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Last active June 30, 2020 16:18
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  • Save Artemis21/109b7d4d8ddc1d6bbf2e620cae10c26b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Artemis21/109b7d4d8ddc1d6bbf2e620cae10c26b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
bot features


  • statistics for
    • messages sent
    • minutes in voice
    • most active channels
  • customisable mute/ban for
    • more than X user joins in a minute
    • more than Y user joins in a minute with similar names
    • name containing blacklisted/zalgo characters/words/phrases
  • demote admins (and undo actions) when they
    • mass create/delete roles/channels
    • mass kick/ban
    • above but between multiple admins
  • hCAPTCHA verification via web with VPN and proxy blocking
  • locking
    • channels
    • categories
    • entire server
  • [un]mute, tempmute
  • [un]ban, tempban
  • kick
  • warnings
  • anti-selfbot
    • ban for embeds
    • mute for delete within 1s of sending
    • mute for editing 3 times in 5 seconds
  • blacklisting of messages
    • with links to specific domains
    • with specific file types
    • with any links
    • with discord gift links
    • with discord server invites
    • with content spoilers
    • matching specific regex
  • activity ranking
  • channel purge up to specified time
  • purging channel of
    • embeds (even from bots)
    • attached files
    • un-typable characters
    • large amounts of emojis
  • logging
    • message delete, edit, [un]pin, reaction clear
    • role add/remove
    • role create/edit/delete
    • channel create/edit/delete
    • server edit
    • banned users
    • nickname changes
    • invite create/delete
    • emoji createt/edit/delete
  • backup and restore
    • channels
    • categories
    • roles
  • mass ban everyone
    • who's exactly matches a given name
    • who's name contains a given search (case insensitive)
    • who is muted
  • user lookup, including
    • list of roles
    • date joined discord
    • date joined server
    • name, nickname
    • avatar
    • last message date
    • last online date (requires logging)
    • last status (requires logging)
    • permissions
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