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Created December 31, 2019 00:37
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Lambda Authorizer for AWS API Gateway in Typescript
import axios from 'axios'
import jwt from 'jsonwebtoken'
import jwkToPem from 'jwk-to-pem'
import { AuthResponse, CustomAuthorizerEvent, PolicyDocument } from 'aws-lambda'
import { AxiosError, AuthError, ValidationError } from '../../shared/errors'
// For AWS Cognito: https://cognito-idp.<region><user pool id>
// refer to:
const iss = process.env.ISS
const jwkPems: { [key: string]: string } = {}
// generatePolicy creates a policy document to allow this user on this API:
function generatePolicy (effect: string, resource: string): PolicyDocument {
const policyDocument = {} as PolicyDocument
if (effect && resource) {
policyDocument.Version = '2012-10-17'
policyDocument.Statement = []
const statementOne: any = {}
statementOne.Action = 'execute-api:Invoke'
statementOne.Effect = effect
statementOne.Resource = resource
policyDocument.Statement[0] = statementOne
return policyDocument
// ValidateToken validates a token against a list of public keys
function ValidateToken (token: string, pems: any): any {
// Fail if the token is not jwt
const decodedJwt = jwt.decode(token, { complete: true })
if (!decodedJwt) {
throw new ValidationError(Error('invalid JWT token'))
// Fail if token is not from your UserPool
console.log(`Payload.iss = ${(decodedJwt as { [key: string]: any }).payload.iss}`)
console.log(`ISS = ${iss}`)
if ((decodedJwt as { [key: string]: any }).payload.iss !== iss) {
throw new ValidationError(Error('invalid issuer'))
// Reject the jwt if it's not an 'Access Token'
if ((decodedJwt as { [key: string]: any }).payload.token_use !== 'access') {
throw new ValidationError(Error('not an access token'))
// Get the kid from the token and retrieve corresponding PEM
const kid = (decodedJwt as { [key: string]: any }).header.kid
const pem = pems[kid]
if (!pem) {
throw new ValidationError(Error('invalid access token'))
try {
// Verify the signature of the JWT token to ensure it's really coming from your User Pool
return jwt.verify(token, pem, { issuer: iss })
} catch (error) {
throw new ValidationError(error, 'invalid signature')
// Reusable Authorizer function, set on `authorizer` field in serverless.yml
export async function handle (event: CustomAuthorizerEvent): Promise<AuthResponse> {
try {
console.log('Auth function invoked')
if (!event.authorizationToken) {
throw new AuthError(Error('authorization token not found'))
if (Object.keys(jwkPems).length === 0) {
// Make a request to the iss + .well-known/jwks.json URL:
const jwks = await axios.get(`${iss}/.well-known/jwks.json`)
.catch((err) => { throw new AxiosError(err) }) any) => {
const jwkArray = {
kty: k.kty,
n: k.n,
e: k.e
jwkPems[k.kid] = jwkToPem(jwkArray)
// Remove 'bearer ' from token:
const token = event.authorizationToken.substring(7)
const decoded = ValidateToken(token, jwkPems)
const policyDoc = generatePolicy('Allow', '*')
return {
principalId: decoded.sub,
policyDocument: policyDoc
} as AuthResponse
} catch (error) {
console.error('an error happened during authentication', error)
throw new AuthError(error, 'Unauthorized')
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