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Created May 4, 2012 00:35
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Windows to OS X AutoHotkey mappings
; # - winkey
; + - shift
; ^ - ctrl
; ! - alt
#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 200
; Reverse scrolling
Send {WheelDown}
Send {WheelUp}
; following section mimics command-q and command-w
; behaviour to close windows
; note these had to be disabled below for the
; command to ctrl key remaps
; following section remaps alt-arrow and command-arrow
; keys to mimic OSX behaviour
#Up::Send {Lctrl down}{Home}{Lctrl up}
#Down::Send {Lctrl down}{End}{Lctrl up}
#Left::Send {Home}
#Right::Send {End}
!Up::Send {Home}
!Down::Send {End}
; following section remaps command key to control key
; affects all number and letter keys
; note that some keys, like winkey-l and winkey-d
; need to be remapped a differeny way
; otherwise autohotkey will not take over
;following won't remap using the normal method
#f::Send {LCtrl down}{f}{LCtrl up}
#l::Send {LCtrl down}{l}{LCtrl up}
;#q::^q ;disabled --remapped to alt-F4 instead
;#w::^w ;disabled --remapped to ctrl-F4 instead
LWin & Tab::AltTab ; the motherlode, alt-tab!
; Language switching
CapsLock:: Send {LCtrl down}{LShift down}{LShift up}{LCtrl up}
; Win-Left click to Ctrl-left click
#LButton::Send {Lctrl down}{LButton down}{LButton up}{Lctrl up}
; Cursor keys for text selection
!Left::Send {LCtrl down}{Left}{LCtrl up}
!Right::Send {LCtrl down}{Right}{LCtrl up}
#+Left::Send {Lshift down}{Home}{Lshift up}
#+Right::Send {Lshift down}{End}{Lshift up}
#+Up::Send {Lshift down}{PgUp}{Lshift up}
#+Down::Send {Lshift down}{PgDn}{Lshift up}
; Chrome
#IfWinActive ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_0
#Left::Send {LAlt down}{Left}{LAlt up}
#Right::Send {LAlt down}{Right}{LAlt up}
#!Right::Send {LCtrl down}{Tab}{LCtrl up}
#!Left::Send {LCtrl down}{LShift down}{Tab}{LShift up}{LCtrl up}
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