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Last active February 12, 2018 03:06
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Sync Laravel
# usage
# ./ apache:apache
# copy and mode the directory itself, so the . (dot) files are affected also.
# if you try to copy html/*, then the . (dot) files are not always included (depends on system)
read -p "Do you want to overrite EVERYTHING? (Y)" -n 1 -r
echo ""
if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]
# need to not overwrite some files on the prod server...
echo "overriting everything"
rsync -az --delete ./html "root@bin-esweb1.usi.ben:/var/www/
# need to not overwrite some files on the prod server...
echo "syncing new changes only. no env, sqlite, or log files";
rsync -az --delete --exclude='*.sqlite' --exclude='*.env' --exclude='*.log' ./html "root@bin-esweb1.usi.ben:/var/www/
if [[ -z "$2" ]]
ssh "$1" "cd /var/www/; chown -R $2 html;"
## example relavant to wordpress sync
rsync -rtuv --delete --exclude='*.sqlite' --exclude='*.env' --exclude='*/wp-content/uploads/*' root@{site...}:/var/www/html ./local/
rsync -rtuv --exclude='*.sqlite' --exclude='*.env' --exclude='*/wp-content/uploads/*' ./local/html root@{site...}:/var/www/
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
cd $DIR/html
git pull
# check if the hash has chnaged.
hash=`git rev-parse HEAD`
old_hash=`cat ../git.hash`
if [[ $hash != $old_hash && -z $1 ]]
echo 'no match'
cd ..
# sync changes to web servers
rsync -az --delete --exclude='*.sqlite' --exclude='*.env' --exclude='*.log' ./html "$1:/var/www/"
ssh "$1" "cd /var/www/; chown -R apache:apache html;"
echo $hash > git.hash
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Artistan commented Dec 7, 2017

git pull is useful if you are doing some testing and want to dev local and instantly update a remote server.
add that script as in your /var/www directory

run watch -n5 "./"

it will try to pull every 5 seconds and if it does pull then it will rsync the html dir to another server also.

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