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TELECOM 2000 Final Review Notes (Part 1)

Communication Networks

Abstract Model

  • Nodes
    • Device that communicate
      • End devices: Clients, servers, ...
      • Interconnecting devices: Switch, router, ...
  • Edges
    • Transmission media used to connect divices
      • Wired
      • Wireless
    • Logical connections (channels)

Communication networks vs. social networks

In communication networks:

  • Edges are measurable expensive => communication networks are less dense
  • Degree distribution is more uniform
    • Additional edges in communicaiton networks are for redundancy/reliability
    • Triadic closure only happens as a result of cost minimization or performance maximization
    • Unlikely to form giant components
  • There are layers of networks in communication networks
    • Physical topology
    • Logical topology
    • Routing topology


Based on direction of communications
  • Simplex
    • Communication in one direction only at all time
    • Directed
    • e.g. Broadcast radio
  • Half-duplex
    • Communication is possible in both directions, but only one direction possible at a time
    • Directed or undirected graph
    • e.g. Walkie-talkie
  • Full-duplex
    • Communication is possible in both directions at the same time
    • Undirected graph
    • e.g. cell phone
Based on coverage area
  • Personal area network (PAN)
    • Connectes devices within a short distances
    • e.g. Bluetooth, infrared TV remote
  • Local area network (LAN)
    • Larger than PAN
    • Connects devices in small geographical area
    • e.g. wifi
  • Metropolitan area network (MAN)
    • Larger than LAN and smaller than WAN
    • Connects devices across a city
  • Wide area network (WAN)
    • Interconnect LANS, connects devices over long distances (around the globe)
    • e.g. Internet
  • PAN < LAN < MAN < WAN
Based on topology
  • Topology defines how nodes are connected
  • Four common topologies: star, tree, mesh, ring
    • Star: all devices are connected to a centralized entity
    • Tree: extend a network range, each device talks to its parent
    • Mesh: any device can talk to any other devices within its communication range
    • Ring: all devices are connected in a closed loop with each device linked to the next one

Performance Measures: Delay and Throughput


  • Propagation delay
    • The amount of time it takes for the head of the signal from the source to the destination

      • L: The physical length of the link
      • V: The propagation velocity of the signal along the link (Wireless signal travel with the speed of light)
  • Transmission delay
    • Time required to get message of M bits over a link of bit rate B

  • Processing delay
    • The time to process the packet within each intermediate node
  • Queueing delay
    • In a packet-switched network, queuing delay is the sum of the delays encountered by a packet between the time of insertion into the network and the time of delivery to the address.
  • Total delay
    • In general, total delay = processing + queueing + transmission + propagation
    • In circuit switching, total delay = time to set-up circuit + transmit message + time to release resources = total propagation + total transmission + total processing (to establish circuit)
    • In packet switching, total delay = total propagation + total transmission delay of all packets + total queueing + total processing
  • Bottleneck link
    • In multihop network, the overall rate is determined by the link with the lowest data rate
    • Exceeding that rate results in overflow and data loss


  • Thoughput is the effective data rate.
  • Throughput = amount of useful data (payload) / total time required to transmit this data
  • Example
    • Suppose you want to send a 1000 bytes file as chunks of data, but in doing so you add a total of 300 bytes overhead bit to the file. Your transmitter's data rate is 10 kbps
    • How long does it take?
      • 1300*8 bytes / 10000 bps = 1.04 sec
    • What is the throughput
      • 1000*8 bits / 1.04 sec = 7692 bps

Layering, Protocols, TCP/IP


  • Communication between processes: Exchange commands, responses, data
    • Inter-process communications: Using by processes on the same end-host
      • Rules are based on the operating system
    • Network: Using by processes on different hosts


  • Socket: Programming interface used by a process to send and receive messages
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