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Working from home

Arthur de Oliveira Bandeira ArthurOliverB

Working from home
  • Cod3r
View GitHub Profile
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
function parseCsvLinesToArray(file) {
const matchLineBreak = /\r?\n/
return file.toString().trim().split(matchLineBreak)
function composeMatchingCsvColumnRegex(csvColumns) {
const csvColumnToNamedCapturingGroup = (currentColumn, currentIndex, array) => {

Regex Cheatsheet

Hello, everyone! In this markdown file, we'll be covering the usage of regular expressions in a few other languages by showing you each language specific syntax, and some Useful Regex Supporting API methods. Feel free to go through the whole file or use the navigation index below.

  1. JavaScript
  2. Go
  3. Java
  4. Python
  5. Ruby
  6. Additional Resources
def PI():
return "3.1415"
const array = ['H', 'e', 'l', 'l','o']
console.log(typeof Array); // Resultado: function
console.log(typeof array); // Resultado: object
class Animal {
constructor(nome, filo) {
this.nome = nome
this.filo = filo
apresentar() {
console.log(`Nome: ${this.nome}\nFilo: ${this.filo}`);
console.log(typeof Animal); // Resultado: function
console.log(typeof cachorro); // Resultado: object
function Animal(nome, filo) {
this.nome = nome
this.filo = filo
this.apresentar = function() {
console.log(`Nome: ${this.nome}\nFilo: ${this.filo}`);
let cachorro = new Animal("Cachorro", "Cordados");