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Last active December 14, 2015 08:56
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Developing on QGIS using OSGeo4Mac

Note: This page has been copied from and includes my notes. The original text is written by @dakcarto.

Developing on QGIS using OSGeo4Mac

In addition to using this tap to install a QGIS stable formula, you can also use it to fully set up a development environment for an externally built QGIS from a clone of the current development (master) branch of the source code tree.

Note: This setup, though heavily tested, is currently experimental and may change. A more stable and time-tested setup is outlined in the QGIS INSTALL document.

Development Tools

This tutorial is based upon using the following open source software:

Mac OS X XCode and Command Line Tools, for Homebrew and building QGIS source. QGIS's CMake build process uses generated Makefiles for building QGIS source directly with clang, not via Xcode project files, i.e. is not needed for compiling.

Install Homebrew

See and homebrew/wiki/Installation

Default install method:

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew update

brew doctor # <-- and fix everything that it mentions, if you can

Homebrew Prefix

While all of the formulae and scripts support building QGIS using a Homebrew non-standard prefix, e.g. /opt/osgeo4mac, do yourself a favor (especially if new to Homebrew) and install in the default directory of /usr/local. QGIS has many dependencies which are available as "bottles" (pre-built binary installs) from the Homebrew project. Installing Homebrew to a non-standard prefix will force many of the bottled formulae to be built from source, since many of the available bottles are built specific to /usr/local. Such unnecessary building can comparatively take hours and hours more, depending upon your available CPU cores.

If desired, this setup supports builds where the OSGeo4Mac deps are in a non-standard Homebrew location, e.g. /usr/local/osgeo4mac or /opt/osgeo4mac, instead of /usr/local. This allows for multiple build scenarios, including placing the dependencies on an external drive, though that requires building all deps with special 'bottle' parameters (see advanced utility brew stack and its command line completion).

Install Some Basic Formulae

brew install bash-completion
brew install git

Install Python Dependencies

The first important decision to make is regarding whether to use Homebrew's or the OS X system Python. QGIS currently only supports Python 2.5-2.7. Newer Mac system's (>= 10.7) have a version of Python 2.7 installed, so using Homebrew's is unnecessary. However, the more formulae you install, the higher likelihood you will end up running into a formulae that requires installing Homebrew's Python.

Important Note: If you intend to also have the latest stable version of QGIS and its supporting frameworks from installed concurrently with a separate master build of QGIS, it is highly recommended you use Homebrew's Python, since it will allow you to isolate some Python dependencies that may cause crashes, namely modules that link to different supporting libraries. For example, the osgeo.gdal and osgeo.ogr modules referenced by /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/gdal-py2.7.pth will link to /Library/Frameworks/GDAL.framework components instead of to Homebrew's gdal formula install.

If using Homebrew Python 2.7, install with:

brew info python # review options
brew install python # [--with-option ...]

Install required Python modules:

Use pip with OS X system Python or Homebrew's pip, installed with its Python. You can also tap homebrew/python for some more complex module installs.

Note: a version of NumPy is also vendored (installed internally to keg) by gdal, if building --with-python option, which is the default. You will also want to install a copy to the base site-packages for your Python.

Other Python modules installed automatically by Homebrew in next step:

Install Build and Linked Library Dependencies

Note: substitute qgis-xx for whatever is the latest stable version of QGIS's formula, e.g. qgis-24.

brew tap homebrew/science
brew tap osgeo/osgeo4mac
brew info qgis-xx # review options
brew deps --tree qgis-xx --with-grass --with-globe [--with-some-option ...] # to see what dependencies will be included
brew install qgis-xx --only-dependencies --with-grass --with-globe [--with-some-option ...]

You do not have to actually do brew install qgis-xx unless you also want the stable version installed. If you do have other QGIS formulae installed, and are planning on installing your development build (not just running from the build directory), you should unlink the formula(e) installs, e.g.:

brew unlink qgis-xx

This will ensure the qgis.core, etc. Python modules of the formula(e) installs are not overwritten by the development build upon make install. All qgis-xx formulae QGIS applications will run just fine from their Cellar keg install directory. Careful, though, as multiple QGIS installs will probably all share the same application preference files; so, don't run them concurrently.

The --enable-isolation option is specific to the qgis-xx formulae install, but will have the effect of forcing the use of Homebrew's Python. If you intend to isolate your development build, you can just add --enable-isolation when building dependencies, then install the noted required Python modules after the dependencies are built.

At the time of writing this the Homebrew recipe still only builds QGIS 2.8. For QGIS 2.12 and upwards there are further dependencies which are not installed by Homebrew:

brew install qca

Optional External Dependencies

The Processing framework of QGIS can leverage many external geospatial applications and utilities, which do not need to be built as dependencies prior to building QGIS:

The gpsbabel formula is installed as a dependency, though you may have to define the path to its binary when using QGIS's GPS Tools.

Clone QGIS Source

See the QGIS INSTALL document for information on using git to clone the source tree.

QGIS's build setup uses CMake, which supports 'out-of-source' build directories. It is recommended to create a separate build directory, either within the source tree, or outside it. Since the (re)build process can generate many files, consider creating a separate partition on which to place the build directory. Such a setup can significantly reduce fragmentation on your main startup drive.

Customize Build Scripts

This tap offers several convenience scripts for use in Qt Creator, or wrapper build scripts, to aid in building/installing QGIS, located at:


Note: Copy the directory elsewhere and use it from there. It's important to not edit the scripts where they are located, in the tap, because it is a git repo. You should keep that working tree clean so that brew update always works.

The scripts will be used when configuring the QGIS project in Qt Creator.

Open and review scripts:

Note: scripts expect the HOMEBREW_PREFIX environment variable to be set, e.g. in your .bash_profile:

export HOMEBREW_PREFIX=/usr/local
  • - For generating CMake option string for use in Qt Creator (or build scripts) when built off dependencies from homebrew-osgeo4mac tap. Edit CMake options to suit your build needs. Note, the current script usually has CMake options for building QGIS with all options that the current qgis-xx Homebrew formula supports, which can include things like Oracle support, etc. You will probably want to edit it and comment out such lines for an initial build.

  • - For setting env vars in dev build and installed, to ensure they are available on double-click run. Needs to stay in the same directory as the next scripts.

  • - Sets up the build environ and ensures the in the build directory can find resources, so it can run from there.

  • - Installs the app and ensures has proper environment variables, so it can be moved around on the filesystem. Currently, bundling beyond QGIS_MACAPP_BUNDLE=0 is not supported. Since all dependencies are in your HOMEBREW_PREFIX, no complex bundling is necessary, unless you intend to relocate the built app to another Mac.

Other Scripts

  • enviro/ - Strips from Python's sys.path any entry that starts with /Library, which ensures a Homebrew Python or concurrent install with Kyngchaos's stable is not pulling in conflicting modules from /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages or /Library/Frameworks. It is not intended to be edited or copied outside of the tap's path, but can be, if you also update the build scripts.

  • enviro/osgeo4mac.env - Is a file intended to be sourced in your bash shell to set up an environment for working with a OSGeo4Mac-enabled Homebrew install. Read the comments at the beginning of the file, and consider adding a custom ~/.osgeo4mac.env to set things like EDITOR, HOMEBREW_GITHUB_API_TOKEN, and other HOMEBREW_* variables.

Configure "Build and Run" Preferences in Qt Creator

  • Define Homebrew's Qt as an available version:

    Qt Creator Qt Versions

  • Define a new Kit that uses Homebrew's Qt

    Qt Creator Kit

    If the Xcode Command Line Tools are installed properly, and on Mac OS X 10.9, the LLDB debugger should be found. If not, you may have to locate it.

    If using clang and on Mac OS X 10.9, with Qt 4.8.6, you may need to set the Qt mkspec to unsupported/macx-clang-libc++ due to changes in the underlying standard C++ libraries. This is not necessary for building QGIS, since it uses CMake. It is important for projects that use the same kit, but build using qmake.

  • If you installed to a non-standard HOMEBREW_PREFIX, you may have to browse and set the path to the cmake executable.

Open QGIS Source Code as Project in Qt Creator

  • Select File -> Open File or Project... and browse/open /path/to/source/of/QGIS/CMakeLists.txt which opens the CMake Wizard:

    Qt Creator CMake Wizard

  • Run (ensure HOMEBREW_PREFIX environment variable is set) and paste the result in the Arguments: field.

  • Generate the Unix Makefiles. If there are errors, they will have to be resolved, or the project can not be initialized and opened.

Configure Project in Qt Creator

Once the project has been initialized, you need to set up the build steps for the QGIS source. While the scripts are not necessary, they reduce the number of build steps needed and simplify building QGIS outside of Qt Creator as well. If you forgo the scripts, you will need to investigate them in order to help set up your own custom build steps.

  • Configure project with environment variables and to use the build and install scripts:

    Qt Creator Project

    The make staged-plugins-pyc (-j # is the number of available CPU cores) command stages/installs the core Python plugins to the build directory, so you can run directly from there, without having to run make install. It is a separate step to limit what needs rebuilt when editing on core files, which only require rebuilding with the build script once the core plugins have been staged. There is no need to re-stage the core plugins unless something about them has changed.

    • Environment variables

      • HOMEBREW_PREFIX is referenced and required by the build scripts.
      • PATH is manually prepended with your HOMEBREW_PREFIX (Qt Creator doesn't expand user-set variables). Allows the build process to find required executables, like sip.
      • PYTHONHOME, if using Homebrew's Python, is set to the Current Python framework, manually prepended with your HOMEBREW_PREFIX. This keeps Homebrew from importing Python modules located in /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages before similar modules in Homebrew's site-packages.

Build QGIS

Select the all target and click Build Project "qgis-x.x.x". (Showing the Compile Output tab allows log output of the build.)

Qt Creator Build

Unless the source code is unstable, you do not have to make install. If the core plugins are staged with make staged-plugins or make staged-plugins-pyc after the build, you should be able to run the directly from the build directory.

Run Unit Tests

Open a session and issue the following to run all tests:

export QGIS_BUILD="/path/to/QGIS/build/dir"
export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=${QGIS_BUILD}/output/lib:${QGIS_BUILD}/PlugIns/qgis
export PATH=${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin:${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/opt/X11/bin::/usr/X11/bin
export PYTHONHOME=${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7
export PYTHONPATH=${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib/python2.7/site-packages
export PYQGIS_STARTUP=${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/Library/Taps/osgeo/homebrew-osgeo4mac/enviro/
export GDAL_DRIVER_PATH=${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib/gdalplugins

echo "Homebrew:          $HOMEBREW_PREFIX"
echo "PATH:              $PATH"

make test

The unit tests do not have a complete success rate across all platforms. See QGIS CDash reporting site for confirmation that any failing tests are, or are not, isolated to your build.

External Qt Creator Tools

  • Consider adding as an external tool in Qt Creator:

    CMake Options Tool

  • Consider adding as an external tool in Qt Creator:

    Qt Creator Prepare Commit

    If you have done an initial build using CMake option -D WITH_ASTYLE=TRUE (default for then a qgisstyle utility was built and installed to /path/to/source/of/QGIS/scripts and the script can be used to clean up staged changes prior to committing to locally cloned repository. This fixes up your code and makes it meet syntax guidelines. It is highly recommended you do this prior to your commits that will comprise pull requests to the QGIS project.

PyCharm Configuration

You can add the qgis.core, qgis.gui, etc. modules' parent path to the sys.path of your PyCharm project's Python interpreter (here using Homebrew's Python):

PyCharm qgis modules

You will need to add the following /path/to/QGIS/build/dir/output/python to access the qgis modules.

Note: Homebrew's Python, by default, includes modules from /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages or /Library/Frameworks, which can cause conflicts with similar ones from Homebrew. You should consider removing them from /Library/... if such a conflict exists.

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