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Created October 27, 2022 12:34
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Discount rule v2: Customize site js
(function ($) {
* refresh cart when payment method changed
if (awdr_params.refresh_order_review == '1') {
$(document).on('change', 'input[name="payment_method"],input[name="billing_city"],input[name="billing_postcode"]', function () {
* refresh cart when Email changed
$(document).on('blur', 'input[name="billing_email"], select#billing_state', function () {
function refreshCart() {
$(document).ready(function ($) {
function init_events() {
if (awdr_params.enable_update_price_with_qty == 'show_dynamically') {
$(document).on('change', '[name="quantity"]', function (){
var awdr_qty_object = $(this);
var $qty = awdr_qty_object.val();
var $product_id = 0;
var $price_place = "";
var form = awdr_qty_object.closest("form");
if (form.find('button[name="add-to-cart"]').length) {
$product_id = form.find('button[name="add-to-cart"]').val();
var target = 'div.product p.price';
if(awdr_params.custom_target_simple_product != undefined){
if(awdr_params.custom_target_simple_product != ""){
target = awdr_params.custom_target_simple_product;
if (form.find(target).length) {
$price_place = form.find(target).first();
} else {
$price_place = $(target).first();
} else if (form.find('input[name="variation_id"]').length) {
$product_id = form.find('input[name="variation_id"]').val();
var target = 'div.product .woocommerce-variation-price';
if(awdr_params.custom_target_variable_product != undefined){
if(awdr_params.custom_target_variable_product != ""){
target = awdr_params.custom_target_variable_product;
$price_place = $(target);
if (!$(target+' .price').length) {
$price_place.html("<div class='price'></div>");
$price_place = $(target+' .price')
if(!$product_id || $product_id == 0){
if(awdr_params.custom_simple_product_id_selector != undefined){
if(awdr_params.custom_simple_product_id_selector != ""){
let simple_product_id_selector = awdr_params.custom_simple_product_id_selector;
$product_id = $(simple_product_id_selector).val();
let target = 'div.product p.price';
if(awdr_params.custom_target_simple_product != undefined){
if(awdr_params.custom_target_simple_product != ""){
target = awdr_params.custom_target_simple_product;
$price_place = $(target).first();
if(awdr_params.custom_variable_product_id_selector != undefined){
if(awdr_params.custom_variable_product_id_selector != ""){
let variable_product_id_selector = awdr_params.custom_variable_product_id_selector;
$product_id = $(variable_product_id_selector).val();
let target = 'div.product .woocommerce-variation-price';
if(awdr_params.custom_target_variable_product != undefined){
if(awdr_params.custom_target_variable_product != ""){
target = awdr_params.custom_target_variable_product;
if (!$(target+' .price').length) {
$price_place.html("<div class='price'></div>");
$price_place = $(target+' .price')
if (!$product_id || !$price_place || $product_id == 0) {
var data = {
action: 'wdr_ajax',
method: 'get_price_html',
product_id: $product_id,
qty: $qty,
awdr_nonce: awdr_params.nonce,
url: awdr_params.ajaxurl,
data: data,
type: 'POST',
success: function (response) {
if (response.price_html) {
} else {
if(response.original_price_html != undefined){
error: function (response) {
}, 0);
/*Removed as it trigger multiple time - the change event */
/*$( ".single_variation_wrap" ).on( "show_variation", function ( event, variation, purchasable ) {
if (awdr_params.js_init_trigger) {
$(document).on(awdr_params.js_init_trigger, function () {
if (awdr_params.awdr_dynamic_bulk_table_status == "1") {
if(awdr_params.awdr_dynamic_bulk_table_off == "on"){
function awdr_load_variation_table(variation_id){
if(variation_id != '' && variation_id != '0'){
var data = {
action: 'wdr_ajax',
method: 'get_variable_product_bulk_table',
product_id: variation_id,
awdr_nonce: awdr_params.nonce,
let awdr_opacity = 'div.awdr-bulk-customizable-table';
if(awdr_params.awdr_opacity_to_bulk_table != undefined){
if(awdr_params.awdr_opacity_to_bulk_table != ""){
awdr_opacity = awdr_params.awdr_opacity_to_bulk_table;
url: awdr_params.ajaxurl,
data: data,
type: 'POST',
beforeSend: function () {
complete: function () {
success: function (response) {
if (response.bulk_table) {
error: function (response) {
}, 100);
$( ".single_variation_wrap" ).on( "hide_variation", function ( event ) {
let variation_id = $(this).closest('form').find('input[name="product_id"]').val();
$( ".single_variation_wrap" ).on( "show_variation", function ( event, variation, purchasable ) {
let variation_id = variation.variation_id;
if(variation.is_bundled != undefined){
if(variation.is_bundled == true){
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AshlinRejo commented Oct 31, 2022

Hi Emiel,

That's great the updated script and snippet working for you (This script change will include from v2.5.1).

Currently our script works only for the product page, which working well for most of the stores.

The changes is required for you because your layout structure is different from WooCommerce default layout.

Currently we can't replace, as it might affect existing customers.

We will look into you suggestion for sure in future improvements.

Thank you

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