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Last active September 28, 2018 15:53
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Script generates source code level trace from instruction execution trace of linux kernel (from QEMU, for example)
# (Improved version of taken from )
# Find everything that looks like a kernel address in the input
# and append it with source code descriptions using addr2line.
# Usage:
# source_root_dir vmlinux_path addr2line_path < input > output
# where
# 'input' is a trace file with lines containing PC (Program Counter) values
# 'output' is a processed 'input' appended with descriptive source lines for debugging
# 'source_root_dir' is a root of path with linux kernel sources, from which
# vmlinux binary was build (actually, any path may be given, it's just to shorten file paths in 'output')
# 'vmlinux_path' is a path to vmlinux binary
# 'addr2line_path' is a path to addr2line utility from toolchain vmlinux was built
# (system/distro default one may fit in case if host is of same architecture)
# Example: ./kernel-src ./kernel-build/vmlinux addr2line < trace_dump.txt > trace_dump_vmlinux.txt
use File::Spec qw(abs2rel);
use FileHandle;
use IPC::Open3;
my %cache = ();
my $source_root_dir = shift;
$source_root_dir = `readlink -n $source_root_dir`;
my $vmlinux_path = shift;
my $addr2line_path = shift;
# Start addr2line utility in parallel to use its stdio streams to perform conversions
# (makes huge speedup to processing of large data)
my $addr2line_cmd = "$addr2line_path -f -i -p -e $vmlinux_path";
my $addr2line_in = new FileHandle;
my $addr2line_out = new FileHandle;
my $addr2line_err = new FileHandle;
open3($addr2line_in, $addr2line_out, $addr2line_err, "$addr2line_cmd") or die "$addr2line_cmd: $!";
vec($addrline_s_bits, $addr2line_out->fileno(), 1) = 1;
vec($addrline_s_bits, $addr2line_err->fileno(), 1) = 1;
while (<>) {
s{^(.*\s)([0-9a-fA-F]{6,16})(.*)$}{ $1 . $2 . $3 . addr_to_src_code_desc ($2) }e;
sub addr_to_src_code_desc
local $_;
my $addr = $_[0];
my $src_code_desc;
# Check if data is already memorized
return $cache{$addr} if exists $cache{$addr};
# Send address to addr2line utility...
print $addr2line_in "$addr\n";
# ... and wait&receive result from it
# (we cannot simply use buffered "$src_code_desc = <$addr2line_out>",
# because it may consist of multiple lines)
# (also we assume that addr2line flushes stdout explicitly and once it writes complete answer)
my $nfound = select($addrline_s_bits,undef,undef,undef);
die "addr2line I/O error\n" if ($nfound == -1);
sysread $addr2line_out,$src_code_desc,100000; #TODO: replace magic LENGTH with appropriate value
# Format result for better readability
$src_code_desc =~ s{(at\s+)(.+)(\:\d+)}{ $1 . path_relative_to_source_root ($2) . $3 }ge;
$src_code_desc = "\n$src_code_desc";
# Memorize data for later reuse.
$cache{$addr} = $src_code_desc;
return $src_code_desc;
sub path_relative_to_source_root
local $_;
my $abs_path = $_[0];
my $rel_path = File::Spec->abs2rel( $abs_path, $source_root_dir );
return $rel_path;
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