3664c726749e018a}
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 4 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999157) => 0x1b
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 6 -o- JUMPI (g) 1 (199999999999156) ~> 27 (t)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 27 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999155) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 29 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999154) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 31 -o- MSTORE (g) 2 (199999999999152) => 0x0
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 32 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999151) => 0x20
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 34 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999150) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [VM] (pc) 36 -o- RETURN (g) 1 (199999999999149) => (32) 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #8 6000000000000000000 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [STATE] 98dbb3991d0cd6a1003eb1308e53a6e1e66e1d78: #1 1500000000000000000 (+ 1500000000000000000)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [STATE] Processed block #7 (93f0abbd...)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [CHAIN] Block #7 passed (93f0abbd...)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [CHAIN] Imported 1 blocks. #7 (93f0abbd) / 7 (93f0abbd)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [MINER] posting new block!
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [MINER] 🔨 Mined block 93f0abbd4c67f304f6a8c6176ecd78e1b958785e2abc7cb516856ea19801e9a8
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [MINER]
helloworldread_1 |  BLOCK(93f0abbd4c67f304f6a8c6176ecd78e1b958785e2abc7cb516856ea19801e9a8): Size: 1.32 kB
helloworldread_1 |  PrevHash: 4db75c3c894adff46fbb6cb40ba168d4a37a9e4dbfac7a47851f5efb67fcf26f
helloworldread_1 |  UncleSha: 1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347
helloworldread_1 |  Coinbase: 98dbb3991d0cd6a1003eb1308e53a6e1e66e1d78
helloworldread_1 |  Root: 4574dd394b649355436e7050c6ed3a05ad7a839958fcbdfb609a9d3cc8c92e1d
helloworldread_1 |  TxSha: 73b31380915de795bc5acc0c3ff046960d7f9a986c47f248b5b500464c0626cd
helloworldread_1 |  Difficulty: 32768
helloworldread_1 |  Number: 7
helloworldread_1 |  MinGas: 10000000000000
helloworldread_1 |  MaxLimit: 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
helloworldread_1 |  GasUsed: 0
helloworldread_1 |  Time: 1433434276
helloworldread_1 |  Extra:
helloworldread_1 |  Nonce: 9672e31ecaaf47a7508a2747280a5f900bb71fd9add2cb318c58d8d30ed913f5
helloworldread_1 |  NumTx: 5
helloworldread_1 | 
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [MINER] Stopped
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:11:20 Json string of resp obj:
helloworldread_1 | {"Body":"Not supported.","Header":{},"Status":200}
helloworldread_1 | [Webserver] 2015/06/04 16:11:20 Response status message: 200
helloworldread_1 | [Webserver] 2015/06/04 16:11:20 Response header stuff: map[]
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Completed 200 OK in 7.081092323s
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [REACTOR] subscribing channel 1 to event newBlock blocked. skipping
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [REACTOR] subscribing channel 2 to event newBlock blocked. skipping
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [REACTOR] subscribing channel 3 to event newBlock blocked. skipping
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [REACTOR] removed subscription to newBlock
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [REACTOR] removed subscription to newTx:pre
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [REACTOR] removed subscription to newBlock
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [REACTOR] removed subscription to newTx:pre
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:20 [MONK] Stopped mining
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Started GET /apis/helloworld/files/pear for
helloworldread_1 | Stuff
helloworldread_1 | URL /apis/helloworld/files/pear
helloworldread_1 | REQUEST: {"URL":{"Scheme":"","Opaque":"","User":null,"Host":"","Path":"/apis/helloworld/files/pear","RawQuery":"","Fragment":""},"Method":"GET","Host":"thewire:3001","Header":{"Accept":["text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8"],"Accept-Encoding":["gzip, deflate"],"Accept-Language":["en-US,en;q=0.5"],"Connection":["keep-alive"],"Referer":["http://thewire:3001/helloworld/"],"User-Agent":["Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.0"]},"Body":""}
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:11:27 URLOBJ: map[path:[files pear] options:map[] error:]
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:11:27 Getting the storage for filename:0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000070656172
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:11:27 Hash: 0xb2e347327c58f44ea8a7d7b7f24449dc7ee65f09a87f1a4c31335b30bd3ab8de
helloworldread_1 | response Status: 200 OK
helloworldread_1 | response Headers: map[Content-Length:[5] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8] Last-Modified:[Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT] Suborigin:[QmaNxHXCUyp2pMgbUYRspxQsEsnxEe4u5BxeWFgeMNGtDK] Date:[Thu, 04 Jun 2015 16:11:27 GMT] Cache-Control:[public, max-age=29030400] Etag:[QmaNxHXCUyp2pMgbUYRspxQsEsnxEe4u5BxeWFgeMNGtDK] X-Ipfs-Path:[/ipfs/QmaNxHXCUyp2pMgbUYRspxQsEsnxEe4u5BxeWFgeMNGtDK] Accept-Ranges:[bytes]]
helloworldread_1 | REQUEST: pear!
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:11:27 File data: pear!
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:11:27 Json string of resp obj:
helloworldread_1 | {"Body":"{ \"data\" : \"pear!\"}","Header":{},"Status":200}
helloworldread_1 | [Webserver] 2015/06/04 16:11:27 Response status message: 200
helloworldread_1 | [Webserver] 2015/06/04 16:11:27 Response header stuff: map[]
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Completed 200 OK in 3.27517ms
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Started GET /apis/helloworld/files/apple for
helloworldread_1 | Stuff
helloworldread_1 | URL /apis/helloworld/files/apple
helloworldread_1 | REQUEST: {"URL":{"Scheme":"","Opaque":"","User":null,"Host":"","Path":"/apis/helloworld/files/apple","RawQuery":"","Fragment":""},"Method":"GET","Host":"thewire:3001","Header":{"Accept":["text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8"],"Accept-Encoding":["gzip, deflate"],"Accept-Language":["en-US,en;q=0.5"],"Connection":["keep-alive"],"Referer":["http://thewire:3001/helloworld/"],"User-Agent":["Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.0"]},"Body":""}
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:11:30 URLOBJ: map[error: path:[files apple] options:map[]]
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:11:30 Getting the storage for filename:0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006170706c65
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:11:30 Hash: 0x0
helloworldread_1 | response Status: 400 Bad Request
helloworldread_1 | response Headers: map[Date:[Thu, 04 Jun 2015 16:11:30 GMT] Content-Length:[60] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8]]
helloworldread_1 | REQUEST: Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:11:30 File data: Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:11:30 Json string of resp obj:
helloworldread_1 | {"Body":"{ \"data\" : \"Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component\"}","Header":{},"Status":200}
helloworldread_1 | [Webserver] 2015/06/04 16:11:30 Response status message: 200
helloworldread_1 | [Webserver] 2015/06/04 16:11:30 Response header stuff: map[]
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Completed 200 OK in 2.417291ms
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:42 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:42 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:11:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:12 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:12 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:32 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:32 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:32 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:12:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:13:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:22 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:22 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:14:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:12 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:12 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:32 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:32 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:32 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:15:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:16:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:42 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:42 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:42 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:17:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:12 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:12 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:12 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:42 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:42 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:42 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:18:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Started GET /apis/helloworld/files/apple for
helloworldread_1 | Stuff
helloworldread_1 | URL /apis/helloworld/files/apple
helloworldread_1 | REQUEST: {"URL":{"Scheme":"","Opaque":"","User":null,"Host":"","Path":"/apis/helloworld/files/apple","RawQuery":"","Fragment":""},"Method":"GET","Host":"thewire:3001","Header":{"Accept":["text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8"],"Accept-Encoding":["gzip, deflate"],"Accept-Language":["en-US,en;q=0.5"],"Connection":["keep-alive"],"Referer":["http://thewire:3001/helloworld/"],"User-Agent":["Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.0"]},"Body":""}
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:19:03 URLOBJ: map[options:map[] error: path:[files apple]]
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:19:03 Getting the storage for filename:0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006170706c65
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:19:03 Hash: 0x0
helloworldread_1 | response Status: 400 Bad Request
helloworldread_1 | response Headers: map[Date:[Thu, 04 Jun 2015 16:19:03 GMT] Content-Length:[60] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8]]
helloworldread_1 | REQUEST: Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:19:03 File data: Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:19:03 Json string of resp obj:
helloworldread_1 | {"Body":"{ \"data\" : \"Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component\"}","Header":{},"Status":200}
helloworldread_1 | [Webserver] 2015/06/04 16:19:03 Response status message: 200
helloworldread_1 | [Webserver] 2015/06/04 16:19:03 Response header stuff: map[]
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Completed 200 OK in 3.894452ms
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Started GET /apis/helloworld/files/apple for
helloworldread_1 | Stuff
helloworldread_1 | URL /apis/helloworld/files/apple
helloworldread_1 | REQUEST: {"URL":{"Scheme":"","Opaque":"","User":null,"Host":"","Path":"/apis/helloworld/files/apple","RawQuery":"","Fragment":""},"Method":"GET","Host":"thewire:3001","Header":{"Accept":["text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8"],"Accept-Encoding":["gzip, deflate"],"Accept-Language":["en-US,en;q=0.5"],"Connection":["keep-alive"],"Referer":["http://thewire:3001/helloworld/"],"User-Agent":["Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.0"]},"Body":""}
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:19:03 URLOBJ: map[path:[files apple] options:map[] error:]
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:19:03 Getting the storage for filename:0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006170706c65
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:19:03 Hash: 0x0
helloworldread_1 | response Status: 400 Bad Request
helloworldread_1 | response Headers: map[Content-Length:[60] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8] Date:[Thu, 04 Jun 2015 16:19:03 GMT]]
helloworldread_1 | REQUEST: Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:19:03 File data: Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:19:03 Json string of resp obj:
helloworldread_1 | {"Body":"{ \"data\" : \"Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component\"}","Header":{},"Status":200}
helloworldread_1 | [Webserver] 2015/06/04 16:19:03 Response status message: 200
helloworldread_1 | [Webserver] 2015/06/04 16:19:03 Response header stuff: map[]
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Completed 200 OK in 4.749512ms
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Started GET /apis/helloworld/files/apple for
helloworldread_1 | Stuff
helloworldread_1 | URL /apis/helloworld/files/apple
helloworldread_1 | REQUEST: {"URL":{"Scheme":"","Opaque":"","User":null,"Host":"","Path":"/apis/helloworld/files/apple","RawQuery":"","Fragment":""},"Method":"GET","Host":"thewire:3001","Header":{"Accept":["text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8"],"Accept-Encoding":["gzip, deflate"],"Accept-Language":["en-US,en;q=0.5"],"Connection":["keep-alive"],"Referer":["http://thewire:3001/helloworld/"],"User-Agent":["Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.0"]},"Body":""}
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:19:03 URLOBJ: map[path:[files apple] options:map[] error:]
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:19:03 Getting the storage for filename:0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006170706c65
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:19:03 Hash: 0x0
helloworldread_1 | response Status: 400 Bad Request
helloworldread_1 | response Headers: map[Date:[Thu, 04 Jun 2015 16:19:03 GMT] Content-Length:[60] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8]]
helloworldread_1 | REQUEST: Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:19:03 File data: Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:19:03 Json string of resp obj:
helloworldread_1 | {"Body":"{ \"data\" : \"Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component\"}","Header":{},"Status":200}
helloworldread_1 | [Webserver] 2015/06/04 16:19:03 Response status message: 200
helloworldread_1 | [Webserver] 2015/06/04 16:19:03 Response header stuff: map[]
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Completed 200 OK in 3.678478ms
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Started GET /helloworld/ for
helloworldread_1 | [martini] [Static] Serving /helloworld/index.html
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Completed 304 Not Modified in 1.266744ms
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Started GET /helloworld/js/helloworld.js for
helloworldread_1 | [martini] [Static] Serving /helloworld/js/helloworld.js
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Completed 304 Not Modified in 338.373µs
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Started GET /apis/helloworld/files/apple for
helloworldread_1 | Stuff
helloworldread_1 | URL /apis/helloworld/files/apple
helloworldread_1 | REQUEST: {"URL":{"Scheme":"","Opaque":"","User":null,"Host":"","Path":"/apis/helloworld/files/apple","RawQuery":"","Fragment":""},"Method":"GET","Host":"thewire:3001","Header":{"Accept":["text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8"],"Accept-Encoding":["gzip, deflate"],"Accept-Language":["en-US,en;q=0.5"],"Connection":["keep-alive"],"Referer":["http://thewire:3001/helloworld/"],"User-Agent":["Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.0"]},"Body":""}
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:19:06 URLOBJ: map[path:[files apple] options:map[] error:]
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:19:06 Getting the storage for filename:0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006170706c65
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:19:06 Hash: 0x0
helloworldread_1 | response Status: 400 Bad Request
helloworldread_1 | response Headers: map[Date:[Thu, 04 Jun 2015 16:19:06 GMT] Content-Length:[60] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8]]
helloworldread_1 | REQUEST: Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:19:06 File data: Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:19:06 Json string of resp obj:
helloworldread_1 | {"Body":"{ \"data\" : \"Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component\"}","Header":{},"Status":200}
helloworldread_1 | [Webserver] 2015/06/04 16:19:06 Response status message: 200
helloworldread_1 | [Webserver] 2015/06/04 16:19:06 Response header stuff: map[]
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Completed 200 OK in 3.018198ms
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Started GET /apis/helloworld/files/apple for
helloworldread_1 | Stuff
helloworldread_1 | URL /apis/helloworld/files/apple
helloworldread_1 | REQUEST: {"URL":{"Scheme":"","Opaque":"","User":null,"Host":"","Path":"/apis/helloworld/files/apple","RawQuery":"","Fragment":""},"Method":"GET","Host":"thewire:3001","Header":{"Accept":["text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8"],"Accept-Encoding":["gzip, deflate"],"Accept-Language":["en-US,en;q=0.5"],"Connection":["keep-alive"],"Referer":["http://thewire:3001/helloworld/"],"User-Agent":["Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.0"]},"Body":""}
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:19:06 URLOBJ: map[error: path:[files apple] options:map[]]
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:19:06 Getting the storage for filename:0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006170706c65
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:19:06 Hash: 0x0
helloworldread_1 | response Status: 400 Bad Request
helloworldread_1 | response Headers: map[Date:[Thu, 04 Jun 2015 16:19:06 GMT] Content-Length:[60] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8]]
helloworldread_1 | REQUEST: Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:19:06 File data: Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:19:06 Json string of resp obj:
helloworldread_1 | {"Body":"{ \"data\" : \"Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component\"}","Header":{},"Status":200}
helloworldread_1 | [Webserver] 2015/06/04 16:19:06 Response status message: 200
helloworldread_1 | [Webserver] 2015/06/04 16:19:06 Response header stuff: map[]
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Completed 200 OK in 3.349478ms
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Started GET /apis/helloworld/files/apple for
helloworldread_1 | Stuff
helloworldread_1 | URL /apis/helloworld/files/apple
helloworldread_1 | REQUEST: {"URL":{"Scheme":"","Opaque":"","User":null,"Host":"","Path":"/apis/helloworld/files/apple","RawQuery":"","Fragment":""},"Method":"GET","Host":"thewire:3001","Header":{"Accept":["text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8"],"Accept-Encoding":["gzip, deflate"],"Accept-Language":["en-US,en;q=0.5"],"Connection":["keep-alive"],"Referer":["http://thewire:3001/helloworld/"],"User-Agent":["Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.0"]},"Body":""}
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:19:07 URLOBJ: map[path:[files apple] options:map[] error:]
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:19:07 Getting the storage for filename:0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006170706c65
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:19:07 Hash: 0x0
helloworldread_1 | response Status: 400 Bad Request
helloworldread_1 | response Headers: map[Date:[Thu, 04 Jun 2015 16:19:07 GMT] Content-Length:[60] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8]]
helloworldread_1 | REQUEST: Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:19:07 File data: Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:19:07 Json string of resp obj:
helloworldread_1 | {"Body":"{ \"data\" : \"Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component\"}","Header":{},"Status":200}
helloworldread_1 | [Webserver] 2015/06/04 16:19:07 Response status message: 200
helloworldread_1 | [Webserver] 2015/06/04 16:19:07 Response header stuff: map[]
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Completed 200 OK in 3.506831ms
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:42 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:42 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:42 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:19:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:02 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:02 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:24 [TXP] (t) ba7dcc6c => 28acdd4b (0) 33b584fa75e3543ec0319993b5de93061888336a79f061f35f9dc11feaf5e00c
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:30 [BPOOL] Got unrequested block (4ef8ed1a...)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [STATE] (~) 47fd17d97444b2be7bf14b14b50de8b99231e2fdba8f568f4f73bea151e11e74
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #8 6000000000000000000 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [STATE] 98dbb3991d0cd6a1003eb1308e53a6e1e66e1d78: #1 1500000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [STATE] 98dbb3991d0cd6a1003eb1308e53a6e1e66e1d78: #2 1500000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [STATE] fbf8d38a8cc3b0a2b62d1df47f636ae134ef948c: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [VM] (code) fbf8d38a8cc3b0a2b62d1df47f636ae134ef948c gas: 199999999999180 (d) 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000070656172b2e347327c58f44ea8a7d7b7f24449dc7ee65f09a87f1a4c31335b30bd3ab8de
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [VM] (pc) 0 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999179) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [VM] (pc) 2 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999178) => 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000070656172
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [VM] (pc) 3 -o- SLOAD (g) 20 (199999999999158) {0x70656172 : 0xb2e347327c58f44ea8a7d7b7f24449dc7ee65f09a87f1a4c31335b30bd3ab8de}
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [VM] (pc) 4 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999157) => 0x1b
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [VM] (pc) 6 -o- JUMPI (g) 1 (199999999999156) ~> 27 (t)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [VM] (pc) 27 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999155) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [VM] (pc) 29 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999154) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [VM] (pc) 31 -o- MSTORE (g) 2 (199999999999152) => 0x0
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [VM] (pc) 32 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999151) => 0x20
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [VM] (pc) 34 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999150) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [VM] (pc) 36 -o- RETURN (g) 1 (199999999999149) => (32) 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [STATE] 98dbb3991d0cd6a1003eb1308e53a6e1e66e1d78: #2 1500000000000000000 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [STATE] (~) 33b584fa75e3543ec0319993b5de93061888336a79f061f35f9dc11feaf5e00c
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #8 6000000000000000000 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #8 6000000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #9 6000000000000000000 (- 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [STATE] 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a: #0 0 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [VM] (code) 28acdd4b94e790111f2200e51f4329430431aa1a gas: 199999999999180 (d) 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e6775d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [VM] (pc) 0 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999179) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [VM] (pc) 2 -o- CALLDATALOAD (g) 1 (199999999999178) => 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e67
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [VM] (pc) 3 -o- SLOAD (g) 20 (199999999999158) {0x6772656574696e67 : 0x75d6d78062bc88f1268989ac0fbb73c3c4811a660d500c423182ede9a962d1c0}
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [VM] (pc) 4 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999157) => 0x1b
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [VM] (pc) 6 -o- JUMPI (g) 1 (199999999999156) ~> 27 (t)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [VM] (pc) 27 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999155) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [VM] (pc) 29 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999154) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [VM] (pc) 31 -o- MSTORE (g) 2 (199999999999152) => 0x0
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [VM] (pc) 32 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999151) => 0x20
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [VM] (pc) 34 -o- PUSH1 (g) 1 (199999999999150) => 0x00
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [VM] (pc) 36 -o- RETURN (g) 1 (199999999999149) => (32) 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #9 6000000000000000000 (+ 0)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [STATE] ba7dcc6c9b2fef535f6710b4c62085a0fc7f4129: #9 7500000000000000000 (+ 1500000000000000000)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [STATE] Processed block #8 (4ef8ed1a...)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [CHAIN] Block #8 passed (4ef8ed1a...)
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [CHAIN] Imported 1 blocks. #8 (4ef8ed1a) / 8 (4ef8ed1a)
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Started GET /helloworld/ for
helloworldread_1 | [martini] [Static] Serving /helloworld/index.html
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Completed 200 OK in 632.104µs
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Started GET /helloworld/js/helloworld.js for
helloworldread_1 | [martini] [Static] Serving /helloworld/js/helloworld.js
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Completed 200 OK in 359.914µs
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Started GET /favicon.ico for
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Completed 404 Not Found in 765.174µs
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Started GET /apis/helloworld/files/greeting for
helloworldread_1 | Stuff
helloworldread_1 | URL /apis/helloworld/files/greeting
helloworldread_1 | REQUEST: {"URL":{"Scheme":"","Opaque":"","User":null,"Host":"","Path":"/apis/helloworld/files/greeting","RawQuery":"","Fragment":""},"Method":"GET","Host":"helloworldread:3000","Header":{"Accept":["*/*"],"Accept-Encoding":["gzip, deflate, sdch"],"Accept-Language":["en-US,en;q=0.8"],"Connection":["keep-alive"],"Referer":["http://helloworldread:3000/helloworld/"],"User-Agent":["Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.65 Safari/537.36"]},"Body":""}
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:20:32 URLOBJ: map[path:[files greeting] options:map[] error:]
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:20:32 Getting the storage for filename:0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006772656574696e67
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:20:32 Hash: 0x0
helloworldread_1 | response Status: 400 Bad Request
helloworldread_1 | response Headers: map[Content-Length:[60] Content-Type:[text/plain; charset=utf-8] Date:[Thu, 04 Jun 2015 16:20:32 GMT]]
helloworldread_1 | REQUEST: Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:20:32 File data: Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component
helloworldread_1 | [Runtime] 2015/06/04 16:20:32 Json string of resp obj:
helloworldread_1 | {"Body":"{ \"data\" : \"Path Resolve error: path must contain at least one component\"}","Header":{},"Status":200}
helloworldread_1 | [Webserver] 2015/06/04 16:20:32 Response status message: 200
helloworldread_1 | [Webserver] 2015/06/04 16:20:32 Response header stuff: map[]
helloworldread_1 | [martini] Completed 200 OK in 5.972592ms
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:20:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:21:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:22:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:23:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:24:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:02 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:02 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:02 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:31ted to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:05 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:15 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:25 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:32 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:32 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:35 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:45 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:55 [SE [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happenRV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:25:55 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:05 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:05 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:15 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:15 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:21 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:25 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:25 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:35 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:35 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:45 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldwrite_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:45 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you do, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:21 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:31 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:31 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:41 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:41 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:51 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:26:51 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:27:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:27:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:27:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:27:01 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:27:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:27:01 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:27:11 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:27:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:27:11 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:27:12 [SERV] Peer already added.
helloworldread_1 | 2015/06/04 16:27:12 [PEER] Connected to self. Disconnecting. If you don't think this should happen, change the peer's key
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