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Created July 21, 2023 20:52
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open Lwt.Infix
let listen_address = Unix.inet_addr_loopback
let port = 9000
let handle_message msg =
print_endline ("Received message in handle_message: " ^ msg);
match msg with "quit" -> "quit" | _ -> "Ready for next message"
let rec handle_request server_socket =
server_socket >>= fun server_socket ->
(* Wait for promise server_socket to resolve, and then use its value *)
print_endline "Ready to send request";
print_endline "Enter the value you want to send to the UDP Server: ";
let userMsg = read_line () in
Lwt_unix.sendto server_socket (Bytes.of_string userMsg) 0
(String.length userMsg) []
(ADDR_INET (listen_address, port))
>>= fun _ ->
print_endline "Request sent";
let buffer = Bytes.create 1024 in
Lwt_unix.recvfrom server_socket buffer 0 1024 []
>>= fun (num_bytes, _) ->
print_endline "Received response from server";
let message = Bytes.sub_string buffer 0 num_bytes in
print_endline ("Received message in handle_request: " ^ message);
let reply = handle_message message in
match reply with
| "quit" ->
print_endline "Quitting Client...";
Lwt.return ()
| _ ->
print_endline ("Reply from server: " ^ reply);
handle_request (Lwt.return server_socket)
let create_client sock =
print_endline "Creating client";
handle_request sock
let create_socket () : Lwt_unix.file_descr Lwt.t =
print_endline "Creating socket";
let open Lwt_unix in
let sock = socket PF_INET SOCK_DGRAM 0 in
Lwt.return sock
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