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Last active October 13, 2024 06:28
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Simple 2D Rigid Body Solver in JS
const canvas = document.getElementById('render_canvas');
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
function resizeCanvas() {
canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
window.addEventListener('resize', resizeCanvas);
class Broadphase {
constructor(grid_size, cell_size) {
this.grid_size = grid_size;
this.cell_size = cell_size;
this.max_cell = [
Math.floor(grid_size[0] / cell_size[0]),
Math.floor(grid_size[1] / cell_size[1]),
// use hash map with string key instead
this.cells = Array.from({ length: this.max_cell[0] + 1 }, () =>
Array.from({ length: this.max_cell[1] + 1 }, () => new Set()),
// keep track of bodies that were moved
this.move_set = new Set();
insert(body) {
const [top_index, bottom_index] = this.toIndices(body.pos, [body.radius, body.radius]);
body.broadphase = [top_index, bottom_index];
// insert body into all cells from top_index to bottom_index
for (let i = top_index[0]; i <= bottom_index[0]; ++i) {
for (let j = top_index[1]; j <= bottom_index[1]; ++j) {
if (this.cells[i][j]) {
} else {
this.cells[i][j] = new Set([body]);
remove(body) {
if (body.broadphase.length) {
const top_index = body.broadphase[0];
const bottom_index = body.broadphase[1];
// remove body from top_index to bottom_index
for (let i = top_index[0]; i <= bottom_index[0]; ++i) {
for (let j = top_index[1]; j <= bottom_index[1]; ++j) {
body.broadphase = [];
update(body) {
// generate a set of possibly colliding bodies
computePairs() {
const pairs = new Set();
const bodies = Array.from(this.move_set);
for (let a = 0; a < bodies.length; a++) {
for (let b = a + 1; b < bodies.length; b++) {
const body_a = bodies[a];
const body_b = bodies[b];
// cannot collide with self
if ( === continue;
// check if cells are intersecting
const is_overlapping =
body_a.broadphase[0][0] <= body_b.broadphase[1][0] && // A's min x <= B's max x
body_a.broadphase[1][0] >= body_b.broadphase[0][0] && // A's max x >= B's min x
body_a.broadphase[0][1] <= body_b.broadphase[1][1] && // A's min y <= B's max y
body_a.broadphase[1][1] >= body_b.broadphase[0][1]; // A's max y >= B's min y
if (is_overlapping) {
const pair_key = < ? `${},${}` : `${},${}`;
return pairs;
queryPoint(point) {
const bodies = new Set();
const [top_index, bottom_index] = this.toIndices(point, this.cell_size);
// insert body into all cells from top_index to bottom_index
for (let i = top_index[0]; i <= bottom_index[0]; ++i) {
for (let j = top_index[1]; j <= bottom_index[1]; ++j) {
const cell = this.cells[i][j];
if (cell) {
cell.forEach((b) => bodies.add(b));
return bodies;
toIndices(center, half_size) {
const cell_top = [
Math.max(0, Math.floor((center[0] - half_size[0]) / this.cell_size[0])),
Math.max(0, Math.floor((center[1] - half_size[1]) / this.cell_size[1])),
const cell_bottom = [
Math.min(this.max_cell[0], Math.floor((center[0] + half_size[0]) / this.cell_size[0])),
Math.min(this.max_cell[1], Math.floor((center[1] + half_size[1]) / this.cell_size[1])),
return [cell_top, cell_bottom];
draw() {
const [grid_width, grid_height] = this.grid_size;
const [cell_width, cell_height] = this.cell_size;
ctx.strokeStyle = '#000';
ctx.lineWidth = 1;
for (let x = 0; x <= grid_width; x += cell_width) {
ctx.moveTo(x, 0);
ctx.lineTo(x, grid_height);
for (let y = 0; y <= grid_height; y += cell_height) {
ctx.moveTo(0, y);
ctx.lineTo(grid_width, y);
for (let i = 0; i < this.cells.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < this.cells[i].length; j++) {
// draw the cell with body
if (this.cells[i][j].size > 0) {
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(240, 0, 0, 0.6)';
ctx.fillRect(i * cell_width, j * cell_height, cell_width, cell_height);
class Simulation {
constructor() {
this.bodies = [];
this.contacts = [];
this.contact_constraints = [];
this.broadphase = new Broadphase([1024, 1024], [16, 16]);
this.ground_y = 200;
step(dt) {
// possible collision pairs
const pairs = this.broadphase.computePairs();
this.contacts = [];
for (const pair of pairs) {
const pair_ids = pair.split(',').map((id) => +id);
const body_a = this.bodies[pair_ids[0]];
const body_b = this.bodies[pair_ids[1]];
const contact = circleContact(body_a, body_b);
if (contact) {
this.contacts.push({ body_a, body_b, contact });
// slove forces
for (const body of this.bodies) {
// v = u + f/m * t;
body.linear_velocity[0] += (body.force[0] / body.mass) * dt;
body.linear_velocity[1] += (body.force[1] / body.mass) * dt;
// w = wu + to/I * t;
body.angular_velocity += (body.torque / body.mmI) * dt;
// zero out forces
body.force = [0, 0];
body.torque = 0;
// init contact constraints
this.contact_constraints = [];
for (const { contact, body_a, body_b } of this.contacts) {
const c1 = sub(contact.point, body_a.pos); // contact to body centroid
const c2 = sub(contact.point, body_b.pos);
const c1n = cross(c1, contact.normal);
const c2n = cross(c2, contact.normal);
const eff_mass =
1.0 / body_a.mass + c1n * (1.0 / body_a.mmI) * c1n + 1.0 / body_b.mass + c2n * (1.0 / body_b.mmI) * c2n;
const bias = (-0.2 * contact.penetration) / dt; // 0.3 for smoothing bias
// friction constraint
const t = [contact.normal[1], contact.normal[0]];
const c1t = cross(c1, t);
const c2t = cross(c2, t);
const f_eff_mass =
1.0 / body_a.mass + c1t * (1.0 / body_a.mmI) * c1t + 1.0 / body_b.mass + c2t * (1.0 / body_b.mmI) * c2t;
const friction = Math.sqrt(body_a.friction * body_b.friction); // mix friction
const constraint = {
normal: {
normal: contact.normal,
inv_eff_mass: 1.0 / eff_mass,
total_l: 0, // total accumulated impulse
tangent: {
f_inv_eff_mass: 1.0 / f_eff_mass,
tangent: t,
f_total_l: 0,
friction: friction,
// slove the constraint iteratively
for (let i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
for (const constraint of this.contact_constraints) {
const { c1, c2, body_a, body_b, bias, inv_eff_mass, normal, total_l } = constraint.normal;
// solve contact
const V1 = add(body_a.linear_velocity, crossSV(c1, body_a.angular_velocity));
const V2 = add(body_b.linear_velocity, crossSV(c2, body_b.angular_velocity));
const rv = sub(V2, V1);
const jv = dot(rv, normal);
let l = -(jv + bias) * inv_eff_mass;
// clamping impulse
const old_l = total_l;
constraint.normal.total_l = Math.max(0, old_l + l);
l = constraint.normal.total_l - old_l;
const impulse = scale(normal, l);
// apply impulse
body_a.linear_velocity = sub(body_a.linear_velocity, scale(impulse, 1.0 / body_a.mass));
body_a.angular_velocity -= cross(c1, impulse) / body_a.mmI;
body_b.linear_velocity = add(body_b.linear_velocity, scale(impulse, 1.0 / body_b.mass));
body_b.angular_velocity += cross(c2, impulse) / body_b.mmI;
// solve friction
const { f_inv_eff_mass, tangent, f_total_l, friction } = constraint.tangent;
const V1 = add(body_a.linear_velocity, crossSV(c1, body_a.angular_velocity));
const V2 = add(body_b.linear_velocity, crossSV(c2, body_b.angular_velocity));
const rv = sub(V2, V1);
const jv = dot(rv, normal);
let l = -jv * f_inv_eff_mass;
// clamping impulse
const max_l = friction * total_l;
const old_l = f_total_l;
constraint.tangent.f_total_l = old_l + l;
constraint.tangent.f_total_l = clamp(constraint.tangent.f_total_l, -max_l, max_l);
l = constraint.tangent.f_total_l - old_l;
const impulse = scale(tangent, l);
// apply impulse
body_a.linear_velocity = sub(body_a.linear_velocity, scale(impulse, 1.0 / body_a.mass));
body_a.angular_velocity -= cross(c1, impulse) / body_a.mmI;
body_b.linear_velocity = add(body_b.linear_velocity, scale(impulse, 1.0 / body_b.mass));
body_b.angular_velocity += cross(c2, impulse) / body_b.mmI;
// integrate position
for (const body of this.bodies) {
// s = s + v * t;
body.pos[0] += body.linear_velocity[0] * dt;
body.pos[1] += body.linear_velocity[1] * dt;
// r = r + w * t;
body.rot += body.angular_velocity * dt;
// wrap angle around [0, 2*PI]
if (body.rot < 0) body.rot += 2 * Math.PI;
if (body.rot >= 2 * Math.PI) body.rot -= 2 * Math.PI;
// enforce position constraint
// this is a bit different form the article because the y coordinate is inverted in canvas2d
if (body.pos[1] + body.radius >= this.ground_y) {
const bias = body.pos[1] + body.radius - this.ground_y;
body.pos[1] -= bias;
// update broadphase
newBody(pos, radius, density) {
const body = createBody(this.bodies.length, pos, radius, density);
function clamp(value, min, max) {
return Math.min(Math.max(value, min), max);
function dot(a, b) {
return a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1];
function scale(a, s) {
return [a[0] * s, a[1] * s];
function cross(a, b) {
return a[0] * b[1] - a[1] * b[0];
function crossSV(a, s) {
return [-a[1] * s, a[0] * s];
function add(a, b) {
return [a[0] + b[0], a[1] + b[1]];
function sub(a, b) {
return [a[0] - b[0], a[1] - b[1]];
function mul(a, b) {
return [a[0] * b[0], a[1] * b[1]];
// compute contact between two cirls
function circleContact(c1, c2) {
const sub = [c2.pos[0] - c1.pos[0], c2.pos[1] - c1.pos[1]];
const distance = Math.sqrt(sub[0] ** 2 + sub[1] ** 2);
if (distance > c1.radius + c2.radius) return null;
const normal = [sub[0] / distance, sub[1] / distance];
const point = [c1.pos[0] + c1.radius * normal[0], c1.pos[1] + c1.radius * normal[1]];
const penetration = c1.radius + c2.radius - distance;
return { normal, point, penetration };
// create a new physics body
function createBody(id, pos, radius, density, friction = 0.2) {
const area = Math.PI * radius * radius;
const mass = density * area;
// mass moment of inertia
const mmI = mass * radius * radius;
return {
id: id,
pos: pos,
rot: 0,
mass: mass,
mmI: mmI,
radius: radius,
force: [0, 0],
torque: 0,
linear_velocity: [0, 0],
angular_velocity: 0,
broadphase: [], // broadphase indices
// applic force at center of mass
function applyForce(body, acc) {
// f = ma;
body.force[0] += body.mass * acc[0];
body.force[1] += body.mass * acc[1];
// apply force at arbitrary point, which will result in some angular motion
function applyForceAt(body, acc, point) {
body.force[0] += body.mass * acc[0];
body.force[1] += body.mass * acc[1];
// point - centroid
const p = sub(point, body.pos);
// 2D cross product
body.torque += cross(p, [acc[0] * body.mass, acc[1] * body.mass]);
const simulation = new Simulation();
function reset() {
simulation.bodies = [];
simulation.broadphase = new Broadphase([1024, 1024], [16, 16]);
simulation.newBody([200, 100], 20, 10, 1.0);
simulation.newBody([140, 100], 20, 10, 0.5);
// Animation loop
let last_time = 0;
function animate(time) {
// calculate frame time
const diff = time - last_time;
last_time = time;
if(diff < Number.EPSILON || diff > 100) { // handle suspend
const dt = diff / 1000;
if (simulation.bodies.length) {
// apply downward force
applyForce(simulation.bodies[0], [0.0, 25.0]);
// apply force to body 1
const body1 = simulation.bodies[1];
const local_point = [-20, -20]; // [-20, -20] units from the center in local space
const world_point = [body1.pos[0] + local_point[0], body1.pos[1] + local_point[1]];
applyForceAt(body1, [20, 25.0], world_point);
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
ctx.lineWidth = 2;
for (const body of simulation.bodies) {
// circle
ctx.arc(body.pos[0], body.pos[1], body.radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
// line from center
const line_x = body.pos[0] + body.radius * Math.sin(body.rot);
const line_y = body.pos[1] + body.radius * Math.cos(body.rot);
ctx.moveTo(body.pos[0], body.pos[1]);
ctx.lineTo(line_x, line_y);
// reset if body goes out of bounds
if (
body.pos[0] < 0 ||
body.pos[1] < 0 ||
body.pos[0] > canvas.width ||
body.pos[1] > canvas.height
) {
// visulation
for (const { contact } of simulation.contacts) {
ctx.strokeStyle = 'cyan';
ctx.arc(contact.point[0], contact.point[1], 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0, 200, 0, 0.5)';
ctx.fillRect(0, simulation.ground_y, canvas.width, canvas.height - simulation.ground_y);
// Start the animation
// add even listener
window.addEventListener('mousemove', (event) => {
// Get the mouse coordinates relative to the element
const x = event.clientX;
const y = event.clientY;
const query_result = simulation.broadphase.queryPoint([x, y]);
if (query_result.size) {
//console.log('queryResult: ', Array.from(queryResult));
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<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>Canvas Application</title>
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body, html {
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overflow: hidden;
canvas {
display: block;
background-color: #f0f0f0;
<canvas id="render_canvas"></canvas>
<script src="physics_2d.js"></script>
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