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Created February 18, 2020 05:48
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wpodnet lp detector
import numpy as np
import cv2
import time
from os.path import splitext
from src.label import Label
from src.utils import getWH, nms
from src.projection_utils import getRectPts, find_T_matrix
def detect_lp(model,I,max_dim,net_step,out_size,threshold):
min_dim_img = min(I.shape[:2])
factor = float(max_dim)/min_dim_img
w,h = (np.array(I.shape[1::-1],dtype=float)*factor).astype(int).tolist()
w += (w%net_step!=0)*(net_step - w%net_step)
h += (h%net_step!=0)*(net_step - h%net_step)
Iresized = cv2.resize(I,(600,845))
T = Iresized.copy()
T = T.reshape((1,T.shape[1],T.shape[0],T.shape[2]))
start = time.time()
Yr = model.predict(T)
Yr = np.squeeze(Yr)
elapsed = (time.time() - start)*1000
with open('/home/kingashar/YOLOV3-LP/wpod_out.txt', 'a') as f:
L,TLps = reconstruct(I,Iresized,Yr,out_size,threshold)
return L,TLps,elapsed,w,h
def im2single(I):
assert(I.dtype == 'uint8')
return I.astype('float32')/255.
class DLabel (Label):
def __init__(self,cl,pts,prob):
self.pts = pts
tl = np.amin(pts,1)
br = np.amax(pts,1)
def save_model(model,path,verbose=0):
path = splitext(path)[0]
model_json = model.to_json()
with open('%s.json' % path,'w') as json_file:
model.save_weights('%s.h5' % path)
if verbose: print ('Saved to %s' % path)
def load_model(path,custom_objects={},verbose=0):
from keras.models import model_from_json
path = splitext(path)[0]
with open('%s.json' % path,'r') as json_file:
model_json =
model = model_from_json(model_json, custom_objects=custom_objects)
model.load_weights('%s.h5' % path)
if verbose: print ('Loaded from %s' % path)
return model
def reconstruct(Iorig,I,Y,out_size,threshold=.9):
net_stride = 2**4
side = ((208. + 40.)/2.)/net_stride # 7.75
Probs = Y[...,0]
Affines = Y[...,2:]
rx,ry = Y.shape[:2]
ywh = Y.shape[1::-1]
iwh = np.array(I.shape[1::-1],dtype=float).reshape((2,1))
xx,yy = np.where(Probs>threshold)
WH = getWH(I.shape)
MN = WH/net_stride
vxx = vyy = 0.5 #alpha
base = lambda vx,vy: np.matrix([[-vx,-vy,1.],[vx,-vy,1.],[vx,vy,1.],[-vx,vy,1.]]).T
labels = []
for i in range(len(xx)):
y,x = xx[i],yy[i]
affine = Affines[y,x]
prob = Probs[y,x]
mn = np.array([float(x) + .5,float(y) + .5])
A = np.reshape(affine,(2,3))
A[0,0] = max(A[0,0],0.)
A[1,1] = max(A[1,1],0.)
pts = np.array(A*base(vxx,vyy)) #*alpha
pts_MN_center_mn = pts*side
pts_MN = pts_MN_center_mn + mn.reshape((2,1))
pts_prop = pts_MN/MN.reshape((2,1))
final_labels = nms(labels,.1)
TLps = []
if len(final_labels):
final_labels.sort(key=lambda x: x.prob(), reverse=True)
for i,label in enumerate(final_labels):
t_ptsh = getRectPts(0,0,out_size[0],out_size[1])
ptsh = np.concatenate((label.pts*getWH(Iorig.shape).reshape((2,1)),np.ones((1,4))))
H = find_T_matrix(ptsh,t_ptsh)
Ilp = cv2.warpPerspective(Iorig,H,out_size,borderValue=.0)
return final_labels,TLps
if "__name__" == "__main__" :
bname = splitext(basename(img_path))[0]
Ivehicle = cv2.imread(img_path)
ratio = float(max(Ivehicle.shape[:2]))/min(Ivehicle.shape[:2])
side = int(ratio*288.)
bound_dim = min(side + (side%(2**4)),608)
Llp,LlpImgs,times,w,h = detect_lp(wpod_net,im2single(Ivehicle),bound_dim,2**4,(240,80),lp_threshold)
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