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Created November 14, 2018 23:11
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  • Save Arzte/325941c17674625ebb20f91037c3dd61 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Arzte/325941c17674625ebb20f91037c3dd61 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
use core::structs::ShardManagerContainer;
command!(quit(ctx, msg, _args) {
// The shard manager is an interface for mutating, stopping, restarting, and
// retrieving information about shards.
let data =;
let shard_manager = match data.get::<ShardManagerContainer>() {
Some(v) => v,
None => {
let _ = msg.reply("There was a problem getting the shard manager");
return Ok(());
let mut manager = shard_manager.lock();
msg.reply("Shutting down!")?;
use core::built_info;
use core::structs::Github;
use std::process::Command;
use std::thread;
command!(update(ctx, msg, _args) {
let github_json: Github = reqwest::get("")?.json()?;
let github_latest_sha = github_json.sha;
let github_short = &github_latest_sha[0..7];
if let Some(local_short) = built_info::GIT_VERSION {
if local_short == github_short {
msg.channel_id.say(format!("There are no updates available, perhaps you forgot to push to Github?\nlocal: ``{}`` matchs github:``{}``", local_short, github_short))?;
return Ok(())
thread::spawn(move || {
if let Ok(mut message) = msg.channel_id.say("Now updating Arzte's Cute Bot, please wait....") {
if let Ok(mut cmd_output) = msg.channel_id.say("**```\n \n```**") {
message.edit(|m| m.content("Pulling in the latest changes from github...."))?;
let output = Command::new("git")
.args(&["pull", "-ff"])
cmd_output.edit(|m| m.content(format!("**```\n{}\n```**", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout))))?;
message.edit(|m| m.content("Finished pulling updates from Github."))?;
message.edit(|m| m.content("Now compiling changes.... (This takes a long time)"))?;
let output2 = Command::new("/home/faey/.cargo/bin/cargo")
.args(&["+stable", "build", "--release"])
cmd_output.edit(|m| m.content(format!("**```\n{}\n```**", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output2.stderr))))?;
message.edit(|m| m.content("Finished compiling new changes."))?;
if let Ok(mut shard) = msg.channel_id.say("Getting shard manager, then telling the bot to shutdown...") {
// The shard manager is an interface for mutating, stopping, restarting, and
// retrieving information about shards.
let data =;
let shard_manager = match data.get::<ShardManagerContainer>() {
Some(v) => v,
None => {
let _ = shard.edit(|m| m.content("There was a problem getting the shard manager"));
return Ok(())
let mut manager = shard_manager.lock();
shard.edit(|m| m.content("Updated! Restarting now!"))?;
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