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Created August 20, 2022 18:42
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takes catch-all route's slug and returns components based on what that route is.
import { createContext, ReactElement, ReactNode, useContext } from 'react';
const SlugContext = createContext<{ slug: string[]; parsedSlug: string }>({ slug: [], parsedSlug: '/' });
const SlugRouteContext = createContext({ route: '/' });
interface SlugProps {
children: ReactElement<SlugRouteProps>[] | ReactElement<SlugRouteProps>;
slug: string[];
interface SlugRouteProps {
children: ReactNode;
route: `/${string}`;
strict?: boolean;
function Slug(props: SlugProps) {
const { children, slug } = props;
const parsedSlug = `/${slug.join('/')}`;
return <SlugContext.Provider value={{ slug, parsedSlug }}>{children}</SlugContext.Provider>;
function SlugRoute(props: SlugRouteProps) {
const { children, route, strict } = props;
const { parsedSlug } = useContext(SlugContext);
const { route: parentRoute } = useContext(SlugRouteContext);
const parsedRoute = parentRoute === '/' ? route : parentRoute + route;
if (strict ? parsedSlug !== parsedRoute : !parsedSlug.startsWith(parsedRoute)) return null;
return <SlugRouteContext.Provider value={{ route: parsedRoute }}>{children}</SlugRouteContext.Provider>;
Slug.Route = SlugRoute;
export default Slug;
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