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Last active February 10, 2016 00:49
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Save AsgerPetersen/9642444 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Zonal Statistics
Vector-Raster Analysis
Copyright 2013 Matthew Perry
Changes by AsgerPetersen:
- Use band nodata value if user does not override it
- Allow calculating statistics for all geometry types
- Allow buffer to be applied before calculation
- Allow user to select which measures to calculate
- Write output to ogr dataset
- argparse
- Allow calculation of percentiles
usage: [-h] [--buffer distance] [--nodata value] [-f FORMAT]
[-nln name] [-dsco [DSCO [DSCO ...]]]
[-lco [LCO [LCO ...]]] [--preload]
[--stats [{min,max,avg,std,sum,cnt,med} [{min,max,avg,std,sum,cnt,med} ...]]]
[--hist bins] [--perc [percentiles [percentiles ...]]]
[--prefix PREFIX]
inputvector raster outputvector [layer]
positional arguments:
inputvector Vector source
raster Raster file
outputvector Output vector datasource. See OGR documentation
layer Layer name from input data source. See OGR
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--buffer distance Buffer geometry by this distance before calculation
--nodata value Use this nodata value instead of value from raster
-f FORMAT, --format FORMAT
Output format name. See OGR documentation
-nln name, --outlayer name
Output layer name. See OGR documentation
-dsco [DSCO [DSCO ...]]
Datasource creation options. See OGR documentation
-lco [LCO [LCO ...]] Layer creation options. See OGR documentation
--preload Preload entire raster into memory instead of a read
per vector feature
--stats [{min,max,avg,std,sum,cnt,med} [{min,max,avg,std,sum,cnt,med} ...]]
Measure to calculate for each feature
--hist bins Calculate histogram with number of bins
--perc [percentiles [percentiles ...]]
Calculate percentiles
--prefix PREFIX Column prefix
from osgeo import gdal, ogr
from osgeo.gdalconst import *
import numpy as np
import sys
import argparse
def bbox_to_pixel_offsets(gt, bbox):
originX = gt[0]
originY = gt[3]
pixel_width = gt[1]
pixel_height = gt[5]
x1 = int((bbox[0] - originX) / pixel_width)
x2 = int((bbox[1] - originX) / pixel_width) + 1
y1 = int((bbox[3] - originY) / pixel_height)
y2 = int((bbox[2] - originY) / pixel_height) + 1
xsize = x2 - x1
ysize = y2 - y1
return (x1, y1, xsize, ysize)
ALLSTATS = ['min', 'max', 'avg', 'std', 'sum', 'cnt', 'med']
def zonal_stats(input_vector, raster_path, output_vector,
input_layer = None,
output_driver = 'ESRI shapefile',
output_layer= '',
output_dsco = [],
output_lco = [],
column_prefix = '',
percentiles = []
rds = gdal.Open(raster_path, GA_ReadOnly)
assert rds, "Could not open raster"
rb = rds.GetRasterBand(1)
rgt = rds.GetGeoTransform()
if nodata_value:
# Override with user specified nodata
nodata_value = float(nodata_value)
# Use nodata from band
nodata_value = float(rb.GetNoDataValue())
# Warn if nodata is NaN as this will not work with the mask (as NaN != NaN)
assert nodata_value == nodata_value, "Cannot handle NaN nodata value"
if buffer_distance:
buffer_distance = float(buffer_distance)
stats = [s.lower() for s in stats]
#print "Calculating the following measures: ", stats
vds = ogr.Open(input_vector, GA_ReadOnly) # TODO maybe open update if we want to write stats
vlyr = vds.GetLayerByName(input_layer) if input_layer else vds.GetLayer(0)
vdefn = vlyr.GetLayerDefn()
# Calculate (potentially buffered) vector layer extent
vlyr_extent = vlyr.GetExtent()
if buffer_distance:
expand_by = [-buffer_distance, buffer_distance, -buffer_distance, buffer_distance]
vlyr_extent = [a + b for a, b in zip(vlyr_extent, expand_by)]
# Create output lyr
dstdrv = ogr.GetDriverByName( output_driver )
dstds = dstdrv.CreateDataSource( output_vector, output_dsco )
dstlyr = dstds.CreateLayer(output_layer, vlyr.GetSpatialRef(), vdefn.GetGeomType(), output_lco )
for fld_index in xrange( vdefn.GetFieldCount() ):
src_fd = vdefn.GetFieldDefn( fld_index )
fd = ogr.FieldDefn( src_fd.GetName(), src_fd.GetType() )
fd.SetWidth( src_fd.GetWidth() )
fd.SetPrecision( src_fd.GetPrecision() )
dstlyr.CreateField( fd )
for s in stats:
fd = ogr.FieldDefn( column_prefix + s, ogr.OFTReal )
dstlyr.CreateField( fd )
for p in percentiles:
fd = ogr.FieldDefn( column_prefix + 'p' + str(p), ogr.OFTReal )
dstlyr.CreateField( fd )
for binnum in xrange(histbins):
fd = ogr.FieldDefn( column_prefix + 'b' + str(binnum), ogr.OFTReal )
dstlyr.CreateField( fd )
dstfdefn = dstlyr.GetLayerDefn()
# create an in-memory numpy array of the source raster data
# covering the whole extent of the vector layer
if global_src_extent:
# use global source extent
# useful only when disk IO or raster scanning inefficiencies are your limiting factor
# advantage: reads raster data in one pass
# disadvantage: large vector extents may have big memory requirements
src_offset = bbox_to_pixel_offsets(rgt, vlyr_extent)
src_array = rb.ReadAsArray(*src_offset)
# calculate new geotransform of the layer subset
new_gt = (
(rgt[0] + (src_offset[0] * rgt[1])),
(rgt[3] + (src_offset[1] * rgt[5])),
mem_drv = ogr.GetDriverByName('Memory')
driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM')
# Loop through vectors
skippednulgeoms = False
total = vlyr.GetFeatureCount(force = 0)
count = 0
feat = vlyr.GetNextFeature()
while feat is not None:
count = count + 1
if count % 100 == 0:
sys.stdout.write("\r{0} of {1}".format(count, total))
if feat.GetGeometryRef() is None:
# Null geometry. Write to dst and continue
if not skippednulgeoms:
print "\nWarning: Skipping nullgeoms\n"
skippednulgeoms = True
feat = vlyr.GetNextFeature()
mem_feat = feat.Clone()
mem_type = mem_feat.GetGeometryRef().GetGeometryType()
if buffer_distance:
mem_type = ogr.wkbPolygon
mem_feat.SetGeometryDirectly( mem_feat.GetGeometryRef().Buffer(buffer_distance) )
if not global_src_extent:
# use local source extent
# fastest option when you have fast disks and well indexed raster (ie tiled Geotiff)
# advantage: each feature uses the smallest raster chunk
# disadvantage: lots of reads on the source raster
src_offset = bbox_to_pixel_offsets(rgt, mem_feat.geometry().GetEnvelope())
src_array = rb.ReadAsArray(*src_offset)
# calculate new geotransform of the feature subset
new_gt = (
(rgt[0] + (src_offset[0] * rgt[1])),
(rgt[3] + (src_offset[1] * rgt[5])),
# Create a temporary vector layer in memory
mem_ds = mem_drv.CreateDataSource('out')
mem_layer = mem_ds.CreateLayer('mem_lyr', None, mem_type)
# Rasterize it
rvds = driver.Create('', src_offset[2], src_offset[3], 1, gdal.GDT_Byte)
gdal.RasterizeLayer(rvds, [1], mem_layer, burn_values=[1])
rv_array = rvds.ReadAsArray()
# Mask the source data array with our current feature
# we take the logical_not to flip 0<->1 to get the correct mask effect
# we also mask out nodata values explictly
masked =
src_array == nodata_value,
# Destination feature
dstfeat = ogr.Feature( dstfdefn )
dstfeat.SetFrom( feat )
for s in stats:
if s == 'min':
dstfeat.SetField(column_prefix + s, float(masked.min()))
elif s == 'avg':
dstfeat.SetField(column_prefix + s, float(masked.mean()))
elif s == 'max':
dstfeat.SetField(column_prefix + s, float(masked.max()))
elif s == 'std':
dstfeat.SetField(column_prefix + s, float(masked.std()))
elif s == 'sum':
dstfeat.SetField(column_prefix + s, float(masked.sum()))
elif s == 'cnt':
dstfeat.SetField(column_prefix + s, float(masked.count()))
elif s == 'med':
dstfeat.SetField(column_prefix + s, float(
raise Exception("Unknown stats option: " + s)
if histbins or percentiles:
# We need a compressed version
compressed = masked.compressed()
if histbins:
hist = np.histogram( compressed, histbins )
for binnum in xrange(histbins):
dstfeat.SetField(column_prefix + 'b' + str(binnum), float( hist[0][binnum] ))
if percentiles and compressed.size:
values = np.percentile( compressed, percentiles )
for p,v in zip( percentiles, values):
dstfeat.SetField(column_prefix + 'p' + str(p), float( v ))
dstlyr.CreateFeature( dstfeat )
rvds = None
mem_ds = None
feat = vlyr.GetNextFeature()
vds = None
rds = None
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
help="Vector source")
help="Raster file")
help="Output vector datasource. See OGR documentation")
parser.add_argument("layer", nargs='?', default=None,
help="Layer name from input data source. See OGR documentation")
parser.add_argument("--buffer", type=float, default=0, metavar="distance",
help="Buffer geometry by this distance before calculation")
parser.add_argument("--nodata", type=float, default=None, metavar="value",
help="Use this nodata value instead of value from raster")
parser.add_argument("-f", "--format", default="ESRI shapefile",
help="Output format name. See OGR documentation")
parser.add_argument("-nln", "--outlayer", default='', metavar="name",
help="Output layer name. See OGR documentation")
parser.add_argument("-dsco" , nargs='*', action='append', default= [],
help="Datasource creation options. See OGR documentation")
parser.add_argument("-lco", nargs='*', action='append', default = [],
help="Layer creation options. See OGR documentation")
parser.add_argument("--preload", action="store_true",
help="Preload entire raster into memory instead of a read per vector feature")
parser.add_argument("--stats", nargs='*', type=str, default=ALLSTATS, choices=ALLSTATS,
help="Measure to calculate for each feature")
parser.add_argument("--hist", type=int, default=0, metavar="bins",
help="Calculate histogram with number of bins")
parser.add_argument("--perc", nargs='*', type=int, default=[], metavar="percentiles",
help="Calculate percentiles")
parser.add_argument("--prefix", default='',
help="Column prefix")
args = parser.parse_args()
zonal_stats(args.inputvector, args.raster, args.outputvector,
input_layer = args.layer,
output_driver = args.format,
output_layer = args.outlayer,
output_dsco = args.dsco,
output_lco = args.lco,
nodata_value = args.nodata,
column_prefix = args.prefix,
global_src_extent = args.preload,
buffer_distance = args.buffer,
stats = args.stats,
histbins = args.hist,
percentiles = args.perc
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