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Created March 27, 2016 12:13
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from collections import OrderedDict
from ctypes import sizeof
from ctypes.wintypes import (
import pygame
from win32clipboard import (
class _clipboard:
def __enter__(self):
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
clipboard = _clipboard()
class Bounds:
def __init__(self, start, end):
self.start = start
self.end = end
def __len__(self):
return self.end - self.start + 1
class Header:
fields = OrderedDict((
("biSize", DWORD),
("biWidth", LONG),
("biHeight", LONG),
("biPlanes", WORD),
("biBitCount", WORD),
("biCompression", DWORD),
("biSizeImage", DWORD),
("biXPelsPerMeter", LONG),
("biYPelsPerMeter", LONG),
("biClrUsed", DWORD),
("biClrImportant", DWORD),
("bitmask_r", DWORD),
("bitmask_g", DWORD),
("bitmask_b", DWORD),
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.biSize = None
self.biWidth = None
self.biHeight = None
self.biPlanes = None
self.biBitCount = None
self.biCompression = None
self.biSizeImage = None
self.biXPelsPerMeter = None
self.biYPelsPerMeter = None
self.biClrUsed = None
self.biClrImportant = None
self.bitmask_r = None
self.bitmask_g = None
self.bitmask_b = None
def _get_available_clipboard_formats():
"""requires `with clipboard`"""
formats = []
format = EnumClipboardFormats()
while format != 0:
format = EnumClipboardFormats(format)
return formats
def _get_data():
"""requres `with clipboard`"""
if CF_DIB not in _get_available_clipboard_formats():
raise TypeError("Clipboard contents are not a screenshot")
data = GetClipboardData(CF_DIB)
header = {}
offset = 0
for field, datatype in Header.fields.items():
bounds = _type_offset_to_bounds(datatype, offset)
header[field] = _byteslice_to_int(data, bounds)
offset += len(bounds)
if field == "biClrImportant" and header["biCompression"] != 3:
#Not a bitfield image, those 12 bytes are for nerds
return Header(**header), data[offset:]
def _byteslice_to_int(bytestring, bounds):
bytes = (bytestring[i] for i in range(bounds.start, bounds.end + 1))
total = 0
for i, byte in enumerate(bytes):
total += byte << (8 * i)
return total
def _type_offset_to_bounds(datatype, offset):
size = sizeof(datatype)
end = (size - 1) + offset
return Bounds(offset, end)
def get_clipboard_screenshot():
with clipboard:
header, data = _get_data()
w = header.biWidth
h = header.biHeight
#Data is encoded as BGRX, which isn't something Pygame can handle, so we
# reverse it to make it XRGB, then take the first byte off and stick it on
# the end to make RGBX.
#Bizarrely, some of the X bytes aren't 0xff; the margin down the side of
# the line numbers in VS, and the description box in the properties window,
# for instance, are 0x0.
im = pygame.image.fromstring(data[::-1][1:] + b"\xff", (w, h), "RGBX")
#Though now the image is the other wrong way up, so give it a flip.
im = pygame.transform.flip(im, True, False)
return im
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