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Created December 7, 2023 08:07
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Python config
# Autogenerated
# Documentation:
# qute://help/configuring.html
# qute://help/settings.html
# Uncomment this to still load settings configured via autoconfig.yml
# Aliases for commands. The keys of the given dictionary are the
# aliases, while the values are the commands they map to.
# Type: Dict
c.aliases = {'h': 'home', 'matlabChangeRel': 'set-cmd-text -s :spawn --userscript matlabRel', 'open': 'open -r', 'q': 'close', 'qa': 'quit', 'w': 'session-save', 'wq': 'quit --save'}
# Require a confirmation before quitting the application.
# Type: ConfirmQuit
# Valid values:
# - always: Always show a confirmation.
# - multiple-tabs: Show a confirmation if multiple tabs are opened.
# - downloads: Show a confirmation if downloads are running
# - never: Never show a confirmation.
c.confirm_quit = ['multiple-tabs', 'downloads']
# Maximum time (in minutes) between two history items for them to be
# considered being from the same browsing session. Items with less time
# between them are grouped when being displayed in `:history`. Use -1 to
# disable separation.
# Type: Int
c.history_gap_interval = 30
# When to find text on a page case-insensitively.
# Type: IgnoreCase
# Valid values:
# - always: Search case-insensitively.
# - never: Search case-sensitively.
# - smart: Search case-sensitively if there are capital characters. = 'smart'
# Find text on a page incrementally, renewing the search for each typed
# character.
# Type: Bool = True
# How to open links in an existing instance if a new one is launched.
# This happens when e.g. opening a link from a terminal. See
# `new_instance_open_target_window` to customize in which window the
# link is opened in.
# Type: String
# Valid values:
# - tab: Open a new tab in the existing window and activate the window.
# - tab-bg: Open a new background tab in the existing window and activate the window.
# - tab-silent: Open a new tab in the existing window without activating the window.
# - tab-bg-silent: Open a new background tab in the existing window without activating the window.
# - window: Open in a new window.
c.new_instance_open_target = 'tab'
# Which window to choose when opening links as new tabs. When
# `new_instance_open_target` is set to `window`, this is ignored.
# Type: String
# Valid values:
# - first-opened: Open new tabs in the first (oldest) opened window.
# - last-opened: Open new tabs in the last (newest) opened window.
# - last-focused: Open new tabs in the most recently focused window.
# - last-visible: Open new tabs in the most recently visible window.
c.new_instance_open_target_window = 'last-focused'
# Name of the session to save by default. If this is set to null, the
# session which was last loaded is saved.
# Type: SessionName
c.session.default_name = None
# Load a restored tab as soon as it takes focus.
# Type: Bool
c.session.lazy_restore = False
# Backend to use to display websites. qutebrowser supports two different
# web rendering engines / backends, QtWebKit and QtWebEngine. QtWebKit
# was discontinued by the Qt project with Qt 5.6, but picked up as a
# well maintained fork: -
# qutebrowser only supports the fork. QtWebEngine is Qt's official
# successor to QtWebKit. It's slightly more resource hungry than
# QtWebKit and has a couple of missing features in qutebrowser, but is
# generally the preferred choice.
# Type: String
# Valid values:
# - webengine: Use QtWebEngine (based on Chromium).
# - webkit: Use QtWebKit (based on WebKit, similar to Safari).
c.backend = 'webengine'
# Additional arguments to pass to Qt, without leading `--`. With
# QtWebEngine, some Chromium arguments (see
# for a
# list) will work.
# Type: List of String
c.qt.args = []
# Turn on Qt HighDPI scaling. This is equivalent to setting
# 5.14) in the environment. It's off by default as it can cause issues
# with some bitmap fonts. As an alternative to this, it's possible to
# set font sizes and the `zoom.default` setting.
# Type: Bool
c.qt.highdpi = True
# Time interval (in milliseconds) between auto-saves of
# config/cookies/etc.
# Type: Int
c.auto_save.interval = 15000
# Always restore open sites when qutebrowser is reopened.
# Type: Bool
c.auto_save.session = True
# Which cookies to accept. With QtWebEngine, this setting also controls
# other features with tracking capabilities similar to those of cookies;
# including IndexedDB, DOM storage, filesystem API, service workers, and
# AppCache. Note that with QtWebKit, only `all` and `never` are
# supported as per-domain values. Setting `no-3rdparty` or `no-
# unknown-3rdparty` per-domain on QtWebKit will have the same effect as
# `all`.
# Type: String
# Valid values:
# - all: Accept all cookies.
# - no-3rdparty: Accept cookies from the same origin only. This is known to break some sites, such as GMail.
# - no-unknown-3rdparty: Accept cookies from the same origin only, unless a cookie is already set for the domain. On QtWebEngine, this is the same as no-3rdparty.
# - never: Don't accept cookies at all.
c.content.cookies.accept = 'all'
# Which cookies to accept. With QtWebEngine, this setting also controls
# other features with tracking capabilities similar to those of cookies;
# including IndexedDB, DOM storage, filesystem API, service workers, and
# AppCache. Note that with QtWebKit, only `all` and `never` are
# supported as per-domain values. Setting `no-3rdparty` or `no-
# unknown-3rdparty` per-domain on QtWebKit will have the same effect as
# `all`.
# Type: String
# Valid values:
# - all: Accept all cookies.
# - no-3rdparty: Accept cookies from the same origin only. This is known to break some sites, such as GMail.
# - no-unknown-3rdparty: Accept cookies from the same origin only, unless a cookie is already set for the domain. On QtWebEngine, this is the same as no-3rdparty.
# - never: Don't accept cookies at all.
config.set('content.cookies.accept', 'all', 'chrome-devtools://*')
# Which cookies to accept. With QtWebEngine, this setting also controls
# other features with tracking capabilities similar to those of cookies;
# including IndexedDB, DOM storage, filesystem API, service workers, and
# AppCache. Note that with QtWebKit, only `all` and `never` are
# supported as per-domain values. Setting `no-3rdparty` or `no-
# unknown-3rdparty` per-domain on QtWebKit will have the same effect as
# `all`.
# Type: String
# Valid values:
# - all: Accept all cookies.
# - no-3rdparty: Accept cookies from the same origin only. This is known to break some sites, such as GMail.
# - no-unknown-3rdparty: Accept cookies from the same origin only, unless a cookie is already set for the domain. On QtWebEngine, this is the same as no-3rdparty.
# - never: Don't accept cookies at all.
config.set('content.cookies.accept', 'all', 'devtools://*')
# User agent to send. The following placeholders are defined: *
# `{os_info}`: Something like "X11; Linux x86_64". * `{webkit_version}`:
# The underlying WebKit version (set to a fixed value with
# QtWebEngine). * `{qt_key}`: "Qt" for QtWebKit, "QtWebEngine" for
# QtWebEngine. * `{qt_version}`: The underlying Qt version. *
# `{upstream_browser_key}`: "Version" for QtWebKit, "Chrome" for
# QtWebEngine. * `{upstream_browser_version}`: The corresponding
# Safari/Chrome version. * `{qutebrowser_version}`: The currently
# running qutebrowser version. The default value is equal to the
# unchanged user agent of QtWebKit/QtWebEngine. Note that the value
# read from JavaScript is always the global value.
# Type: FormatString
#c.content.headers.user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/69.0.3497.128 Safari/537.36'
# User agent to send. The following placeholders are defined: *
# `{os_info}`: Something like "X11; Linux x86_64". * `{webkit_version}`:
# The underlying WebKit version (set to a fixed value with
# QtWebEngine). * `{qt_key}`: "Qt" for QtWebKit, "QtWebEngine" for
# QtWebEngine. * `{qt_version}`: The underlying Qt version. *
# `{upstream_browser_key}`: "Version" for QtWebKit, "Chrome" for
# QtWebEngine. * `{upstream_browser_version}`: The corresponding
# Safari/Chrome version. * `{qutebrowser_version}`: The currently
# running qutebrowser version. The default value is equal to the
# unchanged user agent of QtWebKit/QtWebEngine. Note that the value
# read from JavaScript is always the global value.
# Type: FormatString
#config.set('content.headers.user_agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 ({os_info}) AppleWebKit/{webkit_version} (KHTML, like Gecko) {upstream_browser_key}/{upstream_browser_version} Safari/{webkit_version}', '')
# User agent to send. The following placeholders are defined: *
# `{os_info}`: Something like "X11; Linux x86_64". * `{webkit_version}`:
# The underlying WebKit version (set to a fixed value with
# QtWebEngine). * `{qt_key}`: "Qt" for QtWebKit, "QtWebEngine" for
# QtWebEngine. * `{qt_version}`: The underlying Qt version. *
# `{upstream_browser_key}`: "Version" for QtWebKit, "Chrome" for
# QtWebEngine. * `{upstream_browser_version}`: The corresponding
# Safari/Chrome version. * `{qutebrowser_version}`: The currently
# running qutebrowser version. The default value is equal to the
# unchanged user agent of QtWebKit/QtWebEngine. Note that the value
# read from JavaScript is always the global value.
# Type: FormatString
#config.set('content.headers.user_agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 ({os_info}; rv:71.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/71.0', '*')
# User agent to send. The following placeholders are defined: *
# `{os_info}`: Something like "X11; Linux x86_64". * `{webkit_version}`:
# The underlying WebKit version (set to a fixed value with
# QtWebEngine). * `{qt_key}`: "Qt" for QtWebKit, "QtWebEngine" for
# QtWebEngine. * `{qt_version}`: The underlying Qt version. *
# `{upstream_browser_key}`: "Version" for QtWebKit, "Chrome" for
# QtWebEngine. * `{upstream_browser_version}`: The corresponding
# Safari/Chrome version. * `{qutebrowser_version}`: The currently
# running qutebrowser version. The default value is equal to the
# unchanged user agent of QtWebKit/QtWebEngine. Note that the value
# read from JavaScript is always the global value.
# Type: FormatString
#config.set('content.headers.user_agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 ({os_info}) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/99 Safari/537.36', 'https://**')
# User agent to send. The following placeholders are defined: *
# `{os_info}`: Something like "X11; Linux x86_64". * `{webkit_version}`:
# The underlying WebKit version (set to a fixed value with
# QtWebEngine). * `{qt_key}`: "Qt" for QtWebKit, "QtWebEngine" for
# QtWebEngine. * `{qt_version}`: The underlying Qt version. *
# `{upstream_browser_key}`: "Version" for QtWebKit, "Chrome" for
# QtWebEngine. * `{upstream_browser_version}`: The corresponding
# Safari/Chrome version. * `{qutebrowser_version}`: The currently
# running qutebrowser version. The default value is equal to the
# unchanged user agent of QtWebKit/QtWebEngine. Note that the value
# read from JavaScript is always the global value.
# Type: FormatString
#config.set('content.headers.user_agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 ({os_info}; rv:71.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/71.0', '*')
# User agent to send. The following placeholders are defined: *
# `{os_info}`: Something like "X11; Linux x86_64". * `{webkit_version}`:
# The underlying WebKit version (set to a fixed value with
# QtWebEngine). * `{qt_key}`: "Qt" for QtWebKit, "QtWebEngine" for
# QtWebEngine. * `{qt_version}`: The underlying Qt version. *
# `{upstream_browser_key}`: "Version" for QtWebKit, "Chrome" for
# QtWebEngine. * `{upstream_browser_version}`: The corresponding
# Safari/Chrome version. * `{qutebrowser_version}`: The currently
# running qutebrowser version. The default value is equal to the
# unchanged user agent of QtWebKit/QtWebEngine. Note that the value
# read from JavaScript is always the global value.
# Type: FormatString
#config.set('content.headers.user_agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 ({os_info}; rv:71.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/71.0', '*')
# Enable host blocking.
# Type: Bool
c.content.blocking.enabled = True
# Load images automatically in web pages.
# Type: Bool
config.set('content.images', True, 'chrome-devtools://*')
# Load images automatically in web pages.
# Type: Bool
config.set('content.images', True, 'devtools://*')
# Allow JavaScript to read from or write to the clipboard. With
# QtWebEngine, writing the clipboard as response to a user interaction
# is always allowed.
# Type: Bool
c.content.javascript.clipboard = 'access-paste'
# Allow JavaScript to open new tabs without user interaction.
# Type: Bool
c.content.javascript.can_open_tabs_automatically = False
# Allow JavaScript to open new tabs without user interaction.
# Type: Bool
config.set('content.javascript.can_open_tabs_automatically', True, '')
# Enable JavaScript.
# Type: Bool
config.set('content.javascript.enabled', True, 'chrome-devtools://*')
# Enable JavaScript.
# Type: Bool
config.set('content.javascript.enabled', True, 'devtools://*')
# Enable JavaScript.
# Type: Bool
config.set('content.javascript.enabled', True, 'chrome://*/*')
# Enable JavaScript.
# Type: Bool
config.set('content.javascript.enabled', True, 'qute://*/*')
# Allow websites to show notifications.
# Type: BoolAsk
# Valid values:
# - true
# - false
# - ask
config.set('content.notifications.enabled', False, '')
# Enable plugins in Web pages.
# Type: Bool
c.content.plugins = True
# Proxy to use. In addition to the listed values, you can use a
# `socks://...` or `http://...` URL.
# Type: Proxy
# Valid values:
# - system: Use the system wide proxy.
# - none: Don't use any proxy
c.content.proxy = 'system'
# Which interfaces to expose via WebRTC. On Qt 5.10, this option doesn't
# work because of a Qt bug.
# Type: String
# Valid values:
# - all-interfaces: WebRTC has the right to enumerate all interfaces and bind them to discover public interfaces.
# - default-public-and-private-interfaces: WebRTC should only use the default route used by http. This also exposes the associated default private address. Default route is the route chosen by the OS on a multi-homed endpoint.
# - default-public-interface-only: WebRTC should only use the default route used by http. This doesn't expose any local addresses.
# - disable-non-proxied-udp: WebRTC should only use TCP to contact peers or servers unless the proxy server supports UDP. This doesn't expose any local addresses either.
#c.content.webrtc_ip_handling_policy = 'disable-non-proxied-udp'
# Editor (and arguments) to use for the `open-editor` command. The
# following placeholders are defined: * `{file}`: Filename of the file
# to be edited. * `{line}`: Line in which the caret is found in the
# text. * `{column}`: Column in which the caret is found in the text. *
# `{line0}`: Same as `{line}`, but starting from index 0. * `{column0}`:
# Same as `{column}`, but starting from index 0.
# Type: ShellCommand
c.editor.command = ['gvim', '-f', '{file}', '-c', 'normal {line}G{column0}l']
# Encoding to use for the editor.
# Type: Encoding
c.editor.encoding = 'utf-8'
# Mode to use for hints.
# Type: String
# Valid values:
# - number: Use numeric hints. (In this mode you can also type letters from the hinted element to filter and reduce the number of elements that are hinted.)
# - letter: Use the characters in the `hints.chars` setting.
# - word: Use hints words based on the html elements and the extra words.
c.hints.mode = 'letter'
# Enter insert mode if an editable element is clicked.
# Type: Bool
c.input.insert_mode.auto_enter = True
# Leave insert mode when starting a new page load. Patterns may be
# unreliable on this setting, and they may match the url you are
# navigating to, or the URL you are navigating from.
# Type: Bool
c.input.insert_mode.leave_on_load = False
# Timeout (in milliseconds) for partially typed key bindings. If the
# current input forms only partial matches, the keystring will be
# cleared after this time.
# Type: Int
c.input.partial_timeout = 0
# Keychains that shouldn't be shown in the keyhint dialog. Globs are
# supported, so `;*` will blacklist all keychains starting with `;`. Use
# `*` to disable keyhints.
# Type: List of String
c.keyhint.blacklist = []
# Rounding radius (in pixels) for the edges of the keyhint dialog.
# Type: Int
c.keyhint.radius = 6
# Time (in milliseconds) from pressing a key to seeing the keyhint
# dialog.
# Type: Int
c.keyhint.delay = 100
# Duration (in milliseconds) to show messages in the statusbar for. Set
# to 0 to never clear messages.
# Type: Int
c.messages.timeout = 5000
# Which tab to select when the focused tab is removed.
# Type: SelectOnRemove
# Valid values:
# - prev: Select the tab which came before the closed one (left in horizontal, above in vertical).
# - next: Select the tab which came after the closed one (right in horizontal, below in vertical).
# - last-used: Select the previously selected tab.
c.tabs.select_on_remove = 'last-used'
# Default zoom level.
# Type: Perc
c.zoom.default = '100%'
# Available zoom levels.
# Type: List of Perc
c.zoom.levels = ['25%', '33%', '50%', '67%', '75%', '90%', '100%', '110%', '125%', '150%', '175%', '200%', '250%', '300%', '400%', '500%']
# Number of zoom increments to divide the mouse wheel movements to.
# Type: Int
c.zoom.mouse_divider = 512
# Background color of the completion widget for odd rows.
# Type: QssColor = '#444444'
# Color of the scrollbar in the completion view.
# Type: QssColor = '#333333'
# Font color for hints.
# Type: QssColor
c.colors.hints.fg = 'black'
# Background color for hints. Note that you can use a `rgba(...)` value
# for transparency.
# Type: QssColor = 'qlineargradient(x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:1, stop:0 rgba(255, 247, 133, 0.8), stop:1 rgba(255, 197, 66, 0.8))'
# Font color for the matched part of hints.
# Type: QtColor
c.colors.hints.match.fg = 'green'
# Background color for webpages if unset (or empty to use the theme's
# color).
# Type: QtColor = 'white'
# Default font size
c.fonts.default_size = '20pt'
# Default font families to use. Whenever "default_family" is used in a
# font setting, it's replaced with the fonts listed here. If set to an
# empty value, a system-specific monospace default is used.
# Type: List of Font, or Font
c.fonts.default_family = ['DejaVuSansMono Nerd Font Mono', 'xos4 Terminus', 'Terminus']
# Font used in the completion widget.
# Type: Font
c.fonts.completion.entry = 'default_size default_family'
# Font used in the completion categories.
# Type: Font
c.fonts.completion.category = 'bold default_size default_family'
# Font used for the debugging console.
# Type: QtFont
c.fonts.debug_console = 'default_size default_family'
# Font used for the downloadbar.
# Type: Font
c.fonts.downloads = 'default_size default_family'
# Font used for the hints.
# Type: Font
c.fonts.hints = 'bold 12pt default_family'
# Font used in the keyhint widget.
# Type: Font
c.fonts.keyhint = 'default_size default_family'
# Font used for error messages.
# Type: Font
c.fonts.messages.error = 'default_size default_family'
# Font used for info messages.
# Type: Font = 'default_size default_family'
# Font used for warning messages.
# Type: Font
c.fonts.messages.warning = 'default_size default_family'
# Font used for prompts.
# Type: Font
c.fonts.prompts = 'default_size sans-serif'
# Font used in the statusbar.
# Type: Font
c.fonts.statusbar = 'default_size default_family'
# Font family for standard fonts.
# Type: FontFamily = None
# Font family for fixed fonts.
# Type: FontFamily = None
# Font family for serif fonts.
# Type: FontFamily = None
# Font family for sans-serif fonts.
# Type: FontFamily = None
# Font family for cursive fonts.
# Type: FontFamily = None
# Font family for fantasy fonts.
# Type: FontFamily = None
# Default font size (in pixels) for regular text.
# Type: Int
c.fonts.web.size.default = 30
# Default font size (in pixels) for fixed-pitch text.
# Type: Int
c.fonts.web.size.default_fixed = 26
# Hard minimum font size (in pixels).
# Type: Int
c.fonts.web.size.minimum = 18
# Minimum logical font size (in pixels) that is applied when zooming
# out.
# Type: Int
c.fonts.web.size.minimum_logical = 16
# This setting can be used to map keys to other keys. When the key used
# as dictionary-key is pressed, the binding for the key used as
# dictionary-value is invoked instead. This is useful for global
# remappings of keys, for example to map Ctrl-[ to Escape. Note that
# when a key is bound (via `bindings.default` or `bindings.commands`),
# the mapping is ignored.
# Type: Dict
c.bindings.key_mappings = {'<Ctrl+6>': '<Ctrl+^>', '<Ctrl+Enter>': '<Ctrl+Return>', '<Ctrl+[>': '<Escape>', '<Ctrl+j>': '<Return>', '<Ctrl+m>': '<Return>', '<Enter>': '<Return>', '<Shift+Enter>': '<Return>', '<Shift+Return>': '<Return>'}
# Bindings for normal mode
config.bind('!', 'set-cmd-text :open -t !')
config.bind('<Ctrl+j>', 'tab-move -')
config.bind('<Ctrl+k>', 'tab-move +')
config.bind('J', 'tab-prev')
config.bind('K', 'tab-next')
config.bind('cm', 'clear-messages')
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