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Created September 17, 2016 12:07
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Erlang: upload data using multipart/form-data
%% Usage:
%% upload_request(<<"">>, <<"path/to/file.png">>, <<"upload">>, <<"image/png">>, [], <<"some-token">>)
%% Usage with RequestData:
%% Payload = [{upload_type, <<"user_picture">>}],
%% PayloadContent = jsx:encode(Payload),
%% RequestData = [
%% {<<"payload">>, PayloadContent}
%% ]
%% upload_request(<<"">>, <<"path/to/file.png">>, <<"upload">>, <<"image/png">>, RequestData, <<"some-token">>)
-spec upload_request(URL, FilePath, Name, MimeType, RequestData, AuthorizationToken) -> {ok, binary()} | {error, list()} when
URL:: binary(),
FilePath:: binary(),
Name:: binary(),
MimeType:: binary(),
RequestData:: list(),
AuthorizationToken:: binary().
upload_request(URL, FilePath, Name, MimeType, RequestData, AuthorizationToken) ->
Method = post,
Filename = filename:basename(FilePath),
{ok, Data} = file:read_file(FilePath),
Boundary = generate_uuid(),
RequestBody = format_multipart_formdata(Data, RequestData, Name, [Filename], MimeType, Boundary),
ContentType = "multipart/form-data; boundary=" ++ binary_to_list(Boundary),
ContentLength = integer_to_list(length(binary_to_list(RequestBody))),
Headers = [
{"Content-Length", ContentLength},
case AuthorizationToken =/= undefined of
true -> {"Authorization", "Bearer " ++ binary_to_list(AuthorizationToken)};
false -> {}
HTTPOptions = [],
Options = [{body_format, binary}],
httpc:request(Method, {binary_to_list(URL), Headers, ContentType, RequestBody}, HTTPOptions, Options).
-spec format_multipart_formdata(Data, Params, Name, FileNames, MimeType, Boundary) -> binary() when
Data:: binary(),
Params:: list(),
Name:: binary(),
FileNames:: list(),
MimeType:: binary(),
Boundary:: binary().
format_multipart_formdata(Data, Params, Name, FileNames, MimeType, Boundary) ->
StartBoundary = erlang:iolist_to_binary([<<"--">>, Boundary]),
LineSeparator = <<"\r\n">>,
WithParams = lists:foldl(fun({Key, Value}, Acc) ->
StartBoundary, LineSeparator,
<<"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"">>, Key, <<"\"">>, LineSeparator, LineSeparator,
Value, LineSeparator
end, <<"">>, Params),
WithPaths = lists:foldl(fun(FileName, Acc) ->
StartBoundary, LineSeparator,
<<"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"">>, Name, <<"\"; filename=\"">>, FileName, <<"\"">>, LineSeparator,
<<"Content-Type: ">>, MimeType, LineSeparator, LineSeparator,
end, WithParams, FileNames),
erlang:iolist_to_binary([WithPaths, StartBoundary, <<"--">>, LineSeparator]).
% Thanks to
generate_uuid() ->
<<A:32, B:16, C:16, D:16, E:48>> = crypto:rand_bytes(16),
Str = io_lib:format("~8.16.0b-~4.16.0b-4~3.16.0b-~4.16.0b-~12.16.0b",
[A, B, C band 16#0fff, D band 16#3fff bor 16#8000, E]),
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