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Last active November 14, 2016 13:30
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baseIdeo encoding

baseIdeo encoding

The baseIdeo encoding encodes an arbitrary stream of bytes to Unicode code points in the "CJK Unified Ideographs" block (U+4E00–U+9FFF). Each code point represents a maximum of 14 bits.

The baseIdeo encoding is inspired by pnck's basecjk.


  • U+6000–U+9FFF are used for normative encoding.
  • U+4E00-U+4E0D is dedicated to padding.


A baseIdeo

Concat-Var baseIdeo

baseIdeo's padding scheme allows for easy lossless interpretation of padding lengths. This property can be utilized to concatenate streams without re-interpretation[1], given the following modification to the definiton of a stream:

Note that under this variant, the same bitstream, depending how it is segmented, can be encoded as different Concat-Var baseIdeo streams.


A baseIdeo encoder has an associated bit-stream sb, and a stream-length property l. Its handler runs the following operations:

  1. Let baseOffset be U+6000.
  2. Let padBase be U+4E00.
  3. Let remaining be l.
  4. While remaining is no less than 14:
  5. Read 14 bits from sb as integer b14.
  6. Decrement remaining by 14.
  7. Emit the codepoint b14 + baseOffset.
  8. If remaining is greater than 0:
  9. Read remaining bits from sb as integer b14.
  10. Bitwise shift b14 left by 14 - remaining bits.
  11. Emit the codepoint b14 + baseOffset.
  12. Emit the codepoint remaining + padBase.

A more realistic byte-oriented encoder will be discussed later in


A baseIdeo decoder has an associated code point string sc, which has a length property l. Its handler performs the following operations to restore the original bit-stream sb:

  1. Let i be 0.
  2. While l is greater than 0:

Byte-Orienated Procedures for baseIdeo Handling

o bbbbbbbb
0 01234567
1 89ABCD
1       01
2 23456789
3     0123
4 456789AB
5 CD
5   012345
6 6789ABCD
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