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Created March 1, 2015 13:52
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Network Map
require 'awesome_print'
require 'aws-sdk-core'
ec2 = Aws.ec2
subnets = []
ec2.describe_subnets.subnets.each { |s| subnets << s }
list = subnets.each_with_object({}) { |s,h| h[s.subnet_id] = s.cidr_block}
list.each do |subnet, cidr|
puts "Subnet: #{subnet} - #{cidr}"
images = []
ec2.describe_instances(filters: [{name: 'subnet-id', values: [subnet] }]).each { |p| images << p.reservations }
puts "Instances using this subnet: #{images.flatten.size}"
if images.flatten.size > 0
ap images.flatten.each_with_object({}) { |i,h| h[i.instances.first.instance_id] = i.instances.first.security_groups.first.group_name}
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