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Created June 8, 2012 17:59
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  • Save ArunGupta25/2897273 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ArunGupta25/2897273 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
$("#dragndrop").html("<input type='hidden' id='<%= %>' src='<%= @photo.image.url %>' value='Edit photo' onclick='return launchEditor('', '<%= @photo.image.url %>');'' onmouseover=''hand''/>");
launchEditor('<%= %>', '<%= @photo.image.url %>');
$(document).ready(function() {
function initBrowserWarning() {
var isChrome = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('chrome') > -1;
var isFirefox = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1;
if(!isChrome && !isFirefox)
function initDnD() {
$('#dropzone').get(0).addEventListener("dragenter", onDragEnter, false);
$('#dropzone').get(0).addEventListener("dragleave", onDragLeave, false);
$('#dropzone').get(0).addEventListener("dragover", noopHandler, false);
$('#dropzone').get(0).addEventListener("drop", onDrop, false);
// init the widgets
function noopHandler(evt) {
function onDragEnter(evt) {
$('#instructions').html("Release file to upload");
function onDragLeave(evt) {
function onDrop(evt) {
// Consume the event.
// Reset progress bar incase we are dropping MORE files on an existing result page
// Show progressbar
// Get the dropped files.
var files = evt.dataTransfer.files;
// If anything is wrong with the dropped files, exit.
if(typeof files == "undefined" || files.length == 0)
// Update and show the upload box
var label = (files.length == 1 ? " file" : " files");
//$("#upload-count").html(files.length + label);
// Process each of the dropped files individually
for(var i = 0, length = files.length; i < length; i++) {
uploadFile(files[i], length);
function uploadFile(file, totalFiles) {
var reader = new FileReader();
// Handle errors that might occur while reading the file (before upload).
reader.onerror = function(evt) {
var message;
// REF:
switch( {
case 1:
message = + " not found.";
case 2:
message = + " has changed on disk, please re-try.";
case 3:
messsage = "Upload cancelled.";
case 4:
message = "Cannot read " + + ".";
case 5:
message = "File too large for browser to upload.";
// When the file is done loading, POST to the server.
reader.onloadend = function(evt){
var data =;
// Make sure the data loaded is long enough to represent a real file.
if(data.length > 128){
* Per the Data URI spec, the only comma that appears is right after
* 'base64' and before the encoded content.
var base64StartIndex = data.indexOf(',') + 1;
* Make sure the index we've computed is valid, otherwise something
* is wrong and we need to forget this upload.
if(base64StartIndex < data.length) {
type: 'POST',
url: '/photos',
data: 'file_data='+data.substring(base64StartIndex), // Just send the Base64 content in POST body
headers: {
'X-Transaction': 'POST Example',
'X-CSRF-Token': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content')
processData: false, // No need to process
timeout: 60000, // 1 min timeout
dataType: 'text', // Pure Base64 char data
beforeSend: function onBeforeSend(xhr, settings) {
// Put the important file data in headers
xhr.setRequestHeader('x-file-size', file.size);
xhr.setRequestHeader('x-file-type', file.type);
// Update status
$("#upload-status-text").html("Uploading and Processing " + + "...");
error: function onError(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
// Have to increment the progress bar even if it's a failed upload.
//updateAndCheckProgress(totalFiles, "Upload <span style='color: red;'>failed</span>");
if(textStatus == "timeout") {
$("#upload-details").html("Upload was taking too long and was stopped.");
} else {
$("#upload-details").html("An error occurred while uploading the image.");
success: function onUploadComplete(response) {
response = $.parseJSON(response);
// If the parse operation failed (for whatever reason) bail
if(!response || typeof response == "undefined") {
// Error, update the status with a reason as well.
$("#upload-status-text").html("Upload <span style='color: red;'>failed</span>");
$("#upload-details").html("The server was unable to process the upload.");
if(response.success) {
// Update status
$("#upload-status-text").html(response.originalFileName + " Uploaded!");
} else {
// Error, update the status with a reason as well.
$("#upload-status-text").html("Upload <span style='color: red;'>failed</span>");
// Start reading the image off disk into a Data URI format.
* Used to update the progress bar and check if all uploads are complete. Checking
* progress entails getting the current value from the progress bar and adding
* an incremental "unit" of completion to it since all uploads run async and
* complete at different times we can't just update in-order.
* This is only ever meant to be called from an upload 'success' handler.
function updateAndCheckProgress(totalFiles, altStatusText) {
var currentProgress = $("#upload-status-progressbar").progressbar("option", "value");
currentProgress = currentProgress + (100 / totalFiles);
// Update the progress bar
$("#upload-status-progressbar").progressbar({value: currentProgress});
// Check if that was the last file and hide the animation if it was
if(currentProgress >= 99) {
$("#upload-status-text").html((altStatusText ? altStatusText : "All Uploads Complete!"));
function generateUploadResult(label, image, altInputValue) {
var markup = " <li><span class='label'>" + label + "</span><input readonly type='text' value='";
markup += image.url;
markup += altInputValue;
markup += "' /></li><li><span class='details'>";
markup += image.width + "x" + image.height;
if(image.width && image.sizeInBytes)
markup += " - ";
markup += (image.sizeInBytes / 1000) + " KB";
markup += "</span></li>";
return markup;
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