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Created April 4, 2021 15:44
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Save Aster89/7892fd284a10834e796540a0bf459e40 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
qutebrowser report
==== Timestamps ====
Launch: Fri Apr 2 09:14:02 2021
Crash: Sun Apr 4 16:40:10 2021
==== Version info ====
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qutebrowser v2.1.0
Git commit:
Backend: QtWebEngine 5.15.3, Chromium 87.0.4280.144
Qt: 5.15.2
CPython: 3.9.2
PyQt: 5.15.4
sip: 5.4.0
colorama: no
jinja2: 2.11.3
pygments: 2.8.1
yaml: 5.4.1
adblock: no
PyQt5.QtWebEngineWidgets: yes
PyQt5.QtWebEngine: 5.15.4
PyQt5.QtWebKitWidgets: no
pdf.js: 2.7.570 (/usr/share/pdf.js/build/pdf.js)
sqlite: 3.35.3
QtNetwork SSL: OpenSSL 1.1.1k 25 Mar 2021
Style: QFusionStyle
Platform plugin: xcb
OpenGL: Intel, 4.6 (Compatibility Profile) Mesa 21.0.1
Platform: Linux-5.11.7-arch1-1-x86_64-with-glibc2.33, 64bit
Linux distribution: Arch Linux (arch)
Frozen: False
Imported from /usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/qutebrowser
Using Python from /usr/bin/python3
Qt library executable path: /usr/lib/qt/libexec, data path: /usr/share/qt
cache: /home/enrico/.cache/qutebrowser
config: /home/enrico/.config/qutebrowser
data: /home/enrico/.local/share/qutebrowser
runtime: /run/user/1000/qutebrowser
system data: /usr/share/qutebrowser
Autoconfig loaded: yes /home/enrico/.config/qutebrowser/ has been loaded
Uptime: 2 days, 7:26:07
==== Config ====
aliases = {"h": "home", "matlabChangeRel": "set-cmd-text -s :spawn --userscript matlabRel", "open": "open -r", "q": "close", "qa": "quit", "w": "session-save", "wq": "quit --save"}
auto_save.interval = 15000
auto_save.session = true
backend = webengine
bindings.commands = {"normal": {"!": "set-cmd-text :open -t !", "<Back>": null, "<Ctrl+F5>": null, "<Ctrl+PgDown>": null, "<Ctrl+PgUp>": null, "<Ctrl+Shift+t>": null, "<Ctrl+Shift+w>": null, "<Ctrl+j>": "tab-move -", "<Ctrl+k>": "tab-move +", "<Ctrl+w>": null, "<F11>": null, "<Forward>": null, "J": "tab-prev", "K": "tab-next", "cm": "clear-messages"}}
bindings.key_mappings = {"<Ctrl+6>": "<Ctrl+^>", "<Ctrl+Enter>": "<Ctrl+Return>", "<Ctrl+[>": "<Escape>", "<Ctrl+j>": "<Return>", "<Ctrl+m>": "<Return>", "<Enter>": "<Return>", "<Shift+Enter>": "<Return>", "<Shift+Return>": "<Return>"} = #444444 = #333333 = qlineargradient(x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:1, stop:0 rgba(255, 247, 133, 0.8), stop:1 rgba(255, 197, 66, 0.8))
colors.hints.fg = black
colors.hints.match.fg = green = white
colors.webpage.darkmode.enabled = false
colors.webpage.preferred_color_scheme = auto
confirm_quit = ["multiple-tabs", "downloads"]
content.blocking.enabled = true
content.cookies.accept = all content.desktop_capture = true content.desktop_capture = true content.geolocation = true
content.headers.user_agent = Mozilla/5.0 ({os_info}) AppleWebKit/{webkit_version} (KHTML, like Gecko) {qt_key}/{qt_version} {upstream_browser_key}/{upstream_browser_version} Safari/{webkit_version} content.javascript.can_access_clipboard = true
content.javascript.can_access_clipboard = false
content.javascript.can_open_tabs_automatically = false content.javascript.can_open_tabs_automatically = true = true = true = true = true = true = true = true = true = true = true = true = true = true = true content.notifications = true content.notifications = true content.notifications = true content.notifications = false content.notifications = true content.notifications = true content.notifications = true content.notifications = true content.notifications = true content.notifications = true content.notifications = true content.notifications = false
content.pdfjs = true
content.plugins = true
content.proxy = system content.register_protocol_handler = true content.register_protocol_handler = true
content.user_stylesheets =
content.webrtc_ip_handling_policy = all-interfaces
editor.command = ["gvim", "-f", "{file}", "-c", "normal {line}G{column0}l"]
editor.encoding = utf-8
fonts.completion.category = bold 10pt default_family
fonts.completion.entry = 10pt default_family
fonts.debug_console = 10pt default_family
fonts.default_family = ["xos4 Terminus", "Terminus"]
fonts.downloads = 10pt default_family
fonts.hints = bold 8pt default_family
fonts.keyhint = 10pt default_family
fonts.messages.error = 10pt default_family = 10pt default_family
fonts.messages.warning = 10pt default_family
fonts.prompts = 10pt sans-serif
fonts.statusbar = 10pt default_family = = = = = =
fonts.web.size.default = 14
fonts.web.size.default_fixed = 10
fonts.web.size.minimum = 8
fonts.web.size.minimum_logical = 6
hints.mode = letter
history_gap_interval = 30
input.insert_mode.auto_enter = true
input.insert_mode.leave_on_load = false
input.partial_timeout = 0
keyhint.blacklist =
keyhint.delay = 100
keyhint.radius = 6
messages.timeout = 5000
new_instance_open_target = tab
new_instance_open_target_window = last-focused
qt.args =
qt.highdpi = true
search.ignore_case = smart
search.incremental = true
session.default_name =
session.lazy_restore = false
tabs.select_on_remove = last-used
zoom.default = 100%
zoom.levels = ["25%", "33%", "50%", "67%", "75%", "90%", "100%", "110%", "125%", "150%", "175%", "200%", "250%", "300%", "400%", "500%"]
zoom.mouse_divider = 512
==== Environment ====
LANG = en_GB.UTF-8
PATH = /home/enrico/.cabal/bin:/home/enrico/.ghcup/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/bin/site_perl:/usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/bin/core_perl
XDG_RUNTIME_DIR = /run/user/1000
XDG_SEAT = seat0
==== Commandline args ====
==== Open Pages ====
==== Command history ====
:open -t "282429536481" ean-13
:open purely functional data structures
:open -t
==== Objects ====
Qt widgets - 99 objects:
<PyQt5.QtWidgets.QDesktopWidget object at 0x7f31e58fe3a0>
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<qutebrowser.misc.miscwidgets.InspectorSplitter object at 0x7f30b7e468b0>
<qutebrowser.misc.miscwidgets.InspectorSplitter object at 0x7f3136409c10>
<qutebrowser.misc.miscwidgets.InspectorSplitter object at 0x7f316c0354c0>
<qutebrowser.misc.miscwidgets.InspectorSplitter object at 0x7f316c046310>
<qutebrowser.misc.miscwidgets.InspectorSplitter object at 0x7f316c0594c0>
<qutebrowser.misc.miscwidgets.InspectorSplitter object at 0x7f31cc3e38b0>
<qutebrowser.misc.miscwidgets.InspectorSplitter object at 0x7f31cc3f7430>
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Qt objects - 60 objects:
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<qutebrowser.misc.savemanager.SaveManager saveables=OrderedDict([('yaml-config', <qutebrowser.misc.savemanager.Saveable config_opt=None dirty=False filename=None name='yaml-config' save_handler=<bound method YamlConfig._save of <qutebrowser.config.configfiles.YamlConfig object at 0x7f31f3afc670>> save_on_exit=False>), ('state-config', <qutebrowser.misc.savemanager.Saveable config_opt=None dirty=False filename=None name='state-config' save_handler=<bound method StateConfig._save of <qutebrowser.config.configfiles.StateConfig object at 0x7f32031d89a0>> save_on_exit=True>), ('command-history', <qutebrowser.misc.savemanager.Saveable config_opt=None dirty=True filename=None name='command-history' save_handler=<bound method of qutebrowser.misc.lineparser.LimitLineParser(binary=False, configdir='/home/enrico/.local/share/qutebrowser', fname='cmd-history', limit='completion.cmd_history_max_items')> save_on_exit=False>), ('quickmark-manager', <qutebrowser.misc.savemanager.Saveable config_opt=None dirty=False filename='/home/enrico/.config/qutebrowser/quickmarks' name='quickmark-manager' save_handler=<bound method of <qutebrowser.browser.urlmarks.QuickmarkManager object at 0x7f31f0010ca0>> save_on_exit=False>), ('bookmark-manager', <qutebrowser.misc.savemanager.Saveable config_opt=None dirty=False filename='/home/enrico/.config/qutebrowser/bookmarks/urls' name='bookmark-manager' save_handler=<bound method of <qutebrowser.browser.urlmarks.BookmarkManager object at 0x7f31f0024c10>> save_on_exit=False>), ('cookies', <qutebrowser.misc.savemanager.Saveable config_opt='' dirty=False filename=None name='cookies' save_handler=<bound method of <qutebrowser.browser.webkit.cookies.CookieJar count=4>> save_on_exit=False>)])>
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<qutebrowser.misc.sessions.SessionManager object at 0x7f31f0010c10>
<qutebrowser.browser.urlmarks.QuickmarkManager object at 0x7f31f0010ca0>
qutebrowser.misc.lineparser.LineParser(binary=False, configdir='/home/enrico/.config/qutebrowser', fname='quickmarks')
<qutebrowser.browser.urlmarks.BookmarkManager object at 0x7f31f0024c10>
qutebrowser.misc.lineparser.LineParser(binary=False, configdir='/home/enrico/.config/qutebrowser', fname='bookmarks/urls')
<qutebrowser.browser.webkit.cookies.RAMCookieJar count=0>
<qutebrowser.browser.qtnetworkdownloads.DownloadManager downloads=0>
< object at 0x7f31f0032280>
<qutebrowser.browser.webkit.cookies.CookieJar count=4>
qutebrowser.misc.lineparser.LineParser(binary=True, configdir='/home/enrico/.local/share/qutebrowser', fname='cookies')
<qutebrowser.browser.webkit.cache.DiskCache maxsize=52428800 path='/home/enrico/.cache/qutebrowser/http/' size=1168989>
<qutebrowser.mainwindow.windowundo.WindowUndoManager object at 0x7f31f00323a0>
<qutebrowser.keyinput.eventfilter.EventFilter object at 0x7f31f0032430>
<PyQt5.QtCore.QObject object at 0x7f31e58fe430>
<PyQt5.QtWidgets.QPanGesture object at 0x7f31e58fe550>
<PyQt5.QtWidgets.QPanGesture object at 0x7f31e58fe790>
<PyQt5.QtWidgets.QPanGesture object at 0x7f31e58fe8b0>
global object registry - 11 objects:
config-commands: <qutebrowser.config.configcommands.ConfigCommands object at 0x7f32031d88e0> (for commands only)
crash-handler: <qutebrowser.misc.crashsignal.CrashHandler object at 0x7f31f3afcc10> (for commands only)
save-manager: <qutebrowser.misc.savemanager.SaveManager saveables=OrderedDict([('yaml-config', <qutebrowser.misc.savemanager.Saveable config_opt=None dirty=False filename=None name='yaml-config' save_handler=<bound method YamlConfig._save of <qutebrowser.config.configfiles.YamlConfig object at 0x7f31f3afc670>> save_on_exit=False>), ('state-config', <qutebrowser.misc.savemanager.Saveable config_opt=None dirty=False filename=None name='state-config' save_handler=<bound method StateConfig._save of <qutebrowser.config.configfiles.StateConfig object at 0x7f32031d89a0>> save_on_exit=True>), ('command-history', <qutebrowser.misc.savemanager.Saveable config_opt=None dirty=True filename=None name='command-history' save_handler=<bound method of qutebrowser.misc.lineparser.LimitLineParser(binary=False, configdir='/home/enrico/.local/share/qutebrowser', fname='cmd-history', limit='completion.cmd_history_max_items')> save_on_exit=False>), ('quickmark-manager', <qutebrowser.misc.savemanager.Saveable config_opt=None dirty=False filename='/home/enrico/.config/qutebrowser/quickmarks' name='quickmark-manager' save_handler=<bound method of <qutebrowser.browser.urlmarks.QuickmarkManager object at 0x7f31f0010ca0>> save_on_exit=False>), ('bookmark-manager', <qutebrowser.misc.savemanager.Saveable config_opt=None dirty=False filename='/home/enrico/.config/qutebrowser/bookmarks/urls' name='bookmark-manager' save_handler=<bound method of <qutebrowser.browser.urlmarks.BookmarkManager object at 0x7f31f0024c10>> save_on_exit=False>), ('cookies', <qutebrowser.misc.savemanager.Saveable config_opt='' dirty=False filename=None name='cookies' save_handler=<bound method of <qutebrowser.browser.webkit.cookies.CookieJar count=4>> save_on_exit=False>)])>
command-history: qutebrowser.misc.lineparser.LimitLineParser(binary=False, configdir='/home/enrico/.local/share/qutebrowser', fname='cmd-history', limit='completion.cmd_history_max_items')
webengine-download-manager: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginedownloads.DownloadManager downloads=0>
quickmark-manager: <qutebrowser.browser.urlmarks.QuickmarkManager object at 0x7f31f0010ca0>
bookmark-manager: <qutebrowser.browser.urlmarks.BookmarkManager object at 0x7f31f0024c10>
qtnetwork-download-manager: <qutebrowser.browser.qtnetworkdownloads.DownloadManager downloads=0>
macro-recorder: <qutebrowser.keyinput.macros.MacroRecorder object at 0x7f31f0031bb0> (for commands only)
last-visible-main-window: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.mainwindow.MainWindow>
last-focused-main-window: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.mainwindow.MainWindow>
window-0 object registry - 10 objects:
main-window: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.mainwindow.MainWindow>
tab-registry: {0: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=0 url=''>, 1: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=1 url=''>, 2: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=2 url=''>, 3: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=3 url=''>, 4: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=4 url=''>, 5: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=5 url=''>, 16: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=16 url=''>, 108: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=108 url=''>, 118: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=118 url=''>, 129: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=129 url='…'>, 132: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=132 url=''>, 139: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=139 url=''>}
download-model: <qutebrowser.browser.downloads.DownloadModel object at 0x7f31cc556430> (for commands only)
tabbed-browser: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.tabbedbrowser.TabbedBrowser count=12>
command-dispatcher: <qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher> (for commands only)
status-command: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>
completion: <qutebrowser.completion.completionwidget.CompletionView> (for commands only)
mode-manager: <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.normal: 1>>
hintmanager: <qutebrowser.browser.hints.HintManager object at 0x7f31cc5909d0> (for commands only)
prompt-container: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.prompt.PromptContainer win_id=0> (for commands only)
tab-0 object registry - 1 objects:
tab: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=0 url=''>
tab-1 object registry - 1 objects:
tab: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=1 url=''>
tab-2 object registry - 1 objects:
tab: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=2 url=''>
tab-3 object registry - 1 objects:
tab: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=3 url=''>
tab-4 object registry - 1 objects:
tab: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=4 url=''>
tab-5 object registry - 1 objects:
tab: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=5 url=''>
tab-16 object registry - 1 objects:
tab: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=16 url=''>
tab-108 object registry - 1 objects:
tab: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=108 url=''>
tab-118 object registry - 1 objects:
tab: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=118 url=''>
tab-129 object registry - 1 objects:
tab: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=129 url='…'>
tab-132 object registry - 1 objects:
tab: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=132 url=''>
tab-139 object registry - 1 objects:
tab: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=139 url=''>
==== Debug log ====
16:36:56 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f312383ae50>)
16:36:56 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:36:56 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: False
16:36:58 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:36:58 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x46 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'f' / dry_run True
16:36:58 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c0598b0>)
16:36:58 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:36:58 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x46 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'f' / dry_run False
16:36:58 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'f'.
16:36:58 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: f).
16:36:58 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: hint
16:36:58 DEBUG commands argparser:multitype_conv:158 Trying to parse None as <class 'NoneType'>
16:36:58 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.hints.HintManager.start(<qutebrowser.browser.hints.HintManager object at 0x7f31cc5909d0>, 'all', <Target.normal: 1>, mode=None, add_history=False, rapid=False, first=False)
16:36:58 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31f0032820>)
16:36:58 DEBUG hints hints:_start_cb:643 hints: a, sl, dl, fl, gl, hl, jl, kl, sa, da, fa, ga, ha, ja, ka, la, ss, ds, fs, gs, hs, js, ks, ls, sd, dd, fd, gd, hd, jd, kd, sf, df, ff, gf, hf, jf, kf, sg, dg, fg, gg, hg, jg, kg, sh, dh, fh, gh, hh, jh, kh, sj, dj, fj, gj, hj, jj, kj, sk, dk, fk, gk, hk, jk, kk
16:36:58 DEBUG modes modeman:enter:363 Entering mode KeyMode.hint (reason: HintManager.start)
16:36:58 DEBUG message bar:set_text:354 Follow hint...
16:36:58 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:36:59 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.hint - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.HintKeyParser do_log=True mode=<KeyMode.hint: 2> passthrough=False supports_count=False win_id=0>
16:36:59 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 HintKeyParser for mode hint: Got key: 0x4b / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'k' / dry_run True
16:36:59 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 1, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f30edd264c0>)
16:36:59 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.hint - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.HintKeyParser do_log=True mode=<KeyMode.hint: 2> passthrough=False supports_count=False win_id=0>
16:36:59 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 CommandKeyParser for mode hint: Got key: 0x4b / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'k' / dry_run True
16:36:59 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 CommandKeyParser for mode hint: Trying match without modifiers
16:36:59 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 CommandKeyParser for mode hint: Trying match with key_mappings
16:36:59 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 HintKeyParser for mode hint: Got key: 0x4b / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'k' / dry_run False
16:36:59 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 HintKeyParser for mode hint: No match for 'k' (added k)
16:36:59 DEBUG hints hints:handle_partial_key:860 Handling new keystring: 'k'
16:36:59 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 1, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3136409ca0>)
16:36:59 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:36:59 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.hint - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.HintKeyParser do_log=True mode=<KeyMode.hint: 2> passthrough=False supports_count=False win_id=0>
16:36:59 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 HintKeyParser for mode hint: Got key: 0x47 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'g' / dry_run True
16:36:59 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e4468d30>)
16:36:59 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.hint - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.HintKeyParser do_log=True mode=<KeyMode.hint: 2> passthrough=False supports_count=False win_id=0>
16:36:59 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 CommandKeyParser for mode hint: Got key: 0x47 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'g' / dry_run True
16:36:59 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 CommandKeyParser for mode hint: Trying match without modifiers
16:36:59 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 CommandKeyParser for mode hint: Trying match with key_mappings
16:36:59 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 HintKeyParser for mode hint: Got key: 0x47 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'g' / dry_run False
16:36:59 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 HintKeyParser for mode hint: Definitive match for 'kg'.
16:36:59 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 HintKeyParser for mode hint: Clearing keystring (was: kg).
16:36:59 DEBUG hints hints:handle_partial_key:860 Handling new keystring: ''
16:36:59 DEBUG hints hints:handle_partial_key:860 Handling new keystring: 'kg'
16:36:59 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:431 Leaving mode KeyMode.hint (reason: followed)
16:36:59 DEBUG message bar:set_text:354
16:36:59 DEBUG webelem webelem:click:416 Clicking <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webengineelem.WebEngineElement html='<a class="result__a" rel="noopener" href=""><span class="result__type">PDF</span> Purely Functional Data Structures</a>'> with click_target ClickTarget.normal, force_event False
16:36:59 DEBUG webelem webelem:click:425 Clicking via JS click()
16:36:59 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3122f2cca0>)
16:36:59 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31f0032940>
16:36:59 DEBUG webview browsertab:_set_load_status:1006 load status for <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=129 url='…'>: LoadStatus.success_https
16:36:59 DEBUG signals signalfilter:_filter_signals:87 emitting: cur_load_status_changed(<LoadStatus.success_https: 3>) (tab 8)
16:36:59 DEBUG sql sql:run:278 INSERT INTO History (url, title, atime, redirect) values(:url, :title, :atime, :redirect)
16:36:59 DEBUG sql sql:run:282 {':atime': 1617550619, ':redirect': False, ':title': 'purely functional data structures at DuckDuckGo', ':url': ''}
16:36:59 DEBUG sql sql:run:278 REPLACE INTO CompletionHistory (url, title, last_atime) values(:url, :title, :last_atime)
16:36:59 DEBUG sql sql:run:282 {':last_atime': 1617550619, ':title': 'purely functional data structures at DuckDuckGo', ':url': ''}
16:36:59 DEBUG sessions sessions:save:336 Saving session _autosave to /home/enrico/.local/share/qutebrowser/sessions/_autosave.yml...
16:36:59 DEBUG signals signalfilter:_filter_signals:87 emitting: cur_load_finished(False) (tab 8)
16:36:59 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_leave_modes_on_load:732 Ignoring leave_on_load request due to setting.
16:36:59 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_leave_modes_on_load:737 Ignoring leave_on_load request due to setting.
16:36:59 DEBUG webview browsertab:_set_load_status:1006 load status for <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=129 url='…'>: LoadStatus.error
16:36:59 DEBUG signals signalfilter:_filter_signals:87 emitting: cur_load_status_changed(<LoadStatus.error: 4>) (tab 8)
16:36:59 DEBUG webview browsertab:_on_navigation_request:1064 navigation request: url, type Type.redirect, is_main_frame True
16:36:59 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:36:59 DEBUG webview webenginetab:_store_match_data:151 Active search match: 0/0
16:36:59 DEBUG webview browsertab:_set_load_status:1006 load status for <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=129 url='…'>: LoadStatus.loading
16:36:59 DEBUG signals signalfilter:_filter_signals:87 emitting: cur_load_status_changed(<LoadStatus.loading: 6>) (tab 8)
16:36:59 DEBUG signals signalfilter:_filter_signals:87 emitting: cur_load_started() (tab 8)
16:37:00 DEBUG downloads downloads:_on_begin_insert_row:1034 _on_begin_insert_row with idx 0, webengine True
16:37:00 DEBUG message message:_log_stack:42 Stack for error message:
File "/usr/bin/qutebrowser", line 33, in <module>
sys.exit(load_entry_point('qutebrowser==2.1.0', 'gui_scripts', 'qutebrowser')())
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/qutebrowser/", line 218, in main
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/qutebrowser/", line 130, in run
ret = qt_mainloop()
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/qutebrowser/", line 140, in qt_mainloop
return objects.qapp.exec()
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/qutebrowser/browser/webengine/", line 285, in handle_download
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/qutebrowser/browser/", line 838, in set_target
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/qutebrowser/utils/", line 54, in error
stack = ''.join(traceback.format_stack())
16:37:00 ERROR message message:error:59 Download error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/qutebrowser-downloads-l8qsiq87/tmp7ljf5iou_okasaki.pdf'
16:37:00 DEBUG misc mainwindow:_update_overlay_geometry:350 new geometry for <qutebrowser.mainwindow.messageview.MessageView object at 0x7f31cc496820>: PyQt5.QtCore.QRect(0, 1374, 2561, 23)
16:37:00 DEBUG downloads webenginedownloads:_on_state_changed:64 State for <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginedownloads.DownloadItem basename='okasaki.pdf'> changed to DownloadCancelled
16:37:00 DEBUG downloads downloads:_on_begin_remove_row:1046 _on_begin_remove_row with idx 0, webengine True
16:37:00 DEBUG downloads downloads:_remove_item:965 Removed download 1: okasaki.pdf [100%|?.??B]
16:37:00 DEBUG downloads downloads:cancel:577 cancelled
16:37:00 DEBUG downloads downloads:delete:596 Not deleting None
16:37:05 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3122f2cee0>
16:37:08 DEBUG webview webenginetab:_js_cb_single:742 Got element from JS: {'attributes': {'class': 'serp__results js-serp-results', 'id': 'links_wrapper'}, 'class_name': 'serp__results js-serp-results', 'id': 66, 'is_content_editable': False, 'outer_xml': '<div id="links_wrapper" class="serp__results js-serp-results"><div class="results--main"><div class="search-filters-wrap"><div class="js-search-filters search-filters"><div class="dropdown dropdown--region is-active "><div class="dropdown__switch switch js-region-filter-switch is-on"><span class="switch__knob"></span></div><a class="dropdown__button dropdown__button js-dropdown-button ">Italy</a></div><div class="dropdown dropdown--safe-search is-active"><a href="#" class="dropdown__button js-dropdown-button">Safe search: off</a></div><div class="dropdown dropdown--date "><a href="#" class="dropdown__button js-dropdown-button">Any time</a></div></div></div><noscript><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=/html?q=purely%20functional%20data%20structures"><link href="/css/noscript.css" rel="stylesheet" …
16:37:08 DEBUG webelem webelem:is_editable:251 Checking if element is editable: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webengineelem.WebEngineElement html='<div id="links_wrapper" class="serp__results js-serp-results"><div class="results--main"><div class="search-filters-wrap"><div class="js-search-filters search-filters"><div class="dropdown dropdown--region is-active "><div class="dropdown__switch switch js-region-filter-switch is-on"><span class="switch__knob"></span></div><a class="dropdown__button dropdown__button js-dropdown-button ">Italy</a></div><div class="dropdown dropdown--safe-search is-active"><a href="#" class="dropdown__button js-…'>
16:37:08 DEBUG mouse eventfilter:_mousepress_insertmode_cb:204 Clicked non-editable element!
16:37:08 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason click) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:08 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:08 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run True
16:37:08 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3122f2ce50>)
16:37:08 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:08 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run False
16:37:08 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for '<Escape>'.
16:37:08 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: <Escape>).
16:37:08 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: clear-keychain
16:37:08 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.clear_keychain(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.normal: 1>>)
16:37:08 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: search
16:37:08 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, '', False)
16:37:08 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: fullscreen ['--leave']
16:37:08 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.fullscreen(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, True, False)
16:37:08 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3122f2ce50>)
16:37:08 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:37:08 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:08 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run True
16:37:08 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3122f2ce50>)
16:37:08 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:08 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run False
16:37:08 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for '<Escape>'.
16:37:08 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: <Escape>).
16:37:08 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: clear-keychain
16:37:08 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.clear_keychain(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.normal: 1>>)
16:37:08 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: search
16:37:08 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, '', False)
16:37:08 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: fullscreen ['--leave']
16:37:08 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.fullscreen(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, True, False)
16:37:08 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31f00325e0>)
16:37:08 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:37:09 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:09 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run True
16:37:09 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3122f2c0d0>)
16:37:09 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:09 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run False
16:37:09 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for '<Escape>'.
16:37:09 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: <Escape>).
16:37:09 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: clear-keychain
16:37:09 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.clear_keychain(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.normal: 1>>)
16:37:09 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: search
16:37:09 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, '', False)
16:37:09 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: fullscreen ['--leave']
16:37:09 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.fullscreen(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, True, False)
16:37:09 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3122f2c0d0>)
16:37:09 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:37:10 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:10 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x59 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'y' / dry_run True
16:37:10 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 1, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3122f2ce50>)
16:37:10 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:10 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x59 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'y' / dry_run False
16:37:10 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: No match for 'y' (added y)
16:37:10 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 1, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3122f2c3a0>)
16:37:10 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:37:10 DEBUG misc mainwindow:_update_overlay_geometry:350 new geometry for <qutebrowser.misc.keyhintwidget.KeyHintView win_id=0>: PyQt5.QtCore.QRect(0, 1192, 251, 205)
16:37:10 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:10 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x59 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'y' / dry_run True
16:37:10 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3122f2c3a0>)
16:37:10 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:10 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x59 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'y' / dry_run False
16:37:10 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'yy'.
16:37:10 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: yy).
16:37:10 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: yank
16:37:10 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.yank(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, 'url', None, False, False, False)
16:37:10 INFO message message:info:82 Yanked URL to clipboard:
16:37:10 DEBUG misc mainwindow:_update_overlay_geometry:350 new geometry for <qutebrowser.mainwindow.messageview.MessageView object at 0x7f31cc496820>: PyQt5.QtCore.QRect(0, 1374, 2561, 23)
16:37:10 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3122f2cb80>)
16:37:10 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:37:12 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:12 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run True
16:37:12 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3122f2cb80>)
16:37:12 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:12 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run False
16:37:12 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for '<Escape>'.
16:37:12 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: <Escape>).
16:37:12 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: clear-keychain
16:37:12 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.clear_keychain(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.normal: 1>>)
16:37:12 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: search
16:37:12 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, '', False)
16:37:12 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: fullscreen ['--leave']
16:37:12 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.fullscreen(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, True, False)
16:37:12 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3122f2cb80>)
16:37:12 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:37:12 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:12 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run True
16:37:12 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3122f2cb80>)
16:37:12 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:12 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run False
16:37:12 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for '<Escape>'.
16:37:12 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: <Escape>).
16:37:12 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: clear-keychain
16:37:12 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.clear_keychain(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.normal: 1>>)
16:37:12 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: search
16:37:12 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, '', False)
16:37:12 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: fullscreen ['--leave']
16:37:12 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.fullscreen(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, True, False)
16:37:12 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3122f2cb80>)
16:37:12 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:37:12 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:12 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run True
16:37:12 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3122f2cb80>)
16:37:12 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:12 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run False
16:37:12 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for '<Escape>'.
16:37:12 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: <Escape>).
16:37:12 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: clear-keychain
16:37:12 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.clear_keychain(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.normal: 1>>)
16:37:12 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: search
16:37:12 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, '', False)
16:37:12 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: fullscreen ['--leave']
16:37:12 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.fullscreen(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, True, False)
16:37:12 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3122f2cb80>)
16:37:12 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:37:13 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:13 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run True
16:37:13 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:37:13 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3122f2cb80>)
16:37:13 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:13 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run True
16:37:13 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:37:13 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3122f2cb80>)
16:37:13 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:13 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run False
16:37:13 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:37:13 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3122f2cb80>)
16:37:13 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:13 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4a / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'J' / dry_run True
16:37:13 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3122f2cb80>)
16:37:13 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:13 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4a / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'J' / dry_run False
16:37:13 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'J'.
16:37:13 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: J).
16:37:13 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: tab-prev
16:37:13 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.tab_prev(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, 1)
16:37:13 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3122f2cb80>
16:37:13 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: None
16:37:13 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3122f2cb80>
16:37:13 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtCore.QObject object at 0x7f3122f2cb80>
16:37:13 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:832 Current tab changed, focusing <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=118 url=''>
16:37:13 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:839 Mode before tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:37:13 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:13 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.caret (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:13 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:13 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.passthrough (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:13 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:850 Mode after tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:37:13 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3122f2caf0>)
16:37:13 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:37:13 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: False
16:37:13 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:13 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run True
16:37:13 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:37:13 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31cc40e4c0>)
16:37:13 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:13 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run True
16:37:13 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:37:13 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31cc40e4c0>)
16:37:13 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:13 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run False
16:37:13 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:37:13 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31cc40e4c0>)
16:37:13 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:13 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4b / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'K' / dry_run True
16:37:13 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31cc40e4c0>)
16:37:13 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:13 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4b / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'K' / dry_run False
16:37:13 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'K'.
16:37:13 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: K).
16:37:13 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: tab-next
16:37:13 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.tab_next(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, 1)
16:37:13 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31cc40e4c0>
16:37:13 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: None
16:37:13 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31cc40e4c0>
16:37:13 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtCore.QObject object at 0x7f31cc40e4c0>
16:37:13 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:832 Current tab changed, focusing <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=129 url='…'>
16:37:13 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:839 Mode before tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:37:13 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:13 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.caret (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:13 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:13 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.passthrough (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:13 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:850 Mode after tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:37:13 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31cc3fe1f0>)
16:37:14 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:37:14 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:14 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4b / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'K' / dry_run True
16:37:14 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31cc40e280>)
16:37:14 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:14 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4b / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'K' / dry_run False
16:37:14 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'K'.
16:37:14 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: K).
16:37:14 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: tab-next
16:37:14 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.tab_next(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, 1)
16:37:14 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c059940>
16:37:14 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: None
16:37:14 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c059940>
16:37:14 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtCore.QObject object at 0x7f316c059940>
16:37:14 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:832 Current tab changed, focusing <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=139 url=''>
16:37:14 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:839 Mode before tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:37:14 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:14 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.caret (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:14 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:14 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.passthrough (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:14 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:850 Mode after tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:37:14 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3136409ca0>)
16:37:14 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:37:14 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: False
16:37:15 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3122f2ce50>
16:37:16 DEBUG webview webenginetab:_js_cb_single:742 Got element from JS: {'attributes': {'class': 'review-thread-reply-button width-full color-text-secondary text-left form-control js-discussions-previewable-comment-form', 'type': 'button'}, 'class_name': 'review-thread-reply-button width-full color-text-secondary text-left form-control js-discussions-previewable-comment-form', 'id': 12, 'is_content_editable': False, 'outer_xml': '<button type="button" class="review-thread-reply-button width-full color-text-secondary text-left form-control js-discussions-previewable-comment-form">\n Write a reply\n </button>', 'rects': [{'bottom': 904.109375, 'height': 28, 'left': 783, 'right': 1567, 'top': 876.109375, 'width': 784}], 'tag_name': 'BUTTON', 'text': '\n Write a reply\n ', 'value': ''}
16:37:16 DEBUG webelem webelem:is_editable:251 Checking if element is editable: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webengineelem.WebEngineElement html='<button type="button" class="review-thread-reply-button width-full color-text-secondary text-left form-control js-discussions-previewable-comment-form">Write a reply</button>'>
16:37:16 DEBUG mouse eventfilter:_mousepress_insertmode_cb:204 Clicked non-editable element!
16:37:16 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason click) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:17 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:17 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x49 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'i' / dry_run True
16:37:17 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f30ee0514c0>)
16:37:17 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:17 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x49 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'i' / dry_run False
16:37:17 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'i'.
16:37:17 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: i).
16:37:17 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: mode-enter ['insert']
16:37:17 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.mode_enter(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.normal: 1>>, 'insert')
16:37:17 DEBUG modes modeman:enter:363 Entering mode KeyMode.insert (reason: command)
16:37:17 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason insert mode) as we're in mode KeyMode.insert
16:37:17 DEBUG statusbar bar:set_mode_active:307 Setting insert flag to True
16:37:17 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f30ee0515e0>)
16:37:36 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: mode-leave
16:37:36 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.mode_leave(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.insert: 6>>)
16:37:36 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:431 Leaving mode KeyMode.insert (reason: leave current)
16:37:36 DEBUG statusbar bar:set_mode_active:307 Setting insert flag to False
16:37:36 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: False
16:37:36 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:37:36 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:36 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run True
16:37:36 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31f3afc790>)
16:37:36 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:36 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run False
16:37:36 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for '<Escape>'.
16:37:36 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: <Escape>).
16:37:36 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: clear-keychain
16:37:36 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.clear_keychain(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.normal: 1>>)
16:37:36 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: search
16:37:36 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, '', False)
16:37:36 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: fullscreen ['--leave']
16:37:36 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.fullscreen(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, True, False)
16:37:36 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31f3afc790>)
16:37:36 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:37:37 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:37 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run True
16:37:37 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:37:37 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31f3afc790>)
16:37:37 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:37 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run True
16:37:37 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:37:37 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31f3afc790>)
16:37:37 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:37 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run False
16:37:37 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:37:37 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31f3afc790>)
16:37:37 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:37 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4b / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'K' / dry_run True
16:37:37 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31f3afc790>)
16:37:37 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:37 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4b / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'K' / dry_run False
16:37:37 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'K'.
16:37:37 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: K).
16:37:37 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: tab-next
16:37:37 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.tab_next(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, 1)
16:37:37 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31f3afc790>
16:37:37 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: None
16:37:37 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31f3afc790>
16:37:37 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtCore.QObject object at 0x7f31f3afc790>
16:37:37 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:832 Current tab changed, focusing <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=132 url=''>
16:37:37 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:839 Mode before tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:37:37 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:37 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.caret (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:37 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:37 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.passthrough (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:37 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:850 Mode after tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:37:37 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3122f2c5e0>)
16:37:37 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:37:37 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:37 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4a / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'J' / dry_run True
16:37:37 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31cc40e8b0>)
16:37:37 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:37 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4a / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'J' / dry_run False
16:37:37 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'J'.
16:37:37 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: J).
16:37:37 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: tab-prev
16:37:37 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.tab_prev(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, 1)
16:37:37 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31cc40e8b0>
16:37:37 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: None
16:37:37 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31cc40e8b0>
16:37:37 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtCore.QObject object at 0x7f31cc40e8b0>
16:37:37 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:832 Current tab changed, focusing <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=139 url=''>
16:37:37 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:839 Mode before tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:37:37 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:37 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.caret (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:37 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:37 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.passthrough (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:37 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:850 Mode after tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:37:37 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31cc40e9d0>)
16:37:37 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:37:37 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:37 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4a / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'J' / dry_run True
16:37:37 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e4468550>)
16:37:37 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:37 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4a / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'J' / dry_run False
16:37:37 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'J'.
16:37:37 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: J).
16:37:37 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: tab-prev
16:37:37 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.tab_prev(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, 1)
16:37:37 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e4468550>
16:37:37 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: None
16:37:37 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e4468550>
16:37:37 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtCore.QObject object at 0x7f31e4468550>
16:37:37 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:832 Current tab changed, focusing <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=129 url='…'>
16:37:37 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:839 Mode before tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:37:37 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:37 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.caret (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:37 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:37 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.passthrough (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:37 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:850 Mode after tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:37:37 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f30ee051700>)
16:37:37 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:37:38 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:38 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4b / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'K' / dry_run True
16:37:38 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f30ee051d30>)
16:37:38 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:38 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4b / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'K' / dry_run False
16:37:38 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'K'.
16:37:38 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: K).
16:37:38 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: tab-next
16:37:38 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.tab_next(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, 1)
16:37:38 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f30ee051d30>
16:37:38 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: None
16:37:38 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f30ee051d30>
16:37:38 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtCore.QObject object at 0x7f30ee051d30>
16:37:38 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:832 Current tab changed, focusing <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=139 url=''>
16:37:38 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:839 Mode before tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:37:38 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:38 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.caret (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:38 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:38 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.passthrough (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:38 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:850 Mode after tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:37:38 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f30ee051670>)
16:37:38 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:37:38 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: False
16:37:38 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:38 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x49 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'i' / dry_run True
16:37:38 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31cc40e700>)
16:37:38 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:38 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x49 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'i' / dry_run False
16:37:38 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'i'.
16:37:38 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: i).
16:37:39 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: mode-enter ['insert']
16:37:39 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.mode_enter(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.normal: 1>>, 'insert')
16:37:39 DEBUG modes modeman:enter:363 Entering mode KeyMode.insert (reason: command)
16:37:39 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason insert mode) as we're in mode KeyMode.insert
16:37:39 DEBUG statusbar bar:set_mode_active:307 Setting insert flag to True
16:37:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31cc40eee0>)
16:37:39 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: mode-leave
16:37:39 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.mode_leave(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.insert: 6>>)
16:37:39 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:431 Leaving mode KeyMode.insert (reason: leave current)
16:37:39 DEBUG statusbar bar:set_mode_active:307 Setting insert flag to False
16:37:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:37:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:39 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run True
16:37:39 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:37:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31cc40eee0>)
16:37:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:39 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run True
16:37:39 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:37:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31cc40eee0>)
16:37:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:39 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run False
16:37:39 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:37:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31cc40eee0>)
16:37:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:39 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4a / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'J' / dry_run True
16:37:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31cc40eee0>)
16:37:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:39 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4a / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'J' / dry_run False
16:37:39 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'J'.
16:37:39 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: J).
16:37:39 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: tab-prev
16:37:39 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.tab_prev(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, 1)
16:37:39 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31cc40eee0>
16:37:39 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: None
16:37:39 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31cc40eee0>
16:37:39 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtCore.QObject object at 0x7f31cc40eee0>
16:37:39 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:832 Current tab changed, focusing <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=129 url='…'>
16:37:39 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:839 Mode before tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:37:39 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:39 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.caret (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:39 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:39 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.passthrough (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:39 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:850 Mode after tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:37:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31cc40e5e0>)
16:37:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:37:40 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: False
16:37:43 DEBUG webview webenginetab:_js_cb_single:742 Got element from JS: {'attributes': {'autocapitalize': 'off', 'autocomplete': 'off', 'autocorrect': 'off', 'class': 'search__input--adv js-search-input', 'id': 'search_form_input', 'name': 'q', 'tabindex': '1', 'type': 'text', 'value': 'purely functional data structures'}, 'caret_position': 19, 'class_name': 'search__input--adv js-search-input', 'id': 67, 'is_content_editable': False, 'outer_xml': '<input type="text" name="q" tabindex="1" autocomplete="off" id="search_form_input" class="search__input--adv js-search-input" value="purely functional data structures" autocapitalize="off" autocorrect="off">', 'rects': [{'bottom': 61, 'height': 44, 'left': 167, 'right': 662.109375, 'top': 17, 'width': 495.109375}], 'tag_name': 'INPUT', 'text': '', 'value': 'purely functional data structures'}
16:37:43 DEBUG webelem webelem:is_editable:251 Checking if element is editable: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webengineelem.WebEngineElement html='<input type="text" name="q" tabindex="1" autocomplete="off" id="search_form_input" class="search__input--adv js-search-input" value="purely functional data structures" autocapitalize="off" autocorrect="off">'>
16:37:43 DEBUG mouse eventfilter:_mousepress_insertmode_cb:199 Clicked editable element!
16:37:43 DEBUG modes modeman:enter:363 Entering mode KeyMode.insert (reason: click)
16:37:43 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason insert mode) as we're in mode KeyMode.insert
16:37:43 DEBUG statusbar bar:set_mode_active:307 Setting insert flag to True
16:37:44 DEBUG webview webenginetab:_js_cb_single:742 Got element from JS: {'attributes': {'autocapitalize': 'off', 'autocomplete': 'off', 'autocorrect': 'off', 'class': 'search__input--adv js-search-input', 'id': 'search_form_input', 'name': 'q', 'tabindex': '1', 'type': 'text', 'value': 'purely functional data structures'}, 'caret_position': 0, 'class_name': 'search__input--adv js-search-input', 'id': 68, 'is_content_editable': False, 'outer_xml': '<input type="text" name="q" tabindex="1" autocomplete="off" id="search_form_input" class="search__input--adv js-search-input" value="purely functional data structures" autocapitalize="off" autocorrect="off">', 'rects': [{'bottom': 61, 'height': 44, 'left': 167, 'right': 662.109375, 'top': 17, 'width': 495.109375}], 'tag_name': 'INPUT', 'text': '', 'value': 'purely functional data structures'}
16:37:44 DEBUG webelem webelem:is_editable:251 Checking if element is editable: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webengineelem.WebEngineElement html='<input type="text" name="q" tabindex="1" autocomplete="off" id="search_form_input" class="search__input--adv js-search-input" value="purely functional data structures" autocapitalize="off" autocorrect="off">'>
16:37:44 DEBUG mouse eventfilter:_mousepress_insertmode_cb:199 Clicked editable element!
16:37:44 DEBUG modes modeman:enter:363 Entering mode KeyMode.insert (reason: click)
16:37:44 DEBUG modes modeman:enter:369 Ignoring request as we're in mode KeyMode.insert already.
16:37:45 DEBUG webview webenginetab:_js_cb_single:742 Got element from JS: {'attributes': {'class': 'serp__results js-serp-results', 'id': 'links_wrapper'}, 'class_name': 'serp__results js-serp-results', 'id': 69, 'is_content_editable': False, 'outer_xml': '<div id="links_wrapper" class="serp__results js-serp-results"><div class="results--main"><div class="search-filters-wrap"><div class="js-search-filters search-filters"><div class="dropdown dropdown--region is-active "><div class="dropdown__switch switch js-region-filter-switch is-on"><span class="switch__knob"></span></div><a class="dropdown__button dropdown__button js-dropdown-button ">Italy</a></div><div class="dropdown dropdown--safe-search is-active"><a href="#" class="dropdown__button js-dropdown-button">Safe search: off</a></div><div class="dropdown dropdown--date "><a href="#" class="dropdown__button js-dropdown-button">Any time</a></div></div></div><noscript><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=/html?q=purely%20functional%20data%20structures"><link href="/css/noscript.css" rel="stylesheet" …
16:37:45 DEBUG webelem webelem:is_editable:251 Checking if element is editable: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webengineelem.WebEngineElement html='<div id="links_wrapper" class="serp__results js-serp-results"><div class="results--main"><div class="search-filters-wrap"><div class="js-search-filters search-filters"><div class="dropdown dropdown--region is-active "><div class="dropdown__switch switch js-region-filter-switch is-on"><span class="switch__knob"></span></div><a class="dropdown__button dropdown__button js-dropdown-button ">Italy</a></div><div class="dropdown dropdown--safe-search is-active"><a href="#" class="dropdown__button js-…'>
16:37:45 DEBUG mouse eventfilter:_mousepress_insertmode_cb:204 Clicked non-editable element!
16:37:45 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:431 Leaving mode KeyMode.insert (reason: click)
16:37:45 DEBUG statusbar bar:set_mode_active:307 Setting insert flag to False
16:37:45 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:45 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run True
16:37:45 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e4468790>)
16:37:45 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:45 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run False
16:37:45 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for '<Escape>'.
16:37:45 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: <Escape>).
16:37:45 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: clear-keychain
16:37:45 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.clear_keychain(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.normal: 1>>)
16:37:45 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: search
16:37:45 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, '', False)
16:37:45 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: fullscreen ['--leave']
16:37:45 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.fullscreen(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, True, False)
16:37:45 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e4468790>)
16:37:45 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:37:46 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:46 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run True
16:37:46 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e4468790>)
16:37:46 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:46 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run False
16:37:46 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for '<Escape>'.
16:37:46 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: <Escape>).
16:37:46 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: clear-keychain
16:37:46 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.clear_keychain(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.normal: 1>>)
16:37:46 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: search
16:37:46 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, '', False)
16:37:46 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: fullscreen ['--leave']
16:37:46 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.fullscreen(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, True, False)
16:37:46 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e4468790>)
16:37:46 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:37:46 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:46 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run True
16:37:46 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:37:46 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e4468790>)
16:37:46 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:46 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run True
16:37:46 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:37:46 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e4468790>)
16:37:46 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:46 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run False
16:37:46 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:37:46 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e4468790>)
16:37:46 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:46 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4b / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'K' / dry_run True
16:37:46 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e4468040>)
16:37:46 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:46 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4b / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'K' / dry_run False
16:37:46 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'K'.
16:37:46 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: K).
16:37:46 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: tab-next
16:37:46 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.tab_next(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, 1)
16:37:46 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f30edd263a0>
16:37:46 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: None
16:37:46 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f30edd263a0>
16:37:46 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtCore.QObject object at 0x7f30edd263a0>
16:37:46 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:832 Current tab changed, focusing <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=139 url=''>
16:37:46 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:839 Mode before tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:37:46 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:46 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.caret (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:46 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:46 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.passthrough (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:46 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:850 Mode after tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:37:46 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e4468790>)
16:37:46 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:37:46 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: False
16:37:47 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:47 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x49 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'i' / dry_run True
16:37:47 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f30ee051af0>)
16:37:47 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:47 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x49 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'i' / dry_run False
16:37:47 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'i'.
16:37:47 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: i).
16:37:47 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: mode-enter ['insert']
16:37:47 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.mode_enter(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.normal: 1>>, 'insert')
16:37:47 DEBUG modes modeman:enter:363 Entering mode KeyMode.insert (reason: command)
16:37:47 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason insert mode) as we're in mode KeyMode.insert
16:37:47 DEBUG statusbar bar:set_mode_active:307 Setting insert flag to True
16:37:47 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f30ee0515e0>)
16:37:50 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: mode-leave
16:37:50 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.mode_leave(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.insert: 6>>)
16:37:50 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:431 Leaving mode KeyMode.insert (reason: leave current)
16:37:50 DEBUG statusbar bar:set_mode_active:307 Setting insert flag to False
16:37:50 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:37:50 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:50 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run True
16:37:50 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f30ee0515e0>)
16:37:50 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:50 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run False
16:37:50 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for '<Escape>'.
16:37:50 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: <Escape>).
16:37:50 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: clear-keychain
16:37:50 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.clear_keychain(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.normal: 1>>)
16:37:50 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: search
16:37:50 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, '', False)
16:37:50 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: fullscreen ['--leave']
16:37:50 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.fullscreen(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, True, False)
16:37:50 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f30ee0515e0>)
16:37:50 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:37:50 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:50 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run True
16:37:50 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:37:50 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f30ee0515e0>)
16:37:50 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:50 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run True
16:37:50 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:37:50 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f30ee0515e0>)
16:37:50 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:50 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run False
16:37:50 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:37:50 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f30ee0515e0>)
16:37:50 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:50 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4b / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'K' / dry_run True
16:37:50 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f30ee0515e0>)
16:37:50 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:50 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4b / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'K' / dry_run False
16:37:50 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'K'.
16:37:50 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: K).
16:37:50 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: tab-next
16:37:50 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.tab_next(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, 1)
16:37:50 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f30ee0515e0>
16:37:50 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: None
16:37:50 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f30ee0515e0>
16:37:50 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtCore.QObject object at 0x7f30ee0515e0>
16:37:50 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:832 Current tab changed, focusing <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=132 url=''>
16:37:50 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:839 Mode before tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:37:50 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:50 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.caret (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:50 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:50 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.passthrough (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:50 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:850 Mode after tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:37:50 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f30ee051e50>)
16:37:50 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:37:50 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: False
16:37:51 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:51 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run True
16:37:51 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:37:51 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3136409430>)
16:37:51 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:51 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run True
16:37:51 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:37:51 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3136409430>)
16:37:51 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:51 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run False
16:37:51 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:37:51 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3136409430>)
16:37:51 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:51 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4a / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'J' / dry_run True
16:37:51 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3136409430>)
16:37:51 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:51 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4a / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'J' / dry_run False
16:37:51 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'J'.
16:37:51 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: J).
16:37:51 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: tab-prev
16:37:51 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.tab_prev(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, 1)
16:37:51 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3136409430>
16:37:51 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: None
16:37:51 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3136409430>
16:37:51 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtCore.QObject object at 0x7f3136409430>
16:37:51 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:832 Current tab changed, focusing <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=139 url=''>
16:37:51 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:839 Mode before tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:37:51 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:51 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.caret (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:51 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:51 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.passthrough (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:51 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:850 Mode after tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:37:51 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3136409790>)
16:37:51 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:37:51 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:51 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4a / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'J' / dry_run True
16:37:51 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f30ee051550>)
16:37:51 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:51 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4a / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'J' / dry_run False
16:37:51 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'J'.
16:37:51 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: J).
16:37:51 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: tab-prev
16:37:51 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.tab_prev(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, 1)
16:37:51 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f30ee051550>
16:37:51 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: None
16:37:51 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f30ee051550>
16:37:51 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtCore.QObject object at 0x7f30ee051550>
16:37:51 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:832 Current tab changed, focusing <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=129 url='…'>
16:37:51 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:839 Mode before tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:37:51 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:51 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.caret (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:51 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:51 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.passthrough (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:51 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:850 Mode after tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:37:51 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31cc40e790>)
16:37:51 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:37:51 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: False
16:37:51 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:51 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x59 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'y' / dry_run True
16:37:51 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 1, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e44685e0>)
16:37:51 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:51 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x59 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'y' / dry_run False
16:37:51 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: No match for 'y' (added y)
16:37:51 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 1, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f30ee051e50>)
16:37:51 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:37:51 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:51 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x59 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'y' / dry_run True
16:37:51 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f30ee0511f0>)
16:37:51 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:51 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x59 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'y' / dry_run False
16:37:51 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'yy'.
16:37:51 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: yy).
16:37:51 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: yank
16:37:51 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.yank(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, 'url', None, False, False, False)
16:37:51 INFO message message:info:82 Yanked URL to clipboard:
16:37:51 DEBUG misc mainwindow:_update_overlay_geometry:350 new geometry for <qutebrowser.mainwindow.messageview.MessageView object at 0x7f31cc496820>: PyQt5.QtCore.QRect(0, 1374, 2561, 23)
16:37:51 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f30ee051280>)
16:37:52 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:37:52 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:52 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run True
16:37:52 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:37:52 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f30ee051280>)
16:37:52 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:52 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run True
16:37:52 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:37:52 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f30ee051280>)
16:37:52 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:52 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run False
16:37:52 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:37:52 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f30ee051280>)
16:37:52 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:52 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4b / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'K' / dry_run True
16:37:52 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f30ee051280>)
16:37:52 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:52 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4b / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'K' / dry_run False
16:37:52 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'K'.
16:37:52 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: K).
16:37:52 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: tab-next
16:37:52 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.tab_next(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, 1)
16:37:52 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f30ee051280>
16:37:52 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: None
16:37:52 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f30ee051280>
16:37:52 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtCore.QObject object at 0x7f30ee051280>
16:37:52 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:832 Current tab changed, focusing <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=139 url=''>
16:37:52 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:839 Mode before tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:37:52 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:52 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.caret (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:52 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:52 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.passthrough (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:52 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:850 Mode after tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:37:52 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f30ee0518b0>)
16:37:52 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:37:52 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:52 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4a / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'J' / dry_run True
16:37:52 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c0468b0>)
16:37:52 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:52 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4a / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'J' / dry_run False
16:37:52 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'J'.
16:37:52 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: J).
16:37:52 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: tab-prev
16:37:52 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.tab_prev(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, 1)
16:37:52 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c0468b0>
16:37:52 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: None
16:37:52 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c0468b0>
16:37:52 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtCore.QObject object at 0x7f316c0468b0>
16:37:52 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:832 Current tab changed, focusing <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=129 url='…'>
16:37:52 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:839 Mode before tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:37:52 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:52 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.caret (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:52 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:52 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.passthrough (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:52 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:850 Mode after tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:37:52 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c046a60>)
16:37:53 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:37:53 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:53 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4b / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'K' / dry_run True
16:37:53 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31cc3fe0d0>)
16:37:53 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:53 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4b / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'K' / dry_run False
16:37:53 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'K'.
16:37:53 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: K).
16:37:53 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: tab-next
16:37:53 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.tab_next(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, 1)
16:37:53 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31cc3fe0d0>
16:37:53 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: None
16:37:53 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31cc3fe0d0>
16:37:53 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtCore.QObject object at 0x7f31cc3fe0d0>
16:37:53 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:832 Current tab changed, focusing <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=139 url=''>
16:37:53 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:839 Mode before tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:37:53 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:53 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.caret (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:53 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:53 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.passthrough (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:37:53 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:850 Mode after tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:37:53 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31cc40ea60>)
16:37:53 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:37:53 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: False
16:37:53 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:53 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x49 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'i' / dry_run True
16:37:53 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e4468c10>)
16:37:53 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:37:53 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x49 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'i' / dry_run False
16:37:53 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'i'.
16:37:53 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: i).
16:37:53 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: mode-enter ['insert']
16:37:53 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.mode_enter(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.normal: 1>>, 'insert')
16:37:53 DEBUG modes modeman:enter:363 Entering mode KeyMode.insert (reason: command)
16:37:53 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason insert mode) as we're in mode KeyMode.insert
16:37:53 DEBUG statusbar bar:set_mode_active:307 Setting insert flag to True
16:37:53 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e4468b80>)
16:37:56 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f312383ae50>
16:38:02 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: mode-leave
16:38:02 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.mode_leave(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.insert: 6>>)
16:38:02 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:431 Leaving mode KeyMode.insert (reason: leave current)
16:38:02 DEBUG statusbar bar:set_mode_active:307 Setting insert flag to False
16:38:02 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:38:02 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:02 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run True
16:38:02 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e4468b80>)
16:38:02 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:02 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run False
16:38:02 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for '<Escape>'.
16:38:02 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: <Escape>).
16:38:02 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: clear-keychain
16:38:02 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.clear_keychain(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.normal: 1>>)
16:38:02 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: search
16:38:02 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, '', False)
16:38:02 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: fullscreen ['--leave']
16:38:02 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.fullscreen(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, True, False)
16:38:02 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e4468b80>)
16:38:02 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:38:02 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:02 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run True
16:38:02 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:38:02 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e4468b80>)
16:38:02 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:02 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run True
16:38:02 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:38:02 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e4468b80>)
16:38:02 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:02 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run False
16:38:02 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:38:02 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e4468b80>)
16:38:02 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:02 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4a / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'J' / dry_run True
16:38:02 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e4468b80>)
16:38:02 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:02 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4a / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'J' / dry_run False
16:38:02 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'J'.
16:38:02 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: J).
16:38:02 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: tab-prev
16:38:02 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.tab_prev(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, 1)
16:38:02 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e4468b80>
16:38:02 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: None
16:38:02 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e4468b80>
16:38:02 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtCore.QObject object at 0x7f31e4468b80>
16:38:02 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:832 Current tab changed, focusing <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=129 url='…'>
16:38:02 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:839 Mode before tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:38:02 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:38:02 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.caret (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:38:02 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:38:02 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.passthrough (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:38:02 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:850 Mode after tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:38:02 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f30ee051160>)
16:38:02 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:38:06 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:06 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4b / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'K' / dry_run True
16:38:06 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e4468af0>)
16:38:06 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:06 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4b / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'K' / dry_run False
16:38:06 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'K'.
16:38:06 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: K).
16:38:06 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: tab-next
16:38:06 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.tab_next(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, 1)
16:38:06 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e4468af0>
16:38:06 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: None
16:38:06 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e4468af0>
16:38:06 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtCore.QObject object at 0x7f31e4468af0>
16:38:06 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:832 Current tab changed, focusing <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=139 url=''>
16:38:06 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:839 Mode before tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:38:06 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:38:06 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.caret (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:38:06 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:38:06 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.passthrough (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:38:06 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:850 Mode after tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:38:06 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e4468a60>)
16:38:06 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:38:06 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:06 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4a / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'J' / dry_run True
16:38:06 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f312383a9d0>)
16:38:06 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:06 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4a / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'J' / dry_run False
16:38:06 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'J'.
16:38:06 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: J).
16:38:06 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: tab-prev
16:38:06 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.tab_prev(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, 1)
16:38:06 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f312383a9d0>
16:38:06 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: None
16:38:06 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f312383a9d0>
16:38:06 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtCore.QObject object at 0x7f312383a9d0>
16:38:06 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:832 Current tab changed, focusing <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=129 url='…'>
16:38:06 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:839 Mode before tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:38:06 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:38:06 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.caret (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:38:06 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:38:06 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.passthrough (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:38:06 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:850 Mode after tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:38:06 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f312383a0d0>)
16:38:06 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:38:09 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: False
16:38:10 DEBUG webview webenginetab:_js_cb_single:742 Got element from JS: {'attributes': {'class': 'result__extras__url'}, 'class_name': 'result__extras__url', 'id': 70, 'is_content_editable': False, 'outer_xml': '<div class="result__extras__url"><span class="result__icon "><a href="/?" title="Search domain" class="js-result-extras-site_search"><img data-src="//" height="16" width="16" title="Search domain" class="result__icon__img js-lazyload-icons" src="//"></a></span><a href="" rel="noopener" class="result__url js-result-extras-url"><span class="result__url__domain"></span><span class="result__url__full">/~rwh/theses/okasaki.pdf</span></a></div>', 'rects': [{'bottom': 879.046875, 'height': 20, 'left': 168, 'right': 736, 'top': 859.046875, 'width': 568}],…
16:38:10 DEBUG webelem webelem:is_editable:251 Checking if element is editable: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webengineelem.WebEngineElement html='<div class="result__extras__url"><span class="result__icon "><a href="/?" title="Search domain" class="js-result-extras-site_search"><img data-src="//" height="16" width="16" title="Search domain" class="result__icon__img js-lazyload-icons" src="//"></…'>
16:38:10 DEBUG mouse eventfilter:_mousepress_insertmode_cb:204 Clicked non-editable element!
16:38:10 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason click) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:38:12 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:12 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000021 / modifiers: 0x4000000 / text: '<Control>' / dry_run True
16:38:12 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:38:12 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e57309d0>)
16:38:12 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:12 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000021 / modifiers: 0x4000000 / text: '<Control>' / dry_run True
16:38:12 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:38:12 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e57309d0>)
16:38:12 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:12 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000021 / modifiers: 0x4000000 / text: '<Control>' / dry_run False
16:38:12 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:38:12 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e57309d0>)
16:38:13 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:13 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x43 / modifiers: 0x4000000 / text: '<Ctrl+c>' / dry_run True
16:38:13 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Trying match without modifiers
16:38:13 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Trying match with key_mappings
16:38:13 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e57309d0>)
16:38:13 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:13 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x43 / modifiers: 0x4000000 / text: '<Ctrl+c>' / dry_run True
16:38:13 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Trying match without modifiers
16:38:13 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Trying match with key_mappings
16:38:13 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e57309d0>)
16:38:13 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:13 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x43 / modifiers: 0x4000000 / text: '<Ctrl+c>' / dry_run False
16:38:13 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Trying match without modifiers
16:38:13 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Trying match with key_mappings
16:38:13 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Giving up with '<Ctrl+c>', no matches
16:38:13 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: <Ctrl+c>).
16:38:13 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e57309d0>)
16:38:13 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: False
16:38:13 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: False
16:38:13 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:13 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run True
16:38:13 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e57309d0>)
16:38:13 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:13 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run False
16:38:13 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for '<Escape>'.
16:38:13 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: <Escape>).
16:38:13 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: clear-keychain
16:38:13 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.clear_keychain(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.normal: 1>>)
16:38:13 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: search
16:38:13 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, '', False)
16:38:13 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: fullscreen ['--leave']
16:38:13 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.fullscreen(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, True, False)
16:38:13 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31f00324c0>)
16:38:13 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:38:13 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:13 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run True
16:38:13 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31364099d0>)
16:38:13 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:13 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run False
16:38:13 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for '<Escape>'.
16:38:13 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: <Escape>).
16:38:13 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: clear-keychain
16:38:13 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.clear_keychain(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.normal: 1>>)
16:38:13 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: search
16:38:13 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, '', False)
16:38:13 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: fullscreen ['--leave']
16:38:13 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.fullscreen(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, True, False)
16:38:13 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31364099d0>)
16:38:13 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:38:13 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:13 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run True
16:38:13 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:38:13 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31364099d0>)
16:38:13 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:13 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run True
16:38:13 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:38:13 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31364099d0>)
16:38:13 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:13 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run False
16:38:13 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:38:13 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31364099d0>)
16:38:14 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:14 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4b / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'K' / dry_run True
16:38:14 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31364099d0>)
16:38:14 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:14 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4b / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'K' / dry_run False
16:38:14 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'K'.
16:38:14 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: K).
16:38:14 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: tab-next
16:38:14 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.tab_next(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, 1)
16:38:14 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31364099d0>
16:38:14 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: None
16:38:14 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31364099d0>
16:38:14 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtCore.QObject object at 0x7f31364099d0>
16:38:14 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:832 Current tab changed, focusing <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=139 url=''>
16:38:14 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:839 Mode before tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:38:14 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:38:14 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.caret (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:38:14 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:38:14 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.passthrough (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:38:14 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:850 Mode after tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:38:14 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3136409790>)
16:38:14 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:38:14 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: False
16:38:15 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:15 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x49 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'i' / dry_run True
16:38:15 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e5730f70>)
16:38:15 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:15 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x49 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'i' / dry_run False
16:38:15 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'i'.
16:38:15 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: i).
16:38:15 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: mode-enter ['insert']
16:38:15 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.mode_enter(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.normal: 1>>, 'insert')
16:38:15 DEBUG modes modeman:enter:363 Entering mode KeyMode.insert (reason: command)
16:38:15 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason insert mode) as we're in mode KeyMode.insert
16:38:15 DEBUG statusbar bar:set_mode_active:307 Setting insert flag to True
16:38:15 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e5730ee0>)
16:38:35 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: mode-leave
16:38:35 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.mode_leave(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.insert: 6>>)
16:38:35 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:431 Leaving mode KeyMode.insert (reason: leave current)
16:38:35 DEBUG statusbar bar:set_mode_active:307 Setting insert flag to False
16:38:35 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:38:37 DEBUG webview webenginetab:_js_cb_single:742 Got element from JS: {'attributes': {'aria-label': 'Comment body', 'class': 'form-control input-contrast comment-form-textarea js-comment-field js-paste-markdown js-task-list-field js-quick-submit js-size-to-fit js-session-resumable js-saved-reply-shortcut-comment-field', 'data-required-trimmed': 'Text field is empty', 'id': 'new_comment_template_comment_id_placeholder_field', 'name': 'comment[body]', 'placeholder': 'Write a reply', 'required': '', 'style': 'max-height: 357px; height: 100px;'}, 'caret_position': 356, 'class_name': 'form-control input-contrast comment-form-textarea js-comment-field js-paste-markdown js-task-list-field js-quick-submit js-size-to-fit js-session-resumable js-saved-reply-shortcut-comment-field', 'id': 13, 'is_content_editable': False, 'outer_xml': '<textarea name="comment[body]" id="new_comment_template_comment_id_placeholder_field" placeholder="Write a reply" aria-label="Comment body" data-required-trimmed="Text field is empty" class="form-control input-contrast comment-form-…
16:38:37 DEBUG webelem webelem:is_editable:251 Checking if element is editable: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webengineelem.WebEngineElement html='<textarea name="comment[body]" id="new_comment_template_comment_id_placeholder_field" placeholder="Write a reply" aria-label="Comment body" data-required-trimmed="Text field is empty" class="form-control input-contrast comment-form-textarea js-comment-field js-paste-markdown js-task-list-field js-quick-submit js-size-to-fit js-session-resumable js-saved-reply-shortcut-comment-field" required="" style="max-height: 357px; height: 100px;"></textarea>'>
16:38:37 DEBUG mouse eventfilter:_mousepress_insertmode_cb:199 Clicked editable element!
16:38:37 DEBUG modes modeman:enter:363 Entering mode KeyMode.insert (reason: click)
16:38:37 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason insert mode) as we're in mode KeyMode.insert
16:38:37 DEBUG statusbar bar:set_mode_active:307 Setting insert flag to True
16:38:38 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: mode-leave
16:38:38 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.mode_leave(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.insert: 6>>)
16:38:38 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:431 Leaving mode KeyMode.insert (reason: leave current)
16:38:38 DEBUG statusbar bar:set_mode_active:307 Setting insert flag to False
16:38:38 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:38:38 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:38 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run True
16:38:38 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c0469d0>)
16:38:38 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:38 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run False
16:38:38 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for '<Escape>'.
16:38:38 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: <Escape>).
16:38:38 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: clear-keychain
16:38:38 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.clear_keychain(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.normal: 1>>)
16:38:38 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: search
16:38:38 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, '', False)
16:38:38 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: fullscreen ['--leave']
16:38:38 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.fullscreen(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, True, False)
16:38:38 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c0469d0>)
16:38:38 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:38:38 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:38 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4a / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'j' / dry_run True
16:38:38 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c046a60>)
16:38:38 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:38 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4a / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'j' / dry_run False
16:38:38 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'j'.
16:38:38 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: j).
16:38:38 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: scroll ['down']
16:38:38 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.components.scrollcommands.scroll(<qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=139 url=''>, 'down', 1)
16:38:38 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c046820>)
16:38:38 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:38:38 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:38 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4a / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'j' / dry_run True
16:38:38 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c0465e0>)
16:38:38 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:38 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4a / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'j' / dry_run False
16:38:38 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'j'.
16:38:38 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: j).
16:38:38 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: scroll ['down']
16:38:38 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.components.scrollcommands.scroll(<qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=139 url=''>, 'down', 1)
16:38:38 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f312383a820>)
16:38:38 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:38:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:39 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4a / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'j' / dry_run True
16:38:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c046e50>)
16:38:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:39 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4a / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'j' / dry_run False
16:38:39 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'j'.
16:38:39 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: j).
16:38:39 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: scroll ['down']
16:38:39 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.components.scrollcommands.scroll(<qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=139 url=''>, 'down', 1)
16:38:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f312383aee0>)
16:38:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:38:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:39 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x49 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'i' / dry_run True
16:38:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f312383a820>)
16:38:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:39 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x49 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'i' / dry_run False
16:38:39 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'i'.
16:38:39 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: i).
16:38:39 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: mode-enter ['insert']
16:38:39 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.mode_enter(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.normal: 1>>, 'insert')
16:38:39 DEBUG modes modeman:enter:363 Entering mode KeyMode.insert (reason: command)
16:38:39 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason insert mode) as we're in mode KeyMode.insert
16:38:39 DEBUG statusbar bar:set_mode_active:307 Setting insert flag to True
16:38:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f312383a0d0>)
16:38:42 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: mode-leave
16:38:42 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.mode_leave(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.insert: 6>>)
16:38:42 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:431 Leaving mode KeyMode.insert (reason: leave current)
16:38:42 DEBUG statusbar bar:set_mode_active:307 Setting insert flag to False
16:38:42 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:38:42 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:42 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run True
16:38:42 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f312383a0d0>)
16:38:42 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:42 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run False
16:38:42 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for '<Escape>'.
16:38:42 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: <Escape>).
16:38:42 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: clear-keychain
16:38:42 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.clear_keychain(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.normal: 1>>)
16:38:42 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: search
16:38:42 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, '', False)
16:38:42 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: fullscreen ['--leave']
16:38:42 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.fullscreen(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, True, False)
16:38:42 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f312383a0d0>)
16:38:43 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:38:43 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:43 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run True
16:38:43 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:38:43 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f312383a0d0>)
16:38:43 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:43 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run True
16:38:43 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:38:43 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f312383a0d0>)
16:38:43 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:43 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run False
16:38:43 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:38:43 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f312383a0d0>)
16:38:43 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:43 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4a / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'J' / dry_run True
16:38:43 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f312383a0d0>)
16:38:43 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:43 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4a / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'J' / dry_run False
16:38:43 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'J'.
16:38:43 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: J).
16:38:43 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: tab-prev
16:38:43 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.tab_prev(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, 1)
16:38:43 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f312383a0d0>
16:38:43 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: None
16:38:43 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f312383a0d0>
16:38:43 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtCore.QObject object at 0x7f312383a0d0>
16:38:43 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:832 Current tab changed, focusing <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=129 url='…'>
16:38:43 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:839 Mode before tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:38:43 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:38:43 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.caret (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:38:43 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:38:43 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.passthrough (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:38:43 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:850 Mode after tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:38:43 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f30edd26160>)
16:38:43 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:38:44 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:44 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4b / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'K' / dry_run True
16:38:44 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e5730ca0>)
16:38:44 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:44 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4b / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'K' / dry_run False
16:38:44 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'K'.
16:38:44 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: K).
16:38:44 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: tab-next
16:38:44 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.tab_next(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, 1)
16:38:44 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e5730ca0>
16:38:44 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: None
16:38:44 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e5730ca0>
16:38:44 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtCore.QObject object at 0x7f31e5730ca0>
16:38:44 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:832 Current tab changed, focusing <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=139 url=''>
16:38:44 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:839 Mode before tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:38:44 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:38:44 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.caret (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:38:44 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:38:44 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.passthrough (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:38:44 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:850 Mode after tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:38:44 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e5730dc0>)
16:38:44 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:38:50 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:50 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4a / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'J' / dry_run True
16:38:50 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f30edd26310>)
16:38:50 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:50 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4a / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'J' / dry_run False
16:38:50 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'J'.
16:38:50 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: J).
16:38:50 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: tab-prev
16:38:50 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.tab_prev(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, 1)
16:38:50 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f30edd26310>
16:38:50 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: None
16:38:50 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f30edd26310>
16:38:50 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtCore.QObject object at 0x7f30edd26310>
16:38:50 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:832 Current tab changed, focusing <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=129 url='…'>
16:38:50 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:839 Mode before tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:38:50 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:38:50 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.caret (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:38:50 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:38:50 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.passthrough (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:38:50 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:850 Mode after tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:38:50 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c059c10>)
16:38:50 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:38:51 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: False
16:38:53 DEBUG webview webenginetab:_js_cb_single:742 Got element from JS: {'attributes': {'class': 'result__a', 'href': '', 'rel': 'noopener'}, 'class_name': 'result__a', 'id': 71, 'is_content_editable': False, 'outer_xml': '<a class="result__a" rel="noopener" href=""><span class="result__type">PDF</span> Purely Functional Data Structures</a>', 'rects': [{'bottom': 858.859375, 'height': 20, 'left': 168, 'right': 439.421875, 'top': 838.859375, 'width': 271.421875}], 'tag_name': 'A', 'text': 'PDF Purely Functional Data Structures', 'value': ''}
16:38:53 DEBUG webelem webelem:is_editable:251 Checking if element is editable: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webengineelem.WebEngineElement html='<a class="result__a" rel="noopener" href=""><span class="result__type">PDF</span> Purely Functional Data Structures</a>'>
16:38:53 DEBUG mouse eventfilter:_mousepress_insertmode_cb:204 Clicked non-editable element!
16:38:53 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason click) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:38:53 DEBUG webview browsertab:_set_load_status:1006 load status for <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=129 url='…'>: LoadStatus.success_https
16:38:53 DEBUG signals signalfilter:_filter_signals:87 emitting: cur_load_status_changed(<LoadStatus.success_https: 3>) (tab 8)
16:38:53 DEBUG sessions sessions:save:336 Saving session _autosave to /home/enrico/.local/share/qutebrowser/sessions/_autosave.yml...
16:38:53 DEBUG signals signalfilter:_filter_signals:87 emitting: cur_load_finished(False) (tab 8)
16:38:53 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_leave_modes_on_load:732 Ignoring leave_on_load request due to setting.
16:38:53 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_leave_modes_on_load:737 Ignoring leave_on_load request due to setting.
16:38:53 DEBUG webview browsertab:_set_load_status:1006 load status for <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=129 url='…'>: LoadStatus.error
16:38:53 DEBUG signals signalfilter:_filter_signals:87 emitting: cur_load_status_changed(<LoadStatus.error: 4>) (tab 8)
16:38:53 DEBUG webview browsertab:_on_navigation_request:1064 navigation request: url, type Type.redirect, is_main_frame True
16:38:53 DEBUG webview webenginetab:_store_match_data:151 Active search match: 0/0
16:38:53 DEBUG webview browsertab:_set_load_status:1006 load status for <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=129 url='…'>: LoadStatus.loading
16:38:53 DEBUG signals signalfilter:_filter_signals:87 emitting: cur_load_status_changed(<LoadStatus.loading: 6>) (tab 8)
16:38:53 DEBUG signals signalfilter:_filter_signals:87 emitting: cur_load_started() (tab 8)
16:38:56 DEBUG downloads downloads:_on_begin_insert_row:1034 _on_begin_insert_row with idx 0, webengine True
16:38:56 DEBUG message message:_log_stack:42 Stack for error message:
File "/usr/bin/qutebrowser", line 33, in <module>
sys.exit(load_entry_point('qutebrowser==2.1.0', 'gui_scripts', 'qutebrowser')())
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/qutebrowser/", line 218, in main
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/qutebrowser/", line 130, in run
ret = qt_mainloop()
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/qutebrowser/", line 140, in qt_mainloop
return objects.qapp.exec()
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/qutebrowser/browser/webengine/", line 285, in handle_download
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/qutebrowser/browser/", line 838, in set_target
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/qutebrowser/utils/", line 54, in error
stack = ''.join(traceback.format_stack())
16:38:56 ERROR message message:error:59 Download error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/qutebrowser-downloads-l8qsiq87/tmp3fgyxxs8_okasaki.pdf'
16:38:56 DEBUG misc mainwindow:_update_overlay_geometry:350 new geometry for <qutebrowser.mainwindow.messageview.MessageView object at 0x7f31cc496820>: PyQt5.QtCore.QRect(0, 1374, 2561, 23)
16:38:56 DEBUG downloads webenginedownloads:_on_state_changed:64 State for <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginedownloads.DownloadItem basename='okasaki.pdf'> changed to DownloadCancelled
16:38:56 DEBUG downloads downloads:_on_begin_remove_row:1046 _on_begin_remove_row with idx 0, webengine True
16:38:56 DEBUG downloads downloads:_remove_item:965 Removed download 1: okasaki.pdf [100%|?.??B]
16:38:56 DEBUG downloads downloads:cancel:577 cancelled
16:38:56 DEBUG downloads downloads:delete:596 Not deleting None
16:38:56 DEBUG webview webenginetab:_js_cb_single:742 Got element from JS: {'attributes': {'class': 'serp__results js-serp-results', 'id': 'links_wrapper'}, 'class_name': 'serp__results js-serp-results', 'id': 72, 'is_content_editable': False, 'outer_xml': '<div id="links_wrapper" class="serp__results js-serp-results"><div class="results--main"><div class="search-filters-wrap"><div class="js-search-filters search-filters"><div class="dropdown dropdown--region is-active "><div class="dropdown__switch switch js-region-filter-switch is-on"><span class="switch__knob"></span></div><a class="dropdown__button dropdown__button js-dropdown-button ">Italy</a></div><div class="dropdown dropdown--safe-search is-active"><a href="#" class="dropdown__button js-dropdown-button">Safe search: off</a></div><div class="dropdown dropdown--date "><a href="#" class="dropdown__button js-dropdown-button">Any time</a></div></div></div><noscript><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=/html?q=purely%20functional%20data%20structures"><link href="/css/noscript.css" rel="stylesheet" …
16:38:56 DEBUG webelem webelem:is_editable:251 Checking if element is editable: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webengineelem.WebEngineElement html='<div id="links_wrapper" class="serp__results js-serp-results"><div class="results--main"><div class="search-filters-wrap"><div class="js-search-filters search-filters"><div class="dropdown dropdown--region is-active "><div class="dropdown__switch switch js-region-filter-switch is-on"><span class="switch__knob"></span></div><a class="dropdown__button dropdown__button js-dropdown-button ">Italy</a></div><div class="dropdown dropdown--safe-search is-active"><a href="#" class="dropdown__button js-…'>
16:38:56 DEBUG mouse eventfilter:_mousepress_insertmode_cb:204 Clicked non-editable element!
16:38:56 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason click) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:38:59 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:59 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run True
16:38:59 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e5730b80>)
16:38:59 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:38:59 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run False
16:38:59 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for '<Escape>'.
16:38:59 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: <Escape>).
16:38:59 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: clear-keychain
16:38:59 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.clear_keychain(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.normal: 1>>)
16:38:59 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: search
16:38:59 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, '', False)
16:38:59 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: fullscreen ['--leave']
16:38:59 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.fullscreen(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, True, False)
16:38:59 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e5730b80>)
16:39:00 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:39:00 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:39:00 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run True
16:39:00 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e5730b80>)
16:39:00 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:39:00 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run False
16:39:00 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for '<Escape>'.
16:39:00 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: <Escape>).
16:39:00 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: clear-keychain
16:39:00 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.clear_keychain(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.normal: 1>>)
16:39:00 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: search
16:39:00 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, '', False)
16:39:00 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: fullscreen ['--leave']
16:39:00 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.fullscreen(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, True, False)
16:39:00 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e5730b80>)
16:39:00 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:39:00 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e5730d30>
16:39:00 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:39:00 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run True
16:39:00 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:39:00 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e5730a60>)
16:39:00 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:39:00 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run True
16:39:00 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:39:00 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e5730a60>)
16:39:00 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:39:00 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run False
16:39:00 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:39:00 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e5730a60>)
16:39:01 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:39:01 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x3a / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: ':' / dry_run True
16:39:01 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e5730a60>)
16:39:01 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:39:01 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x3a / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: ':' / dry_run False
16:39:01 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for ':'.
16:39:01 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: :).
16:39:01 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: set-cmd-text [':']
16:39:01 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command.set_cmd_text_command(<qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>, ':', None, False, False, False)
16:39:01 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:220 Scheduling completion update.
16:39:01 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:217 Ignoring update because there were no changes.
16:39:01 DEBUG modes command:set_cmd_text:111 Setting command text, focusing <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>
16:39:01 DEBUG modes modeman:enter:363 Entering mode KeyMode.command (reason: cmd focus)
16:39:01 DEBUG statusbar bar:set_mode_active:313 Setting command flag to True
16:39:01 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>
16:39:01 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e5730b80>
16:39:01 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>
16:39:01 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
16:39:01 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:242 Updating completion: [] []
16:39:01 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:95 Before removing flags: []
16:39:01 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:98 Starting command completion
16:39:01 DEBUG completion debug:__exit__:302 Starting command completion took 0.029457 seconds.
16:39:01 DEBUG misc mainwindow:_update_overlay_geometry:350 new geometry for <qutebrowser.completion.completionwidget.CompletionView>: PyQt5.QtCore.QRect(0, 689, 2561, 708)
16:39:01 DEBUG completion debug:__exit__:302 Set completion model took 0.002939 seconds.
16:39:01 DEBUG completion completionmodel:set_pattern:181 Setting completion pattern ''
16:39:01 DEBUG completion debug:__exit__:302 Set pattern took 0.002296 seconds.
16:39:01 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: False
16:39:01 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: False
16:39:01 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.CommandKeyParser do_log=False mode=<KeyMode.command: 3> passthrough=True supports_count=False win_id=0>
16:39:01 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
16:39:01 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.CommandKeyParser do_log=False mode=<KeyMode.command: 3> passthrough=True supports_count=False win_id=0>
16:39:01 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: mode-leave
16:39:01 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.mode_leave(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.command: 3>>)
16:39:01 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:431 Leaving mode KeyMode.command (reason: leave current)
16:39:01 DEBUG statusbar bar:set_mode_active:313 Setting command flag to False
16:39:01 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:220 Scheduling completion update.
16:39:01 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:217 Ignoring update because there were no changes.
16:39:01 DEBUG statusbar bar:_hide_cmd_widget:347 Hiding cmd widget
16:39:01 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.mainwindow.MainWindow>
16:39:01 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.textbase.TextBase text=''>
16:39:01 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:on_mode_left:812 Left status-input mode, focusing <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=129 url='…'>
16:39:01 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f30b7e46820>
16:39:01 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtCore.QObject object at 0x7f30b7e46820>
16:39:01 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f30b7e46820>)
16:39:01 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:39:01 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:39:01 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run True
16:39:01 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c03e670>)
16:39:01 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:39:01 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run False
16:39:01 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for '<Escape>'.
16:39:01 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: <Escape>).
16:39:01 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: clear-keychain
16:39:01 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.clear_keychain(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.normal: 1>>)
16:39:01 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: search
16:39:01 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, '', False)
16:39:01 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: fullscreen ['--leave']
16:39:01 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.fullscreen(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, True, False)
16:39:01 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c03e670>)
16:39:01 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:39:03 DEBUG webview webenginetab:_js_cb_single:742 Got element from JS: {'attributes': {'class': 'result__a', 'href': '', 'rel': 'noopener'}, 'class_name': 'result__a', 'id': 73, 'is_content_editable': False, 'outer_xml': '<a class="result__a" rel="noopener" href=""><span class="result__type">PDF</span> Purely Functional Data Structures</a>', 'rects': [{'bottom': 858.859375, 'height': 20, 'left': 168, 'right': 439.421875, 'top': 838.859375, 'width': 271.421875}], 'tag_name': 'A', 'text': 'PDF Purely Functional Data Structures', 'value': ''}
16:39:03 DEBUG webelem webelem:is_editable:251 Checking if element is editable: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webengineelem.WebEngineElement html='<a class="result__a" rel="noopener" href=""><span class="result__type">PDF</span> Purely Functional Data Structures</a>'>
16:39:03 DEBUG mouse eventfilter:_mousepress_insertmode_cb:204 Clicked non-editable element!
16:39:03 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason click) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:39:08 DEBUG ipc ipc:update_atime:418 Touching /run/user/1000/qutebrowser/ipc-5b1b4dee9103f759fdb57197a78780a6
16:39:13 DEBUG webview webenginetab:_js_cb_single:742 Got element from JS: {'attributes': {'class': 'result__a', 'href': '', 'rel': 'noopener'}, 'class_name': 'result__a', 'id': 74, 'is_content_editable': False, 'outer_xml': '<a class="result__a" rel="noopener" href=""><span class="result__type">PDF</span> Purely Functional Data Structures</a>', 'rects': [{'bottom': 858.859375, 'height': 20, 'left': 168, 'right': 439.421875, 'top': 838.859375, 'width': 271.421875}], 'tag_name': 'A', 'text': 'PDF Purely Functional Data Structures', 'value': ''}
16:39:13 DEBUG webelem webelem:is_editable:251 Checking if element is editable: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webengineelem.WebEngineElement html='<a class="result__a" rel="noopener" href=""><span class="result__type">PDF</span> Purely Functional Data Structures</a>'>
16:39:13 DEBUG mouse eventfilter:_mousepress_insertmode_cb:204 Clicked non-editable element!
16:39:13 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason click) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:39:13 DEBUG webview browsertab:_set_load_status:1006 load status for <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=129 url='…'>: LoadStatus.success_https
16:39:13 DEBUG signals signalfilter:_filter_signals:87 emitting: cur_load_status_changed(<LoadStatus.success_https: 3>) (tab 8)
16:39:13 DEBUG sessions sessions:save:336 Saving session _autosave to /home/enrico/.local/share/qutebrowser/sessions/_autosave.yml...
16:39:13 DEBUG signals signalfilter:_filter_signals:87 emitting: cur_load_finished(False) (tab 8)
16:39:13 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_leave_modes_on_load:732 Ignoring leave_on_load request due to setting.
16:39:13 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_leave_modes_on_load:737 Ignoring leave_on_load request due to setting.
16:39:13 DEBUG webview browsertab:_set_load_status:1006 load status for <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=129 url='…'>: LoadStatus.error
16:39:13 DEBUG signals signalfilter:_filter_signals:87 emitting: cur_load_status_changed(<LoadStatus.error: 4>) (tab 8)
16:39:13 DEBUG webview browsertab:_on_navigation_request:1064 navigation request: url, type Type.redirect, is_main_frame True
16:39:13 DEBUG webview webenginetab:_store_match_data:151 Active search match: 0/0
16:39:13 DEBUG webview browsertab:_set_load_status:1006 load status for <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=129 url='…'>: LoadStatus.loading
16:39:13 DEBUG signals signalfilter:_filter_signals:87 emitting: cur_load_status_changed(<LoadStatus.loading: 6>) (tab 8)
16:39:13 DEBUG signals signalfilter:_filter_signals:87 emitting: cur_load_started() (tab 8)
16:39:14 DEBUG downloads downloads:_on_begin_insert_row:1034 _on_begin_insert_row with idx 0, webengine True
16:39:14 DEBUG message message:_log_stack:42 Stack for error message:
File "/usr/bin/qutebrowser", line 33, in <module>
sys.exit(load_entry_point('qutebrowser==2.1.0', 'gui_scripts', 'qutebrowser')())
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/qutebrowser/", line 218, in main
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/qutebrowser/", line 130, in run
ret = qt_mainloop()
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/qutebrowser/", line 140, in qt_mainloop
return objects.qapp.exec()
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/qutebrowser/browser/webengine/", line 285, in handle_download
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/qutebrowser/browser/", line 838, in set_target
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/qutebrowser/utils/", line 54, in error
stack = ''.join(traceback.format_stack())
16:39:14 ERROR message message:error:59 Download error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/qutebrowser-downloads-l8qsiq87/tmpao90edmi_okasaki.pdf'
16:39:14 DEBUG misc mainwindow:_update_overlay_geometry:350 new geometry for <qutebrowser.mainwindow.messageview.MessageView object at 0x7f31cc496820>: PyQt5.QtCore.QRect(0, 1374, 2561, 23)
16:39:14 DEBUG downloads webenginedownloads:_on_state_changed:64 State for <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginedownloads.DownloadItem basename='okasaki.pdf'> changed to DownloadCancelled
16:39:14 DEBUG downloads downloads:_on_begin_remove_row:1046 _on_begin_remove_row with idx 0, webengine True
16:39:14 DEBUG downloads downloads:_remove_item:965 Removed download 1: okasaki.pdf [100%|?.??B]
16:39:14 DEBUG downloads downloads:cancel:577 cancelled
16:39:14 DEBUG downloads downloads:delete:596 Not deleting None
16:39:18 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31cc496790>
16:39:20 DEBUG webview webenginetab:_js_cb_single:742 Got element from JS: {'attributes': {'class': 'serp__results js-serp-results', 'id': 'links_wrapper'}, 'class_name': 'serp__results js-serp-results', 'id': 75, 'is_content_editable': False, 'outer_xml': '<div id="links_wrapper" class="serp__results js-serp-results"><div class="results--main"><div class="search-filters-wrap"><div class="js-search-filters search-filters"><div class="dropdown dropdown--region is-active "><div class="dropdown__switch switch js-region-filter-switch is-on"><span class="switch__knob"></span></div><a class="dropdown__button dropdown__button js-dropdown-button ">Italy</a></div><div class="dropdown dropdown--safe-search is-active"><a href="#" class="dropdown__button js-dropdown-button">Safe search: off</a></div><div class="dropdown dropdown--date "><a href="#" class="dropdown__button js-dropdown-button">Any time</a></div></div></div><noscript><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=/html?q=purely%20functional%20data%20structures"><link href="/css/noscript.css" rel="stylesheet" …
16:39:20 DEBUG webelem webelem:is_editable:251 Checking if element is editable: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webengineelem.WebEngineElement html='<div id="links_wrapper" class="serp__results js-serp-results"><div class="results--main"><div class="search-filters-wrap"><div class="js-search-filters search-filters"><div class="dropdown dropdown--region is-active "><div class="dropdown__switch switch js-region-filter-switch is-on"><span class="switch__knob"></span></div><a class="dropdown__button dropdown__button js-dropdown-button ">Italy</a></div><div class="dropdown dropdown--safe-search is-active"><a href="#" class="dropdown__button js-…'>
16:39:20 DEBUG mouse eventfilter:_mousepress_insertmode_cb:204 Clicked non-editable element!
16:39:20 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason click) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:39:20 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:39:20 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run True
16:39:20 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c03e550>)
16:39:20 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:39:20 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run False
16:39:20 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for '<Escape>'.
16:39:20 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: <Escape>).
16:39:20 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: clear-keychain
16:39:20 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.clear_keychain(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.normal: 1>>)
16:39:20 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: search
16:39:20 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, '', False)
16:39:20 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: fullscreen ['--leave']
16:39:20 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.fullscreen(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, True, False)
16:39:20 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c03e550>)
16:39:20 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:39:21 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:39:21 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run True
16:39:21 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c03e550>)
16:39:21 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:39:21 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run False
16:39:21 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for '<Escape>'.
16:39:21 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: <Escape>).
16:39:21 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: clear-keychain
16:39:21 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.clear_keychain(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.normal: 1>>)
16:39:21 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: search
16:39:21 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, '', False)
16:39:21 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: fullscreen ['--leave']
16:39:21 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.fullscreen(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, True, False)
16:39:21 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f30ee04b430>)
16:39:21 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:39:21 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:39:21 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run True
16:39:21 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c03ec10>)
16:39:21 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:39:21 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run False
16:39:21 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for '<Escape>'.
16:39:21 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: <Escape>).
16:39:21 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: clear-keychain
16:39:21 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.clear_keychain(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.normal: 1>>)
16:39:21 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: search
16:39:21 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, '', False)
16:39:21 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: fullscreen ['--leave']
16:39:21 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.fullscreen(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, True, False)
16:39:21 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c03ec10>)
16:39:21 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:39:22 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:39:22 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run True
16:39:22 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:39:22 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c03ec10>)
16:39:22 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:39:22 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run True
16:39:22 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:39:22 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c03ec10>)
16:39:22 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:39:22 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run False
16:39:22 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:39:22 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c03ec10>)
16:39:22 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:39:22 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4a / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'J' / dry_run True
16:39:22 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c03ec10>)
16:39:22 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:39:22 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4a / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'J' / dry_run False
16:39:22 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'J'.
16:39:22 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: J).
16:39:22 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: tab-prev
16:39:22 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.tab_prev(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, 1)
16:39:22 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c03ec10>
16:39:22 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: None
16:39:22 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c03ec10>
16:39:22 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtCore.QObject object at 0x7f316c03ec10>
16:39:22 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:832 Current tab changed, focusing <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=118 url=''>
16:39:22 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:839 Mode before tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:39:22 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:39:22 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.caret (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:39:22 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:39:22 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.passthrough (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:39:22 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:850 Mode after tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:39:22 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3136402b80>)
16:39:22 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:39:22 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:39:22 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4b / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'K' / dry_run True
16:39:22 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c035160>)
16:39:22 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:39:22 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4b / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'K' / dry_run False
16:39:22 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'K'.
16:39:22 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: K).
16:39:22 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: tab-next
16:39:22 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.tab_next(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, 1)
16:39:22 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c0358b0>
16:39:22 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: None
16:39:22 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c0358b0>
16:39:22 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtCore.QObject object at 0x7f316c0358b0>
16:39:22 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:832 Current tab changed, focusing <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=129 url='…'>
16:39:22 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:839 Mode before tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:39:22 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:39:22 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.caret (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:39:22 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:39:22 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.passthrough (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:39:22 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:850 Mode after tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:39:22 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c035040>)
16:39:23 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:39:23 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:39:23 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4b / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'K' / dry_run True
16:39:23 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c03ef70>)
16:39:23 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:39:23 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4b / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'K' / dry_run False
16:39:23 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'K'.
16:39:23 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: K).
16:39:23 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: tab-next
16:39:23 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.tab_next(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, 1)
16:39:23 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c03ef70>
16:39:23 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: None
16:39:23 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c03ef70>
16:39:23 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtCore.QObject object at 0x7f316c03ef70>
16:39:23 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:832 Current tab changed, focusing <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=139 url=''>
16:39:23 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:839 Mode before tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:39:23 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:39:23 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.caret (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:39:23 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:39:23 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.passthrough (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:39:23 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:850 Mode after tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:39:23 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c03eca0>)
16:39:23 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:39:24 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: False
16:39:24 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:39:24 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x49 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'i' / dry_run True
16:39:24 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c03e670>)
16:39:24 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:39:24 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x49 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'i' / dry_run False
16:39:24 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'i'.
16:39:24 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: i).
16:39:24 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: mode-enter ['insert']
16:39:24 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.mode_enter(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.normal: 1>>, 'insert')
16:39:24 DEBUG modes modeman:enter:363 Entering mode KeyMode.insert (reason: command)
16:39:24 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason insert mode) as we're in mode KeyMode.insert
16:39:24 DEBUG statusbar bar:set_mode_active:307 Setting insert flag to True
16:39:24 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c03e1f0>)
16:39:41 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: mode-leave
16:39:41 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.mode_leave(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.insert: 6>>)
16:39:41 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:431 Leaving mode KeyMode.insert (reason: leave current)
16:39:41 DEBUG statusbar bar:set_mode_active:307 Setting insert flag to False
16:39:41 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:39:41 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:39:41 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run True
16:39:41 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c03e1f0>)
16:39:41 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:39:41 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run False
16:39:41 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for '<Escape>'.
16:39:41 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: <Escape>).
16:39:41 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: clear-keychain
16:39:41 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.clear_keychain(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.normal: 1>>)
16:39:41 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: search
16:39:41 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, '', False)
16:39:41 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: fullscreen ['--leave']
16:39:41 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.fullscreen(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, True, False)
16:39:41 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c03e1f0>)
16:39:41 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:39:42 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:39:42 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4b / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'k' / dry_run True
16:39:42 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c03e1f0>)
16:39:42 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:39:42 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4b / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'k' / dry_run False
16:39:42 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'k'.
16:39:42 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: k).
16:39:42 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: scroll ['up']
16:39:42 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.components.scrollcommands.scroll(<qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=139 url=''>, 'up', 1)
16:39:42 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c03eaf0>)
16:39:42 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:39:42 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:39:42 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x49 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'i' / dry_run True
16:39:42 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c03ed30>)
16:39:42 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:39:42 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x49 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'i' / dry_run False
16:39:42 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'i'.
16:39:42 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: i).
16:39:42 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: mode-enter ['insert']
16:39:42 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.mode_enter(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.normal: 1>>, 'insert')
16:39:42 DEBUG modes modeman:enter:363 Entering mode KeyMode.insert (reason: command)
16:39:42 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason insert mode) as we're in mode KeyMode.insert
16:39:42 DEBUG statusbar bar:set_mode_active:307 Setting insert flag to True
16:39:42 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c03e5e0>)
16:39:45 DEBUG webview webenginetab:_js_cb_single:742 Got element from JS: {'attributes': {'aria-selected': 'false', 'class': 'btn-link tabnav-tab preview-tab js-preview-tab flex-1 flex-md-auto', 'role': 'tab', 'tabindex': '-1', 'type': 'button'}, 'class_name': 'btn-link tabnav-tab preview-tab js-preview-tab flex-1 flex-md-auto', 'id': 14, 'is_content_editable': False, 'outer_xml': '<button type="button" class="btn-link tabnav-tab preview-tab js-preview-tab flex-1 flex-md-auto" role="tab" aria-selected="false" tabindex="-1">\n Preview\n </button>', 'rects': [{'bottom': 915.109375, 'height': 40, 'left': 807.3125, 'right': 891.109375, 'top': 875.109375, 'width': 83.796875}], 'tag_name': 'BUTTON', 'text': '\n Preview\n ', 'value': ''}
16:39:45 DEBUG webelem webelem:is_editable:251 Checking if element is editable: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webengineelem.WebEngineElement html='<button type="button" class="btn-link tabnav-tab preview-tab js-preview-tab flex-1 flex-md-auto" role="tab" aria-selected="false" tabindex="-1">Preview</button>'>
16:39:45 DEBUG mouse eventfilter:_mousepress_insertmode_cb:204 Clicked non-editable element!
16:39:45 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:431 Leaving mode KeyMode.insert (reason: click)
16:39:45 DEBUG statusbar bar:set_mode_active:307 Setting insert flag to False
16:39:46 DEBUG webview webenginetab:_js_cb_single:742 Got element from JS: {'attributes': {}, 'class_name': '', 'id': 15, 'is_content_editable': False, 'outer_xml': '<details>\nciao\n</details>', 'rects': [{'bottom': 1014.109375, 'height': 21, 'left': 741, 'right': 1563, 'top': 993.109375, 'width': 822}], 'tag_name': 'DETAILS', 'text': '\nciao\n', 'value': ''}
16:39:46 DEBUG webelem webelem:is_editable:251 Checking if element is editable: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webengineelem.WebEngineElement html='<details>ciao</details>'>
16:39:46 DEBUG mouse eventfilter:_mousepress_insertmode_cb:204 Clicked non-editable element!
16:39:46 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason click) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:39:47 DEBUG webview webenginetab:_js_cb_single:742 Got element from JS: {'attributes': {'open': ''}, 'class_name': '', 'id': 16, 'is_content_editable': False, 'outer_xml': '<details open="">\nciao\n</details>', 'rects': [{'bottom': 1035.109375, 'height': 42, 'left': 741, 'right': 1563, 'top': 993.109375, 'width': 822}], 'tag_name': 'DETAILS', 'text': '\nciao\n', 'value': ''}
16:39:47 DEBUG webelem webelem:is_editable:251 Checking if element is editable: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webengineelem.WebEngineElement html='<details open="">ciao</details>'>
16:39:47 DEBUG mouse eventfilter:_mousepress_insertmode_cb:204 Clicked non-editable element!
16:39:47 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason click) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:39:48 DEBUG webview webenginetab:_js_cb_single:742 Got element from JS: {'attributes': {}, 'class_name': '', 'id': 17, 'is_content_editable': False, 'outer_xml': '<details>\nciao\n</details>', 'rects': [{'bottom': 1014.109375, 'height': 21, 'left': 741, 'right': 1563, 'top': 993.109375, 'width': 822}], 'tag_name': 'DETAILS', 'text': '\nciao\n', 'value': ''}
16:39:48 DEBUG webelem webelem:is_editable:251 Checking if element is editable: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webengineelem.WebEngineElement html='<details>ciao</details>'>
16:39:48 DEBUG mouse eventfilter:_mousepress_insertmode_cb:204 Clicked non-editable element!
16:39:48 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason click) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:39:49 DEBUG webview webenginetab:_js_cb_single:742 Got element from JS: {'attributes': {'aria-selected': 'false', 'class': 'btn-link tabnav-tab write-tab js-write-tab px-3 px-sm-6 px-md-3 flex-1 flex-md-auto', 'data-hotkey': 'Control+P,Meta+Shift+p', 'role': 'tab', 'tabindex': '-1', 'type': 'button'}, 'class_name': 'btn-link tabnav-tab write-tab js-write-tab px-3 px-sm-6 px-md-3 flex-1 flex-md-auto', 'id': 18, 'is_content_editable': False, 'outer_xml': '<button type="button" class="btn-link tabnav-tab write-tab js-write-tab px-3 px-sm-6 px-md-3 flex-1 flex-md-auto" role="tab" aria-selected="false" tabindex="-1" data-hotkey="Control+P,Meta+Shift+p">\n Write\n </button>', 'rects': [{'bottom': 915.109375, 'height': 40, 'left': 737, 'right': 803.421875, 'top': 875.109375, 'width': 66.421875}], 'tag_name': 'BUTTON', 'text': '\n Write\n ', 'value': ''}
16:39:49 DEBUG webelem webelem:is_editable:251 Checking if element is editable: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webengineelem.WebEngineElement html='<button type="button" class="btn-link tabnav-tab write-tab js-write-tab px-3 px-sm-6 px-md-3 flex-1 flex-md-auto" role="tab" aria-selected="false" tabindex="-1" data-hotkey="Control+P,Meta+Shift+p">Write</button>'>
16:39:49 DEBUG mouse eventfilter:_mousepress_insertmode_cb:204 Clicked non-editable element!
16:39:49 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason click) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:39:51 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:39:51 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x49 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'i' / dry_run True
16:39:51 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3136402d30>)
16:39:51 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:39:51 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x49 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'i' / dry_run False
16:39:51 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'i'.
16:39:51 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: i).
16:39:51 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: mode-enter ['insert']
16:39:51 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.mode_enter(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.normal: 1>>, 'insert')
16:39:51 DEBUG modes modeman:enter:363 Entering mode KeyMode.insert (reason: command)
16:39:51 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason insert mode) as we're in mode KeyMode.insert
16:39:51 DEBUG statusbar bar:set_mode_active:307 Setting insert flag to True
16:39:51 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31364024c0>)
16:39:58 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: mode-leave
16:39:58 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.mode_leave(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.insert: 6>>)
16:39:58 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:431 Leaving mode KeyMode.insert (reason: leave current)
16:39:58 DEBUG statusbar bar:set_mode_active:307 Setting insert flag to False
16:39:58 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:39:58 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:39:58 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run True
16:39:58 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31364024c0>)
16:39:58 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:39:58 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run False
16:39:58 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for '<Escape>'.
16:39:58 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: <Escape>).
16:39:58 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: clear-keychain
16:39:58 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.clear_keychain(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.normal: 1>>)
16:39:58 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: search
16:39:58 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, '', False)
16:39:58 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: fullscreen ['--leave']
16:39:58 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.fullscreen(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, True, False)
16:39:58 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31364024c0>)
16:39:58 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:39:58 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:39:58 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x48 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'h' / dry_run True
16:39:58 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3136402b80>)
16:39:58 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:39:58 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x48 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'h' / dry_run False
16:39:58 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'h'.
16:39:58 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: h).
16:39:58 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: scroll ['left']
16:39:58 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.components.scrollcommands.scroll(<qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=139 url=''>, 'left', 1)
16:39:58 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3136402550>)
16:39:58 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:39:58 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:39:58 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x48 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'h' / dry_run True
16:39:58 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31364025e0>)
16:39:58 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:39:58 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x48 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'h' / dry_run False
16:39:58 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'h'.
16:39:58 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: h).
16:39:58 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: scroll ['left']
16:39:58 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.components.scrollcommands.scroll(<qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=139 url=''>, 'left', 1)
16:39:58 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31364021f0>)
16:39:59 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:39:59 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:39:59 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4c / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'l' / dry_run True
16:39:59 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3136402550>)
16:39:59 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:39:59 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4c / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'l' / dry_run False
16:39:59 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'l'.
16:39:59 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: l).
16:39:59 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: scroll ['right']
16:39:59 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.components.scrollcommands.scroll(<qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=139 url=''>, 'right', 1)
16:39:59 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3136402670>)
16:39:59 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:39:59 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:39:59 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4b / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'k' / dry_run True
16:39:59 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31364021f0>)
16:39:59 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:39:59 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4b / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'k' / dry_run False
16:39:59 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'k'.
16:39:59 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: k).
16:39:59 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: scroll ['up']
16:39:59 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.components.scrollcommands.scroll(<qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=139 url=''>, 'up', 1)
16:39:59 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3136402dc0>)
16:39:59 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:39:59 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:39:59 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x49 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'i' / dry_run True
16:39:59 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3136402670>)
16:39:59 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:39:59 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x49 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'i' / dry_run False
16:39:59 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'i'.
16:39:59 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: i).
16:39:59 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: mode-enter ['insert']
16:39:59 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.mode_enter(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.normal: 1>>, 'insert')
16:39:59 DEBUG modes modeman:enter:363 Entering mode KeyMode.insert (reason: command)
16:39:59 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason insert mode) as we're in mode KeyMode.insert
16:39:59 DEBUG statusbar bar:set_mode_active:307 Setting insert flag to True
16:39:59 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3136402af0>)
16:40:00 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: mode-leave
16:40:00 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.mode_leave(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.insert: 6>>)
16:40:00 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:431 Leaving mode KeyMode.insert (reason: leave current)
16:40:00 DEBUG statusbar bar:set_mode_active:307 Setting insert flag to False
16:40:00 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:40:00 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:40:00 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run True
16:40:00 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3136402af0>)
16:40:00 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:40:00 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run False
16:40:00 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for '<Escape>'.
16:40:00 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: <Escape>).
16:40:00 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: clear-keychain
16:40:00 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.clear_keychain(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.normal: 1>>)
16:40:00 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: search
16:40:00 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, '', False)
16:40:00 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: fullscreen ['--leave']
16:40:00 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.fullscreen(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, True, False)
16:40:00 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3136402af0>)
16:40:00 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:40:00 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:40:00 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run True
16:40:00 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:40:00 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3136402af0>)
16:40:00 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:40:00 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run True
16:40:00 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:40:00 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3136402af0>)
16:40:00 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:40:00 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run False
16:40:00 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:40:00 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3136402af0>)
16:40:00 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:40:00 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4a / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'J' / dry_run True
16:40:00 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3136402af0>)
16:40:00 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:40:00 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4a / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'J' / dry_run False
16:40:00 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'J'.
16:40:00 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: J).
16:40:00 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: tab-prev
16:40:00 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.tab_prev(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, 1)
16:40:00 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3136402af0>
16:40:00 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: None
16:40:00 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f3136402af0>
16:40:00 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtCore.QObject object at 0x7f3136402af0>
16:40:00 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:832 Current tab changed, focusing <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=129 url='…'>
16:40:00 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:839 Mode before tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:40:00 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:40:00 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.caret (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:40:00 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:40:00 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.passthrough (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:40:00 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:850 Mode after tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:40:00 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31364028b0>)
16:40:00 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:40:01 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: False
16:40:02 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:40:02 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x46 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'f' / dry_run True
16:40:02 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c035dc0>)
16:40:02 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:40:02 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x46 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'f' / dry_run False
16:40:02 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'f'.
16:40:02 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: f).
16:40:02 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: hint
16:40:02 DEBUG commands argparser:multitype_conv:158 Trying to parse None as <class 'NoneType'>
16:40:02 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.hints.HintManager.start(<qutebrowser.browser.hints.HintManager object at 0x7f31cc5909d0>, 'all', <Target.normal: 1>, mode=None, add_history=False, rapid=False, first=False)
16:40:02 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c035b80>)
16:40:02 DEBUG hints hints:_start_cb:643 hints: a, sl, dl, fl, gl, hl, jl, kl, sa, da, fa, ga, ha, ja, ka, la, ss, ds, fs, gs, hs, js, ks, ls, sd, dd, fd, gd, hd, jd, kd, sf, df, ff, gf, hf, jf, kf, sg, dg, fg, gg, hg, jg, kg, sh, dh, fh, gh, hh, jh, kh, sj, dj, fj, gj, hj, jj, kj, sk, dk, fk, gk, hk, jk, kk
16:40:02 DEBUG modes modeman:enter:363 Entering mode KeyMode.hint (reason: HintManager.start)
16:40:02 DEBUG message bar:set_text:354 Follow hint...
16:40:02 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:40:03 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.hint - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.HintKeyParser do_log=True mode=<KeyMode.hint: 2> passthrough=False supports_count=False win_id=0>
16:40:03 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 HintKeyParser for mode hint: Got key: 0x4b / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'k' / dry_run True
16:40:03 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 1, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c028d30>)
16:40:03 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.hint - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.HintKeyParser do_log=True mode=<KeyMode.hint: 2> passthrough=False supports_count=False win_id=0>
16:40:03 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 CommandKeyParser for mode hint: Got key: 0x4b / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'k' / dry_run True
16:40:03 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 CommandKeyParser for mode hint: Trying match without modifiers
16:40:03 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 CommandKeyParser for mode hint: Trying match with key_mappings
16:40:03 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 HintKeyParser for mode hint: Got key: 0x4b / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'k' / dry_run False
16:40:03 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 HintKeyParser for mode hint: No match for 'k' (added k)
16:40:03 DEBUG hints hints:handle_partial_key:860 Handling new keystring: 'k'
16:40:03 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 1, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c048310>)
16:40:03 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:40:04 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.hint - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.HintKeyParser do_log=True mode=<KeyMode.hint: 2> passthrough=False supports_count=False win_id=0>
16:40:04 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 HintKeyParser for mode hint: Got key: 0x47 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'g' / dry_run True
16:40:04 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c028790>)
16:40:04 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.hint - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.HintKeyParser do_log=True mode=<KeyMode.hint: 2> passthrough=False supports_count=False win_id=0>
16:40:04 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 CommandKeyParser for mode hint: Got key: 0x47 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'g' / dry_run True
16:40:04 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 CommandKeyParser for mode hint: Trying match without modifiers
16:40:04 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 CommandKeyParser for mode hint: Trying match with key_mappings
16:40:04 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 HintKeyParser for mode hint: Got key: 0x47 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: 'g' / dry_run False
16:40:04 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 HintKeyParser for mode hint: Definitive match for 'kg'.
16:40:04 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 HintKeyParser for mode hint: Clearing keystring (was: kg).
16:40:04 DEBUG hints hints:handle_partial_key:860 Handling new keystring: ''
16:40:04 DEBUG hints hints:handle_partial_key:860 Handling new keystring: 'kg'
16:40:04 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:431 Leaving mode KeyMode.hint (reason: followed)
16:40:04 DEBUG message bar:set_text:354
16:40:04 DEBUG webelem webelem:click:416 Clicking <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webengineelem.WebEngineElement html='<a class="result__a" rel="noopener" href=""><span class="result__type">PDF</span> Purely Functional Data Structures</a>'> with click_target ClickTarget.normal, force_event False
16:40:04 DEBUG webelem webelem:click:425 Clicking via JS click()
16:40:04 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f313641b280>)
16:40:04 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c048310>
16:40:04 DEBUG webview browsertab:_set_load_status:1006 load status for <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=129 url='…'>: LoadStatus.success_https
16:40:04 DEBUG signals signalfilter:_filter_signals:87 emitting: cur_load_status_changed(<LoadStatus.success_https: 3>) (tab 8)
16:40:04 DEBUG sessions sessions:save:336 Saving session _autosave to /home/enrico/.local/share/qutebrowser/sessions/_autosave.yml...
16:40:04 DEBUG signals signalfilter:_filter_signals:87 emitting: cur_load_finished(False) (tab 8)
16:40:04 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_leave_modes_on_load:732 Ignoring leave_on_load request due to setting.
16:40:04 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_leave_modes_on_load:737 Ignoring leave_on_load request due to setting.
16:40:04 DEBUG webview browsertab:_set_load_status:1006 load status for <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=129 url='…'>: LoadStatus.error
16:40:04 DEBUG signals signalfilter:_filter_signals:87 emitting: cur_load_status_changed(<LoadStatus.error: 4>) (tab 8)
16:40:04 DEBUG webview browsertab:_on_navigation_request:1064 navigation request: url, type Type.redirect, is_main_frame True
16:40:04 DEBUG webview webenginetab:_store_match_data:151 Active search match: 0/0
16:40:04 DEBUG webview browsertab:_set_load_status:1006 load status for <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=129 url='…'>: LoadStatus.loading
16:40:04 DEBUG signals signalfilter:_filter_signals:87 emitting: cur_load_status_changed(<LoadStatus.loading: 6>) (tab 8)
16:40:04 DEBUG signals signalfilter:_filter_signals:87 emitting: cur_load_started() (tab 8)
16:40:04 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:40:04 DEBUG downloads downloads:_on_begin_insert_row:1034 _on_begin_insert_row with idx 0, webengine True
16:40:04 DEBUG message message:_log_stack:42 Stack for error message:
File "/usr/bin/qutebrowser", line 33, in <module>
sys.exit(load_entry_point('qutebrowser==2.1.0', 'gui_scripts', 'qutebrowser')())
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/qutebrowser/", line 218, in main
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/qutebrowser/", line 130, in run
ret = qt_mainloop()
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/qutebrowser/", line 140, in qt_mainloop
return objects.qapp.exec()
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/qutebrowser/browser/webengine/", line 285, in handle_download
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/qutebrowser/browser/", line 838, in set_target
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/qutebrowser/utils/", line 54, in error
stack = ''.join(traceback.format_stack())
16:40:04 ERROR message message:error:59 Download error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/qutebrowser-downloads-l8qsiq87/tmphxg3i2uk_okasaki.pdf'
16:40:04 DEBUG misc mainwindow:_update_overlay_geometry:350 new geometry for <qutebrowser.mainwindow.messageview.MessageView object at 0x7f31cc496820>: PyQt5.QtCore.QRect(0, 1374, 2561, 23)
16:40:04 DEBUG downloads webenginedownloads:_on_state_changed:64 State for <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginedownloads.DownloadItem basename='okasaki.pdf'> changed to DownloadCancelled
16:40:04 DEBUG downloads downloads:_on_begin_remove_row:1046 _on_begin_remove_row with idx 0, webengine True
16:40:04 DEBUG downloads downloads:_remove_item:965 Removed download 1: okasaki.pdf [100%|?.??B]
16:40:04 DEBUG downloads downloads:cancel:577 cancelled
16:40:04 DEBUG downloads downloads:delete:596 Not deleting None
16:40:06 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:40:06 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run True
16:40:06 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c028c10>)
16:40:06 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:40:06 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run False
16:40:06 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for '<Escape>'.
16:40:06 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: <Escape>).
16:40:06 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: clear-keychain
16:40:06 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.clear_keychain(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.normal: 1>>)
16:40:06 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: search
16:40:06 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, '', False)
16:40:06 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: fullscreen ['--leave']
16:40:06 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.fullscreen(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, True, False)
16:40:06 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c028c10>)
16:40:06 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:40:06 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:40:06 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run True
16:40:06 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c028820>)
16:40:06 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:40:06 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000000 / modifiers: 0x0 / text: '<Escape>' / dry_run False
16:40:06 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for '<Escape>'.
16:40:06 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: <Escape>).
16:40:06 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: clear-keychain
16:40:06 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager.clear_keychain(<qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.normal: 1>>)
16:40:06 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: search
16:40:06 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, '', False)
16:40:06 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: fullscreen ['--leave']
16:40:06 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.fullscreen(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, True, False)
16:40:06 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c028700>)
16:40:06 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:40:06 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:40:06 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run True
16:40:06 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:40:06 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c028700>)
16:40:06 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:40:06 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run True
16:40:06 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:40:06 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c028700>)
16:40:06 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:40:06 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run False
16:40:06 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:40:06 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c03e8b0>)
16:40:07 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:40:07 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4b / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'K' / dry_run True
16:40:07 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c028e50>)
16:40:07 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:40:07 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4b / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'K' / dry_run False
16:40:07 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'K'.
16:40:07 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: K).
16:40:07 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: tab-next
16:40:07 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.tab_next(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, 1)
16:40:07 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c028e50>
16:40:07 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: None
16:40:07 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c028e50>
16:40:07 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtCore.QObject object at 0x7f316c028e50>
16:40:07 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:832 Current tab changed, focusing <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=139 url=''>
16:40:07 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:839 Mode before tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:40:07 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:40:07 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.caret (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:40:07 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:40:07 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.passthrough (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:40:07 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:850 Mode after tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:40:07 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c028820>)
16:40:07 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:40:08 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:40:08 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4a / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'J' / dry_run True
16:40:08 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e40b9310>)
16:40:08 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:40:08 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x4a / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'J' / dry_run False
16:40:08 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for 'J'.
16:40:08 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: J).
16:40:08 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: tab-prev
16:40:08 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.tab_prev(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, 1)
16:40:08 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e40b9310>
16:40:08 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: None
16:40:08 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e40b9310>
16:40:08 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtCore.QObject object at 0x7f31e40b9310>
16:40:08 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:832 Current tab changed, focusing <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=129 url='…'>
16:40:08 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:839 Mode before tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:40:08 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:40:08 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.caret (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:40:08 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:40:08 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:424 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.passthrough (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
16:40:08 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:_on_current_changed:850 Mode after tab change: normal (mode_on_change = normal)
16:40:08 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f31e40b9820>)
16:40:08 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: False
16:40:08 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:40:08 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:40:08 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run True
16:40:08 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:40:08 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c035940>)
16:40:08 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:40:08 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run True
16:40:08 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:40:08 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c035940>)
16:40:08 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:40:08 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run False
16:40:08 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Ignoring, only modifier
16:40:08 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c035940>)
16:40:08 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:40:08 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x3a / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: ':' / dry_run True
16:40:08 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c035940>)
16:40:08 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
16:40:08 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Got key: 0x3a / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: ':' / dry_run False
16:40:08 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Definitive match for ':'.
16:40:08 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:216 NormalKeyParser for mode normal: Clearing keystring (was: :).
16:40:08 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: set-cmd-text [':']
16:40:08 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command.set_cmd_text_command(<qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>, ':', None, False, False, False)
16:40:08 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:220 Scheduling completion update.
16:40:08 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:217 Ignoring update because there were no changes.
16:40:08 DEBUG modes command:set_cmd_text:111 Setting command text, focusing <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>
16:40:08 DEBUG modes modeman:enter:363 Entering mode KeyMode.command (reason: cmd focus)
16:40:08 DEBUG statusbar bar:set_mode_active:313 Setting command flag to True
16:40:08 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>
16:40:08 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f316c0359d0>
16:40:08 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>
16:40:08 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
16:40:08 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:242 Updating completion: [] []
16:40:08 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:95 Before removing flags: []
16:40:08 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:98 Starting command completion
16:40:08 DEBUG completion debug:__exit__:302 Starting command completion took 0.02906 seconds.
16:40:08 DEBUG misc mainwindow:_update_overlay_geometry:350 new geometry for <qutebrowser.completion.completionwidget.CompletionView>: PyQt5.QtCore.QRect(0, 689, 2561, 708)
16:40:08 DEBUG completion debug:__exit__:302 Set completion model took 0.003375 seconds.
16:40:08 DEBUG completion completionmodel:set_pattern:181 Setting completion pattern ''
16:40:08 DEBUG completion debug:__exit__:302 Set pattern took 0.002374 seconds.
16:40:08 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: True
16:40:08 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: False
16:40:08 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.CommandKeyParser do_log=False mode=<KeyMode.command: 3> passthrough=True supports_count=False win_id=0>
16:40:08 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
16:40:08 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.CommandKeyParser do_log=False mode=<KeyMode.command: 3> passthrough=True supports_count=False win_id=0>
16:40:08 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
16:40:08 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:220 Scheduling completion update.
16:40:08 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:217 Ignoring update because there were no changes.
16:40:08 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:147 partitioning ['r'] around position 1
16:40:08 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:159 partitioned: [] 'r' []
16:40:08 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:242 Updating completion: [] r []
16:40:08 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:95 Before removing flags: []
16:40:08 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:98 Starting command completion
16:40:08 DEBUG completion completionmodel:set_pattern:181 Setting completion pattern 'r'
16:40:08 DEBUG completion debug:__exit__:302 Set pattern r took 0.011971 seconds.
16:40:09 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.CommandKeyParser do_log=False mode=<KeyMode.command: 3> passthrough=True supports_count=False win_id=0>
16:40:09 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
16:40:09 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.CommandKeyParser do_log=False mode=<KeyMode.command: 3> passthrough=True supports_count=False win_id=0>
16:40:09 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
16:40:09 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:220 Scheduling completion update.
16:40:09 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:217 Ignoring update because there were no changes.
16:40:09 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:147 partitioning ['re'] around position 2
16:40:09 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:159 partitioned: [] 're' []
16:40:09 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:242 Updating completion: [] re []
16:40:09 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:95 Before removing flags: []
16:40:09 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:98 Starting command completion
16:40:09 DEBUG completion completionmodel:set_pattern:181 Setting completion pattern 're'
16:40:09 DEBUG completion debug:__exit__:302 Set pattern re took 0.001121 seconds.
16:40:09 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: False
16:40:09 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: False
16:40:09 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.CommandKeyParser do_log=False mode=<KeyMode.command: 3> passthrough=True supports_count=False win_id=0>
16:40:09 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
16:40:09 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.CommandKeyParser do_log=False mode=<KeyMode.command: 3> passthrough=True supports_count=False win_id=0>
16:40:09 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
16:40:09 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:220 Scheduling completion update.
16:40:09 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:217 Ignoring update because there were no changes.
16:40:09 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:147 partitioning ['rep'] around position 3
16:40:09 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:159 partitioned: [] 'rep' []
16:40:09 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:242 Updating completion: [] rep []
16:40:09 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:95 Before removing flags: []
16:40:09 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:98 Starting command completion
16:40:09 DEBUG completion completionmodel:set_pattern:181 Setting completion pattern 'rep'
16:40:09 DEBUG completion debug:__exit__:302 Set pattern rep took 0.000624 seconds.
16:40:09 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.CommandKeyParser do_log=False mode=<KeyMode.command: 3> passthrough=True supports_count=False win_id=0>
16:40:09 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
16:40:09 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.CommandKeyParser do_log=False mode=<KeyMode.command: 3> passthrough=True supports_count=False win_id=0>
16:40:09 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
16:40:09 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:220 Scheduling completion update.
16:40:09 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:217 Ignoring update because there were no changes.
16:40:09 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:147 partitioning ['repo'] around position 4
16:40:09 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:159 partitioned: [] 'repo' []
16:40:09 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:242 Updating completion: [] repo []
16:40:09 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:95 Before removing flags: []
16:40:09 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:98 Starting command completion
16:40:09 DEBUG completion completionmodel:set_pattern:181 Setting completion pattern 'repo'
16:40:09 DEBUG completion debug:__exit__:302 Set pattern repo took 0.001942 seconds.
16:40:09 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: False
16:40:09 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.CommandKeyParser do_log=False mode=<KeyMode.command: 3> passthrough=True supports_count=False win_id=0>
16:40:09 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
16:40:09 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.CommandKeyParser do_log=False mode=<KeyMode.command: 3> passthrough=True supports_count=False win_id=0>
16:40:09 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
16:40:09 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:220 Scheduling completion update.
16:40:09 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:217 Ignoring update because there were no changes.
16:40:09 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:147 partitioning ['repor'] around position 5
16:40:09 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:159 partitioned: [] 'repor' []
16:40:09 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:242 Updating completion: [] repor []
16:40:09 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:95 Before removing flags: []
16:40:09 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:98 Starting command completion
16:40:09 DEBUG completion completionmodel:set_pattern:181 Setting completion pattern 'repor'
16:40:09 DEBUG completion debug:__exit__:302 Set pattern repor took 0.001993 seconds.
16:40:09 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: False
16:40:09 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: False
16:40:09 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.CommandKeyParser do_log=False mode=<KeyMode.command: 3> passthrough=True supports_count=False win_id=0>
16:40:09 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
16:40:09 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.CommandKeyParser do_log=False mode=<KeyMode.command: 3> passthrough=True supports_count=False win_id=0>
16:40:09 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
16:40:09 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:220 Scheduling completion update.
16:40:09 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:217 Ignoring update because there were no changes.
16:40:09 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:147 partitioning ['report'] around position 6
16:40:09 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:159 partitioned: [] 'report' []
16:40:09 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:242 Updating completion: [] report []
16:40:09 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:95 Before removing flags: []
16:40:09 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:98 Starting command completion
16:40:09 DEBUG completion completionmodel:set_pattern:181 Setting completion pattern 'report'
16:40:09 DEBUG completion debug:__exit__:302 Set pattern report took 0.00215 seconds.
16:40:09 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:337 filter: False
16:40:10 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.CommandKeyParser do_log=False mode=<KeyMode.command: 3> passthrough=True supports_count=False win_id=0>
16:40:10 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:312 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
16:40:10 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:287 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.CommandKeyParser do_log=False mode=<KeyMode.command: 3> passthrough=True supports_count=False win_id=0>
16:40:10 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: command-accept
16:40:10 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command.command_accept(<qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>, False)
16:40:10 DEBUG save savemanager:mark_dirty:73 Marking command-history as dirty.
16:40:10 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:431 Leaving mode KeyMode.command (reason: cmd accept)
16:40:10 DEBUG statusbar bar:set_mode_active:313 Setting command flag to False
16:40:10 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:220 Scheduling completion update.
16:40:10 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:217 Ignoring update because there were no changes.
16:40:10 DEBUG statusbar bar:_hide_cmd_widget:347 Hiding cmd widget
16:40:10 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.mainwindow.MainWindow>
16:40:10 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.textbase.TextBase text=''>
16:40:10 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:on_mode_left:812 Left status-input mode, focusing <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=129 url='…'>
16:40:10 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x7f30edd26af0>
16:40:10 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:583 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtCore.QObject object at 0x7f30edd26af0>
16:40:10 DEBUG commands command:run:537 command called: report
16:40:10 DEBUG commands command:run:551 Calling<qutebrowser.misc.crashsignal.CrashHandler object at 0x7f31f3afcc10>, None, None)
16:40:10 DEBUG sql sql:run:278 SELECT count(*) FROM History
16:40:10 DEBUG sql sql:run:278 select sqlite_version()
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