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TELECOM 2000 Midterm Review Notes (Part 2)

Diffusion on a Network: Disease, Information, Ideas

SI Model

  1. Population of N people that fall into one of the two groups
    • Susceptible
    • Infected
  2. People can move from being susceptible to being infected
  3. Initially, people are infected, and the rest are susceptible to infection
  4. In each time period, you encounter c other people at random
  5. For each infected person you encounter, you become infected with probability p
  6. Only one outcome: everyone is infected

SIR Model

  1. Three groups
    • Susceptible
    • Infected
    • Recovered (Sometimes it means death)
  2. Susceptible -> Infected -> Recovered -> Susceptible (sometimes)
  3. People recover with probability r
  4. Several outcomes (It depends on the balance between r and p)
    • Everyone becomes infected
    • The disease dies out before infecting everyone

Factors that affect the spread

  1. Average degree
  2. Average distance
  3. The size of the largest connected component
    • Disease will not spread as far when the network is broken into chunks

Human Behavior Cases

  1. Solomon Asch Experiment
  2. Perception of Neighbors (Positive vs. Negative)
  3. Self Fulfilling Prophecies
    • People might think the party will be well-attended -> they will go -> the party is well-attended
    • Tulips
  4. Network Effects
    • Hydrogen-powered cars
    • Early adopters -> Enough people -> Explosive growth -> Everyone is using it
  1. Threshold Models of Decision Making
    • One person has different answer -> suspect him/her
    • More people -> Doubt yourself
  2. Schelling Segregation Model
    • Two groups of people: red and blue, distributed randomly in a grid
    • Each step
      • Check your eight neighborhood
      • If more than p% are different from your color -> switch to a new random location

Complex Contagions

  1. You need more than one contact -- a threshold number of contacts.
    • In simple contagions, you only need one contact to become infected.
  2. It relies on redundancy
  3. A few weak links can change a network, reducing siloing
  4. Things that can change the spreading speed
    • Who you give the information to
    • Who gets the information
  5. Our preferences and opinions depend on those around us
    • We gather information
    • We reduce cognitive load
    • We bow to social pressure
    • We value things differently depending on how our neighbors value them
    • It’s convenient to coordinate
Case: Micror-finance in Rural India
  1. Based on the paper The Diffusion of Microfinance by Abhijit Banerjee, Arun G. Chandrasekhar, Esther Duflo, Matthew O. Jackson
  2. Context: An organization called BSS provides access to a group-based microcredit program in rural southern Karnataka
  3. Who to spread the information
    • Local leaders
    • Teachers
  4. Reasons for the different adoption rates in villages
    • Different social networks that the information is spreading on
  5. Results
    • The best people to spread information are those with high eigenvector centrality (those who know other well-connected people)
    • People are more likely to talk about the micro-finance program if they have entered the program themselves (The endorsement effect)
    • People are not swayed by what their neighbors did

Strategic Network Formation

Game Theory

How economists understand strategic behavior

  • Each individual chooses an action
  • Their outcomes depend on the choices of everyone in the system

Nash Equilibrium

A set of choices where no individual wants to change their action unilaterally

Non-stochastic Strategic Network

  1. People communicate along links
  2. People only communicate 0 < p < 1 of the information due to the lost of some information
  3. Everyone gets 1 unit of information
  4. The total amount of information you get is

  5. With cost, the total payoff you will get is

  1. C gets
    • p from B, D, E, F
    • from A
  2. E gets
    • p from C
    • from B, F, D
    • from A

Pairwise Stability

A network is pairwise stable if

  1. No two people would both like to add a link
  2. No single person would like to sever a link

It depends on the value of the information and the cost of the link

  1. If c > p then no new links
  2. If c < p and , then keep the links for the middle node, but no new links between leaf nodes
  3. If , then everyone wants to link to everyone else

Network Resilience

A node might be added or removed

  1. A power station goes down
  2. A new faculty member joins a department
  3. A person is incarcerated
  4. etc.

An edge might be added or removed

  1. Two former collaborators lose touch
  2. A road is shut down for repairs
  3. A business partnership is disrupted
  4. A physical wire is severed
  5. etc.

When we remove nodes/edges

  1. Path length ↑
  2. Average degree ↓
  3. Size of largest connected component ↓

Epidemiology: Controlling Disease

Preventing epidemics by changing network structure

  1. Change how people interact
  2. Change who is susceptible
  3. Change who is infected


  1. Limit the number of links
  2. Break up the network
  1. Vaccination
    • People who are vaccinated neither get the disease nor spread the disease
    • Vaccination essentially works by removing nodes from the infection network
    • Vaccinate a small number of people
      • Vaccinating the right people can break up the infection network with few resources
      • Good people to vaccinate are hubs (health care workers) and bridges (bus drivers)
    • Vaccinate a large number of people
      • Vaccinating enough people reduces the size of the largest component to 0
      • The fact that the network broken up protects prople who are unable to be vaccinated (Herd immunity)
      • Subpopulations that fail to vaccinate may lose herd immunity and have outbreaks, which may infect people in other communities who cannot be vaccinated
  2. Quarantine
    • Quarantines remove links from the network
    • It will break the network into much smaller chunks


  1. Degree distribution
    • Higher average degree -> Less resilience to node deletion
    • More skewed degree distribution -> Less resilience to node deletion
  2. Assortativity
    • r -> The assortativity coefficient
    • Assortativity: Nodes with high degree are connected to other nodes with high degree
      • r > 0
      • Assortative networks fail quickly, but the failure is not wide-spread
    • Disassortativity: Nodes with high degree tend to be connected to nodes with low degree
      • r < 0
      • Disassortative networks fail in bursts, and usually comprehensively
  3. Random failure or deliberate attack
    • Scale-free networks are robust to random failure, but susceptible to attack
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