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Last active December 25, 2015 23:49
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  • Save ArthurClune/7060045 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ArthurClune/7060045 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
New version of the tests for's Haskell exercise nucleotide-count_test.hs
import Test.HUnit (Assertion, (@=?), runTestTT, assertFailure, Test(..), Counts(..))
import System.Exit (ExitCode(..), exitWith)
import DNA (count, nucleotideCounts, Base(..), DNA(..))
import Data.Map (fromList)
import Data.Monoid ( (<>) )
import qualified Control.Exception as E
exitProperly :: IO Counts -> IO ()
exitProperly m = do
counts <- m
exitWith $ if failures counts /= 0 || errors counts /= 0 then ExitFailure 1 else ExitSuccess
assertError :: String -> a -> IO ()
assertError err f =
do r <- E.try (E.evaluate f)
case r of
Left (E.ErrorCall s) | err == s -> return ()
_ -> assertFailure ("expecting error " ++ show err)
testCase :: String -> Assertion -> Test
testCase label assertion = TestLabel label (TestCase assertion)
main :: IO ()
main = exitProperly $ runTestTT $ TestList
[ TestList countTests
, TestList nucleotideCountTests]
countTests :: [Test]
countTests =
[ testCase "empty dna strand has no adenosine" $
0 @=? count A (DNA [])
, testCase "repetitive cytidine gets counted" $
5 @=? count C (DNA [C,C,C,C,C])
, testCase "counts only thymidine" $
1 @=? count T (DNA [G,G,G,G,G,T,A,A,C,C,C,G,G])
-- Next two test cases are now redundant as they don't even type check
--, testCase "dna has no uracil" $
-- 0 @=? count U (DNA [G,A,T,T,A,C,A])
--, testCase "validates nucleotides" $
-- assertError "invalid nucleotide 'X'" $ count X (DNA [G,A,C,T])
nucleotideCountTests :: [Test]
nucleotideCountTests =
[ testCase "empty dna strand has no nucleotides" $
fromList [(A, 0), (T, 0), (C, 0), (G, 0)] @=?
nucleotideCounts (DNA [])
, testCase "repetitive-sequence-has-only-guanosine" $
fromList [(A, 0), (T, 0), (C, 0), (G, 8)] @=?
nucleotideCounts (DNA [G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G])
, testCase "counts all nucleotides" $
fromList [(A, 20), (T, 21), (C, 12), (G, 17)] @=?
nucleotideCounts (DNA [A,G,C,T,T,T,T,C,A,T,T,C,T,G,A,C,T,G,C,A,A,C,G,G,G,C,A,A,T,A] <>
DNA [T,G,T,C,T,C,T,G,T,G,T,G,G,A,T,T,A,A,A,A,A,A,A] <>
DNA [G,A,G,T,G,T,C,T,G,A,T,A,G,C,A,G,C])
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