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ArtemKorchunov ArtemKorchunov

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2.6 Internal Change: Reverting nextTick to Always Use Microtask

The Original Problem

When Vue detects data mutation, it asynchronously defer DOM updates to the next "tick" so that multiple mutations trigger only one update cycle. In versions before 2.5, Vue has been deferring updates using what is known as the "Microtask" (as explained in this blog post).

This works fine in most situations, but we discovered an edge case:

  1. Given two nested elements, "outer" and "inner";
  2. "inner" has a click event handler which triggers an update
bobbytables /
Created February 18, 2017 15:49
Protocol Buffer build script for multiple folders
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This script is meant to build and compile every protocolbuffer for each
# service declared in this repository (as defined by sub-directories).
# It compiles using docker containers based on Namely's protoc image
# seen here:
set -e
ClintLiddick /
Last active April 3, 2023 02:38
Rust Libraries for Robotics


tl;dr I want to use Rust to program robots. Help me find the best core libraries to build on.

Robotic systems require high performance and reliability, but also have enormous complexity in terms of algorithms employed, number of subsystems, embedded hardware control, and other metrics. Development is mostly split between C++ for performance and safety critical components, and MatLab or Python for quick research or task iteration.

jareware /
Last active April 23, 2024 22:13
Advanced SCSS, or, 16 cool things you may not have known your stylesheets could do

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Advanced SCSS

Or, 16 cool things you may not have known your stylesheets could do. I'd rather have kept it to a nice round number like 10, but they just kept coming. Sorry.

I've been using SCSS/SASS for most of my styling work since 2009, and I'm a huge fan of Compass (by the great @chriseppstein). It really helped many of us through the darkest cross-browser crap. Even though browsers are increasingly playing nice with CSS, another problem has become very topical: managing the complexity in stylesheets as our in-browser apps get larger and larger. SCSS is an indispensable tool for dealing with this.

This isn't an introduction to the language by a long shot; many things probably won't make sense unless you have some SCSS under your belt already. That said, if you're not yet comfy with the basics, check out the aweso