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Last active December 16, 2019 21:21
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module Main where
import Data.Kind
data N = Z | S N
class KnownN (n :: N) where
knownN :: Int
instance KnownN 'Z where
knownN = 0
instance KnownN n => KnownN ('S n) where
knownN = knownN @n + 1
type family Pow1 (n :: N) = (p :: Type) | p -> n where
Pow1 'Z = ()
Pow1 ('S n) = ((), Pow1 n)
data Ser1 = forall (n :: N). KnownN n => Ser1 (Pow1 n)
p0 :: Pow1 'Z
p0 = ()
ser :: Ser1
ser = Ser1 p0
withPow :: forall r. Int -> (forall n. KnownN n => Pow1 n -> r) -> r
withPow 0 f = f ()
withPow k f = withPow (k - 1) (\p -> f ((), p))
intToSer1 :: Int -> Ser1
intToSer1 i = withPow i Ser1
powLevels :: forall n. KnownN n => Pow1 n -> Int
powLevels _ = knownN @n
ser1ToInt :: Ser1 -> Int
ser1ToInt (Ser1 p) = powLevels p
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn $ show $ withPow 5 powLevels
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Have you tried passing powLevels to withPow?

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Yup, it works. I've updated it so you can compile and run it with GHC.

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