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Last active February 27, 2023 20:17
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Bezier Triangle Patch Approximation in Unreal Engine
// The following is extracted from a larger system that renders dynamically subdivided limit surfaces at runtime via indirect dispatch.
// Evaluating a bezier triangle patch is trivial but first we need to generate them.
// I opted to use a quick heuristic to find values that closely approximate a higher-cost loop subdivision surface.
void UTerraMesh::GenerateBezierTriangles()
FTerraMeshLimitSurface SmoothSurface = GeneratePreviewLimitSurface(5);
// We fit a bezier to each edge of every triangle in the surface
// Our fitting algorithm simply nudges all 3 dimensions of the single control point until it has minimized the error function
SmoothSurface.Curves.KeySort([](int32 A, int32 B)
{ return A < B; });
TMap<int, TTuple<FVector, FVector, FVector>> EdgeControlPoints;
for (auto &Pair : SmoothSurface.Curves)
TArray<FVector> &Points = Pair.Value;
// Evaluates the quadratic bezier at the midpoint and uses the distance between the mid point and the mid point on the curve to determine the error
auto CalculateError = [&](TArray<FVector> Points, FVector P0, FVector P1, FVector P2)
return Points[FMath::Floor(Points.Num() / 2)] - EvaluateQuadraticBezier(P0, P1, P2, 0.5);
FVector P0 = Points[0];
FVector P1 = Points[FMath::Floor(Points.Num() / 2)]; // This is the control point we're solving for
FVector P2 = Points[Points.Num() - 1];
// We want to minimize the error function
// We'll use the diff of the error to the last run function to determine the direction to move the control point in
double Threshold = 0.00001; // Once the error is below this threshold we'll stop iterating
double MaxStep = 0.1;
FVector OldGuess;
FVector NewGuess;
int Iterations = 0;
while (Iterations < 10000)
FVector x = CalculateError(Pair.Value, P0, P1, P2);
if (x.Length() < Threshold)
P1 = P1 + x * MaxStep;
float err = CalculateError(Points, P0, P1, P2).Length();
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("Error Value: %f"), err);
EdgeControlPoints.Add(Pair.Key, MakeTuple(P0, P1, P2));
for (int i = 0; i < Indices.Num() / 3; i++)
TArray<int32> &Edges = SmoothSurface.TriangleToEdgeMappingEdges[i];
TArray<bool> &Directions = SmoothSurface.TriangleToEdgeMappingDirections[i];
FVector P0 = EdgeControlPoints[Edges[0]].Get<0>();
FVector P1 = EdgeControlPoints[Edges[0]].Get<1>();
FVector P2 = EdgeControlPoints[Edges[0]].Get<2>();
if (Directions[0])
P0 = EdgeControlPoints[Edges[0]].Get<2>();
P2 = EdgeControlPoints[Edges[0]].Get<0>();
FVector P3 = EdgeControlPoints[Edges[1]].Get<0>();
FVector P4 = EdgeControlPoints[Edges[1]].Get<1>();
FVector P5 = EdgeControlPoints[Edges[1]].Get<2>();
if (Directions[1])
P3 = EdgeControlPoints[Edges[1]].Get<2>();
P5 = EdgeControlPoints[Edges[1]].Get<0>();
FVector P6 = EdgeControlPoints[Edges[2]].Get<0>();
FVector P7 = EdgeControlPoints[Edges[2]].Get<1>();
FVector P8 = EdgeControlPoints[Edges[2]].Get<2>();
if (Directions[2])
P6 = EdgeControlPoints[Edges[2]].Get<2>();
P8 = EdgeControlPoints[Edges[2]].Get<0>();
FTerraMeshBezierTriangle Triangle;
if (!(P2 == P3 && P5 == P6 && P8 == P0))
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("Error in edge control points"));
Triangle.A = P0;
Triangle.AB = P1;
Triangle.B = P3;
Triangle.BC = P4;
Triangle.C = P6;
Triangle.CA = P7;
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