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Created March 5, 2009 09:57
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memcache openid store
"""Store implementation for the python library, using the GAE's memcache."""
from import OpenIDStore
from import nonce
import string, logging
import google.appengine.api.memcache
memcache = google.appengine.api.memcache.Client()
class MemcacheStore(OpenIDStore):
def storeAssociation(self, server_url, assoc):
"""This method puts a Association object into storage, retrievable by server URL and handle. """
key = "openid.assoc." + server_url ("storeAssociation %s" % server_url)
associations = memcache.get (key)
if (not associations): associations = {}
associations[assoc.handle] = assoc
memcache.set (key, associations, 60)
def getAssociation(self, server_url, handle=None):
"""This method returns an Association object from storage that matches the server URL and, if specified, handle.
It returns None if no such association is found or if the matching association is expired.""" ("getAssociation %s" % server_url)
associations = memcache.get ("openid.assoc." + server_url)
if (not associations): return None
if (handle):
assoc = associations.get (handle)
if (assoc and assoc.getExpiresIn() > 0): return assoc
else: return None
match = [assoc for assoc in associations.itervalues() if assoc.getExpiresIn() > 0]
if (len (match) == 0): return None
else: return match[0]
def removeAssociation(self, server_url, handle):
"""This method removes the matching association if it's found,
and returns whether the association was removed or not."""
key = "openid.assoc." + server_url ("removeAssociation %s" % server_url)
if (not handle): return memcache.delete (key) == 2
associations = memcache.get (key)
if (not associations): return False
assoc = associations.pop (handle, None)
if (not assoc): return False
memcache.set (key, associations, 60)
return True
def useNonce(self, server_url, timestamp, salt):
"""This method should return True if the nonce has not been used before,
and store it for a while to make sure nobody tries to use the same value again."""
nonce = string.join (["openid.nonce", server_url, str (timestamp), salt]) ("useNonce %s" % nonce)
return memcache.add (nonce, "-", 600)
def cleanup(self):
def cleanupAssociations(self):
def cleanupNonces(self):
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