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Last active April 18, 2022 17:48
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Script to extract energy from each directory for VASP calculation
# USAGE: script to extract energy from each folder. This script output energy-vs-volume
# and energy-vs-strain output files. The units are converted from eV to Ha
# and A3 to Bohr3.
echo -e "************************************************************************* \e[92m"
echo "*************************************************************************"
echo -e "*************************************************************************\e[0m"
rm energy-vs-strain energy-vs-volume
echo -e "\e[0m" | awk '{printf "%15s %15s %15s\n", "Directory", "ENERGY (eV)", "VOLUME (A**3)"}'
for d in */;
#echo -e "\e[96m Directory name: " "$d \e[0m"
#list=`sed '6q;d' $d/POSCAR`
#echo " Number of Atoms for each element:" $list
#for n in $list; do ((s = s + n)); done
#echo " # of atoms in a supercell: " $s
E=`grep "free energy TOTEN =" $d/OUTCAR | tail -1 | awk '{printf "%f", $5 }'`
#E=`grep "energy(sigma->0) =" $d/OUTCAR | tail -1 | awk '{printf "%f", $8 }'`
V=`grep " volume of cell :" $d/OUTCAR | tail -1 | awk '{printf "%f", $5 }'`
echo -e "$d $E $V" | awk '{printf "%15s %15.6f %15.6f", $1, $2, $3}'
########################### IN UNITS OF BOHR #######
echo "$E" | awk '{printf "%6.6f \n ", $1* 0.0367493 } ' >> .tmp1
echo "$V" | awk '{printf "%6.6f \n ", $1* 6.74833 } ' >> .tmp_v
########################### IN UNITS OF VASP #######
#echo "$E" | awk '{printf "%6.6f \n ", $1 } ' >> .tmp1
#echo "$V" | awk '{printf "%6.6f \n ", $1 } ' >> .tmp_v
cat $d/strain-* >> .tmp2
paste .tmp2 .tmp1 > energy-vs-strain
paste .tmp_v .tmp1 > energy-vs-volume
echo -e " \e[0m"
unset s
#echo " PRINTING file in terms of VASP"
echo " COnvert VASP eV --> Ha; A --> Bohr to the output file"
rm .tmp1 .tmp2 .tmp_v #(obtain from exciting website)
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