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Created September 19, 2023 12:22
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Implementation for the udpServer module
open Lwt.Infix
open TopicFilter
let parse_hex_string hex_string =
let length = String.length hex_string in
if length mod 2 <> 0 then failwith "Invalid hex string length";
let bytes = Bytes.create (length / 2) in
let i = ref 0 in
while !i < length do
let byte = int_of_string ("0x" ^ String.sub hex_string !i 2) |> char_of_int in
Bytes.set bytes (!i / 2) byte;
(* print_endline ("0x" ^ String.sub hex_string !i 2); *)
(* print_endline (String.sub hex_string !i 2); *)
i := !i + 2
let _parse_hex_string_of_variable_length hex_string =
let length = String.length hex_string in
if length mod 2 <> 0 then failwith "Invalid hex string length";
let bytes = Bytes.create (length / 2) in
let i = ref 0 in
while !i < length do
let byte =
if !i + 1 < length then
int_of_string ("0x" ^ String.sub hex_string !i 2) |> char_of_int
int_of_string ("0x" ^ String.sub hex_string !i 1 ^ "0") |> char_of_int
Bytes.set bytes (!i / 2) byte;
i := !i + 2
let listen_address = Unix.inet_addr_loopback
let port = 9000
type pubsubmessage =
| SubscribeRequest of string
| UnsubscribeRequest of string
| PublishRequest of string * string
| DefPublishRequest of string
| CloseConnRequest
| InvalidRequest of string
let publish_to_topic server_address topic message =
let map_func = fun client_address ->
Lwt_unix.sendto server_address (Bytes.of_string message) 0
(String.length message) [] client_address
>>= fun _ -> Lwt.return ()
let client_addr_list = TOPIC_FILTER.getSockets topic in
let send_tasks = map_func client_addr_list in
Lwt.join send_tasks
(* This function handle_message takes a message (msg) and the server
address (server_address) as input and processes the message
according to the pubsubmessage type. It returns a string as a
response to the client. *)
let play_midi_note message =
let message = parse_hex_string message in
let midi_message =
Rtpmidi.UDP_SERIALIZER.deserialize (message)
print_endline ("playing on channel " ^ string_of_int;
let dev = Play.device ~channel:( () in
Play.write_midi_message dev midi_message;
Midi.Device.shutdown dev |> ignore;
Lwt.return ()
let handle_message msg server_address client_address =
let lst = Str.split_delim (Str.regexp " ") msg in
let udpMsg =
match lst with
| [ "subscribe"; topic ] -> SubscribeRequest topic
| [ "unsubscribe"; topic ] -> UnsubscribeRequest topic
| [ "publish"; topic; message ] -> PublishRequest (topic, message)
| [ "publish"; message ] -> DefPublishRequest message
| [ "quit" ] -> CloseConnRequest
| _ -> InvalidRequest "Invalid pubsubmessage format"
match udpMsg with
| SubscribeRequest topic ->
TOPIC_FILTER.addSocket topic client_address;
Lwt.return ("Subscribed to " ^ topic)
| UnsubscribeRequest topic ->
TOPIC_FILTER.removeSocket topic client_address;
Lwt.return ("Unsubscribed from " ^ topic)
| DefPublishRequest message ->
Lwt.return ("Published on channel 0" ^ message)
| PublishRequest (topic, message) ->
let pub_res = publish_to_topic server_address topic message in
let midi_res = play_midi_note message in
Lwt.join [pub_res; midi_res] >>= fun () ->
Lwt.return ("Published " ^ message ^ " on " ^ topic)
| CloseConnRequest -> Lwt.return "quit"
| InvalidRequest msg -> Lwt.return msg
(* This function handle_request takes a server socket (server_socket)
as input and recursively listens for incoming UDP packets from
clients. It processes the received messages using the handle_message
function and sends appropriate responses back to the clients. *)
let rec handle_request server_socket =
let buffer = Bytes.create 1024 in
server_socket >>= fun server_socket ->
Lwt_unix.recvfrom server_socket buffer 0 1024 []
>>= fun (num_bytes, client_address) ->
let message = Bytes.sub_string buffer 0 num_bytes in
handle_message message server_socket client_address >>= fun reply ->
match reply with
| "quit" ->
print_endline "Quitting Server...";
Lwt_unix.sendto server_socket (Bytes.of_string reply) 0
(String.length reply) [] client_address
>>= fun _ -> Lwt.return ()
| _ ->
Lwt_unix.sendto server_socket (Bytes.of_string reply) 0
(String.length reply) [] client_address
>>= fun _ ->
handle_request (Lwt.return server_socket)
(* This function create_server takes a server socket (sock) as input
and initiates the handle_request process for that socket. *)
let create_server sock =
handle_request sock
(* This function create_socket creates a UDP socket, binds it to the
listen_address and port, and returns the socket. *)
let create_socket () : Lwt_unix.file_descr Lwt.t =
let open Lwt_unix in
let sock = socket PF_INET SOCK_DGRAM 0 in
bind sock @@ ADDR_INET (listen_address, port) >>= fun () -> Lwt.return sock
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