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Last active March 9, 2020 07:44
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Mechanical properties from Energy vs Strain curve
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# | Elastic Properties
# | Code for calculating mechanical properties
# from Energy vs Strain relationship
# Equations can be found at Golesorkhtabar, R., Pavone, P., Spitaler, J.,
# Puschnig, P. & Draxl, C. ElaStic: A tool for calculating second-order elastic
# constants from first principles. Comput. Phys. Commun. 184, 1861–1873 (2013).
import numpy as np
import math, scipy, os, sys
from numpy import linalg as LA
import statistics as st
CRED = '\033[91m';CEND = '\033[0m'
CYEL = '\033[33m'; CEND = '\033[0m'
CPIN = '\033[46m';
def mechanical_properties():
# Elastic constants have been obtained from SOEC approach mentioned in the above
# paper. For three distortions of the crystal three constants are extracted:
# C11, C44, C12. For cubic system the matrix is symmetric.
print (CRED + "Values has to be supplied in the script::" + CEND)
########################## INPUT PARAMETERS assuming cubic #######################
c11=c22=c33=123.22 ;
B = 120
#c12=c21=c13=c31=c23=c32=(1/6) * (9 * B - 3 * c11)
print (CRED +"{:_^80s}".format("The STIFNESS MATRIX Cij is:")+ CEND)
Cij=[ [c11,c12,c13,c14,c15,c16],
[0 ,0 ,0 ,c44,c45,c46],
[0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,c55,c56],
[0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,c66] ]
print (Cij)
########------------Calculate variance and Mean of the Cij -----------
# ONLY for C11 , C22 , C33
Cij_stat = [ Cij[0,0] , Cij[1,1] , Cij[2,2] ]
print (">>>", (Cij_stat) )
STD = np.std(Cij_stat); Var = np.var(Cij_stat) ; Mean = np.mean(Cij_stat)
print ("{:6.3s} {:6.3s} {:6.3s}".format("C", "STD", "Var") )
print ("{:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f}".format(Mean, STD/np.sqrt(3), Var) )
######## ------------------------------------------------------------
evals, eigenvec = LA.eig(Cij)
print ("-"*40)
print("Eigenvalues are: ", evals>0)
print ("-"*40)
# ### Compliance tensor s_{ij}$ $(GPa^{-1})$
# s_{ij} = C_{ij}^{-1}$
print (CRED +"{:_^80s}".format("The COMPLIANCE MATRIX Sij is:")+ CEND)
Sij = np.linalg.inv(Cij)
print ("{} ".format(Sij))
print ("-"*80)
######## -----------------------------VOIGT-------------------------------
'''Voigt bulk modulus (GPa)'''
#9K_v = (C_{11}+C_{22}+C_{33}) + 2(C_{12} + C_{23} + C_{31})
Bv = ((Cij[0,0] + Cij[1,1] + Cij[2,2]) + 2 * (Cij[0,1] + Cij[1,2] + Cij[2,0])) / 9.0
'''Voigt shear modulus (GPa)'''
#15*G_v = (C_{11}+C_{22}+C_{33}) - (C_{12} + C_{23} + C_{31}) + 3(C_{44} + C_{55} + C_{66})$
Gv = ((Cij[0,0] + Cij[1,1] + Cij[2,2]) - (Cij[0,1] + Cij[1,2] + Cij[2,0])
+ 3 * (Cij[3,3] + Cij[4,4] + Cij[5,5]))/15.0
## Young's: Voigt
Ev = (9*Bv*Gv)/(3*Bv + Gv)
## Poisson's ratio: Voigt
NuV = (3*Bv - Ev)/(6*Bv)
######## -----------------------------REUSS-------------------------------
# Reuss bulk modulus K_R $(GPa)$
# 1/K_R = (s_{11}+s_{22}+s_{33}) + 2(s_{12} + s_{23} + s_{31})$
Br = 1/((Sij[0,0] + Sij[1,1] + Sij[2,2]) + 2*(Sij[0,1] + Sij[1,2] + Sij[2,0]))
# Reuss shear modulus G_v $(GPa)$
# 15/G_R = 4*(s_{11}+s_{22}+s_{33}) - 4*(s_{12} + s_{23} + s_{31}) + 3(s_{44} + s_{55} + s_{66})$
Gr = (4 * (Sij[0,0] + Sij[1,1] + Sij[2,2]) - 4*(Sij[0,1] + Sij[1,2] + Sij[2,0])
+ 3 * (Sij[3,3] + Sij[4,4] + Sij[5,5]))
Gr = 15.0/Gr
## Young's: Reuss
Er = (9*Br*Gr)/(3*Br + Gr)
## Poisson's ratio: Reuss
NuR = (3*Br - Er)/(6*Br)
######## -----------------------------Averages-------------------------------
# #Hill bulk modulus K_{VRH}$ $(GPa)$
# K_{VRH} = (K_R + K_v)/2
B_H = (Bv + Br)/2
#print ("VRH bulk modulus (GPa): %20.8f " %(B_H) )
# Hill shear modulus G_{VRH}$ $(GPa)$
# G_{VRH} = (G_R + G_v)/2
G_H = (Gv + Gr)/2
#print ("VRH shear modulus (GPa): %20.8f " %(G_H) )
# Young modulus E = 9BG/(3B+G)
#E_H = (9 * B_H * G_H) / (3 * B_H + G_H)
E_H = (Ev + Er)/2
#print ("Young modulus E : {:1.8s} {:20.8f}".format(" ",E_H) )
# ### Isotropic Poisson ratio $\mu
# $\mu = (3K_{VRH} - 2G_{VRH})/(6K_{VRH} + 2G_{VRH})$
#nu_H = (3 * B_H - 2 * G_H) / (6 * B_H + 2 * G_H )
nu_H = (NuV + NuR) / 2
#print ("Isotropic Poisson ratio: {:15.8f} ".format(nu_H) )
## Elastic Anisotropy
## Zener anisotropy for cubic crystals only
A = 2*(c44)/(c11-c12)
# Universal Elastic Anisotropy AU
AU = (Bv/Br) + 5*(Gv/Gr) - 6.0
# C' tetragonal shear modulus
C = (c11-c12)/2
ratio_V = Bv/Gv
ratio_R = Br/Gr
print ("{:30.8s} {:20.8s} {:20.8s} {:20.8s}".format(" ","Voigt", "Reuss ", "Hill") )
print ("{:_^80}".format("GPa"))
print ("{:16.20s} {:20.3f} {:20.3f} {:20.3f}".format("Bulk Modulus",Bv, Br, B_H) )
print ("{:16.20s} {:20.3f} {:20.3f} {:20.3f}".format("Shear Modulus",Gv, Gr, G_H) )
print ("{:16.20s} {:20.3f} {:20.3f} {:20.3f}".format("Young Modulus",Ev, Er, E_H) )
print ("{:16.20s} {:20.3f} {:20.3f} {:20.3f}".format("Poisson ratio ", NuV, NuR, nu_H) )
print ("{:16.20s} {:20.3f} {:20.3f} {:20.3f}({:5.3f})".format("B/G ratio ",Bv/Gv,Br/Gr, B_H/G_H, G_H/B_H) )
print ("{:16.20s} {:20.3s} {:20.3s} {:20.3f}".format("Avr ratio ",'','', (Gv-Gr)/(Gv+Gr)) )
print ("{:16.20s} {:20.3s} {:20.3s} {:20.3f}".format("Zener ratio ",'','', A) )
print ("{:16.20s} {:20.3s} {:20.3s} {:20.3f}".format("AU ",'','', AU) )
print ("{:16.20s} {:20.3s} {:20.3s} {:20.3f}".format("Cauchy pressure ",'','', (c12-c44)) )
print ("{:16.20s} {:20.3s} {:20.3s} {:20.3f}".format("C'tetra Shear ",'','', C) )
print ("-"*80)
return Sij
def elastic_anisotropy(S):
#Elastic anisotropy of crystals is important since it correlates with the
#possibility to induce micro-cracks in materials
f = open('CONTCAR','r')
lines = f.readlines()
s = float(lines[1])
for i in range(2,5,1):
l = s*float(lines[i].split()[0]), s*float(lines[i].split()[1]), s*float(lines[i].split()[2])
v.append( l )
v = np.mat(v)
print("Reading lattice vectors into matrix form")
# l1, l2, l3 are the direction cosines
n1 = np.linalg.norm(v[0])
n2 = np.linalg.norm(v[1])
n3 = np.linalg.norm(v[2])
l1 = math.degrees(math.acos([0],np.transpose(v[1]))/(n1*n2)))
l2 = math.degrees(math.acos([1],np.transpose(v[2]))/(n2*n3)))
l3 = math.degrees(math.acos([2],np.transpose(v[0]))/(n3*n1)))
print ("l's are direction Cosines:: l1={:6.6f} l2={:6.6f} l3={:6.6f}".format(l1, l2, l3) )
B = 1/(3*(S[0,0] + 2*S[0,1] ))
G = 1/( S[3,3] +4*(S[0,0] - S[0,1] -1/(2*S[3,3]) ) * (l1**2 * l2**2 + l2**2 * l3**2 + l1**2 * l3**2) )
E = 1/( S[0,0] -2*(S[0,0] - S[0,1] -1/(2*S[3,3]) ) * (l1**2 * l2**2 + l2**2 * l3**2 + l1**2 * l3**2) )
print ("B={:6.6f} G={:6.6f} E={:6.6f}".format(B, G, E) )
def local_lattice_distortion_DEF1():
#print ("The lattice distortion in paracrystals is measured by the lattice distortion parameter g")
#print (Back.YELLOW + "Wang, S. Atomic structure modeling of multi-principal-element alloys by the principle")
#print (Back.YELLOW + "of maximum entropy. Entropy 15, 5536–5548 (2013).")
print (">"*10,"HUME ROTHERY RULE")
C_i=C=0.2 ; r_avg = 0.0; del_sum=0.0
elements = ["Nb", "Hf", "Ta", "Ti", "Zr"]
eta = {
"Nb" : 1.98,
"Hf" : 2.08,
"Ta" : 2.00,
"Ti" : 1.76,
"Zr" : 2.06, }
print (" {element: atomic radius}")
print (eta)
for i in elements:
r_avg = r_avg + C * eta[i]
for j in elements:
del_sum = del_sum + C * ( 1 - float(eta[j]) / r_avg )**2
del_sum = 100 * np.sqrt(del_sum)
print("HEA_atomic_size_mismatch: \u03B4={}".format(del_sum))
def local_lattice_distortion_DEF2():
print (">"*10,"local_lattice_distortion_DEF2")
print (" Song, H. et al. Local lattice distortion in high-entropy alloys.")
print (" Phys. Rev. Mater. 1, 23404 (2017).")
print (" (***) Different definition of the atomic radius for the description ")
print (" of the local lattice distortion in HEAs")
if not os.path.exists('POSCAR' and 'CONTCAR'):
print ('>>> ERROR: POSCAR & CONTCAR does not exist (Both should be in the same directory)')
print('Reading POSCAR and CONTCAR ... \n')
x = []; y =[]; z=[]
xp =[]; yp = []; zp = []; temp=0
f = open('POSCAR','r')
lines_poscar = f.readlines()
f = open('CONTCAR','r')
lines_contcar = f.readlines()
file_P ='POSCAR')
pos = file_P.get_cell_lengths_and_angles()
print (CRED + "POSCAR=>Length&Angles->{}".format(pos) + CEND)
file_C ='CONTCAR')
con = file_C.get_cell_lengths_and_angles()
print (CRED + "CONTCAR=>Length&Angles->{}".format(con) + CEND)
print ("Cell vectors difference:: ",con-pos)
sum_atoms = lines_poscar[6].split() ### reading 7th lines for reading # of atoms
sum_atoms = [int(i) for i in sum_atoms]
sum_atoms = sum(sum_atoms)
for i in lines_poscar:
if "Direct" in i:
for j in lines_contcar:
if "Direct" in j:
for i in range(sum_atoms):
x, y, z = lines_poscar[lp+1+i].split()
xc, yc, zc = lines_contcar[lp+1+i].split()
x = float(x); y = float(y); z = float(z)
xc = float(xc); yc = float(yc); zc = float(zc)
temp = temp + np.sqrt( (x-xc)**2 + (y-yc)**2 + (z-zc)**2 )
temp = temp/sum_atoms
print("local lattice distortion (LLD): \u0394d={}".format(temp))
if __name__ == "__main__":
S = mechanical_properties()
print ("_"*30,"Elastic Anisotropy Analysis","_"*30)
print ("")
print ("_"*30,"Lattice Distortion Analysis","_"*30)
print ("")
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