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Last active April 24, 2023 13:24
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My optimized intellij jetbrains IDE setup

Similar to my vs code setup, this is a gist with everything I use on all my jetbrains ides setup.
I plan to always keep it up to date.

Recommended to have git bash installed.

Very recommended read/watch

Good code fonts

Prefer ttf variable > ttf static > otf static





Hotkey doesn't work

Download hotkey detective, run as admin and press the hotkey combination. It will show which software is overriding that shortcut


Remember to turn off Ctrl+Space keyboard shortcut on mac settings: image image


CMD + / = Comment line


Shift + Enter = New line under/above
CMD + Opt + Enter = New line under/above
CMD + D = Duplicate line
CMD + Backspace = Delete line


Opt + Up = Expand selection
Opt + Down = Shrink selection
Shift + Opt + Up/Down = Move line up/Down
CMD + Shift + Up/Down = Move statement up/down
CMD + Opt + T = Surround with
Opt(2Taps) + Up/Down = Add cursor above/below
???????? = Select all similar to current cursor
Ctrl + J = Quick documentation
CMD + F1 = Inspection description(hover tooltip)
CMD + P = Parameter info
CMD + Opt + ] = Go to the end of the current bracket/statement


Ctrl + Shift + Up = Navigate to previous method
Ctrl + Shift + Down = Navigate to next method
CMD + F12 = Navigate file structure(show symbols)
CMB + B = Navigate to declaration(go to)
CMD + Opt + F7 = Show usages
CMD + Alt + Left/Right OR CMD + [/] = Navigate back/forward(previous/Next on cursor history)
CMD + Shift + Backspace = Last edit location


F2 = Next error
Shift + F2 = Previous error


CMD - = Fold
CMD + = Unfold


Ctrl + Opt + O = Optimize imports Ctrl + Alt + L = Reformat


Ctrl + Shift + Enter = Complete statement(and add brackets)
Alt + Enter = Context Actions
Ctrl + . = Select lookup item
Ctrl + Space = Code completion


Ctrl + Alt + M = Extract method
Ctrl + Alt + V = Extract variable
Ctrl + Alt + C = Extract constant
Ctrl + Alt + F = Extract field


Ctrl + Alt + W = Close other tabs (Needs to be added to keymaps)
Alt + Left/Right = Previous/Next tab
Ctrl + Tab = Jump opened files(and editor windows)
Backspace = Close hovered file
Shift + Shift = Search everywhere
Ctrl + E = Recent files
Ctrl + Shift + E = Recent locations
Alt + Home = Navigation bar(breadcrumb)
Ctrl + Shift + T = Navigate to tests
Ctrl + Shift + N = Navigate to files
Ctrl + N = Navigate to class
? = Split/Unsplit


Shift + Alt + F10 = Run
Ctrl + Shift + F8 = Edit breakpoint


Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Left/Right = Stretch window to left/right
Ctrl + Shift + F12 = Toggle all windows(maximize/minimize all)
Alt + Insert = Make new(file)
Alt + 1 = Projects window
Alt + 0 = Source control window
Alt + 6 = Problems window
Alt + F12 = Terminal window
F12 = Jump to last window
Ctrl + Esc = Collapse window
Ctrl + <code>&#96;</code> = Quick switch
Alt + <code>&#96;</code> = VSC operations

Project tab

Ctrl + Numpad- = Collapse all

Commit tab

Ctrl + Alt + A = Stage all
Ctrl + Alt + Z = Rollback/Unstage all
Ctrl + D = Open diff
F4 = Go to source


These shortcuts are on Windows, and symbols are from an ABNT2 keyboard

] on ABNT2 is equals to \
´ on ABNT2 is equals to [


Ctrl + / = Comment line


Ctrl/Shift + Enter = New line under/above
Ctrl + D = Duplicate line
Ctrl + Y = Delete line


Ctrl + W = Expand selection
Ctrl + Shift + W = Shrink selection
Shift + Alt + Up = Move line up
Ctrl + Shift + Up = Move statement up
Ctrl + Alt + T = Surround with
Ctrl(2Taps) + Up/Down = Add cursor above/below
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + J = Select all similar to current cursor
Ctrl + Q = Quick documentation
Ctrl + F1 = Inspection description(hover tooltip)
Ctrl + P = Parameter info
? = Go to the end of the current bracket/statement


Alt + Up = Navigate to previous method
Alt + Down = Navigate to next method
Ctrl + F12 = Navigate file structure(show symbols)
Ctrl + B = Navigate to declaration(go to)
Ctrl + Alt + F7 = Show usages
Ctrl + Alt + Left/Right = Navigate back/forward(previous/Next on cursor history)
Ctrl + Shift + Backspace = Last edit location


F2 = Next error
Shift + F2 = Previous error


Ctrl - = Fold
Ctrl + = Unfold


Ctrl + Alt + O = Optimize imports Ctrl + Alt + L = Reformat


Ctrl + Shift + Enter = Complete statement(and add brackets)
Alt + Enter = Context Actions
Ctrl + . = Select lookup item
Ctrl + Space = Code completion


Ctrl + Alt + M = Extract method
Ctrl + Alt + V = Extract variable
Ctrl + Alt + C = Extract constant
Ctrl + Alt + F = Extract field


Ctrl + Alt + W = Close other tabs (Needs to be added to keymaps)
Alt + Left/Right = Previous/Next tab
Ctrl + Tab = Jump opened files(and editor windows)
Backspace = Close hovered file
Shift + Shift = Search everywhere
Ctrl + E = Recent files
Ctrl + Shift + E = Recent locations
Alt + Home = Navigation bar(breadcrumb)
Ctrl + Shift + T = Navigate to tests
Ctrl + Shift + N = Navigate to files
Ctrl + N = Navigate to class
? = Split/Unsplit


Shift + Alt + F10 = Run
Ctrl + Shift + F8 = Edit breakpoint


Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Left/Right = Stretch window to left/right
Ctrl + Shift + F12 = Toggle all windows(maximize/minimize all)
Alt + Insert = Make new(file)
Alt + 1 = Projects window
Alt + 0 = Source control window
Alt + 6 = Problems window
Alt + F12 = Terminal window
F12 = Jump to last window
Ctrl + Esc = Collapse window
Ctrl + <code>&#96;</code> = Quick switch
Alt + <code>&#96;</code> = VSC operations

Project tab

Ctrl + Numpad- = Collapse all

Commit tab

Ctrl + Alt + A = Stage all
Ctrl + Alt + Z = Rollback/Unstage all
Ctrl + D = Open diff
F4 = Go to source

Common settings

  • Project -> Show Options Menu -> Always Select Opened File
  • Settings -> Version Control -> Git -> Enable Staging Area
  • Settings -> Tools -> Terminal -> Cursor shape: Vertical
  • Settings -> Tools -> Terminal -> Shell path: Git bash
  • Settings -> Languages & Frameworks -> Code Quality Tools -> ESLint -> Automatic ESLint Configuration
  • Preferences | Languages & Frameworks | JavaScript | Prettier -> On Reformat Code action
  • Settings -> Tools -> Actions on save: Reformat code(whole file) (No eslint --fix)
  • Settings -> Editor -> Code Style -> JavaScript+Typescript
    • Spaces -> Within -> ES6 import/export braces: true
    • Spaces -> Within -> Object literal braces: true
    • Wrapping and braces -> Function declaration parameters -> Align When multiline: false
    • Punctuation -> Use single quote always
    • Trailing comma: remove
  • Settings -> Editor -> Code Style -> HTML
    • Other -> Spaces -> In empty tag: true
    • Other -> Spaces -> Add for JSX attributes: based on type
    • Other -> Generate quote marks: double
    • Other -> Enforce on format: true
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