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Last active February 13, 2016 23:15
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  • Save ArtskydJ/8859428676ed688e8fad to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ArtskydJ/8859428676ed688e8fad to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
git pull all repos in a directory
@echo off
FOR /D %%F in ("*") DO @(
cd %~dp0%%F
if exist "package.json" (
david > nul 2>&1 || echo %%F
@cd %~dp0
@echo off
ls -1 I:\Music > t1
ls -1 C:\Users\Michael\Music > t2
diff t1 t2 | grep "[<>]" | grep -v "t[12]$"
rm t1 t2
@echo off
FOR /D %%F in ("*") DO (
echo %%F
cat %~dp0%%F\\.git\\config | sed s/:\/\/github/:\/\/ArtskydJ\@github/ > %~dp0temp.txt
cat %~dp0temp.txt > %~dp0%%F\\.git\\config
del %~dp0temp.txt
@echo off
FOR /D %%F in ("*") DO (
echo %%F
cat %~dp0%%F\\.git\\config | sed s/ArtskydJ\@// | sed s/https:\/\/\//git\ > %~dp0temp.txt
cat %~dp0temp.txt > %~dp0%%F\\.git\\config
del %~dp0temp.txt
@echo off
FOR /D %%F in ("*") DO (
cd %~dp0%%F
echo %%F
git pull -q --ff-only
cd %~dp0
@echo off
FOR /D %%F in ("*") DO (
cd %~dp0%%F
git config --get remote.origin.url
git config --get remote.upstream.url
cd %~dp0
@echo off
FOR /D %%F in ("*") DO (
ls "%~dp0%%F" -1 | grep -E ".(jpg|png)$" | grep -v -E "Folder.jpg|AlbumArt" | wc -l | node -e "process.stdin.on('data',b=>process.exit(Number(b)))" && echo No picture in %%F
echo Done!
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