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Last active June 20, 2023 14:21
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A tool for visualising Delaunay triangulation. Upload an image (line 139) and choose some points by clicking on it. "Triangulate" button builds Delaunay triangulation on the selected points. "Restart" button clears the canvas.
import pygame
import math
def cos(edge, point):
pe1 = [edge[0][0] - point[0], edge[0][1] - point[1]]
pe2 = [edge[1][0] - point[0], edge[1][1] - point[1]]
return round((pe1[0] * pe2[0] + pe1[1] * pe2[1])/math.dist(edge[0], point)/math.dist(edge[1], point), 14)
def sin(edge, point):
pe1 = [edge[0][0] - point[0], edge[0][1] - point[1]]
pe2 = [edge[1][0] - point[0], edge[1][1] - point[1]]
return round(abs(pe1[1] * pe2[0] - pe1[0] * pe2[1])/math.dist(edge[0], point)/math.dist(edge[1], point), 14)
def delaunay_correct(edge, p1, p2):
sin1 = sin(edge, p1)
cos1 = cos(edge, p1)
sin2 = sin(edge, p2)
cos2 = cos(edge, p2)
return sin1 * cos2 + sin2 * cos1 >= 0
def cross_product(vector1, vector2):
x1, y1 = vector1[1][0] - vector1[0][0], vector1[1][1] - vector1[0][1]
x2, y2 = vector2[1][0] - vector2[0][0], vector2[1][1] - vector2[0][1]
return x1 * y2 - x2 * y1
def sweep_line(points):
if len(points) < 3:
return {}
points = list(set(points))
triangulation = {}
convex_hull = {}
p0, p1, p2 = points[0], points[1], points[2]
convex_hull[p1] = [p0]
triangulation[(p0, p1)] = []
prev = p1
s = 2
while s < len(points) and (p1[1] - p0[1]) * (points[s][0] - p0[0]) == (points[s][1] - p0[1]) * (p1[0] - p0[0]):
triangulation[(prev, points[s])] = []
convex_hull[points[s]] = [prev]
prev = points[s]
s += 1
if s == 2:
triangulation[(p0, p1)] = [p2]
triangulation[(p0, p2)] = [p1]
triangulation[(p1, p2)] = [p0]
if cross_product((p2, p0), (p1, p0)) > 0:
convex_hull[p0] = [p1, p2]
convex_hull[p1] = [p2, p0]
convex_hull[p2] = [p0, p1]
convex_hull[p0] = [p2, p1]
convex_hull[p1] = [p0, p2]
convex_hull[p2] = [p1, p0]
s += 1
convex_hull[p0] = [points[s-1], p1]
if s < len(points):
if cross_product((points[s], p0), (points[s], p1)) < 0:
for key, val in convex_hull.items():
convex_hull[key] = val[::-1]
convex_hull[points[s]] = [p0, points[s-1]]
convex_hull[p0][1] = points[s]
convex_hull[points[s-1]][0] = points[s]
convex_hull[points[s]] = [points[s-1], p0]
convex_hull[p0][0] = points[s]
convex_hull[points[s-1]][1] = points[s]
edge1, edge2 = (p0, points[s]), (points[s-1], points[s])
triangulation[edge1] = [p1]
triangulation[edge2] = [points[s-2]]
for j in range(1, s - 1):
triangulation[(points[j], points[s])] = [points[j-1], points[j+1]]
for k in range(1, s):
triangulation[(points[k-1], points[k])].append(points[s])
s += 1
for i in range(s, len(points)):
point = points[i]
visible_points = [points[i-1]]
last = points[i-1]
right = convex_hull[last][1]
while right != point and cross_product((last, point), (right, point)) < 0:
last, right = right, convex_hull[right][1]
last = points[i-1]
left = convex_hull[last][0]
while left != point and cross_product((last, point), (left, point)) > 0:
visible_points = [left] + visible_points[::]
last, left = left, convex_hull[left][0]
for elem in visible_points[1:-1]:
convex_hull[visible_points[0]][1] = point
convex_hull[visible_points[-1]][0] = point
convex_hull[point] = [visible_points[0], visible_points[-1]]
edge1, edge2 = tuple(sorted([visible_points[0], point])), tuple(sorted([visible_points[-1], point]))
triangulation[edge1] = [visible_points[1]]
triangulation[edge2] = [visible_points[-2]]
for j in range(1, len(visible_points) - 1):
triangulation[tuple(sorted([visible_points[j], point]))] = [visible_points[j-1], visible_points[j+1]]
for k in range(1, len(visible_points)):
edge = tuple(sorted([visible_points[k-1], visible_points[k]]))
edges = [[edge, point]]
while len(edges) > 0:
cur = edges.pop(0)
cur_edge = cur[0]
if len(triangulation[cur_edge]) == 2 and not delaunay_correct(cur_edge, triangulation[cur_edge][0], triangulation[cur_edge][1]):
e1, e2, p1 = cur_edge[0], cur_edge[1], cur[1]
if triangulation[cur_edge][0] == p1:
p2 = triangulation[cur_edge][1]
p2 = triangulation[cur_edge][0]
triangulation[tuple(sorted([p1, p2]))] = [e1, e2]
triangulation[tuple(sorted([e1, p2]))].remove(e2)
triangulation[tuple(sorted([e1, p2]))].append(p1)
triangulation[tuple(sorted([e1, p1]))].remove(e2)
triangulation[tuple(sorted([e1, p1]))].append(p2)
triangulation[tuple(sorted([e2, p1]))].remove(e1)
triangulation[tuple(sorted([e2, p1]))].append(p2)
triangulation[tuple(sorted([e2, p2]))].remove(e1)
triangulation[tuple(sorted([e2, p2]))].append(p1)
edges.append([tuple(sorted([e1, p2])), p1])
edges.append([tuple(sorted([e2, p2])), p1])
return triangulation
image = pygame.image.load(r'image.jpg') #choose an image from the file where this program is stored
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(image.get_size())
im_x, im_y = image.get_size()[0], image.get_size()[1]
font = pygame.font.SysFont('arial', (im_x + im_y) // 25)
objects = []
points = []
triangulation = {}
class Button():
def __init__(self, x, y, width, height, buttonText='Button', onclickFunction=None, onePress=False):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.onclickFunction = onclickFunction
self.onePress = onePress
self.alreadyPressed = False
self.fillColors = {
'normal': '#ffffff',
'hover': '#666666',
'pressed': '#333333',
self.buttonSurface = pygame.Surface((self.width, self.height))
self.buttonRect = pygame.Rect(self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height)
self.buttonSurf = font.render(buttonText, True, (20, 20, 20))
def process(self):
mousePos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
if self.buttonRect.collidepoint(mousePos):
if pygame.mouse.get_pressed(num_buttons=3)[0]:
if self.onePress:
elif not self.alreadyPressed:
self.alreadyPressed = True
self.alreadyPressed = False
[self.buttonRect.width/2 - self.buttonSurf.get_rect().width/2,
self.buttonRect.height/2 - self.buttonSurf.get_rect().height/2])
screen.blit(self.buttonSurface, self.buttonRect)
def triangulate():
global triangulation
triangulation = sweep_line(points)
def delete():
global points
global triangulation
points = []
triangulation = {}
button_build = Button(im_x * 0.05, im_y * 0.85, im_x // 3, im_y // 8, 'Triangulate', triangulate)
button_del = Button(im_x * 0.65, im_y * 0.85, im_x // 3, im_y // 8, 'Restart', delete)
running = True
while running:
screen.fill((255, 255, 255))
screen.blit(image, (0, 0))
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
running = False
elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and not button_build.buttonRect.collidepoint(pygame.mouse.get_pos()):
for i in range(len(points)):, (0, 0, 0), points[i], 3)
for object in objects:
for key in triangulation.keys():
pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 0, 0), key[0], key[1], 2)
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