##Converting an array of floats to string
using System.Collections.Generic;
Vector3[] ConvertToVector3Array (float[] floats)
List vector3List = new List();
##Converting an array of floats to string
using System.Collections.Generic;
Vector3[] ConvertToVector3Array (float[] floats)
List vector3List = new List();
public class MusicManager : MonoBehaviour | |
{ | |
//We make a static variable to our MusicManager instance | |
public static MusicManager instance { get; private set; } | |
//When the object awakens, we assign the static variable | |
void Awake() | |
{ | |
instance = this; | |
} |
string testEchoString = "test echo string";
IntPtr echoedStringPtr = EchoBack(testEchoString);
String echoed = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(echoedStringPtr);
<html> | |
<head> | |
<title>This page is under construction</title> | |
<style> | |
.outer { | |
display: table; |
/// <summary>
/// Extension method for UnityEngine.Transform.
/// Finds the children with tag.
/// Returns an array.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The children with tag.</returns>
/// <param name="tag">Tag.</param>
public static Transform[] FindChildrenWithTag(this Transform trans, string tag)
/// <summary>
/// Determines if is between the specified float is between two given floats.
/// </summary>
/// <returns><c>true</c> if the float is between the specified num lower upper inclusive; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</returns>
/// <param name="num">Number.</param>
/// <param name="lower">Lower.</param>
/// <param name="upper">Upper.</param>
/// <param name="inclusive">If set to <c>true</c> inclusive.</param>
public static bool IsBetween (this float num, float lower, float upper, bool inclusive = false)
RaycastHit RaycastFromCenter()
// Determine if we hit anything
Ray ray = Camera.main.ViewportPointToRay(new Vector3(0.5F, 0.5F, 0));
RaycastHit hit;
if (Physics.Raycast (ray, out hit))
return hit;
/// <summary>
/// Raycasts from center.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>RaycastHit if something is hit, or null if nothing is hit.</returns>
/// https://gist.github.com/Ashwinning/d87e014cce668411adb9
RaycastHit RaycastFromCenter
/// <summary> | |
/// Rotates the point around a pivot. | |
/// </summary> | |
/// <returns>The rotated point.</returns> | |
/// <param name="point">Point.</param> | |
/// <param name="pivot">Pivot.</param> | |
/// <param name="rotation">Rotation.</param> | |
public Vector3 RotatePointAroundPivot (Vector3 point, Vector3 pivot, Quaternion rotation) | |
{ | |
Vector3 direction = point - pivot; //Get point's direction relative to the pivot |
using UnityEngine; | |
using System; | |
using System.Linq; | |
using System.Collections; | |
using System.Collections.Generic; | |
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; | |
/// <summary> | |
/// The following example saves a Vector 3 List to a '.cloud' file. | |
/// </summary> |