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Last active August 20, 2023 04:58
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Generate a Bayesian skyline plot from BEAST log files using R
#' get.intervals
#' Scan through BEAST tree log line-by-line and parse each
#' Newick string to retrieve the coalescent intervals
#' @param treefile: (character) relative or absolute path to trees log file
#' @return List containing objects of class coalescentIntervals (ape) keyed
#' by state (MCMC step number)
get.intervals <- function(treefile) {
result <- list()
con <- file(treefile, open='r')
while (length(line <- readLines(con, n=1, warn=FALSE)) > 0) {
if (grepl("^tree", line)) {
state <- gsub("^.+STATE_([0-9]+) .+$", "\\1", line)
#nwkstr <- strsplit(line, " ")[[1]][4] # does not support BEAST1
nwkstr <- gsub("^[^(]+\\((.+);.*$", "(\\1;", line)
phy <- read.tree(text=nwkstr)
intervals <- coalescent.intervals(phy)
result[[state]] <- intervals
#' get.skyline
#' Generate coordinates of Bayesian skyline plot by averaging the
#' effective population size estimates over time.
#' @param logfile: path to BEAST trace log file
#' @param treefile: path to BEAST tree log file
#' @param p.burnin: proportion of chain sample to discard, starting from 0
#' @param thin: thinning interval, defaults to 1 (retain all post-burnin samples)
#' @param bin.count: number of bins to calculate skyline trends
#' @return S3 object of class 'skyline'
get.skyline <- function(logfile, treefile, p.burnin=0.1, thin=1, bin.count=100) {
# load log file
log <- read.table(logfile, sep='\t', comment.char='#', header=T)
# parse tree file
intervals <- get.intervals(treefile)
# determine if this is a BEAST1 or BEAST2 logfile
if (is.element("treeModel.rootHeight", names(log))) {
t.heights <- log$treeModel.rootHeight
} else if (is.element("TreeHeight", names(log))) {
t.heights <- log$TreeHeight
} else {
stop("Failed to locate tree height parameter in log file")
# maximum time is the root height's mean/median
t.mean <- mean(t.heights)
q <- quantile(t.heights, c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975))
t.lower <- q[1] # <- default
t.median <- q[2]
t.upper <- q[3]
max.height <- t.lower
age.youngest <- 0 # plot backwards in time
min.time <- 0
max.time <- max.height - age.youngest
delta <- (max.time - min.time) / (bin.count-1)
group.size.count <- sum(grepl("groupSize", names(log)))
# store age at the end of each group
group.times <- matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(log), ncol=group.size.count)
# determine time points of population size transitions for every sample
n.states <- nrow(log)
if (is.element("Sample", names(log))) {
states <- log$Sample
} else if (is.element("state", names(log))) {
states <- log$state
} else {
stop("Failed to locate chain step number in log")
thinned <- seq(round(n.states*p.burnin), n.states, thin)
for (i in thinned) {
state <- as.character(states[i])
group.sizes <- log[i, grepl("groupSize", names(log))]
# get cumulative times
cumul.t <- cumsum(intervals[[state]]$interval.length)
group.times[i, ] <- cumul.t[ cumsum(as.integer(group.sizes)) ]
# assign population sizes to bins
heights <- seq(0, max.height, length.out=bin.count)
bins <- matrix(nrow=nrow(log), ncol=bin.count)
for (i in thinned) {
state <- as.character(states[i])
pop.sizes <- log[i, grepl("popSize", names(log))]
index <- as.integer(cut(heights, c(0, group.times[i,]), right=F))
bins[i,] <- unlist(sapply(index, function(i) {
ifelse (, NA, pop.sizes[i])
# remove burnin rows before returning
bins <- na.omit(bins)
skyline <- list(,
mean=apply(bins, 2, mean),
median=apply(bins, 2, median),
lower=apply(bins, 2, function(x) quantile(x, 0.025)),
upper=apply(bins, 2, function(x) quantile(x, 0.975)),
class(skyline) <- 'skyline'
#' plot
#' Generic plot method for objects of class 'skyline'
#' @examples
#' logfile <- '~/Downloads/beast/bin/MTBC-skyline2.log'
#' treefile <- "~/Downloads/beast/bin/MTBC-skyline2.trees"
#' sky <- get.skyline(logfile, treefile)
#' plot(sky)
plot.skyline <- function(obj, ylim=NA,
poly.border=NA, poly.col='lightblue',
line.col='black', line.lwd=2,
xlab='Time', ylab='Effective population size',
...) {
if ( {
ylim <- range(obj$
plot(obj$time, obj$mean, type='n', ylim=ylim, log='y',
xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, ...)
polygon(x=c(obj$time, rev(obj$time)),
y=c(obj$upper, rev(obj$lower)),
border=poly.border, col=poly.col)
lines(obj$time, obj$mean, col=line.col, lwd=line.lwd)
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ArtPoon commented Jan 12, 2023

Does your log file really contain the variable name Tree.height?
If so you should be able to just tweak this code block:

  if (is.element("treeModel.rootHeight", names(log))) {
    t.heights <- log$treeModel.rootHeight
  } else if (is.element("TreeHeight", names(log))) {
    t.heights <- log$TreeHeight
  } else {
    stop("Failed to locate tree height parameter in log file")

So that it becomes:

  if (is.element("treeModel.rootHeight", names(log))) {
    t.heights <- log$treeModel.rootHeight
  } else if (is.element("Tree.height", names(log))) {
    t.heights <- log$Tree.height
  } else {
    stop("Failed to locate tree height parameter in log file")

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