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Last active December 14, 2019 17:20
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Communication between server and client
2019/12/14 16:57:25 socat[1] N listening on AF=2
2019/12/14 16:57:40 socat[1] N accepting connection from AF=2 on AF=2
2019/12/14 16:57:40 socat[1] N forked off child process 6
2019/12/14 16:57:40 socat[1] N listening on AF=2
2019/12/14 16:57:40 socat[6] N forking off child, using socket for reading and writing
2019/12/14 16:57:40 socat[6] N forked off child process 7
2019/12/14 16:57:40 socat[6] N forked off child process 7
2019/12/14 16:57:40 socat[6] N starting data transfer loop with FDs [6,6] and [5,5]
>2019/12/14 16:57:40.290426 length=705 from=0 to=704
Content-Length: 682
2019/12/14 16:57:40 socat[7] N execvp'ing "./dist/"
{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 0, "method": "initialize", "params": {"processId": "1", "rootPath": null, "rootUri": "file:///foo/files/", "initializationOptions": null, "capabilities": {"textDocument": {"complet
ion": {"completionItem": {"commitCharactersSupport": true, "documentationFormat": ["markdown", "plaintext"], "snippetSupport": true}, "completionItemKind": {"valueSet": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12$
13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25]}, "contextSupport": true, "dynamicRegistration": false}, "formatting": {"dynamicRegistration": false}}, "workspace": {}}, "trace": "off", "workspaceFolder$
": [{"name": "lsp", "uri": "file:///foo/files/"}]}}
16:57:40.444 INFO LSP connect Reading messages from queue...
16:57:40.444 INFO LSP$1MessageReader run Placing incoming messages on queue...
<2019/12/14 16:57:40.490455 length=510 from=0 to=509
Content-Length: 487
>2019/12/14 16:57:40.491428 length=79 from=705 to=783
Content-Length: 57
{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "initialized", "params": {}}
>2019/12/14 16:57:40.491563 length=1166 from=784 to=1949
Content-Length: 904
{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "textDocument/didOpen", "params": {"textDocument": {"uri": "file:///foo/files/", "languageId": "java", "version": 1, "text": "class foo {\\n public int[] tw
oSum(int[] nums, int target) {\\n String helloWorld = \\"Hello world\\";\\n he\\n Map<String, String> coolDict = new HashMap<String, String>();\\n coolDict.put(\\"cool\\", \\"pret$
y cool\\");\\n coolDic\\n TreeNode root = new TreeNode(10);\\n root.left = new TreeNode(5);\\n root.right = new TreeNode(15);\\n\\n ListNode dummyNode = new ListNode(0);\\n
ListNode ptr = dummyNode;\\n for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {\\n = new ListNode(i);\\n ptr =;\\n }\\n\\n List<Integer> ans = Arrays.asList(1,
2, 4); \\n System.out.println(\\"foo\\\\n bar\\");\\n return new int[2];\\n }\\n}\\n"}}}Content-Length: 216
{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "textDocument/completion", "params": {"textDocument": {"uri": "file:///foo/files/"}, "position": {"line": 3, "character": 10}, "context": {"triggerKi$
d": 1}}}
<2019/12/14 16:57:40.506537 length=292 from=510 to=801
Content-Length: 269
<2019/12/14 16:57:40.511857 length=108 from=802 to=909
Content-Length: 86
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"java/startProgress","params":{"message":"Configure javac"}}
<2019/12/14 16:57:40.512457 length=130 from=910 to=1039
Content-Length: 107
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"java/reportProgress","params":{"message":"Finding source roots","increment":-1}}
<2019/12/14 16:57:40.514152 length=130 from=1040 to=1169
Content-Length: 107
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"java/reportProgress","params":{"message":"Inferring class path","increment":-1}}
<2019/12/14 16:57:40.514612 length=128 from=1170 to=1297
Content-Length: 105
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"java/reportProgress","params":{"message":"Inferring doc path","increment":-1}}
<2019/12/14 16:57:40.514922 length=81 from=1298 to=1378
Content-Length: 59
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"java/endProgress","params":null}16:57:40.521 INFO ScanClassPath jdkTopLevelClasses Searching for top-level classes in the JDK
16:57:40.669 INFO ScanClassPath jdkTopLevelClasses Found 5792 classes in the java platform
Class path:
Doc path:
16:57:40.707 INFO Docs findSrcZip Found /usr/lib/jvm/java-13-openjdk-amd64/lib/
16:57:40.759 INFO ScanClassPath classPathTopLevelClasses Searching for top-level classes in 0 classpath locations
16:57:40.764 INFO ScanClassPath classPathTopLevelClasses Found 0 classes in classpath
16:57:40.770 INFO CompletionProvider complete Complete at,11)...
16:57:40.948 WARNING ReusableCompiler getTask Options changed from [--system, /usr/lib/jvm/java-13-openjdk-amd64, -classpath, , --add-modules, ALL-MODULE-PATH, -proc:none, -g, -Xlint:cast, -Xlint:de
precation, -Xlint:empty, -Xlint:fallthrough, -Xlint:finally, -Xlint:path, -Xlint:unchecked, -Xlint:varargs, -Xlint:static] to [--system, /usr/lib/jvm/java-13-openjdk-amd64, -classpath, , --add-modules, ALL-MO
DULE-PATH, -proc:none, -g, -Xlint:cast, -Xlint:deprecation, -Xlint:empty, -Xlint:fallthrough, -Xlint:finally, -Xlint:path, -Xlint:unchecked, -Xlint:varargs, -Xlint:static], creating new compiler
16:57:41.102 WARNING FileStore readInfoFromDisk /foo/files/
16:57:41.103 SEVERE LSP connect null
at org.javacs.FileStore.packageName(
at org.javacs.CompileBatch.packageName(
at org.javacs.CompileBatch.needsAdditionalSources(
at org.javacs.JavaCompilerService.doCompile(
at org.javacs.JavaCompilerService.loadCompile(
at org.javacs.JavaCompilerService.compileBatch(
at org.javacs.JavaCompilerService.compile(
at org.javacs.completion.CompletionProvider.compileAndComplete(
at org.javacs.completion.CompletionProvider.complete(
at org.javacs.JavaLanguageServer.completion(
at org.javacs.lsp.LSP.connect(
at org.javacs.Main.main(
<2019/12/14 16:57:41.104361 length=70 from=1379 to=1448
Content-Length: 48
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"error":{"code":-32603}}16:57:41.305 INFO JavaLanguageServer lint Lint 1 files...
16:57:41.308 SEVERE Main main Compiler is already in-use!
java.lang.RuntimeException: Compiler is already in-use!
at org.javacs.ReusableCompiler.getTask(
at org.javacs.CompileBatch.batchTask(
at org.javacs.CompileBatch.<init>(
at org.javacs.JavaCompilerService.doCompile(
at org.javacs.JavaCompilerService.loadCompile(
at org.javacs.JavaCompilerService.compileBatch(
at org.javacs.JavaCompilerService.compile(
at org.javacs.JavaCompilerService.compile(
at org.javacs.JavaLanguageServer.lint(
at org.javacs.JavaLanguageServer.doAsyncWork(
at org.javacs.lsp.LSP.connect(
at org.javacs.Main.main(
2019/12/14 16:57:41 socat[6] N childdied(): handling signal 17
2019/12/14 16:57:41 socat[6] E waitpid(): child 7 exited with status 1
2019/12/14 16:57:41 socat[6] N exit(1)
2019/12/14 16:57:41 socat[1] N childdied(): handling signal 17
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