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Created October 5, 2023 07:11
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  • Save Asone/c1f5f17002c44a39e33a2c3ac296442d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Asone/c1f5f17002c44a39e33a2c3ac296442d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Grafana dashboard configuration for nostr-rs-relay monitoring
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"queryType": "table",
"rawQueryText": "WITH stats AS (\n SELECT count(*) as events from event WHERE created_at >= $__from / 1000 and created_at < $__to / 1000 AND kind = 1\n)\nSELECT events FROM stats;",
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"rawQueryText": "WITH stats AS (\n SELECT count(distinct(author)) as authors from event WHERE created_at >= $__from / 1000 and created_at < $__to / 1000\n)\nSELECT authors FROM stats;",
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"queryType": "table",
"rawQueryText": "SELECT \n count(*) as occurences, \n t.value as hashtag \nFROM tag AS t LEFT JOIN event ON t.event_id = \nWHERE = \"t\" \nAND event.created_at >= $__from / 1000 and event.created_at < $__to / 1000\nGROUP BY t.value ORDER BY occurences DESC LIMIT 10;\n ",
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"description": "Shows the most mentioned relays in the Relay list metadata event (NIP-65)",
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"queryType": "table",
"rawQueryText": "WITH metadata AS (\n SELECT\n json_extract(event.content,'$.pubkey') AS pubkey,\n lower(hex(author)) AS author,\n json_extract(json_extract(event.content,'$.content'),'$.name') AS name\n FROM event WHERE kind = 0\n),\nnotes AS (\n SELECT \n strftime('%H:%M', datetime(created_at, 'unixepoch')) AS datetime,\n strftime('%d/%m/%Y', datetime(created_at, 'unixepoch')) AS date,\n lower(hex(author)) AS author,\n created_at AS created_at,\n json_extract(event.content,'$.content') AS content\n FROM event WHERE kind = 1\n)\nSELECT \n CASE \n WHEN != '' OR IS NOT null THEN\n ELSE\n END name,\n n.content, \n n.datetime, \n \nFROM notes AS n LEFT JOIN metadata AS m ON = WHERE created_at >= $__from / 1000 and created_at < $__to / 1000 ORDER BY n.created_at DESC;\n",
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"queryType": "table",
"rawQueryText": "SELECT\n $__unixEpochGroupSeconds(\"created_at\", 600, NULL) as date,\n count(distinct(author)) as users\nFROM\n event\nWHERE created_at >= $__from / 1000 and created_at < $__to / 1000\nGROUP BY\n date\nORDER BY\n created_at;",
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"datasource": {
"type": "frser-sqlite-datasource",
"uid": "f28ade8d-96b2-4c21-b3dd-13be41854d4f"
"description": "Displays the number of users that declared NIP-05 over time",
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"queryText": "SELECT\n $__unixEpochGroupSeconds(\"verified_at\", 60, NULL) as date,\n count(*) as users\nFROM\n user_verification\nWHERE verified_at >= $__from / 1000 and verified_at < $__to / 1000\nGROUP BY\n date\nORDER BY\n date;",
"queryType": "table",
"rawQueryText": "SELECT\n $__unixEpochGroupSeconds(\"verified_at\", 60, NULL) as date,\n count(*) as users\nFROM\n user_verification\nWHERE verified_at >= $__from / 1000 and verified_at < $__to / 1000\nGROUP BY\n date\nORDER BY\n date;",
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"uid": "f28ade8d-96b2-4c21-b3dd-13be41854d4f"
"description": "Displays the broadcasted invoices over time",
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"queryType": "table",
"rawQueryText": "SELECT\n $__unixEpochGroupSeconds(\"created_at\", 300, NULL) as date,\n count(*) as invoices\nFROM\n invoice\nWHERE created_at >= $__from / 1000 and created_at < $__to / 1000\nGROUP BY\n date\nORDER BY\n date;",
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"uid": "f28ade8d-96b2-4c21-b3dd-13be41854d4f"
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"queryType": "table",
"rawQueryText": "SELECT\n $__unixEpochGroupSeconds(\"created_at\", 600, NULL) as date,\n count(*) as events\nFROM\n event\nWHERE created_at >= $__from / 1000 and created_at < $__to / 1000\nAND kind = 0\nGROUP BY\n date\nORDER BY\n date;",
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"timezone": "",
"title": "Nostr relay",
"uid": "cd10a687-6163-47c0-ac95-820c96de8f9d",
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"weekStart": ""
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