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Created July 22, 2018 06:27
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function detect() {
if (typeof navigator !== 'undefined') {
return parseUserAgent(navigator.userAgent);
return getNodeVersion();
function detectOS(userAgentString) {
var rules = getOperatingSystemRules();
var detected = rules.filter(function (os) {
return os.rule && os.rule.test(userAgentString);
return detected ? : null;
function getNodeVersion() {
var isNode = typeof process !== 'undefined' && process.version;
return isNode && {
name: 'node',
version: process.version.slice(1),
os: process.platform
function parseUserAgent(userAgentString) {
var browsers = getBrowserRules();
if (!userAgentString) {
return null;
var detected = {
var match = browser.rule.exec(userAgentString);
var version = match && match[1].split(/[._]/).slice(0,3);
if (version && version.length < 3) {
version = version.concat(version.length == 1 ? [0, 0] : [0]);
return match && {
version: version.join('.')
}).filter(Boolean)[0] || null;
if (detected) {
detected.os = detectOS(userAgentString);
if (/alexa|bot|crawl(er|ing)|facebookexternalhit|feedburner|google web preview|nagios|postrank|pingdom|slurp|spider|yahoo!|yandex/i.test(userAgentString)) {
detected = detected || {}; = true;
return detected;
function getBrowserRules() {
return buildRules([
[ 'aol', /AOLShield\/([0-9\._]+)/ ],
[ 'edge', /Edge\/([0-9\._]+)/ ],
[ 'yandexbrowser', /YaBrowser\/([0-9\._]+)/ ],
[ 'vivaldi', /Vivaldi\/([0-9\.]+)/ ],
[ 'kakaotalk', /KAKAOTALK\s([0-9\.]+)/ ],
[ 'samsung', /SamsungBrowser\/([0-9\.]+)/ ],
[ 'chrome', /(?!Chrom.*OPR)Chrom(?:e|ium)\/([0-9\.]+)(:?\s|$)/ ],
[ 'phantomjs', /PhantomJS\/([0-9\.]+)(:?\s|$)/ ],
[ 'crios', /CriOS\/([0-9\.]+)(:?\s|$)/ ],
[ 'firefox', /Firefox\/([0-9\.]+)(?:\s|$)/ ],
[ 'fxios', /FxiOS\/([0-9\.]+)/ ],
[ 'opera', /Opera\/([0-9\.]+)(?:\s|$)/ ],
[ 'opera', /OPR\/([0-9\.]+)(:?\s|$)$/ ],
[ 'ie', /Trident\/7\.0.*rv\:([0-9\.]+).*\).*Gecko$/ ],
[ 'ie', /MSIE\s([0-9\.]+);.*Trident\/[4-7].0/ ],
[ 'ie', /MSIE\s(7\.0)/ ],
[ 'bb10', /BB10;\sTouch.*Version\/([0-9\.]+)/ ],
[ 'android', /Android\s([0-9\.]+)/ ],
[ 'ios', /Version\/([0-9\._]+).*Mobile.*Safari.*/ ],
[ 'safari', /Version\/([0-9\._]+).*Safari/ ],
[ 'facebook', /FBAV\/([0-9\.]+)/],
[ 'instagram', /Instagram\ ([0-9\.]+)/],
[ 'ios-webview', /AppleWebKit\/([0-9\.]+).*Mobile/]
function getOperatingSystemRules() {
return buildRules([
[ 'iOS', /iP(hone|od|ad)/ ],
[ 'Android OS', /Android/ ],
[ 'BlackBerry OS', /BlackBerry|BB10/ ],
[ 'Windows Mobile', /IEMobile/ ],
[ 'Amazon OS', /Kindle/ ],
[ 'Windows 3.11', /Win16/ ],
[ 'Windows 95', /(Windows 95)|(Win95)|(Windows_95)/ ],
[ 'Windows 98', /(Windows 98)|(Win98)/ ],
[ 'Windows 2000', /(Windows NT 5.0)|(Windows 2000)/ ],
[ 'Windows XP', /(Windows NT 5.1)|(Windows XP)/ ],
[ 'Windows Server 2003', /(Windows NT 5.2)/ ],
[ 'Windows Vista', /(Windows NT 6.0)/ ],
[ 'Windows 7', /(Windows NT 6.1)/ ],
[ 'Windows 8', /(Windows NT 6.2)/ ],
[ 'Windows 8.1', /(Windows NT 6.3)/ ],
[ 'Windows 10', /(Windows NT 10.0)/ ],
[ 'Windows ME', /Windows ME/ ],
[ 'Open BSD', /OpenBSD/ ],
[ 'Sun OS', /SunOS/ ],
[ 'Linux', /(Linux)|(X11)/ ],
[ 'Mac OS', /(Mac_PowerPC)|(Macintosh)/ ],
[ 'QNX', /QNX/ ],
[ 'BeOS', /BeOS/ ],
[ 'OS/2', /OS\/2/ ],
[ 'Search Bot', /(nuhk)|(Googlebot)|(Yammybot)|(Openbot)|(Slurp)|(MSNBot)|(Ask Jeeves\/Teoma)|(ia_archiver)/ ]
function buildRules(ruleTuples) {
return {
return {
name: tuple[0],
rule: tuple[1]
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